Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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At&t is our cell and internet. We have a device from Gotw3 that has it's own number that converts to a WiFi that we use for our laptop and smart tv. We live in the country with about 2 bars and it works ok. Mobile Data Internet | GotW3
For the years we were off grid we had a tablet it's own at&t number that we streamed movies on. They gave us that one. It is amazing what you can get if you get a human on the phone that cares.
I just contacted Gotw3 and asked if their system will work at our location. So far the companies that I've contacted said their products won't work here.
Pharmacy had to close early today because they are short-staffed due to too many employees being out sick. I got there around 4:30. Stood in line until well past 5:30 (even though they were supposed to close at 5). My friend's gf's brother, his wife, and daughter got in line behind me. They stood pretty close and chatted. Said their daughter had a cold. They stood behind me and talked to me for over 15 minutes before they were told to go sit down.
After I got home I messaged the friend's gf to see how she was doing (she'd been feeling sick but tested negative for Covid). She told me she was pissed off. Her brother lied about the daughter only having a cold. Turns out she has Covid. So, now I will have to quarantine just in case. I'm mostly worried about my mother getting sick though. I'm also worried that my friend, his gf, friend's daughter, and the baby getting sick. My friend can't afford to miss more work & neither can his gf.
Her brother lied about the daughter only having a cold.
This is so wrong!
So much carelessness going on now relative to COVID. Someone told me there was a New Year's Eve rave in downtown Denver. Another person told me there was a concert that was a super spreader event. Everyone in her office went, except her, because they are in the music industry. I read about people who were knowingly infected, but wanted to go out and celebrate, and did! SMH!
On another note, as of late February, AT&T will no longer be supporting older phones 3G and ones that don't have 4G and VoLTE. Even some that do have those features will no longer work. I have a friend who has an older 4G phone but they disabled his phone and told him he has to get a new one. They took his money for a monthly plan and then immediately shut it off saying his phone is not compatible. But they didn't refund his $. It was only active for 10 seconds. My phone is supposed to be 4g VoLTE compatible, but we'll have to see. This is just another way for them to try to force people to upgrade. If they pull this crap I'm not buying a phone from them. I'm getting an unlocked one from BestBuy and reusing my sim card.
My I-six just went crazy, so my son got me a 12, it looks like the pads om Star Trick NG.
Weedy, it is so frustrating. It's one thing if a person is not worried about getting it themselves, but at least have the courtesy to not spread it to other people. They are currently living with my friend & his gf bc they lost their home to a hurricane. They are supposed to move out today. My friend & his gf are livid.

On another note, I may have mentioned that in 2019 my brother got a ticket (or whatever it is called) for trespassing. (His girlfriend at the time invited him to come meet her dad. Her dad didn't like him & said "I think you should leave". So he turned to leave and ask the gf if she wanted to go with him. The dad then pulled a gun and said "I'm going to blow your f***ing brains out". My brother was able to turn around in time to grab the gun and disarm him- putting his finger behind the trigger to prevent it from being pressed as the dad tried to take it back. Cops were called & the guy lied & said my brother refused to leave. Cops refused to take the gf's statement and when she told them she wanted to go with my brother, the dad said she had autism and couldn't go. She was 21 and the cops said she wasn't allowed to leave if her dad said "no". Her dad held her captive for the next 5 days until HR at work called to do a wellness check and sent cops over to tell him he had to let her go.) My brother had his arraignment and plead not guilty & was given a trial date in 2020. Showed up on the scheduled court date & courthouse was closed. No letters. Now warnings. Nothing. When my brother called to check on the status of his case he was told there was no case. So, anyway, over two years later they sent him a letter that his trial is in March. It's only a misdemeanor but my brother doesn't have the $ to pay any fines and court costs. He seems to think that because he didn't have his trial within 2 years that it means they violated his right to speedy trial and that he can get them to dismiss it on that alone. He's refusing to subpoena the former gf bc he is afraid she will lie since she still lives with her father. Thing is, I've seen how they conduct court here. They will claim it doesn't matter that his rights were violated, they will say Covid gave them an extension. But he wont listen and do anything to mount a proper defense. I don't know if he can get a lawyer, but just applying for a public defender would cost him $40. But he's got it in his head that bc he thinks it's been too long that they will just cave.
It's not something he would go to jail for. It's so minor it would be like a traffic ticket. But he's stubborn & won't listen to me on things.

Meanwhile, my friend JUST paid his electric bill and they suddenly cut off his service with no warning. He went to see why, and this was his bill"

His bill used to range around $200 but then last year they tripled it to $600. He paid more than half what was owed this month and not only did they cut him off, they somehow added over $800 more. And he may have to quarantine bc he's been exposed to Covid so he and his gf may miss work. His gf may lose her job. And they can't get unemployment for that here. I wonder if someone else has secretly hooked to his power or if they linked his place to someone else's home so he's paying multiple... It doesn't make sense.
According to their own policy they are supposed to send written notice (which they did not) and allow a 20 day grace period-- which they did not).
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Weedy, it is so frustrating. It's one thing if a person is not worried about getting it themselves, but at least have the courtesy to not spread it to other people. They are currently living with my friend & his gf bc they lost their home to a hurricane. They are supposed to move out today. My friend & his gf are livid.
There was and maybe still is this mentality about AIDS as well. "Someone gave it to me."

I've probably already shared that a friend invited a bunch of people over for Thanksgiving dinner, with one caveat, a negative COVID test. Many failed that one requirement. Imagine if she had not required that? I believe that there are probably many people who are not feeling all that bad who are out there and spreading the virus, while they are completely unchecked. Some people do not feel sick. Imagine though that you have things to do such as going to work, shopping for your family, etc. I think some people have been hit so hard in many ways that they are just saying, "Screw it, I have to get stuff done." And this family who was homeless due to a hurricane? They have to have someplace to live. I am not saying their actions are acceptable, but they could have some mental limitations, figuring out what is next. Or, maybe staying where they were was comfortable and they didn't want to figure something else out. My daughter was infected when she was at her boyfriend's place and his roommate came in with his girlfriend, no masks, and after sitting around for about half an hour, announced that they had just tested positive. Well, daughter caught it and was so livid with these two people.
Are people supposed to go out and routinely get tested for covid if they aren't sick and don't have any symptoms? "Routinely" would be at least twice per week per current practices. And then quarantine at home if the test comes back positive (with a reasonable chance of it being a false positive)? Lose out on pay while they're off work? All this while hospitals are currently bringing in known covid-infected staff to treat patients, after having fired the healthy but unvaccinated? There is no rhyme nor reason to this hysteria. It makes no logical sense.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that in six months, all attempts to keep covid out of a community via lockdowns, masking, testing or whatever, will have failed. This will be evident to everybody, since everybody will have, or have had, some variant of covid themselves (many without ever having a single symptom). Maybe things will get back to normal them. Doubtful. I don't see that happening until after the mid-terms.
I understand people needing to get things done- but if they KNOW they actively have Covid and are sick with it, they should at least let people they live with know right away and they should wear masks and take precautions to not infect other people. Like, they should have kept distance instead of standing within 2 feet of me. They could have said "Hey, we might be contagious right now so we'll talk from a distance" instead of getting so close for a prolonged period of time. My friend said he was just in the store and a woman next to him admitted to actively having Covid but wouldn't put on a mask or keep distance from him. Even if they refuse to wear masks, they can at least stay farther away and not yap at people. They don't need to stand around yabbering instead of just getting their stuff and getting out. Before they could test for Covid here and when I was feelin sick, I wore a mask, kept distance, didn't touch anything I wasn't buying, didn't stop to chat with anyone, just got my stuff, and got out without making contact with other people because I didn't want to risk getting anyone sick.

My friend called his power company. They left him on hold for an hour and hung up on him. I think he needs to report them to the BBB and to maybe find some government agency that overseas power and report them as well. They have been gouging the hell out of people in his area.
If someone is feeling sick, they need to stay home. Old timers had the same common sense....go to the sick room and have one person in the family take care of you. Is it the need for "entertainment" that makes people go out when they're sick? I hope not.
Haven't had Sunday family dinner with my favorite cousin since before Christmas. First her daughter was sick (flu is going around), then the two granddaughters. Then two grandsons. Then the last grandson stayed sick for a week (turned out to be a sinus infection), and little granddaughter of ours had a bad cough. Doesn't matter if it's covid or whatever. Sick people should stay at home. Send someone else out to the pharmacy and to get the groceries. Even groceries nowadays are easier with the no contact pickup...order and pay on line, drive to the pickup lane and pop your trunk.
They don't do no contact pickup where I live. They are supposed to but they are so disorganized they never bring your stuff out. You can sit there for hours and nobody ever shows and they ask "Why didn't you come inside?" If you want something, you have to go into the store. And sometimes everyone is sick but medicine needs to be picked up (and they don't do curbside pickup) and food needs to be purchased.

I would love to be able to order everything online and just roll up and wait for them to bring it out, but it never works whenever I've tried it. I always have to go in and tell them I'm waiting for my stuff. Tried curbside with samsclub but they insist on having the app-- but their app won't work on my phone. Won't even install. Says my phone is outdated and I'm not about to shell out a bunch of $ for a new phone when mine still works for calling and taking pictures.

But generally, I agree. If you can avoid going to stores or places while sick, it's best to stay home. I had to argue with my mother about how I needed to stay home when I was sick & she kept wanting me to go get stuff that wasn't essential.
If someone is feeling sick, they need to stay home.
I've always done that, my entire life. Doesn't matter if it's a cold, the flu, covid, or whatever. What always got to me before I retired, were all the idiots at work who would come in sick. As if that was some good trait they were demonstrating - "Look at me, I'm such a dedicated employee that I come in sick!" I despised them for that. If the particular days work allowed, I would leave the office and finish my work from home when those germ factories would show up.

Back then, like now, you knew when you were sick and when you were not sick. Back then, if I felt perfectly fine, 100% normal, I would not go into the doctor for a random flu test. Just like I don't go in for a random covid test today if I'm feeling fine. This is where we've gone off the deep end these days ... requiring test after test after test for no logical reason. Having to carry proof of recent testing to get into a restaurant. Having people disinvite you from a gathering if you don't have your paperwork. I understand that they are just scared and acting out a bit, but rather than play that game I'll just stay home. Instead I will socialize with them over the phone, or wait until after the fear is gone. I would just say, "Sorry, I would rather skip your party than go in for another useless covid test." If that offends them, oh well. It's the truth. I've been triple-vaxxed, would wear a mask if asked, but I'm done with the testing when you're not sick part.
Jim, is your speech slurred?
Can you lift both arms over your head?
When you smile, is your face symmetrical?
Just checking brother!;)
He is speaking correctly.
I did lots of work at the factory in Cullman Alabama that makes SharkBite connectors:
"Where is SharkBite manufactured?
RWC Products Made in the USA Among many other RWC products, SharkBite PEX tubing, EvoPEX™ systems and other core fittings are manufactured in RWC's Cullman, AL facility, which features high technology robotic equipment to manufacture these innovative products."
Small world, huh?
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