Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I hear you Jim. Last month I tore my left bicep muscle, and last week fell down on my left metal knee. Worse yet, doc wants to do a stomach test in 14 days, and asks that I stop all pain meds until the test. I'm in a world of hurt currently.

When it rains....it pours

Abe Lincoln was asked for a statement to fit any situation.
He said " This too shall pass" .
I always say, as long as I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Just pray it ain't a train.

Hang in buddy.

In the future, with the sharkbite fittings, you can use an adjustable wrench or spring for the sharkbite removal tongs to remove sharkbites and then run them through the holes and re-attach the fitting. I'm going to have to do that with the waterlines that got mixed up.

Haertig, I wish I could stay home when sick. I was made to go to school when sick because the school wouldn't excuse absences for how often I got sick (from other kids who were sent to school sick). And then with work, a lot of people don't want to to work while sick but they get fired for missing work-- even with doctor's notes. I remember Walmart got in trouble for making employees work when they had H1N1. My brother developed pneumonia and had to go to the hospital one year & they refused to accept the doctor's note and almost fired him (but he was half a point shy of being fired).

While I generally agree with not getting tested constantly when you aren't feeling sick, there are some checkup screening tests people should get to be able to detect cancer or other issues.

My friend reported that despite testing negative to Covid the day before, his gf went into full panic mode (she's got mild schizophrenia which causes anxiety & panic attacks) and went to the hospital. They wouldn't test her again but told her to quarantine and stay home. No meds prescribed-- but it might be people who saw her in there before when she went to the ER over having a cold. She was apparently sobbing for hours because her temperature was 100.8. A part of me wishes she would grow up and toughen up a bit, but the empathetic side of me feels bad for her being that panicky over everything. I don't know how she makes it through the day.

Havasu, OUCH! That really really sucks. Sending virtual hugs your way. I hope the pain will subside soon.
I hear you Jim. Last month I tore my left bicep muscle, and last week fell down on my left metal knee. Worse yet, doc wants to do a stomach test in 14 days, and asks that I stop all pain meds until the test. I'm in a world of hurt currently.
So sorry to hear what you’re going through.
Ask your doctor if you can use CBD gummies. They might take the edge off a bit, or help you sleep a bit better. Two of the high dose ones might help.
When my mom was in her last days, no meds helped, not even morphine. Her doctor recommended breathing in some smoke from burning marijuana. It helped her. She couldn’t smoke- it was just burned nearby.
I was around someone smoking marijuana once in my life and it gave me a migraine. I've actively avoided when people have it around.

Update: My friend's gf tested positive for Covid today. She said her lungs and chest are hurting badly, she's got a fever, and diarrhea. Now her baby is having fever and diarrhea too. I've been having chest irritation and arrhythmia today but I hope it's either allergies, a cold, or the flu. But, I'm still quarantining. I talked to a friend who has a managerial position at Walmart. He said the people who exposed me have been in the store every day multiple times per day even though they know they are sick. He's been keeping away from them when he sees them. He also told me that if I do orders for curbside pickup, he'll make sure they bring it out to me (although, pharmacy can't do curbside since they don't have enough staff). But, he said that so many people are coming in sick and spreading it that they might have to shut the store down. I've ordered some things for pickup tomorrow.

Thank you for the curbside pickup suggestion. In the past it didn't work, but since my friend said he'll make sure I get my stuff brought out I feel better.
Thanks, DoubleR. I admit, if I did get Covid I will be really pissed off at the people who exposed me. They know better. I would have stayed away from them if they hadn't lied about it being just a cold. They know I have damaged lungs and congenital heart defect. They know the girl they gave Covid to has cardiac issues as well. But they were reckless & they continue to expose people at the store. It's one thing to be reckless with your own health, it's another to know you are contagious and get close to people and talk to them and risk getting them sick. Even before Covid, if I had the flu or cold, I would stay away from people to avoid getting them sick.
Not a rant but a question...
The wife watches on-air TV and she has complained that she no longer sees commercials with average non-minority folks (except for medicare advantage and oxygen commercials). I said that it might be a regional thing due to the demographics, but I have to wonder if it is a national trend...

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you are seeing a similar trend......

It is true, Urb, We had a whole thread on it here. Can't remember who started it, but it was pretty complete with stats. You seldom see a traditional couple of any race. Everything is mixed, throw in some gay, and one I think is new: fat people. Watch the mix when there is a group. There will be one or two that are overweight. I really noticed it when I was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.
I tried CBD gummies once. I took 2 of them. Gave me a huge headache for about 1 minute, then it had no effect at all. Kinda disappointed. I was hoping for that high school buzz.
I have never tried CBD gummies, but I have tried capsules. A woman I know, in her 80's, said that she takes them every night at bedtime and they help her sleep better. She said she feels much better when she takes them. I have heard they are recommended for pain. I was buying mine at a local grocery store that closed and have just not figured out a new place to buy them. I have no interest in doing anything that will get me high, but when my ex was dying of ALS, it was about the only thing he used. His mother took care of him, and lit up his pipe for him.
The wife and I both had covid last year. We got over it. No big deal. It was just like a bad cold. I dont know what all the fuss is about.
I have a couple of friends and acquaintances who were perfectly healthy, got covid, and were dead from it in less than a week. It was a bit worse than a cold for them. You don't know how it's going to affect any given person.

That's why I was asking if Zannej had been vaccinated. She seems worried about it, and lives in a situation with other at-risk people. Now that covid is everywhere - probably 1 out of 4 people you see has it now - it's getting extremely difficult to isolate yourself to safety. The vaccine may be distasteful to some, but it may be the best choice none the less. Especially if you or the people you live with are high risk.
Now that covid is everywhere - probably 1 out of 4 people you see has it now - it's getting extremely difficult to isolate yourself to safety. The vaccine may be distasteful to some, but it may be the best choice none the less. Especially if you or the people you live with are high risk.
Someone told me that 25% of people in the Denver area are infected. How many people do not even know they are infected because their symptoms are so mild? And how many people will only do so if their life if they are mandated to do so. A person that I do know who died in November had health risks, but she loved to shop and she hated to wear a mask. If she had stayed at home more and worn a mask more, maybe, maybe, she might not have gotten it. I know that it is probably a matter of time before we all get it.
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I have a couple of friends and acquaintances who were perfectly healthy, got covid, and were dead from it in less than a week. It was a bit worse than a cold for them. You don't know how it's going to affect any given person.

That's why I was asking if Zannej had been vaccinated. She seems worried about it, and lives in a situation with other at-risk people. Now that covid is everywhere - probably 1 out of 4 people you see has it now - it's getting extremely difficult to isolate yourself to safety. The vaccine may be distasteful to some, but it may be the best choice none the less. Especially if you or the people you live with are high risk.
We know a couple people who died and was listed as covid related. They didn't die from covid, but had covid when they died.
You're right about it affecting people differently. It wasn't fun when we had it but we recovered just fine.
We never changed anything in our life because of covid. We'll never get vaccinated and we'll never where the silly and useless face mask. That's our choice, what other people do is their choice. On a recent trip to the Oregon coast we never wore the mask even through it was "mandated" by their governor. Its rare to see a mask around here, generally its mostly out of staters.
I‘d rather die living a life I enjoy then then spend the rest of my life in fear.
I've seen this thought before.
I wear it and don't think about it. If I felt afraid, I'd stay home.

Edit: I don't wear a seat belt because I am afraid. The same is true of wearing helmets and keeping doors locked. But I have known people who often won't wear a seatbelt or a motorcycle helmet either.
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Ok, Havasu. I will just answer the question: I am vaccinated and boostered but Mom hasn't had her booster yet.

Moving on, my friend's gf seems to think it's a full-moon and that she's a WereB***. She woke up from having a bad dream about him "chatting with an ugly girl on Discord" and it threw her into a violent rage. She threw a butter knife full of butter at him-- missed and got it all over the couch and curtains, and then threw a punch at him. Schizophrenics are rarely violent, but combined with bipolar disorder, she completely loses it and gets violent. I saw her grab the baby by the arms and throw him across the room on to the couch because he crapped his diaper and she was mad. My friend said he gets dizzy picking the baby up because of the blood clots in his head and he doesn't feel he can reliably take care of the baby. At this point, I think the kid might be better off in foster care. I still don't think its even his kid but he won't get a DNA test (although he lied about having gotten one- and I know its a lie bc the results he listed aren't possible).

He keeps talking like he's going to kick her out but we know he won't do it. And she knows it too, so she goes all stupid on him. He needs to tell her shrink so they can commit her or make her take her antipsychotic meds. She's a danger to others.
I discovered my range truck has a broken HVAC blend door actuator. I searched the web, ordered 4 of them from different sources, and all were wrong. I went to Parts Geek, which is slow as molasses, and will find out next week if this is the right or wrong part. I've paid $22, $28, $41, $55, and this latest order is $78. If this doesn't work, I will be forced to get it from the dealer for $278. This dumb part is causing me to let the truck sit, unusable, until I get the right part. They blame it on all the shipping containers sitting just off our coast.
I discovered my range truck has a broken HVAC blend door actuator. I searched the web, ordered 4 of them from different sources, and all were wrong. I went to Parts Geek, which is slow as molasses, and will find out next week if this is the right or wrong part. I've paid $22, $28, $41, $55, and this latest order is $78. If this doesn't work, I will be forced to get it from the dealer for $278. This dumb part is causing me to let the truck sit, unusable, until I get the right part. They blame it on all the shipping containers sitting just off our coast.
I'll see your actuator and raise you a heater core.


Just heard from my mechanic what is keeping the heater/defroster in my Jeep Liberty from working.

The center console and dash have to be removed to replace the heater core and will take more than a day worth of labor.

Approximately $1000


Looks like I will be going anywhere Monday and Tuesday.

Oh bother

On to more important things. My wife just announced today that she needs a new rifle. I'm so proud of that old broad. Says she wants a lever action .357 magnum. Or maybe a .45 Colt.
There's probably a thread on firearms here but I can't find it.
I have a Rossi .45Colt levergun. It's a great rifle. It's the bottom one in the pic below (the top rifle is a Henry .22LR FWIW).


I believe Phideaux has the Rossi in .357Mag. Or maybe that was .44Mag. Or possibly both.

On one of the old forums that some of us here came from, there were a lot of us who got the Rossi leverguns in various calibers several years ago. Everyone liked them. They are good guns to start with, but can be further improved with a little home gunsmithing as detailed on Steve's Gunz DVD. Rossi 92 DVD - $29.95 : Steve's Gunz, Rossi 92 Specialist

I have equipped my Rossi with tang sights now (like the Henry at the top of the picture has). This is an old picture that doesn't show this.
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I have a Rossi .45Colt levergun. It's a great rifle. It's the bottom one in the pic below (the top rifle is a Henry .22LR FWIW).

View attachment 78485

I believe Phideaux has the Rossi in .357Mag. Of maybe that was .44Mag. Or possibly both.

On one of the old forums that some of us here came from, there were a lot of us who got the Rossi leverguns in various calibers several years ago. Everyone liked them. They are good guns to start with, but can be further improved with a little home gunsmithing as detailed on Steve's Gunz DVD. Rossi 92 DVD - $29.95 : Steve's Gunz, Rossi 92 Specialist

I have equipped my Rossi with tang sights now (like the Henry at the top of the picture has). This is an old picture that doesn't show this.

Yep one of each, and both got the Steve's Guns works.
Slick as butter.

I have a Rossi .45Colt levergun. It's a great rifle. It's the bottom one in the pic below (the top rifle is a Henry .22LR FWIW).

View attachment 78485

I believe Phideaux has the Rossi in .357Mag. Or maybe that was .44Mag. Or possibly both.

On one of the old forums that some of us here came from, there were a lot of us who got the Rossi leverguns in various calibers several years ago. Everyone liked them. They are good guns to start with, but can be further improved with a little home gunsmithing as detailed on Steve's Gunz DVD. Rossi 92 DVD - $29.95 : Steve's Gunz, Rossi 92 Specialist

I have equipped my Rossi with tang sights now (like the Henry at the top of the picture has). This is an old picture that doesn't show this.
Tell me about the sight on the Henry. I have the same rifle and I'm thinking about a sight like that.
I bought a Henry Bigboy in .44 mag on an impulse, a guy wanted to sell and I had the cash so why not. Just another toy but I do like lever guns.
Tell me about the sight on the Henry. I have the same rifle and I'm thinking about a sight like that.
I bought a Henry Bigboy in .44 mag on an impulse, a guy wanted to sell and I had the cash so why not. Just another toy but I do like lever guns.
I can only tell you about the .22LR Henry, the .44Mag BigBoy is probably different.

On the .22LR Henry, what you see when you look at the rifle is not the receiver, it is a "receiver cover". It slides over the top of the receiver. What this means is that it's much more user-friendly for home gunsmithing to mount the tang sight. If you mess things up, you've only hurt the cover and not the receiver itself, so you can just go buy a new cover. Which was $35 a few years ago (ask me how/why I know how much one costs!)

Step #1 when mounting the tang sight on the rear is making a flat surface to drill into. The Henry's tang as it comes from the factory is slightly rounded. Trying to drill a hole at a precise location that is perfectly perpendicular is difficult on a curved surface, even with a drill press. Ask me how I know this. So I'd recommend filing a small flat area before drilling and tapping the receiver cover (the flat area will be covered by the tang sight after installation). Now the BigBoy may not use a receiver cover like the .22LR does, so you'd be working directly on your receiver possibly. In that case, I'd get someone who actually knows what they are doing (i.e., a gunsmith) to mount the tang sight, since it needs to be drilled and tapped (one of the holes anyway - I seem to remember that the second hole was the original hole, just with a longer screw required). The BigBoy may already be drilled/tapped to mount a tang sight, then it's a simple matter to just buy the correct sight for the gun and screw it in place yourself.

As far as the front globe sight you see on the Henry, that is easy if you have one of the octagonal barrel models. Those have a groove for the front sight (the .22LR Hanry's). Just tap out the original sight and tap in the replacement one. The round barrel Henry 22's do not have a groove. The front sight is actually part of the barrel band (I think). So replacing the front sight would be much more difficult on those. Again, the BigBoy is probably different. If I had to guess, I'd say it's likely that the front sight mount is grooved for easy change out. But you'd need to look.

As far as the particular tang sight itself, there were two major manufacturers of them back when I bought mine. Marbles, and Lymon. The Marbles is fully adjustable for windage and elevation. The Lymon is adjustable for elevation only. To adjust for windage with the Lymon, the process is to drift the front sight one way or the other. The Marbles cost a little more than the Lymon, but is worth the relatively small difference in price IMHO for the much simpler windage adjustment. However, you only really set the windage once - when you first mount the sight. So going with the cheaper version is not necessarily bad, it's just a one-time hassle to get it set up. This is assuming that you are like most people, in that if the wind is blowing you don't adjust windage on your sights, you just hold off to compensate. I personally never touch windage after initial sight-in, be that on a scope, open sights, or whatever.

The Front globe sight has different apertures you can switch out. If you want a big circle, or a little circle, or a post - you've got all those available and they come with the sight. I'm trying to remember who made my front globe sight. I'm pretty sure it was Lymon. IIRC correctly, the tang sight was $125-ish and the globe sight was $45-ish. This was several years ago. I believe another manufacturer of tang and/or globe sights is Williams.

A rear tang sight combined with a front globe sight can be very accurate. You choose the front interchangeable insert based on your target. For a round target shooting session, I choose a large circle front insert. When looking through the rear sight, to the front sight, to the round target paper - you just line up the circles with each other. Your eye naturally does this. And you can hit spot on. This is what it looks like down the sights to the target. The ideal sight picture is when you choose the front inserts so that all the white and black circles are about the same width and distance apart. You eye can't help but line that kind of sight picture up accurately (as in the picture below).


This is not so clean when aiming at something that is not round. So you typically replace the front circle insert with a post insert, and you get a sight picture that is more like a traditional open sights one.

Here is an example of some of the inserts (different sized circles, and different thickness posts):



Note that inserts are not necessarily cross-compatible between globe sight manufacturers. They may be, but probably aren't. Inserts are small, so you'll need something to store them in. Those old metal 35mm screw-lid film canisters are good. I wish you could still find those around. The plastic ones with the snap-on lids are OK, but even those inferior ones are probably antiques themselves these days.
I can only tell you about the .22LR Henry, the .44Mag BigBoy is probably different.

On the .22LR Henry, what you see when you look at the rifle is not the receiver, it is a "receiver cover". It slides over the top of the receiver. What this means is that it's much more user-friendly for home gunsmithing to mount the tang sight. If you mess things up, you've only hurt the cover and not the receiver itself, so you can just go buy a new cover. Which was $35 a few years ago (ask me how/why I know how much one costs!)

Step #1 when mounting the tang sight on the rear is making a flat surface to drill into. The Henry's tang as it comes from the factory is slightly rounded. Trying to drill a hole at a precise location that is perfectly perpendicular is difficult on a curved surface, even with a drill press. Ask me how I know this. So I'd recommend filing a small flat area before drilling and tapping the receiver cover (the flat area will be covered by the tang sight after installation). Now the BigBoy may not use a receiver cover like the .22LR does, so you'd be working directly on your receiver possibly. In that case, I'd get someone who actually knows what they are doing (i.e., a gunsmith) to mount the tang sight, since it needs to be drilled and tapped (one of the holes anyway - I seem to remember that the second hole was the original hole, just with a longer screw required). The BigBoy may already be drilled/tapped to mount a tang sight, then it's a simple matter to just buy the correct sight for the gun and screw it in place yourself.

As far as the front globe sight you see on the Henry, that is easy if you have one of the octagonal barrel models. Those have a groove for the front sight (the .22LR Hanry's). Just tap out the original sight and tap in the replacement one. The round barrel Henry 22's do not have a groove. The front sight is actually part of the barrel band (I think). So replacing the front sight would be much more difficult on those. Again, the BigBoy is probably different. If I had to guess, I'd say it's likely that the front sight mount is grooved for easy change out. But you'd need to look.

As far as the particular tang sight itself, there were two major manufacturers of them back when I bought mine. Marbles, and Lymon. The Marbles is fully adjustable for windage and elevation. The Lymon is adjustable for elevation only. To adjust for windage with the Lymon, the process is to drift the front sight one way or the other. The Marbles cost a little more than the Lymon, but is worth the relatively small difference in price IMHO for the much simpler windage adjustment. However, you only really set the windage once - when you first mount the sight. So going with the cheaper version is not necessarily bad, it's just a one-time hassle to get it set up. This is assuming that you are like most people, in that if the wind is blowing you don't adjust windage on your sights, you just hold off to compensate. I personally never touch windage after initial sight-in, be that on a scope, open sights, or whatever.

The Front globe sight has different apertures you can switch out. If you want a big circle, or a little circle, or a post - you've got all those available and they come with the sight. I'm trying to remember who made my front globe sight. I'm pretty sure it was Lymon. IIRC correctly, the tang sight was $125-ish and the globe sight was $45-ish. This was several years ago. I believe another manufacturer of tang and/or globe sights is Williams.

A rear tang sight combined with a front globe sight can be very accurate. You choose the front interchangeable insert based on your target. For a round target shooting session, I choose a large circle front insert. When looking through the rear sight, to the front sight, to the round target paper - you just line up the circles with each other. Your eye naturally does this. And you can hit spot on. This is what it looks like down the sights to the target. The ideal sight picture is when you choose the front inserts so that all the white and black circles are about the same width and distance apart. You eye can't help but line that kind of sight picture up accurately (as in the picture below).

View attachment 78487

This is not so clean when aiming at something that is not round. So you typically replace the front circle insert with a post insert, and you get a sight picture that is more like a traditional open sights one.

Here is an example of some of the inserts (different sized circles, and different thickness posts):

View attachment 78488
View attachment 78489

Note that inserts are not necessarily cross-compatible between globe sight manufacturers. They may be, but probably aren't. Inserts are small, so you'll need something to store them in. Those old metal 35mm screw-lid film canisters are good. I wish you could still find those around. The plastic ones with the snap-on lids are OK, but even those inferior ones are probably antiques themselves these days.
Thank you.
I actually want to mount the tang sight on my Henry Frontier model.
I'm just a little reluctant to start drilling on it.
I discovered my range truck has a broken HVAC blend door actuator. I searched the web, ordered 4 of them from different sources, and all were wrong. I went to Parts Geek, which is slow as molasses, and will find out next week if this is the right or wrong part. I've paid $22, $28, $41, $55, and this latest order is $78. If this doesn't work, I will be forced to get it from the dealer for $278. This dumb part is causing me to let the truck sit, unusable, until I get the right part. They blame it on all the shipping containers sitting just off our coast.
My son has great luck with Rockauto.com
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