Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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After 3 weeks of waiting for parts our tractor is ready. $460 over the estimate because the part prices went up while we were waiting for them! Now if we could just get the well guy off his rump and finish installing the solar so I can quit hauling water to the steer pasture!

What repair did you need?
Well, got to get home early from work but........ Had two jobs planned today. After job one I stopped for gas (that should be the rant) and got a call from job two. Don't come, no electric, 16 year old girl down the street hit her house when she swerved off the road!😮 Nobody hurt, house doesn't look too bad, will know more later. Girl said she tried to avoid a squirrel. Anyhow, I missed some money today and had to get gas, that's the rant!! Cold beer making it all better, will go share beer and story with the donkeys!!
Well, got to get home early from work but........ Had two jobs planned today. After job one I stopped for gas (that should be the rant) and got a call from job two. Don't come, no electric, 16 year old girl down the street hit her house when she swerved off the road!😮 Nobody hurt, house doesn't look too bad, will know more later. Girl said she tried to avoid a squirrel. Anyhow, I missed some money today and had to get gas, that's the rant!! Cold beer making it all better, will go share beer and story with the donkeys!!
How did the squirrel make out?
My rant is my damn kidney stones are back and it is making my back hurt all over. My brother actually started some cleaning in the living room, but then started trying to get me to do most of the work. He stood at the window outside leaning in and had me picking things up and passing them to him. I'm glad he's making some effort but he still does the bare minimum and I had to go lie down and I need to take Naproxyn but I'm out of water in here so I will have to get back up to get it. Plus he let the dog out and Mom chewed me out thinking I let the dog out.
Still haven't found a home for the puppies and they are starting to chew on stuff. They keep pulling the cover off the recliner and I can't find the straps that were supposed to hold it on.
Also, not only has my friend's ex not moved her crap out of his house yet (she left a few things in the closet) but she's starting to bring stuff back in. He won't give her a specific move-out date because he say she doesn't want to force her to go live with the guy she cheated on him with. If she's pregnant, it's that guy's baby. Unless she was screwing other guys as well. We suspect she was hooking up with someone at work. She tried to claim she was 2 months pregnant (which would make it possible for my friend to be the father) but the ultrasound doesn't show anything- no zygote visible. Doctor said if she is pregnant than it's less than a month-- making it impossible to be my friend's. It's also possible she's having a false pregnancy. Maybe even faking it to get attention/sympathy. Her best friend just had another baby and her older sister is pregnant with a second baby.
She was incredibly pissed off when she saw we put in a new deadbolt that she doesn't have a key for. And she was crabby as hell when my friend told her he would only give her one use codes to let her in when he permitted.
She left work early claiming to feel ill (she's probably going to get fired) and came over. So he left her to watch the baby (but she just sat on the couch and played on her phone and made messes). We found her unfinished chocolate shake on the end table, a used bowl on a shelf, half-consumed drinks on another shelf-- all hers. She's been messing the place up again bc she let herself in with that stolen key. Baby was screaming and crying in his room but she was ignoring him until my brother said something to her. My friend got called in to work-- ticket machine broke and they needed him to come fix it.
She objected and told him he couldn't leave and he had to take care of the baby because she "can't deal with" him. My friend told her "too bad, have to go to work- you're his mother". He walked out and she slammed the baby on the couch, ripped his diaper off, screamed in his face, while he was crying and trying to roll away from her. He's got a rash from not having his diaper changed soon enough. She kept yelling at him and violently shoving him on his back. I told her to knock it off and sang to the baby to calm him down. That worked. Once the diaper was changed he was a bit calmer but she gave him some tylenol for babies and he happily drank it (its in liquid form).
I really hope she's not really pregnant bc she can't even take care of the one baby she has and my friend is not going to take care of the 2nd one. He can't afford it. I don't know if the potential father(s) even know(s) she is claiming to be pregnant.
I think I'm going to find out who her therapist is and give them a heads up that she's off her meds and being violent with her baby. I really think she would have hurt him if I hadn't been watching.
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I remember one time the airlines lost my sister's luggage and she spent 5hours on the phone on hold trying to get through to them about it. They did eventually find her stuff a few days later but she had to buy new clothes and stuff in the meantime.
Our new set of neighbors love their bass music too apparently. Went over and talked to the man. He’s sitting in the little garage just blasting the music. Wife and kids fresh from Mexico he said. Wife and kids don’t speak English. He does but clearly doesn’t care about the neighborhood or the neighbors. Here we go again
Well, got to get home early from work but........ Had two jobs planned today. After job one I stopped for gas (that should be the rant) and got a call from job two. Don't come, no electric, 16 year old girl down the street hit her house when she swerved off the road!😮 Nobody hurt, house doesn't look too bad, will know more later. Girl said she tried to avoid a squirrel. Anyhow, I missed some money today and had to get gas, that's the rant!! Cold beer making it all better, will go share beer and story with the donkeys!!

That is the same excuse some strung out **** gave when she hit my dad head on out in the Mojave outside the air base he was going to for work. She wasn't hurt but the impact flipped my dad's cherry mustang up in the air to end up landing upside down on the base's fence. His knee was injured and he ended up needing several surgeries over the years on that knee including a full replacement... TWICE.

That was 20-ish years ago and the mustang was one water pump away from being signed over to me to replace my Ghia.
That is the same excuse some strung out **** gave when she hit my dad head on out in the Mojave outside the air base he was going to for work. She wasn't hurt but the impact flipped my dad's cherry mustang up in the air to end up landing upside down on the base's fence. His knee was injured and he ended up needing several surgeries over the years on that knee including a full replacement... TWICE.

That was 20-ish years ago and the mustang was one water pump away from being signed over to me to replace my Ghia.
In this case, no signs of trying to brake, hit the side of the house not the front. Kinda wonder!
In this case, no signs of trying to brake, hit the side of the house not the front. Kinda wonder!

The twit that hit my dad didn't brake either. She just drifted into the oncoming lanes going 80 and hit the only car on the road- my dad. After this went to court they found out she was coming home to L.A. from a rave in the desert. It was like 3-4 am and she was high as a kite.

My dad is a night owl and does his best work at night. I am the same way but have had to change my habits for the kids.
On hold for 3 hrs now. I'm going to bed. If this stupid music is still playing when I wake up I'm not sure if I'm going to be mad or not. I mean I don't want to miss the rep when they finally answer but then again I'm not getting up until 9 or so, it is 3 am after all....

Got disconnected sometime while I was asleep, maybe they finally picked up and heard hubby snoring... 😂 They called me back at 6am. Finally got everything taken care of and fell back to sleep.
@zannej - My dad gets kidney stones, and I had a kidney infection once. Pain is off the charts. I feel for you.

Sorry your brother does minimal effort. How old is he? My brother was like that in his 20s, but he's a hard worker now.

All the ex-girlfriend drama must be so aggravating. I know she's not your ex-girlfriend, but to have to be around that would drive me nuts. And I think it's a good idea to report her for being violent with the baby. That baby is your friend's baby, too or no? Is he is did you tell him how she behaved? That's a CPS case right there.


My rant for the day is how much I hate phones. And talking on them. The Humira nurse keeps calling me to see how I'm doing and I'm just feeling really antisocial and don't want to talk to her. She nice and I get it's her job, but I have nothing to say and she asks me all the time "any questions". No, I know how to do the injections. I'm good. But she's calling me Friday when my next shot is up to walk me through the process and tell me how things can go wrong etc. I've already jammed myself in the leg three times with these things. Where were you on Day 1?

Mom told me to make sure I take the calls so the insurance company doesn't cut off the Humira. In case she like reports back that I'm non-compliant or something.

If she came out in a face-to-face visit, I'd be fine with it, but I hate the phone. She wanted to do a tele-visit call and see me and talk to me face-to-face that way, but no. I'm not doing that. I just say I don't have the gadgets and hardware for it. There's something about it that I just. . .I don't like the idea of televisits. See me in person. Or we'll just talk on the phone, but I hate the phone.

And there's this awful delay between her phone and my phone. So I stop talking and then there's this long awkward pause before she responds.

Okay I'm done.
Katie, My brother is 42. He's the baby of the family and was always spoiled. One of his teachers once commented that he seems to think if he ignores things that they will just go away. When he was little and didn't do his homework, Mom would do it for him so he wouldn't get failing grades. Plus she didn't want him to get paddled at school and they paddled kids for failure to do homework. Since corporal punishment is allowed in schools here still and using belts and paddles on kids is allowed, CPS turns a blind eye to physical abuse unless it causes serious injury and leaves marks. I knew people who bragged about beating the crap out of their kids in public & CPS just told them "don't do it in front of people" and then nothing more. The baby is likely not my friend's since his ex was cheating on him with multiple guys but he takes responsibility. Unfortunately, he was abused as a kid and grew up in a violent household so he doesn't see it as abuse. I really think the baby might be better off in foster care, but then, his ex was raised in foster care and her adopted mom was violent with her and the other kids. The cycle of violence just keeps continuing.

I'm going to encourage my friend to get a hidden security camera in the house to film his ex to see how she treats the baby when no one is looking. If he catches her being abusive then it can be submitted to CPS and have actual proof bc nowadays they don't care about witness statements.

I hate talking on the phone too. I somehow got my handset on mute so I don't hear the ringing anymore but the phone ringing aggravates me. I don't get cell signal in my room so my cellphone doesn't ring when I'm in here. 99.9% of the calls we get are spam anyway.

I don't even like face-to-face visits that much. I'd rather type on a keyboard. LOL. But then, I'm not really a people person. People drain my energy and aggravate me.
So, all of a sudden my brother's wireless adapter died-- barely had it a month and now the landline died. No signal. I don't think the puppies chewed the cord or anything. About to hit up AT&T's repair chat.
My brother is having an absolute temper tantrum about his internet going out.
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