Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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On to more important things. My wife just announced today that she needs a new rifle. I'm so proud of that old broad. Says she wants a lever action .357 magnum. Or maybe a .45 Colt.
There's probably a thread on firearms here but I can't find it.

There is but you have to opt in.
I've been trying to get an electrician out here to wire my well pump generator to start automatically. Been trying to get this guy out since October. Its like this with every trade around here. Tried calling again, no answer.

We waited 6 months for a well driller and now that we have the well we've been waiting a month (so far) for the stinking pump!
So my daughter tested positive for Covid on the 11th, had symptoms, etc.
Per the school she has to have a negative test in order to return to school after a 5 day quarantine. She tested today, still positive. Has been symptom free for 48 hours. She has to spend a total of 10 days in quarantine now.
This is not in line with CDC guidelines. It ticks me off as there are a lot of kids going to school with symptoms and are not sent home, are not tested, and just going around infecting everyone else. Getting punished for being responsible sucks.
Discovering 3 months ago how much I like the Oroweat Dill bread only to find out that the company just discontinued it.
We love all things dill or pickle related. I have gotten into certain products that were then discontinued. Canada Dry made a cranberry beverage, and it was the best. But after a holiday season it was gone. I sent them an email and told them how disappointed I was. You might consider this with the Oroweat bread.
We love all things dill or pickle related. I have gotten into certain products that were then discontinued. Canada Dry made a cranberry beverage, and it was the best. But after a holiday season it was gone. I sent them an email and told them how disappointed I was. You might consider this with the Oroweat bread.
I really like that Canada Dry cranberry, except it was only in the large bottles. Sierra Mist used to make a cranberry soda too. Can't find it anywhere. My favorite drink is Ruby Red Squirt. Our local grocery store used to carry it in cans, but thanks to "covid" they stopped carrying it. Not sure what the connection is between a cold and what they carry on the shelf. Now I have to drive 200 miles north to find Ruby Red Squirt. Obviously I don't drink much soda any more.
I don't drink much soda any more.
I have never been much of a soda drinker, but sometimes there is something that catches our attention. Relative to this, I wonder how much red dye there is in those red drinks. I have just been reading about how red dye 40 can really negatively affect many people.
I have never been much of a soda drinker, but sometimes there is something that catches our attention. Relative to this, I wonder how much red dye there is in those red drinks. I have just been reading about how red dye 40 can really negatively affect many people.
Thanks! Thats just one more thing for me to worry about now. Guess I'll stick to drinking vodka and scotch and smoking cigars.
Thanks! Thats just one more thing for me to worry about now. Guess I'll stick to drinking vodka and scotch and smoking cigars.
I often wonder how much stuff that we consume is self medicating? LOL!
Mostly coffee, tea and water for me! Alcohol has a strong and negative affect on me.
I just started a thread about red dye 40.
DrJenner, I'm glad you're being responsible. Sorry the little one has Covid though.

I went through a somewhat chunky stage before my teens but then it evened out. My healthiest weight was 150lbs. I did martial arts, lifted weights, and was very fit. I could eat like crazy and not put on weight. That changed when I busted my ankle and then I turned 30. Metabolism completely changed. I couldn't look at food without gaining weight. I'm hovering under 220lbs now. That does not help with my breathing issues.

Thanks for the well-wishes. I don't want to jinx myself but I'm not feeling as bad as I have in the past with this. I feel a bit chilly/jittery and tired but the breathing is a bit easier. I'm waiting for confirmation that my pharmacy order is filled so I can go pick it up.
So my daughter tested positive for Covid on the 11th, had symptoms, etc.
Per the school she has to have a negative test in order to return to school after a 5 day quarantine. She tested today, still positive. Has been symptom free for 48 hours. She has to spend a total of 10 days in quarantine now.
This is not in line with CDC guidelines. It ticks me off as there are a lot of kids going to school with symptoms and are not sent home, are not tested, and just going around infecting everyone else. Getting punished for being responsible sucks.

Isn't it amazing how they've cut the quarantine time from two weeks to five days. LOL
Isn't it amazing how they've cut the quarantine time from two weeks to five days. LOL
Lol yes I just got off the phone with administrator at the school.
Apparently CDC guidelines are 10 days for schools since it’s a “high risk environment “
You can test to return after 5 days.
I told them that really makes no sense, but of course they are beholden to the guidelines. I get it, but I really wish that they would just come out and say this is endemic already.
Meanwhile we healthcare workers can go back to work after 5 days without a test… I would define my environment also high risk with a hugely vulnerable population.
Lol yes I just got off the phone with administrator at the school.
Apparently CDC guidelines are 10 days for schools since it’s a “high risk environment “
You can test to return after 5 days.
I told them that really makes no sense, but of course they are beholden to the guidelines. I get it, but I really wish that they would just come out and say this is endemic already.
Meanwhile we healthcare workers can go back to work after 5 days without a test… I would define my environment also high risk with a hugely vulnerable population.

And every positive test counts as two positives in the overall.
I hope what is being reported about Carhartt is untrue. I was already questioning my supporting them when they were openly supporting blm. If this vaccination mandate letter is found to be true I will have to look somewhere else for my clothing. So tired of all of this.
What?!? Carhartt is supporting blm? Thats all I wear is Carhartt. What the heck am I going to buy now?
I've never even heard of Carhartt before. My internet is incredibly slow. I'm trying to react to posts but it's not wanting to go through or load stuff.

At the pharmacy line today I overheard the woman behind me saying she's an elementary school teacher and is sick but the school won't let her take any more sick days without docking her pay. Someone asked her if she can teach from home and post online. She said she has to do that anyway, even while sick, but that if she doesn't physically go in to the school, they won't pay her. Pretty sure that is some sort of labor violation, but not like they will do anything about it.

I added another item to the list of absurd things I've injured myself/cut myself on. Today it was the sugar free jell-o pudding cup. I sliced my thumb on the foil part while trying to slide a runaway pudding back into its box when loading groceries into my truck. Thumb started bleeding. It's basically a deep papercut, but it's annoying. Even though my respiratory symptoms aren't too bad, I was feeling gassed so easily. My legs started getting weak and I needed to sit down. I had to get my brother to help unload groceries and bring in a large box from the mail.
I'm so sick of this covid crap.
My daughter ,SIL, grandkids are all sick...COVID.

Only positive thing about this spamdemic is that it has totally eradicated the flu and common cold.
I honestly personally know 25-30 people that have tested positive for covid in the last 2 weeks.

Imma betting they got a flu or bad cold, from their symptoms.

Tired of it.

I refuse to live in fear.


I suppose this should be in one of the corona threads...I just had to rant.
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