Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@zannej It is. Just bothers me more after all these years.
Plain is damaged. Yay. That was a bigger impact than I thought to bend the pins and the frame. Deep breath. Deeeeeeeep breath…… As I’d hubby needed something else to fix.
Can I be the Doof to try to make you laugh when you want to cry?
I say if you're gonna break it, break it good! Don't do things halfway. A few years ago, I totaled my car - by rear-ending the back of our vintage trailer we had just restored :eek: It's okay to laugh (now, not then.)
On food stamps, it is a nice reminder that good people with a real need get it. I am so jaded I always have the image of someone loading steak and lobster into their Escalade.
Many years ago, my roommate and I were in line behind someone who used their food stamps to buy steaks and lobsters. Roommate said she thought I was going to have a heart attack seeing what they purchased.
My day was goofed up all day, so I'll rant. Daughter in a car wreck, was tboned on the passenger side. Her car totaled, her ribs hurt and also below her shoulderblade. We've talked a number of times, but she's been waiting in ER 3 hours. It could of been worse, but I don't like to hear one of ours is in pain. This is child #4 in New Mexico. I asked little granddaughter to collect all the trash from the bedrooms and bathroom up stairs, and she dumped her sister's half full sodas in the bag, and of course it leaked and trailed all down the stairs, all through the front room. Grandson helped to clean it up, scrubbed with something, knocked the finish in a big trail off the wood floors. Finally this afternoon went to paint upstairs. The paint I brought in from an outbuilding had froze and was ruined after thawing. Had some in the house attic and it took a half hour to get the lid off. WTH. One step forward today and two back. I got one wall painted and then it was time to get dinner going. Daughter just texted again, no broken ribs, thank goodness, but swelling in that area. She'll need to rest.
The paint I brought in from an outbuilding had froze and was ruined after thawing.
Fortunately for me, I learned this many years ago, that paint that freezes is trashed. I was fortunate to learn it from a friend, and then later, another friend's husband used paint that had been frozen to paint. Then he had to scrape it off, buy new paint, and paint again. I keep my paint in the basement or a closet.
Glad I had stowed a couple of new gallons on the attic stairway. I don't know why the lid was such a bear. I saw a big bin of new paint supplies I stowed there, too, and forgot about.
When I started the interior painting of my house a decade or so ago, I bought paint in 5 gallon buckets. If there wasn't a problem with freezing, they would be in the garage. I have lots of spray paint cans that I keep on a narrow shelf at the side of the same closet, along with other gallon paint cans. Paint supplies, etc., in bins. I had the same kind of bins for all of my home maintenance stuff, electrical, plumbing, etc. (Yikes, left this message unfinished earlier!)
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Common courtesy is mostly gone. I know it has been going that way for some time. I am a courteous driver for most part. Although I won't let people cut me off just because they think they are more important. Anyway many times lately I have let people out in traffic or made a hole so they could cross perpendicular etc. Lately it seems like more often than not I don't even get a wave or a nod from them.
My rant for the day.
I’m so tired of always being wrong. What do woman know? Last night I was asked to work the folks driveway. I said we need gravel after several years of keeping the road going without it needed. Get told (as usual) no we don't there’s plenty there. Ok exactly who is working the road several times a year 🤔. So ok. Go over and start working the driveway only to find concrete that the end neighbors put down when they cleaned out the truck when they moved in (which I didn’t know). Well I was on my second pass with almost no gravel coming up and apparently I found the concrete I was never made aware was there. A lot of gravel in it so I wouldn’t have seen it without walking it. Looked like the hard ground. Because gravel is needed and the road is washed out from all the flooding the blade on the plain found it. Felt like a car accident as our big tractor doesn’t know how to stop. It just keeps going. Several inches thick got ripped up with a huge bang. When I take the tractor back to the shop (over there) to see what was damaged I’m told don’t work the road anymore we need gravel. Seriously!?! I said that last night but I was treated like I was stupid as usual.
We need to get outta here and be on our own. I’m so ready to move. I don’t mind helping out the folks just get tired of so many years of being treated like I know nothing. Sigh
Time to go see what damage was done now that I’ve cooled off a bit. Came home and hubby calmed me down a bit. Hopefully no damage as I need to work our driveway and my sister in laws driveway. Eventually work the folks when they get gravel.
I had a different situation, but similar with a student many years ago. I told what concerns I had about a student and there was outrage by someone. Months later, the same thing was told to me by the previously outraged people. Hmmmm No one ever apologized or acknowledged the complete circle of that, but trust me, I got that what happened was just wrong for the child especially.
Some drivers are such a-holes these days. A few months back I was stuck in a 55 zone behind someone going 40. Only 2 lanes (going opposite direction), so I started to pass the person. As soon as they saw me trying to pass they kicked it up to 60 to try to stop me. Almost made me run into someone head on, but I was already slightly ahead of them (I did try to drop back to get back behind them at one point, but they dropped speed to block me from getting back over). So I gunned it and got around them. Once I was in front, they laid on their horn, flipped me off, and then dropped back to 40mph. I really don't know what their problem is.

DoubleR, I hope it can be fixed.

Amish, I hope the other driver has good insurance. If your daughter is hurt now, it might get worse later on. I had that happen before. She may end up needing to see a chiropractor. Sucks that it happened.

So, my central air's heat didn't kick on last night. It has been working the past few weeks but it didn't work last night or this morning. Low temp it's supposed to allow is 64. It sometimes lets it get to 60 before kicking on. This time it got to 56 and was still not heating. I messed with the Mode button on the crappy hard-to-see thermostat and got it to HEAT. It then started having a burning smell. I cycled back through Mode and nothing changed, burning smell continued, and I put it to OFF. Nothing changed. Now, this thermostat's OFF mode hasn't worked in awhile. It won't cut the fan off whether hot or cold. It used to work, but now it doesn't. So I had to go flip all the breakers associated with the unit. I then got a ladder and had my brother steady it while I looked. Unfortunately, I'm not tall enough and ladder isn't high enough so I couldn't really see anything. I took video, but the objects up close affected focus & the flash wasn't strong enough. The access panel fell and my brother refused to help me put it back up. It didn't smell like electrical burning, but I'm concerned it might have been something in the attic-- wood or something. It has stopped now that it's off. It might have been nothing, but some of my friends have lost their homes to fires so I want to be careful. It's never smelled like that before when turning the heat on.

I'm going to pour bleach down the condensate line just in case and change the filters again. I really don't want to have to call the AC guy to come out here. House is a mess.
Z, every trade deals with messy houses, and ignore it. Imagine what their houses look like when no company is expected. If you smell something burning, it is time to let a professional look at it. New filters or bleached drain lines won't cause that. In fact, I will be putting my money where my mouth is. I'm going to call my A/C guy for a check up, just to have him look things over to make sure all is doing good up in my attic. I was up there 2 days ago, snooping around, but with my bad knees, it is hard to go over, then under the main 24" trunk lines everywhere. Here is a pic of my mess up in the attic.
So, my central air's heat didn't kick on last night. It has been working the past few weeks but it didn't work last night or this morning. Low temp it's supposed to allow is 64. It sometimes lets it get to 60 before kicking on. This time it got to 56 and was still not heating. I messed with the Mode button on the crappy hard-to-see thermostat and got it to HEAT. It then started having a burning smell. I cycled back through Mode and nothing changed, burning smell continued, and I put it to OFF. Nothing changed. Now, this thermostat's OFF mode hasn't worked in awhile. It won't cut the fan off whether hot or cold. It used to work, but now it doesn't. So I had to go flip all the breakers associated with the unit. I then got a ladder and had my brother steady it while I looked. Unfortunately, I'm not tall enough and ladder isn't high enough so I couldn't really see anything. I took video, but the objects up close affected focus & the flash wasn't strong enough. The access panel fell and my brother refused to help me put it back up. It didn't smell like electrical burning, but I'm concerned it might have been something in the attic-- wood or something. It has stopped now that it's off. It might have been nothing, but some of my friends have lost their homes to fires so I want to be careful. It's never smelled like that before when turning the heat on.
If the unit is a heat pump, it runs during the winter without turning on the heating element.
If the outside temp drops low enough, the outside unit can't run. The indoor temp has to drop another 4-5 degrees before the thermostat resorts to 'backup heat' and turns on the element.
We had a heat pump in Alabama and when it got really cold, we had the yearly "burning off the cat hair" effect when the element turned on for the first time.
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Havasu, the only guys who *might* come out (wouldn't come out last few times I called them-- well, never called me back after I left messages numerous times) complained about the smell in the house (there was a dead snake inside the air circulation compartment) and complained about the mess. One guy refused to even go inside the house after the dead snake incident. They also flat out refused to check my ductwork in the attic when I asked them to. So, they are *supposed* to deal with stuff but won't.

I wish my attic looked that nice.
Entrance (The panel sticking up from the floor is the cover)


I'm now fairly certain the smell was dust burning on the heating element for emergency heat. Cleaning the grilles and replacing filters got the heat working again. The grille in my brother's room was covered in trash (plastic bags) dust, hair, and lint.
I think it's wrapped in some kind of insulation. I also think it's the flexible stuff rather than rigid. The only rooms that get heat/cold efficiently are Mom's room and the living room. Rest of the house seems like it's messed up. I want to add something easier to walk or crawl on up there. Right now it's a crapshoot stepping over insulation and mouse crap. Mice have been nesting up there.
I showed pics to my friend and he said it's more open than he'd expected. When he recovers maybe he can come over and take a look up there for me to get better images. His phone does better with low light.
The doc office even called and confirmed the three grandkids appt this morning. Then they call back right before we left the house...doc wanted to leave work early and appts are now changed to next month. On a school day. Lovely. All dressed up and nowhere to go, so we're going to the amish bulk food store (Glenns). Grandson can have his extra "snack" at the sandwich bar there. He has big snacks in between meals now. Skinny as a rail and tall, I don't know where he puts it, but he's 16.
Grandson can have his extra "snack" at the sandwich bar there. He has big snacks in between meals now. Skinny as a rail and tall, I don't know where he puts it, but he's 16.
He is a teenage boy and they can eat someone out of house and home. I have heard stories of dinner being in the fridge, just needed to be heated up, when teenage boy comes home, heats it up and eats it all by himself, leaving the rest of the family without dinner, and then asks, "What's for dinner?" My friends had two sons and took to putting notes on food in the fridge, "Pat's", "Joe's," "tonight's dinner, do not eat". Any unmarked food was up for grabs. Daughter and I drove to brother's house and had KFC on the way. She had leftovers and put it in their fridge. In the morning, it was gone. As a KFC fanatic, she was indignant. Her teenage boy cousin ate it, lol, because it was there!
The doc office even called and confirmed the three grandkids appt this morning. Then they call back right before we left the house...doc wanted to leave work early and appts are now changed to next month. On a school day. Lovely. All dressed up and nowhere to go, so we're going to the amish bulk food store (Glenns). Grandson can have his extra "snack" at the sandwich bar there. He has big snacks in between meals now. Skinny as a rail and tall, I don't know where he puts it, but he's 16.

As a teen at one point was 6-3 and all of 150 lbs. But I could put away some grub. Daddy always told me thats why we raised cattle and grew a large garden. When I graduated I was 6-4 and had bulked up to 165. 🤣

Good luck feeding that hollow leg
I've been trying to get an electrician out here to wire my well pump generator to start automatically. Been trying to get this guy out since October. Its like this with every trade around here. Tried calling again, no answer.
Good luck with that. That is so frustrating. People must be independently wealthy these days. :rolleyes:
The doc office even called and confirmed the three grandkids appt this morning. Then they call back right before we left the house...doc wanted to leave work early and appts are now changed to next month. On a school day. Lovely. All dressed up and nowhere to go, so we're going to the amish bulk food store (Glenns). Grandson can have his extra "snack" at the sandwich bar there. He has big snacks in between meals now. Skinny as a rail and tall, I don't know where he puts it, but he's 16.
Haha - I was just thinking the other day as much as I miss my son being home (he is living in CA working with his dad now) - I don't miss feeding him!
Food that I thought I had made for dinner, gone... pan of mac and cheese, gallon of milk, carton of eggs- gone. I couldn't keep that kid fed. 3 sport athlete and could eat at least one pizza in one sitting. Crazy kid.
My brother was one of those nonstop eaters (and still is to an extent). Even in his 20s we had to keep a separate refrigerator for stuff because he ate everything in sight. One of the times he moved out to go to college (and flunked out) he was near my sister. He would go over to her house for food while she was at work. Her freezer failed and she thought she was going to have to throw a bunch of stuff out but discovered it was empty. Even with a 2nd fridge my brother still never respected food boundaries. He actually physically attacked me over some cookies I bought once. He wanted some, I said "No" and he lunged at me, started slapping me and trying to take them away (I was sitting in a recliner at the time) while screaming profanities about me being a selfish b**** and I better give them to him. I was blocking his strikes and keeping the cookies away. My mother came up and started pounding on his back and screaming at him to stop. I kicked him in the nuts and solar plexis hard. He fell to his knees and then went limping away crying to tell our dad that I had kicked him "for no reason". Once my father found out what happened he read him the riot act. Told him he'd be out on his ear if he ever tried something like that again. Dad gave me a big hug and I shared my cookies with him and mom while my brother sulked in his room. Mind you, I think he was 18 when that happened. But he ballooned up over 400lbs at one point and would eat anything he could find even when specifically told not to.
He doesn't do it quite as much now and we've consolidated to one fridge, but sometimes I will still find empty containers on the floor, in the fridge, or in the freezer of stuff he ate without asking.

So, I wasn't able to see my doctor but I got to see the NP. Feeling like garbage today. It's just bronchitis so its not as contagious but I still need to be careful to not just cough all over everything. Pharmacy hasn't filled rx yet bc they are understaffed so I'm waiting. I brought up my esophagus issue but she brushed it aside as if she didn't hear it. I figure she's got other things on her mind. Could be worse though-- not pneumonia and I can take mucinex to hack this crud up.
Hope your bronchitis feels better, Zannej.
Grandson is full at the moment, and dinner is in an hour, so he's good. We went to the bulk store, and they got snacks and a big "Frosty" soda lemonade each. Then went through the milkshake place drive thru and got milkshakes, and brought one to mom since we were near her place. Grandson is funny, when he came to live with us at age 10, both he and his sis were very overweight. Gone are those days. Granddaughter needs to watch it, though, she's at a decent weight, but can put it on easy. Him, though, he's at the magic age to not gain anything right now. Little granddaughter is the chunk, though, age ten and 117 lbs. She sneaks junk food, and we have to watch her diet and encourage her exercise level. But her siblings were the same, and were better weight wise at about 13
When I was a teenager I went to my Aunts house for lunch.
She made one can of tuna, and one can of soup for her, my Uncle, her 2 little boys and me.
She made a tuna sandwich with 1 spoon of tuna, cut it in half for herself then quartered the other half for the boys. My Uncle had a whole sandwich with a spoon of tuna then we all shared that 1 can of soup.
I just sat there looking. She finally ask what was wrong and all I could say was is that all there was.
While I stayed with them she cooked twice as much as she normally did. I ate more than their entire family. I never missed out on a chance to grab anything I could find to eat. I weighed 130.
I would give anything for that metabolism now.
While I stayed with them she cooked twice as much as she normally did. I ate more than their entire family. I never missed out on a chance to grab anything I could find to eat. I weighed 130.
I would give anything for that metabolism now.

Tell me about it! My metabilism went away about 25 or so. Took a lot longer to slow down eating habits.
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