Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My fat cats managed to break my desk. I forgot that the top is only secured with dowels and they put weight in a certain spot that caused it to pop off and it doesn't want to pop back on. Can't seem to get the dowels lined up. Going to need to get some superglue and tape to try to get it to go back in place.

I've heard Rockauto is a good site but shipping can be high. Autozone will sometimes price match Rockauto if they have lower prices, but also include shipping prices. I hope you get the right part, Havasu.
Thank you.
I actually want to mount the tang sight on my Henry Frontier model.
I'm just a little reluctant to start drilling on it.
That's perfect. The Frontier is the octagonal barrel model, so you have a groove for front sight attachment. And you have the receiver "cover" that is not a big deal if you screw up the drilling/tapping, as it's cheaply replaceable. I would try to file a small flat on it before starting to drill though. Maybe you're a machinist and know how to do that drilling on a curved surface without error, but I didn't. I was using a drill press and vise block, but that wasn't enough in my case. What I ended up doing was filing the tang sight itself to make it match up with the poorly drilled receiver cover. That worked, but it would have been better to do the adjustments for my poor technique on the receiver cover rather than the sight, since the received cover costs about 1/3 as much as the sight does! And the receiver cover is some light metal - maybe aluminum, maybe cast zamac - but something soft and cheap and easy to cut/drill/file. The sight is steel (I believe).
That's perfect. The Frontier is the octagonal barrel model, so you have a groove for front sight attachment. And you have the receiver "cover" that is not a big deal if you screw up the drilling/tapping, as it's cheaply replaceable. I would try to file a small flat on it before starting to drill though. Maybe you're a machinist and know how to do that drilling on a curved surface without error, but I didn't. I was using a drill press and vise block, but that wasn't enough in my case. What I ended up doing was filing the tang sight itself to make it match up with the poorly drilled receiver cover. That worked, but it would have been better to do the adjustments for my poor technique on the receiver cover rather than the sight, since the received cover costs about 1/3 as much as the sight does! And the receiver cover is some light metal - maybe aluminum, maybe cast zamac - but something soft and cheap and easy to cut/drill/file. The sight is steel (I believe).
Automatic center punch

Then center drill

Before going with normal drill bits.

So, now that her people have moved out and my friend's gf can openly be in WereB**** form, she announced to my friend that she wants her own place. She wants to break up with him and get an apartment but she wants him to pay for it. He can't even afford bills for where he lives now. He started packing her stuff up and told her she's free to leave whenever she wants but he's not paying for her stuff. But because of his brain damage, he will likely cave if she starts begging for $. He did last time. We're going to have to keep on him to not cave and to not let her get custody of the baby. I will personally call DCFS and report that she is too mentally unstable and a danger to the baby if she tries to take him. But, I don't think she wants to take him. I think she plans to leave him with my friend who can't really care for him because he gets dizzy and nearly passes out when picking the baby out. Hell, he has passed out before while trying to pick the baby up.
Another concern I have is that if this psycho leaves, his ex might try to get back with him again.
So, now that her people have moved out and my friend's gf can openly be in WereB**** form, she announced to my friend that she wants her own place. She wants to break up with him and get an apartment but she wants him to pay for it. He can't even afford bills for where he lives now. He started packing her stuff up and told her she's free to leave whenever she wants but he's not paying for her stuff. But because of his brain damage, he will likely cave if she starts begging for $. He did last time. We're going to have to keep on him to not cave and to not let her get custody of the baby. I will personally call DCFS and report that she is too mentally unstable and a danger to the baby if she tries to take him. But, I don't think she wants to take him. I think she plans to leave him with my friend who can't really care for him because he gets dizzy and nearly passes out when picking the baby out. Hell, he has passed out before while trying to pick the baby up.
Another concern I have is that if this psycho leaves, his ex might try to get back with him again.
Reading the soap opera of your friend is getting long in the tooth.

May I suggest you get your friend to allow you to control a conservative like they did with Britney Spears. That way he wouldn't be able to make the bad decisions. His life would be better off and the weight would be off his shoulders and you would be the one saying no.

Yeah i know...

A guy trying to solve problems instead of listening..

Amish_Heart, unfortunately, my friend would have to be the one to call DCFS and they still might not do anything to help. I've called DCFS on his ex for abusing her son but they said unless there were bruises they didn't care- and they could only take reports on things that the caller had personally witnessed so all of the reports of abuse I was told from other people were ignored. I'm thinking of calling the casino medical clinic and asking them to take note for the psychologists/psychiatrists about a possible patient (not seek any info on her) about how she's off her meds and being violent and is a danger to others.

At this point, even though the people who raised her did a crap job, they would be better parents to the baby. We are trying to reason with my friend that he needs to get a real paternity test and if the kid isn't his, cut ties and move on. If the kid is, get custody and work something out for childcare. Bc there is no way he can afford to pay her child support.

Apparently he told her he would not pay for her to have an apartment, she flew into a rage, and took off in her car and hasn't returned.
We are trying to reason with my friend that he needs to get a real paternity test and if the kid isn't his, cut ties and move on. If the kid is, get custody and work something out for childcare. Bc there is no way he can afford to pay her child support.

You play, you pay.
Nope, Zannej. You can call Child Services just based on the neglect you've seen. No bruises necessary.
That's not what DCFS told me when I called them. They wouldn't even do anything about my friend's daughter being sexually abused by her half-brother. They suck. But, I think I'm going to report her to her shrink and report the abusive behavior I've witnessed to them so they can report it because they are mandatory reporters and what the say might hold more weight.

Havasu, he wasn't even having sex with her at the time she got pregnant. She had run off with some other guy. Kid doesn't have the right eye color or blood type to be his. But, problem is here were several guys who could be the father and all of them suck. But the baby does have the exact same eye color as one of them. We've been telling him he needs to get a court-recognized paternity test.
Z, as far as DCFS, heresay is completely different that eyewitness confirmation. People alledge lots of things based on only heresay, and they are taken with a grain of salt. You see it, you report it, they don't act on it, a termination will occur.
In regards to the sexual abuse, I assume you did not witness it personally, so it makes it heresay.
And if he didn't play, he doesn't need to pay. Unless he cares and honor the girl. In that case, she has a keeper.
This is my opinion.
If the child is under 5 and you have witnessed neglect, you can report it and they must interview the parent and check out the home condition. Reporting it to a shrink won't do you any good. If you really have seen the child being neglected, I do hope you report it.
Havasu, I reported stuff I personally witnessed but DCFS told me "Unless there are bruises, we can't do anything". The child told them about the sexual abuse herself. She was interviewed, but ultimately, they said that there rules were such that they could only remove/protect the child from an adult doing the abuse and didn't have protocols for when it was another child. They did recommend therapy for the half-brother, but said nothing to the mother who not only put the kids in the bathtub together & made them share a bedroom, but she didn't report the abuse when she found out about it- nor did she do anything to correct it. She had to put the kids in separate rooms and not put them in the bathtub together anymore.

I will have to watch for more examples of neglect or abuse to report if/when I see it.

My new gripe is that for the past year I've had an increasingly more difficult time swallowing meat (even when chewed up thoroughly so it's practically a paste). I get air bubbles and I start to choke a bit. I choked on my food at a restaurant once when I was there by myself. I stood up and was trying to give myself the heimlich on a chair back when staff rushed over to bring me a bucket. Stuff was pouring out my nose and I couldn't breathe. I just had that happen again (but not quite as bad). Water and food would not go down anymore, I felt air bubbles/gas in my chest/esophagus and then it started coming out my nose and mouth. I couldn't breathe. Ended up spewing all over the dogs, myself, and the floor. Not sure why the hell that is happening, but it's extremely annoying. It seems to happen more with pork and beef, but not with chicken (unless it's very dry chicken).
Z, just for giggles, call up DCFS and speak to a supervisor regarding the incident you reported. If it is not documented properly, someone will be looking for a job. Rightfully so, they are our last line of defense to protect our future generations.
I'm fairly certain the employee I spoke with didn't write anything down. She sighed and I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me. She was not interested at all. Sounded exhausted. I don't remember her name or the specific dates I called. I'll have to look in my phone. It's so frustrating. I get that they are overwhelmed, but it really seems like they don't care a lot of the time.
My new gripe is that for the past year I've had an increasingly more difficult time swallowing meat (even when chewed up thoroughly so it's practically a paste). I get air bubbles and I start to choke a bit. I choked on my food at a restaurant once when I was there by myself. I stood up and was trying to give myself the heimlich on a chair back when staff rushed over to bring me a bucket. Stuff was pouring out my nose and I couldn't breathe. I just had that happen again (but not quite as bad). Water and food would not go down anymore, I felt air bubbles/gas in my chest/esophagus and then it started coming out my nose and mouth. I couldn't breathe. Ended up spewing all over the dogs, myself, and the floor. Not sure why the hell that is happening, but it's extremely annoying. It seems to happen more with pork and beef, but not with chicken (unless it's very dry chicken).

Sounds like an esophageal stricture, or a narrowing. You might want to see a GI specialist as they can use a balloon to open it back up again.

With regards to CPS/DCFS - my ex called them on me a long time ago, after abandoning me and the kids. Once I finished school he decided he wanted them so I would have to pay him money. He filed a bogus complaint with CPS, who did come out to my home and interview the kids, and promptly saw it for what it was, and dismissed the claim. My point on that is, they are legally obligated to investigate. There doesn't need to be physical evidence.
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Our oldest daughter's ex did the same for the same reason many years ago. They came out, saw how she lived, interviewed her, food in the fridge, place was clean and kids were well cared for. That was the end of it. (he had to pay child support)
Yep. Mine owes me over 100k. I'll never see it. He works under the table. Not worth the hassle anymore.
Hope she got paid. That's so annoying.
My rant for the day, the week, the year, the decade.

I love my wife. I have posted concerns here previously. I know that no-one here is a counselor as far as I know. Regardless.... Every single year; we were married in 2005 in a church, Both of us seemed to share religious bases, and here we are.

Around this time of year, the woman I married seems to go "berserk" . She treats me and my family like trash while those parts of her family are golden people in her mind. I keep bringing the issue up and only after being treated like a doormat every single year.

There is no connection here anymore. I need physical contact. Not sexual; physical. Hugs. A caring touch. Anything similar.

At this point I am torn. As I said; I love her. That said. I want a divorce. It almost seems like mental illness but I have tried to get her to visit someone to help us but she is unwilling. Her family is important yet me and mine are not. I decided to wait until after the holiday aka Christmas and we are now past that.

I am strongly considering meeting with a divorce attorney this week yet I stand by my vows which is now causing conflict. It has been for months and actually years. I have no idea where to turn at this point. I am over it. I am over the vid, I am over the bs surrounding it, I am just over the bologna in general.

My rant. Sorry for the waste of time. Good night all.
Hope you're doing okay G.
Most of the people in my town are on food stamps (and they need them considering that my town has 6% tax on groceries & the prices keep going up).

I've got some friends who said they had the tightening and had to get it stretched. Unfortunately, I don't have medical insurance.

My mom's oldest sister was married to some real losers. Her 2nd husband was a complete jerk. He kicked one of my cousins (from aunt's first marriage) out when she was only 17. She came to live with us. Then he got so fat he was put on disability. My aunt was the breadwinner. After the divorce not only did he file for alimony, but he claimed custody of the kids and got child support-- even though they split custody 50/50 (and in reality, she had the kids more than he did). Her 1st husband gave up all parental rights and never saw his kids again. When one of them (the one that got kicked out at 17) reached out to him to get to know him, he told her to f*** off. He didn't try to reconnect again until he was dying.
We had an over 10% tax in CA where I lived and went to school. As I worked before, I couldn’t get cash help or help for daycare so I could go to school. I was able to get food stamps and the rest of my savings went to daycare, I had to take out additional loans to make my payments every month (housing and utilities). We had 6 of us in a 2 bedroom apartment - it definitely makes you thankful for what you have and how far to have come.
I got off the food stamps as soon as I could!
My rant for the day.
I’m so tired of always being wrong. What do woman know? Last night I was asked to work the folks driveway. I said we need gravel after several years of keeping the road going without it needed. Get told (as usual) no we don't there’s plenty there. Ok exactly who is working the road several times a year 🤔. So ok. Go over and start working the driveway only to find concrete that the end neighbors put down when they cleaned out the truck when they moved in (which I didn’t know). Well I was on my second pass with almost no gravel coming up and apparently I found the concrete I was never made aware was there. A lot of gravel in it so I wouldn’t have seen it without walking it. Looked like the hard ground. Because gravel is needed and the road is washed out from all the flooding the blade on the plain found it. Felt like a car accident as our big tractor doesn’t know how to stop. It just keeps going. Several inches thick got ripped up with a huge bang. When I take the tractor back to the shop (over there) to see what was damaged I’m told don’t work the road anymore we need gravel. Seriously!?! I said that last night but I was treated like I was stupid as usual.
We need to get outta here and be on our own. I’m so ready to move. I don’t mind helping out the folks just get tired of so many years of being treated like I know nothing. Sigh
Time to go see what damage was done now that I’ve cooled off a bit. Came home and hubby calmed me down a bit. Hopefully no damage as I need to work our driveway and my sister in laws driveway. Eventually work the folks when they get gravel.
Sales tax in my area is 10.45% and we still have income tax. Some places don't tax groceries. My state doesn't, but my town does, so that adds 6% on top of the already inflated prices. Making it so people can't buy as much food. Not as much bang for their buck. The food stamps help a little for people who normally wouldn't be able to afford to buy food with the prices being higher. People need all the help they can get to put food on the table. We don't have food banks in the area.

DoubleR, that sounds incredibly frustrating.
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