Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yoga pants again. Granddaughter went to work, so I checked her backpack. Another pair. Guess she's been changing when she gets to school. In the dumpster now. I hate yoga pants.
My best friend in high school would wear clothes over her "going out" clothes! Never got caught, but got pregnant😲! Amish, make her work it off by going to Double R's and packing!!😀
I don't know if this is a rant or a Homer Simpson D'oh... I hate how on Amazon (actually any online shopping) the images are so small or the description is so limited that you end up ordering something totally useless by mistake... D'oh

Point in this case, I ordered a flat of black seed starter trays, they arrived today and they have holes in the bottom.... D'oh D'oh.... Dang it....

Anyway... Now I have to go to the mirror and curse that guy out for being such an idiot.. D'oh!!!!
The donkey told the tiger, "The grass is blue."

The tiger replied, "No, the grass is green ."

The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.

As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn't it true that the grass is blue?"

The lion replied: "If you believe it is true, the grass is blue."

The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him."

The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence."

The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue..."

The tiger asked the lion, "Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?"

The lion replied, ′′You've known and seen the grass is green."

The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?"

The lion replied, "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!"

The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand. Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.

When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.
This is very good. I very much want to share it in another thread, but I will take the high road.
So, Capitol One told my mother that they are changing her account type and routing number today (sent a letter a couple weeks back) whether she wanted it changed or not. She tried to make changes for deposits from my father's death benefits/pension but OPM website wouldn't let her login and told her they would send her something in the mail to allow her to login. That was 3 weeks ago and she still hasn't received it. Now they might not be able to deposit money as the info has changed. She really wants to transfer everything out of Capitol One and in to a credit union. She's actually been trying for months to do that but they kept giving her the wrong paperwork to fill out and then rejecting it.

Also, I am still tired for no apparent reason. I don't feel like I'm really that sick, but I'm mostly tired and feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen even though my breathing isn't so bad. I get winded super easily and its frustrating because I have stuff to do but I'm too damn tired.
So, Capitol One told my mother that they are changing her account type and routing number today (sent a letter a couple weeks back) whether she wanted it changed or not. She tried to make changes for deposits from my father's death benefits/pension but OPM website wouldn't let her login and told her they would send her something in the mail to allow her to login. That was 3 weeks ago and she still hasn't received it. Now they might not be able to deposit money as the info has changed. She really wants to transfer everything out of Capitol One and in to a credit union. She's actually been trying for months to do that but they kept giving her the wrong paperwork to fill out and then rejecting it.

Also, I am still tired for no apparent reason. I don't feel like I'm really that sick, but I'm mostly tired and feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen even though my breathing isn't so bad. I get winded super easily and its frustrating because I have stuff to do but I'm too damn tired.
There are a couple banks in the U.S. that are about as corrupt as can be. I used small town South Dakota banks when I was younger, but it is hard to do business in Colorado when your bank is in South Dakota. I have done my banking with a credit union since I moved to Colorado. It has changed up a little since I moved here. It was started and once run by Denver Public Schools former employees. For years, even after I moved to Colorado, it was considered the safest financial institution in the state. I don't get the newspaper any longer, so I don't know if it has lost rank.

I know that there are banks that people I know or knew had done business with for many years, and all of a sudden, these long time clients were being screwed over. I would never do business with a bank that began to mess with me and my access to money. If it takes a lawyer, I'd get one and be so done with them.
So, Capitol One told my mother that they are changing her account type and routing number today (sent a letter a couple weeks back) whether she wanted it changed or not. She tried to make changes for deposits from my father's death benefits/pension but OPM website wouldn't let her login and told her they would send her something in the mail to allow her to login. That was 3 weeks ago and she still hasn't received it. Now they might not be able to deposit money as the info has changed. She really wants to transfer everything out of Capitol One and in to a credit union. She's actually been trying for months to do that but they kept giving her the wrong paperwork to fill out and then rejecting it.
Punish them!:waiting:
I did.
There are waaay too many other companies out there that would love to take good care of her.
My bank down here takes really good care of me.:thumbs:
When I moved down here I met with the branch manager. I told her: "if there is a problem, I will come see you.... you don't want me to come see you:oops:".
I've only had to go down there once, on behalf of my MIL's account.
I accompanied the manager as she schooled the tellers about the mistake they had made 'so this will never happen again!'.
"If y'all do this, a demon👹 appears in my office, and that is bad!" gaah

And I can't share my thoughts about Capital One without being declared a racist. :confused:
First job was working for a small Plant nursery/ Landscaping business, I was eight years old.
They kinda raised me, the owners taught me a lot, the ms. said check your statement every month & make the remove thing that do not apply. Later my Dentist told me a college mate, had set up his business with a billing code: HP-$2.50 on every bill that went though his office.
HP stood for House Payment. According to him it was legal as long as he did not lie about the charge. After his house was paid for he removed the code: HP & no one every questioned him.
So trust no one question everything.
I don't know if this is a rant or a Homer Simpson D'oh... I hate how on Amazon (actually any online shopping) the images are so small or the description is so limited that you end up ordering something totally useless by mistake... D'oh

Point in this case, I ordered a flat of black seed starter trays, they arrived today and they have holes in the bottom.... D'oh D'oh.... Dang it....

Anyway... Now I have to go to the mirror and curse that guy out for being such an idiot.. D'oh!!!!
Duck tape them shut.
I hate Capitol One. They literally stole $400 from my parents' account once because the teller either pocketed the $ or gave it to someone else and claimed that she gave it to us. When we asked them to review tapes they said they would request tapes to be sent back. A week later we asked them about progress of checking tapes. Tapes? What tapes? They pretended to not have any recollection of the issue and never reimbursed the $ or investigated. But, that clerk was no longer working there after that. So, I think she stole it but they made my parents pay for it. They also have hidden fees (even though their commercials claim they don't). The local branch closed last year so Mom can't even physically go to her bank anymore- has to go an hour away if she wants go to one. Credit Union has been much better to us though. Reminds me, I need to renew my Christmas Club CD with them.

Still tired AF. Can only stay awake for a couple of hours at a time and then feel zonked. Upside is my brother has been helping more. He's extremely mad at the NP and knows I'm feeling like crap so he cooked dinner for Mom and has been helping with lifting stuff and getting things out of the truck since I get winded just walking to the bathroom.
I hate Capitol One. They literally stole $400 from my parents' account once because the teller either pocketed the $ or gave it to someone else and claimed that she gave it to us. When we asked them to review tapes they said they would request tapes to be sent back. A week later we asked them about progress of checking tapes. Tapes? What tapes?
She should have booted them when that happened. :waiting:
I guess that helps explain why the local branch closed, and why they had to change her routing number.
When I transferred my account from Alabama down to here, my routing (account) number didn't change.
She has absolutely no reason to keep her account with them now.
Pull that plug!!!

Oh wait, this is the rant thread! Can I rant about a bank?
About a mile away is a Hancock Whitney branch that the in-laws used. I needed some cash ($400) for Christmas presents so I trotted in and asked if they could cash a check even if I didn't have an account there?
The smug teller lady told me that they only cashed their own checks.
I asked:"So, how does anybody cash their paycheck if it's from another bank?"
While she was fumbling for an answer, I was thumbing thru the register on my checkbook.
I spun it around and pushed it across the counter with my fingers all pointing at one line on it and said:
"Isn't it strange, Whitney had absolutely no problem accepting a check FROM ME for $44,655 on May 25th, 2019?" (I paid off in-laws home equity loan)
She said: "Well, you could open an account?"
My reply: "You just convinced me why I should not".
She didn't even ask me if I had a CC to do a cash-advance on.:mad:
I could have wandered into the manager's office (people remember me, imagine that:rolleyes:) and the teller would have gotten her hiney tore up.... but it was Christmas season and I was being 'nice'. :)
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Supervisor, I tried to convince them to pull their $ out of that account then, but my father had a heart attack shortly thereafter and it got pushed to the side and forgotten. He survived that time, but we were in and out of medical appointments for a long time.

I wish my friend would ditch his crappy bank. He deposited money in his account before 3pm. Went and purchased something 5 minutes later. They charged him overdraft fees because they claimed they hadn't fully processed the deposit yet. They also allow autopayments to go through earlier than scheduled so he gets overdrafted. His gf has the same bank. She called them up to ask something about her account to get her routing number and account number. Only gave them her name over the phone. No proof of who she was and they gave her he info. Huge security risk there.

As an addendum, a nurse friend of mine told me that she found it "scary" that I was prescribed the medicine combo when I was not an inpatient on a telemetry floor. She also said that combo should *never* be given o someone with heart conditions and asked me if the NP asked about any cardiac issues (she did not). Said the combo can cause elongated QT which she said was "very very very bad". So, it's a good thing I didn't keep taking the meds. I'm definitely going to have a word with my doctor asap about it. If the NP prescribed this crap to me on purpose she should be fired. If it was a mixup with another patient it's more understandable but still not cool.
Sounds like a lousy credit union. We've got a federal credit union. They take cash, checks, etc. Very good about removing fees on stuff if we ask them.

My brother apparently whined to my mother that I haven't washed his dishes and also mentioned that he expects me to put away his leftovers when he cooks. Even if he only cooks for himself. He was claiming I woke him up 6 times last night (I told him ONCE that the water was out). He also said that I haven't washed the dishes in "ten years". LOL. Sink is full of his dishes. Washing dishes hasn't even been my assigned chore for 10 years. It was supposed to be his chore and he never did it. Not even once. Would re-use dirty dishes and take other people's clean dishes (because I washed my own and Mom's dishes). He really hates having any responsibility. I'm too tired to deal with his bs right now though. Just going to keep hydrated and try to recover. At least I was able to cook for Mom today (even if it was just a tv dinner).
I took the dog out last night before bed. Foot hit the top step, then the rest of me bounced down the rest of the steps and landed on concrete pavers at the bottom. Dog ran like he'd been shot. Took me a couple minutes to gather up the pieces and make sure everything was in order to get up and make my way in.
Didn't sleep well, everytime I rolled over something else hurt. Got up and found bruises on places I didn't even know I hit. On top of that the jarring has my back screaming at me.
UGH!!!!!! :eek:
Ouch. I went flying down the inside stairs a few months back. I wasn't holding the handrail because my hands were full. Stupid on my part. I had a horrible bruise on my tailbone and back, and one arm. Scared the crap out of my husband. So I bought stair treads on Amazon and put those on the steps. Am careful to always hold the rail.' Hope your hind end gets to feeling better, Bacpacker.
I took the dog out last night before bed. Foot hit the top step, then the rest of me bounced down the rest of the steps and landed on concrete pavers at the bottom. Dog ran like he'd been shot. Took me a couple minutes to gather up the pieces and make sure everything was in order to get up and make my way in.
Didn't sleep well, everytime I rolled over something else hurt. Got up and found bruises on places I didn't even know I hit. On top of that the jarring has my back screaming at me.
UGH!!!!!! :eek:
Ouch! I know you hurt yourself and it will take you a while to heal up.

My daughter took quite a spill last week when it was icy. I saw her bruises and no doubt she hurt herself.
That is similar to what happened to me in college. I can still feel the result right now, decades later! I eventually went to the college doctor because I would wake up in the middle of the night, flat on my back, in such pain. No x-rays, but he gave me an envelope with some aspirin and told me to take them at bed time. He never said it, but I have no doubt that I broke my tailbone.

The stairs to the basement at church are very steep. There is one of those contraptions for people to sit on to go up and down the stairs. There is a railing on both sides of the stairs and I always try to use both of them. So many of us are afraid to go up and down those stairs.
Ouch, broken cocyx is awful. My father broke his and ended up having a botched surgery to remove the broken part. Led to years of problems.

Meanwhile, back in dramaville: new developments with my friend and his soon to be exgf (again). So, around the time she had the baby in 2020 she started cheating on my friend with some dude (let's call him Houston- not his real name). She actually left my friend for him, discovered Houston couldn't support her financially, and came crawling back after being kicked out by his parents. While her brother was staying with them she tried to act like everything was fine, but as soon as her brother moved out she told my friend she wasn't ready to settle down and wanted him to pay for her to live in her own apartment separately. She had a few bursts of violence attacking him and such. Yesterday she decided to jump on him, spit in his face, and throw her soda all over him. But he was quick and recorded her with his phone. He then went to the store to get medicine. She was supposed to be at home with the baby. Well, the baby got ahold of her phone and called my friend and babbled into it a bit but in the background my friend could hear her talking to Houston. He checked her gps and saw she was over with Houston and he heard them plotting to try to get him (my friend) arrested by having her lie to the cops and accuse him of domestic violence. He recorded the conversation. Went straight to the cops and played both recordings for them and they followed him back to his house and talked to him while he packed her stuff and put it out on the porch. He said she's not allowed to take the baby because both she and Houston are mentally ill and the baby isn't safe with either of them. He's working out details on custody with her but he said she's not coming back and she's not taking any furniture she didn't buy with her own money-- so she only gets her crappy entertainment center and the baby's dresser (if she even wants the baby's dresser).
He promised me he won't cave and give her any $. We'll see if he sticks to that.
I took the dog out last night before bed. Foot hit the top step, then the rest of me bounced down the rest of the steps and landed on concrete pavers at the bottom. Dog ran like he'd been shot. Took me a couple minutes to gather up the pieces and make sure everything was in order to get up and make my way in.
Didn't sleep well, everytime I rolled over something else hurt. Got up and found bruises on places I didn't even know I hit. On top of that the jarring has my back screaming at me.
UGH!!!!!! :eek:
☹️Hope you get better soon!
Well Amish somehow I didn't hit my butt. I must have twisted in the air and first landing was on the side of my hip. Not sure how I turned that far that fast. Knees got it to on the pavers. Thought I had hit ribs as well but they aren't hurting and no bruising. Now if I can get my back to let up. Tried to go out and do a little yesterday, but not much happened.
Just glad nothing is broke.
Well Amish somehow I didn't hit my butt. I must have twisted in the air and first landing was on the side of my hip. Not sure how I turned that far that fast. Knees got it to on the pavers. Thought I had hit ribs as well but they aren't hurting and no bruising. Now if I can get my back to let up. Tried to go out and do a little yesterday, but not much happened.
Just glad nothing is broke.
Wow ,

Dang ,

Your fortunate that your not in a hospital.
If that happen to me I'd be in ICU. I'm old and fragile.
And, your older than dirt😁.

Glad your not in serious trouble.
Heal quickly my friend.

It takes us a while to learn how to be more attentive to how we do things as we age.Even then accidents still happen.

Walk gingerly.

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