Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Wow ,

Dang ,

Your fortunate that your not in a hospital.
If that happen to me I'd be in ICU. I'm old and fragile.
And, your older than dirt😁.

Glad your not in serious trouble.
Heal quickly my friend.

It takes us a while to learn how to be more attentive to how we do things as we age.Even then accidents still happen.

Walk gingerly.

Yes 3 days older than dirt.
It was surprisong how fast the ground jumped up in my face as I was bouncing down the steps. I bet the video would have been hilarious
This would be a topic for a new thread.

Seeing as how I'm a poster child for back problems.

Yea. Instead of Rant for the day it could be Medical problems for the day. :p
Me, my wife, her sister and BIL were sitting around a campfire and I asked them "what did we talk about before we all got old and had medical problems? Nobody remembered.
The only thing worse than shopping for the elderly is shopping with the elderly!!! OMG! What an ordeal. Dad’s known for 20yrs the effects of a morning appointment on people with CFS as opposed to an afternoon apt. Evidently dad hasn’t figured out when the doctor’s office calls to set up an appointment you can request a time that’s more convenient. So, I had to have him in town at 0830hrs.

Then I took him to WM for a prescription and groceries. Since when did WM start putting “invisibility cloaks” on electric carts? Dad kept disappearing! Once I was helping him get grapes in the produce section. Next item was potato flakes… between the grapes and potato flakes he vanished. After checking the entire grocery section and ladies wear (5min), I found him in the back of the store looking at cat food. He disappeared 4 times, once I found him in the garden section!!! WE were there to get groceries!!!! Not flower seeds!!! It took 2hrs for him to get $124 in groceries. I could have gotten everything on the list in 30min including the prescription.

Well, the rest of my day is shot!!! along with tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll have recovered enough to get something done on friday.
I took my Grandma shopping right after I got my drivers license. She took forever to shop and she had a purse full of coupons. After I got everything loaded up she said "now I need to go to Safeway." I asked her was there something Safeway had that the store we were just in didn't. She said Green beans were 5 cents a can cheaper at Safeway. I drove across town and went through the whole shopping experience again for 5 cents off. She bought 4 cans of beans.
I would gladly take her shopping today and let her spend all the time she wanted.
I haven't taken my mom shopping for about a month, and was just thinking that maybe she wants to go, but boy does it ever wear me out. She can walk, uses the cart like a walker. I wouldn't trust her with a scooter at all. I have to stay with her at all times because she will stop suddenly and ask where we are. I know she likes to go, but all she'll buy is pie, cookies, cake, and ice cream. She has a little store in where she lives with staple items and they cook a great noon meal whenever she wants it.
The wife is not a morning person, but she gets the first appointmant of the day so she can social distance (her doctors do appointments 15 minutes before normal office hours). But OMG, loading up the wheel chair in freezing weather, then taking out the oxygen, followed by walking her out to the car. Then it's too cold, I don't want the hot air on me... turn on the seat warmer, oh did I hit the emergency flashers? And then upon arrival I have to get her checked in and park the car only to return to ,"where did you go?" Yep I so look forward to days with a doctor's appointment.

Tomorrow she has a doctors appointment and she wants to do some banking. OH JOY.....
It's been 4 yrs since dad and I worked hay together. He always ran the rake, me - the baler. In previous years dad would sometimes have focus issues. Meaning he'd lose focus on raking a field properly. He was like a drunk man on a tractor wandering aimlessly around the hay field, making a mess of things. The older he got the more often it'd happen.

I haven't seen him like this in a while. Today his focus was gone, had the attention span of a 5yr old. I'm complaining but my real complaint... he's losing his abilities one by one... Sad. And there is nothing I can do about it.
Peanut, that sounds like shopping with my mother. I started putting chirping cat toys in the shopping cart that made noise as the cart moved. She can't hear it but I can so I can track her down. Even before she used a riding cart, when I was a kid, she would decide she didn't want something and tell me to go put something back for her. I would make her promise to stay in that same aisle and wait for me. As soon as I got my eyes off of her she would high-tail it to the other side of the store. I would then go around and around looking all over for her. She does the same in the riding cart. I turn around for one moment and she's gone. I'm the same way with wanting afternoon appointments.
She also likes to get cookies & ice cream-- but she actually is diabetic.

Weedy, my Mom used to do that a lot as well. She'd leave us in the car and we had manual windows so we could roll them down if we got hot. We had to sit and wait while she shopped. She didn't do it when it was super hot or cold though. But nowadays people can't get away with that.

Mom has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow. It takes an hour to get there but she takes about an hour to get ready (I have no idea why because she doesn't wear makeup). So I have to get up even earlier to make sure she's up and then I have to turn the truck around so she can get in more easily. She was scheduled for an afternoon appointment but they called and said they were moving it to the morning as the doctor will be out later.
Peanut, that sounds like shopping with my mother. I started putting chirping cat toys in the shopping cart that made noise as the cart moved. She can't hear it but I can so I can track her down. Even before she used a riding cart, when I was a kid, she would decide she didn't want something and tell me to go put something back for her. I would make her promise to stay in that same aisle and wait for me. As soon as I got my eyes off of her she would high-tail it to the other side of the store. I would then go around and around looking all over for her. She does the same in the riding cart. I turn around for one moment and she's gone. I'm the same way with wanting afternoon appointments.

Quite a different story, but similar. My wife is about 4'10" when we would go to the store like WM of some clothing store, she can get inside the rack and hide from me. Took me a while to figure that out. I got to asking clerks if they saw a short women climbing in their racks? LOL
I started staying in the truck
Weedy, my Mom used to do that a lot as well. She'd leave us in the car and we had manual windows so we could roll them down if we got hot. We had to sit and wait while she shopped. She didn't do it when it was super hot or cold though. But nowadays people can't get away with that.
Really small town, in the 1950's. Life was so different then and there. She was an RN and would visit shut ins and sick people. We usually sat in the car then. No older person who was days from dying needed 4 young children in their home at that time. Everyone would have known who we were. I also know she could see us from the store when she was in there. She also bought us treats when she went in, that we would get if we were good.
Ah, my mom would leave us in the car in large parking lots where there was no way she could see us. She would shop for more than an hour and think nothing of it. I don't know if her parents left her in the car when she was a kid or not. It's something I'll have to ask. But this was in Chula Vista area so it's not like it was small town. But, we also got to run around the neighborhood unsupervised as well (that's just how things were then).

Backpacker, I loved the circular racks when I was a kid. To get back at my mom for ditching me when I put stuff back for her, I would hide in the racks. I could watch her looking for me while I was hiding and I would have a good laugh about it. Now you know why she liked to leave us in the car! LOL.

I'm still feeling cruddy. Just when I thought I was getting better I felt worse again. Getting dizzy when I am on my feet too much. Starting to get mild vertigo while playing video games that don't usually give me trouble. Had a splitting headache last night. And now my friend has pneumonia so I'm worried about him.
Can't anybody do anything right ?
That DAssery is spreading everywhere.
Got my new title for the Silverado today.

I set in the finance managers office doing paperwork , and specifically told him that the title MUST be in my name with "or" wife's name.
He says oh yeah , no problem , that's common way for married couples.

Now I gotta go to court house and get the title changed , because it's ONLY IN MY NAME...!!!
DAs .

That'll cost me money.

I'd go see the finance manager right in the middle of busy day and get very loud. Enough customers here about him screwing up will get someone moving to fix that.

I thought about that.
We go by there often.

B u t...

I got a wife that's more tolerant ....and nicer than me.

Know what I mean?

Speaking of elderly parents... (sorry in advance this may be long)
I have been taking care of my parents for the last 15 years. They haven't needed to move in, but they live close, I check in a lot, and bring them food, give them money for prescriptions, extra money if they need it, etc.
In 2014, my mom got lymphoma and we were taking her to Portland for her cancer treatments (as the oncologists here in my town are terrible). I drove her back and forth, put my parents up in a hotel, and stayed with her when they found the spot on her lung, and she had a wedge resection of her lung.
Thankfully now she is cancer free, but has a bit of cognitive impairment (brain fog) left over from chemo. She also has some neuropathy in her feet and so she trips sometimes.
She fell down the stairs in their home at the beginning of December. I called both of my brothers, as they have been basically MIA the past 15 years. We have seen them a handful of times up here, and my parents have visited maybe once a year. One lives in Reno, the other in the Sacramento area. I explained we needed to come up with a plan to either retrofit their house and make it handicap friendly, or think about moving them down south near one of them (as I am moving out of town the beginning of June and they do not want to move up north with me due to the snow, and colder climate).
Sacramento brother (we will call him SB) was nonchalant, non committal, didn't really want to get involved, didn't provide much feedback or input.
Reno brother (we will call him RB) was the exact opposite. Very gungho, said he would be happy to have my parents near him, he would do some research on wills/trusts, end of life planning etc, and then plan to come up in January to go over everything with my parents and me and SB. He had a baby born at the beginning of January, and flew in last Thurs.
So I thought, great, this is awesome...I don't have to do everything...Mind you, I have literally been doing EVERYTHING the past 15 years. This with my dad inserting himself into my marriage, telling me how to raise my kids, bad mouthing my husband, bad mouthing my parenting....he is the most overbearing man you will literally ever meet. He is a legalist Adventist that thumps you over the head with a Bible. He got mad at me when I cut my daughter's hair and pierced her ears. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Anyway, my RB came up and literally assaulted them with information. I told him before we met with our parents, that the best approach would be to just give them the lowdown, and then return the next day so they could process everything.
Well it ended up being 4 hours of arguing. Then the next day, another 4 hours of arguing, culminating in my brother yelling at my parents and me driving him back to my place. RB was discussing assisted living, senior apartments, things like this. My dad still has the idea he needs to run for the hills, despite not being able to walk 5 feet without having to sit down and catch his breath. (He has bad restrictive lung disease, but believes he is doing fine, and took himself off all his inhalers). There is no way they could take care of property, as they can barely take care of the spot of grass they have now.
During all this yelling fest on day 2, RB calls SB to make him part of the conversation. The plan then switches to them buying a travel trailer and putting it in SB's backyard. None of them have thought any of this through.
SB is happy about it as he says my mom can watch the new baby all day and it will save them $1600/mo on daycare. My mom couldn't even watch my baby for 2 hours in 2001 when he was born, and nothing has changed.
SB says he is hardly ever home. I told him dad can only see out of one eye, and mom can't drive, so how will they be able to get to appointments, etc. He said they have Uber - -- which would be great if my parents could afford that (they can't) and had a smart phone with the Uber app (they don't).
When SB's baby was born 2 months ago, he had a low blood sugar necessitating hospitalization -- a direct result of his and his wife's stupidity. His wife had gestational diabetes, and he thought it was great his baby slept through the night. I kept telling SB, NOT to let his 1 week old baby sleep through the night, and that he would need more sugar than a normal baby (ie..more feedings). Sure enough, the baby's blood sugar was 20 (should be above 80).

Bottom line is they are both so clueless SB, and my parents as to what they really need, and I believe this will end in total disaster, with me having to take extraordinary measures to get them out of an unsafe situation.
Thanks for listening. I'm just so frustrated.
Speaking of elderly parents... (sorry in advance this may be long)
I have been taking care of my parents for the last 15 years. They haven't needed to move in, but they live close, I check in a lot, and bring them food, give them money for prescriptions, extra money if they need it, etc.
In 2014, my mom got lymphoma and we were taking her to Portland for her cancer treatments (as the oncologists here in my town are terrible). I drove her back and forth, put my parents up in a hotel, and stayed with her when they found the spot on her lung, and she had a wedge resection of her lung.
Thankfully now she is cancer free, but has a bit of cognitive impairment (brain fog) left over from chemo. She also has some neuropathy in her feet and so she trips sometimes.
She fell down the stairs in their home at the beginning of December. I called both of my brothers, as they have been basically MIA the past 15 years. We have seen them a handful of times up here, and my parents have visited maybe once a year. One lives in Reno, the other in the Sacramento area. I explained we needed to come up with a plan to either retrofit their house and make it handicap friendly, or think about moving them down south near one of them (as I am moving out of town the beginning of June and they do not want to move up north with me due to the snow, and colder climate).
Sacramento brother (we will call him SB) was nonchalant, non committal, didn't really want to get involved, didn't provide much feedback or input.
Reno brother (we will call him RB) was the exact opposite. Very gungho, said he would be happy to have my parents near him, he would do some research on wills/trusts, end of life planning etc, and then plan to come up in January to go over everything with my parents and me and SB. He had a baby born at the beginning of January, and flew in last Thurs.
So I thought, great, this is awesome...I don't have to do everything...Mind you, I have literally been doing EVERYTHING the past 15 years. This with my dad inserting himself into my marriage, telling me how to raise my kids, bad mouthing my husband, bad mouthing my parenting....he is the most overbearing man you will literally ever meet. He is a legalist Adventist that thumps you over the head with a Bible. He got mad at me when I cut my daughter's hair and pierced her ears. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Anyway, my RB came up and literally assaulted them with information. I told him before we met with our parents, that the best approach would be to just give them the lowdown, and then return the next day so they could process everything.
Well it ended up being 4 hours of arguing. Then the next day, another 4 hours of arguing, culminating in my brother yelling at my parents and me driving him back to my place. RB was discussing assisted living, senior apartments, things like this. My dad still has the idea he needs to run for the hills, despite not being able to walk 5 feet without having to sit down and catch his breath. (He has bad restrictive lung disease, but believes he is doing fine, and took himself off all his inhalers). There is no way they could take care of property, as they can barely take care of the spot of grass they have now.
During all this yelling fest on day 2, RB calls SB to make him part of the conversation. The plan then switches to them buying a travel trailer and putting it in SB's backyard. None of them have thought any of this through.
SB is happy about it as he says my mom can watch the new baby all day and it will save them $1600/mo on daycare. My mom couldn't even watch my baby for 2 hours in 2001 when he was born, and nothing has changed.
SB says he is hardly ever home. I told him dad can only see out of one eye, and mom can't drive, so how will they be able to get to appointments, etc. He said they have Uber - -- which would be great if my parents could afford that (they can't) and had a smart phone with the Uber app (they don't).
When SB's baby was born 2 months ago, he had a low blood sugar necessitating hospitalization -- a direct result of his and his wife's stupidity. His wife had gestational diabetes, and he thought it was great his baby slept through the night. I kept telling SB, NOT to let his 1 week old baby sleep through the night, and that he would need more sugar than a normal baby (ie..more feedings). Sure enough, the baby's blood sugar was 20 (should be above 80).

Bottom line is they are both so clueless SB, and my parents as to what they really need, and I believe this will end in total disaster, with me having to take extraordinary measures to get them out of an unsafe situation.
Thanks for listening. I'm just so frustrated.

Dr I hate to hear the situation your in. I know it happens but sad when you really hear how bad things can be. Too bad the bros won't get off their keister and help.

My prayers are with you and the family that you can get things worked out
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