A person with your internet footprint was pretty easy to Google.
I can give you your full name, your wifes's name, your previous address, the reason why you left it, your political preferences, the type of vehicle you drive, your present address(minus the house no.) and enough of a physical description to have you arrested.
I appreciate you consider walking distance a few miles as you seem to think the world ends at the Tamar, but you are within a few days walking distance from Exeter, Plymouth, Bristol, Taunton and several other large towns. I really am quite mystified why you think of the 53million or so people living in England, none of them would think to migrate to the South West!
Having such contempt for your fellow man is done at your peril. People may not know exactly where their food comes from, but they know enough that meat comes from animals. When you're hungry, that's good enough and the yuck factor is easily overcome.
because I don't believe anyone will make it out of the cities alive.
I do get annoyed when people make their remarks personal.
its none of your ****** business.
too many trolls on forums, oh well-I've been thinking for a long time that its time "big paul" died and I need to reduce my forum levels, maybe now is the time.
this is why I don't trust other people.
I am really pissed off now.
Paul, ease up let management take care of comments like that.
Sally that **** aint funny. Even if you did look his info up out curiosity you don't threaten to share it to all on the net. Personally me I don't care so much. No I don't advertise it but I do have an electronic library that I sell just for extra prep money to buy little stuff so my name and address does get out there. Personally you making a comment like that to me if we were in person I would punch you right in the face and then walk away. Things get heated sometimes in conversation people get pissed but you have to learn to get over it and move on. You have to let things roll off your shoulders. You do not threaten someone's COMSEC or OPSEC.