Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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From an old software cobbler, why use a dedicated piece of software? I would just use Libre Office Data Base or even a word processor like Libre Office Writer.
If it is a management program that tracks breeding a database would work fine. If it is just a record of the animals you have and the medical records then a word processor should be easy. Your Windows office platform options will likely work too. (although the open source software I use can be installed on windows machines too)
Sounds like it is the employer's/manager's fault for letting them act like that unchecked.

DoubleR, I feel you on things changing without need. I have to login to use Microsoft Office now. And they make you buy a subscription for it. I've had the problem of things being disabled. I had an AT&T signal booster thing that was $400. It connected to their gateways etc. It let me get calls inside briefly. Then one day it stopped working with no warning. Called their support and after a very long wait I was told they deactivated the gateway, no longer supported the hardware, and that I would have to pay $800 for a newer booster (it had a different name but I can't remember what it was called) in order to have something working. Needless to say, I was not pleased.

Right now I'm hoping they will launch more Starlink satellites and I need to figure out where to move my dish to get around the obstruction. Either forward or backward. My friend thinks backward would work. We'll have to see though. I may need for him to stand on the roof with the dish and walk with it to see where the best signal with no interruptions is. He's offered to climb that 50ft tower to put the dish on top but we would need a longer cable to connect it.
Work. Not allowed to correct other co-workers, only the 2 bosses can. Rules apparently don’t apply, employees can go way outside of the boundaries. I wanna work where old people like myself work.
Everything is so different now a days! I'm glad to see when "younger" people, (or I should say anyone) have jobs, so many people won't even work anymore! I'm glad I'm the age I am and grew up when working was the thing to do!
The float thing continues to jam and my friend hasn't had a chance to come help. Part of the reason was his ex has been stressing him out. She's pregnant from the other guy but is trying to claim the baby is my friend's. He knows there is not even a chance with this one though. She only took her meds briefly and stopped so she's acting psycho again.
The woman he likes has been letting her stay over since her own brother & sister-in-law won't let her stay with them (despite having stayed in my friend's house for about 5 months not paying bills). They can't sand her and she's nasty to their kids. But, the woman's brother (who is renting the house with her) *hates* my friend's ex. She hocks up loogies and spits them on the floor, leaves gum all over, opens a drink bottle or can, take a few sips, and then leaves it. Makes huge messes in the kitchen. Uses metal utensils in teflon and scrapes it off, doesn't rinse dishes she uses and leaves her stuff all over the place. Spills stuff on the floor and doesn't clean it up. She's only been there a week and was supposed to be allowed to stay a month while she got stuff together but was told she has to leave by the end of this week.
Anyway we were over visiting my friend when the nice woman (let's call her Cheryl- not her real name) and his ex (let's call her Samantha-- also not real name) saw Cheryl's vehicle in the driveway and started laying on the horn. Which she knows my friend hates. She wanted Cheryl to park somewhere else but after being told "no" she parked behind my friend's car to box him in. Her son had already been picked up by her adopted mother and she knew it but she was pretending to be there to see him. After being told he wasn't there and to go away, she walked in and acted like she owned the place. Went and got a bottle of water out, sat in my friend's computer chair (which she isn't allowed to do and my friend told her to move).
She then sat in a way to try to keep my friend away from Cheryl. My friend and Cheryl were looking at things on his computer and finding new screensavers and stuff. Samantha was losing her mind about her being there and claimed to have a SNAP appointment (which isn't until Thursday) and said they needed to leave. Cheryl was helping her fill out paperwork for HUD. She was saying it just to get her away from my friend. So, they left, we watched videos and chatted. They got back about an hour later. Cheryl was hungry and went home to get some food to eat. Invited us if we wanted. I wanted to get home to take medicine and nap bc I wasn't feeling great. Told my friend he could come with but then remembered we needed to unload stuff from the truck to make room in the back seat. He said it was ok, started zipping his jacket to go outside because he didn't want to be stuck with Samantha alone and he won't tell her to get out. So she starts getting a panicked tone and demanded to know where he was going. He told her he was going to get something to eat and walked out the door. She chased after him ordering him to stop and talk to her and why was he leaving and he told her he didn't want to deal with her bs and she was already starting stuff with her tone. She wanted to know where he was getting food and he said "Subway" but as he crossed the street she absolutely shrieked "YOU'RE GOING TOWARD CHERYL'S!!!!" and started freaking out. He had planned to drive and she wanted to ride with him but he said he wanted to get away from her and she was parked behind him. She started screaming "Come back right now! I'll move my car!" but he old her "no" and kept walking. She then started spinning around in a panic. We got in the truck (my brother and I) and I started backing out and could see her freaking out before chasing after him. Didn't see what happened after that. She's not going to leave him alone unless she finds someone who is a better caregiver for her but she's such a b*** that nobody wants to put up with her. Now that the guy she left him for got what he wanted out of her he's not being as nice (although I'm sure she is lying about some of it).
She's already had 2 months to pack up her stuff. I've told my friend that if he gives her a specific date and she doesn't have her crap out, I will get a contractor bag, pack her stuff up, and put it out on the porch.
She will not let him date anyone else even though she knows he can't stand her.

Meanwhile, my brother was told that the only way to get the bogus misdemeanor ticket charges dropped would be to get an attorney and that he should be able to get a court appointed one. So we went to apply for one and was told that he has to get a judge appointed attorney. At the time of his arraignment over 2 years ago they denied him a public attorney bc it was before he got laid off and he still had an income. This time they said he should qualify BUT he has to wait until his court date to request an attorney and then reschedule court dates so he can be represented or see if he can get the charges dropped. Told the woman working in the office (who handles paperwork) what really happened and she said it should be dropped in that situation and not to worry. We'll have to see how it goes. The only other witness (that the cops refused to take a statement from) still lives with the accuser and he has influence over her. So my brother isn't sure how accurately she remembers what happened. The other guy lied to the cops in his statement.
Leaving town last evening after dark... I'm on a state hwy, mostly flat with long straights. A car was behind me, not a cop so I set my cruise for 62mph. The car had cruise control too, matched my speed exactly. This car wasn't close enough to alarm me, a little closer than is legal and close enough to be slightly annoying... for 10miles. Almost no traffic on the road. And he has to follow closely behind me?

I didn't want to slow down so I gave them my "tipsy wine with dinner routine" slight weaving, just touching the white lines. Hoped they'd pass me, didn't work. Next I tried the old "angry guy on a cell phone routine". They backed off a little, finally. Guess they figured drunk and angry deserves distance. :rolleyes:

People who do that annoy the carp out of me. There was absolutely no reason for it. Did they think being 50ft closer to me will save 100 milliseconds on their journey? Putz! Want to drive the same speed as me, great! Drop back a little and be safe. :mad:
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My truck and my wife's Toyota have adaptive cruise control. When we come up to another vehicle ours will slow down to match the speed of the one in front. It's good is you are one of those drivers that don't pay attention for the rest of us it's annoying.
When I get a tailgater I just slow down until they get enough and pass me. Sometime I have to slow down to half the posted limit but it always works. I do not speed back up and tailgate them after they pass.
Leaving town last evening after dark... I'm on a state hwy, mostly flat with long straights. A car was behind me, not a cop so I set my cruise for 62mph. The car had cruise control too, matched my speed exactly. This car wasn't close enough to alarm me, a little closer than is legal and close enough to be slightly annoying... for 10miles. Almost no traffic on the road. And he has to follow closely behind me?

I didn't want to slow down so I gave them my "tipsy wine with dinner routine" slight weaving, just touching the white lines. Hoped they'd pass me, didn't work. Next I tried the old "angry guy on a cell phone routine". They backed off a little, finally. Guess they figured drunk and angry deserves distance. :rolleyes:

People who do that annoy the carp out of me. There was absolutely no reason for it. Did they think being 50ft closer to me will save 100 milliseconds on their journey? Putz! Want to drive the same speed as me, great! Drop back a little and be safe. :mad:
They drafting off of you to save on gas. ;)

I slow down and pull over to get them to pass.

I didn’t want to slow down last night, was tired, set my cruise and relaxed. So I had to dig into the bag of tricks to get the guy to back off or pass me.

Many years ago I went to work in LA. Another engineer was assigned to show me around to many of our job sites. This guy grew up in LA, learned to drive there. On the highway he was a master with traffic, also a master at manipulating other drivers around him. It wasn’t a science with him, he took it to an art form. He had dozens of little tricks for endless traffic situations. I only remember a few.

Last night, if the “angry cell phone call” didn’t work my next trick was going to be the old reliable “bee in my car” routine. That one always works on tailgaters! 😁
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I didn’t want to slow down last night, was tired, set my cruise and relaxed. So I had to dig into the bag of tricks to get the guy to back off or pass me.

Many years ago I went to work in LA. Another engineer was assigned to show me around to many of our job sites. This guy grew up in LA, learned to drive there. On the highway he was a master with traffic, also a master at manipulating other drivers around him. It wasn’t a science with him, he took it to an art form. He had dozens of little tricks for endless traffic situations. I only remember a few.

Last night, if the “angry cell phone call” didn’t work my next trick was going to be the old reliable “bee in my car” routine. That one always works on tailgaters! 😁
I was cared for for in Spain and had an Israeli tax driver advise me in Jerusalem.

I was behind someone who couldn't make up their mind what speed to go and it was raining pretty hard. I'm used to driving in heavy rain so I can go full speed limit without problem. I was a safe distance behind but this person kept slowing down and speeding up. I would slow down and speed up. Kept getting annoyed bc I had to take it off cruise control. I wanted to pass him to get him to knock it off but there was an 18wheeler in the left lane going under speed limit and I couldn't get around him.

My friend's ex did not catch up with him. She apparently gave up and went back inside his house. We went o see him today but she was there and he wasn't so we left. My mother really hates her. Tomorrow we're putting a new deadbolt on his front door since she stole one of the keys and keeps letting herself in to use his electricity, water, internet, and eat his food & drinks. She's applied for HUD housing and publicly announced on FB that she's pregnant to get attention. Last time she pulled the "I'm pregnant" lie to get him to take her back and it worked. He's not falling for it this time. I need to find the number of her old therapist to give them a heads up bc she's off her meds and they said she's not allowed to have custody of a child/baby when off her meds as she's a danger to herself and others. If she carries to term they may have to take the baby away from her for its own safety. This is assuming she's not lying again.
Water bill. Shouldn't the current (just taken)reading be higher than last months reading? My bill is $5,893 for the month. For the last 4 years it has been $57 a month.
I wish they would just get it straight! I wish they would take the meter apart, dry and re-seal it.
That sounds like they just got around to reading your meter after 4 years and they made a correction. If they were undercharging you for 4 years you may be that far in the hole.
For your sake I hope not. A $6000 water bill would be difficult.
If it accumulated over four years due to the fault of the company they have to allow you four years to make it up with no interest or late fees.
Make them prove the bill and then divide it by 48 and that is what you pay per month. If they threaten you tell them you are willing to go to court and you will request that they pay court fees and legal costs because it is their fault.
Snappy, that sounds like what the local water company started doing to people in my area after a hurricane and several problems with their 100yr old pump (it is literally 100yrs old). They had to make repairs on (instead of replacing it) and all of the bills went up. My friend was charged over $1000 for his bill and he wasn't even using that much. His bill had been around $60 a month before and it kept going up and up.
If it accumulated over four years due to the fault of the company they have to allow you four years to make it up with no interest or late fees.
Make them prove the bill and then divide it by 48 and that is what you pay per month. If they threaten you tell them you are willing to go to court and you will request that they pay court fees and legal costs because it is their fault.
Walk down to their office with your paperwork and tell them that if they don't fix it, you will flash it in front of every newscaster you can find. 😳
It is 100% obvious that they screwed up bigtime, and they DO NOT want to explain it with a microphone stuffed in their face.gaah
p.s. Any news person would love to have that story on their news😍
Water bill. Shouldn't the current (just taken)reading be higher than last months reading? My bill is $5,893 for the month. For the last 4 years it has been $57 a month.
I wish they would just get it straight! I wish they would take the meter apart, dry and re-seal it.

Dry a water meter? I’m obviously missing something in your post.


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If it accumulated over four years due to the fault of the company they have to allow you four years to make it up with no interest or late fees.
Make them prove the bill and then divide it by 48 and that is what you pay per month. If they threaten you tell them you are willing to go to court and you will request that they pay court fees and legal costs because it is their fault.

A normal bill for residential is 57.15 a month. I do not have a leak. My bill was correct for about 3 years and then supposedly, they changed software--last August, I think. I keep every receipt I get and will use them if I need to. Every month, they have fixed it. We will see what happens today.
Condensation. It's City property.
I understand now. It is not unusual for the meter head to have condensation like yours.

Water meters (the base, the part water flows though, not the head) slow up (under read) with age. If they replace the entire meter I wouldn’t be surprise if your bill increases somewhat.

Water Utility did a software upgrade. Someone typed too many zeros when moving your account or your account data was corrupted during the upgrade.
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Keep us posted @Terri9630! Hoping it’s all done soon and no more price increases.
That reminds me! Thank goodness our trailer price is now locked in! Can you imagine how much it would have gone up in fuel for the delivery fee. Thinking they won’t be making money off this trailer delivery at this point.

Hubbys picking it up tomorrow. $2960.. :(
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