Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My car doesn't like the uber cold as it decided to be a jerk this morning in the snow so I ordered dinner from Door Dash.

The Door Dasher (delivery person) stole my food and Roo's!

I got the rest of it but the security seal the take-out place puts on their door dash orders was broken and I got three containers not four. (my entire meal and Roo's orange chicken were gone) I ran out to ask the dasher about the missing container and they sped off as I got to their car. Tires screeching and everything!

I called Door Dash about the problem. I am getting a refund for my order BUT I want that guy fired! They are in their words ESCALATING the issue with the dasher. That tells me they have other complaints about the thug!

Now I know why they call these types of jobs 'side HUSTLES'.
If the guy doesn't get fired I would make sure he never has a chance to spit in my food.
I've heard of complaints of doordash people breaking seals to put in flyers for weight loss programs in McDonalds orders. The stealing is even worse though. Especially since they broke the seal. We don't even have doordash stuff here. I'm sure there would be tons of theft if there were though. Those delivery things don't pay the drivers well so some of them think its ok to steal food from customers.

Meanwhile, my poor dog Princess is so sad about her boyfriend being taken home. I wish I had waited longer to let them know he'd come back. She's been looking out the window waiting for him. They were both so distraught when the family came to take him away. He managed to escape several times and kept trying to run away. Princess was following him and jumping up on the truck and chasing after so they stopped to let me pick her up and take her inside. The man was pretty mean to him-- yelling at him and calling him all sorts of names. The girl was nice but was upset. They said they keep him chained up outside in their yard. No wonder he wanted to stay at my place with his girlfriend and ability to come into the house and sleep in dog beds. I'm sorely tempted not to let them know if he manages to come back again. At least not right away. The man said he was worried they would run out in the roads and get run over. I understand that. I assured him that they were mostly staying in the yard and coming inside the house.

Meanwhile, that damn float lever jammed again. Ugh. And I'm feeling sick and had to cancel my dental appointment this morning.
It's probably from mom's drug use, I'm sure. But they still do not brush their teeth much.
I knew a woman who loaded her children's toothbrushes with toothpaste and then they could see who had brushed or not. I had never heard of this before or even considered it, because my daughter is kind of a fanatic about tooth brushing.
Today I had to call Verizon AGAIN! They increased my bill 4 months ago and used sleazy lies to "change me to a better plan" without price increases. Yeah, not so much. Same plan, with 1 GIG more data (that I don't need) and increased the price. I called b/c the price we had was too high initially, so they just increased it more. Ug! I've called every month after I've gotten my bill for the past 4 months in a row. But THIS time they guy says it's fixed. We're back to our old plan even though for the past 3 months I was told we couldn't go back to the old plan. LOL! Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it......next month. I'm quite well anticipating to be disappointed yet again.

After June when my agreement is up with the one phone I had to add, I'm probably going to switch to Patriot Mobile, Consumer Cellular, or some other company. Verizon has pizzed me off. I just don't know how to get hubs contacts transferred from his current phone to a different one on a different network. He has a ton of contacts in his phone (work and personal) and it would take forever to manually transfer it all over. My phone....not so much. I have maybe 20 contacts in there and it's a flip phone that I hardly ever use. I just need another cheap flip phone that hardly gets used. If Patriot Mobile or Consumer Cellular has excellent customer service with someone who is not from India who lies constantly, I'm all for it.
Verizon doesn't work in my area. We are stuck with AT&T as the only thing. None of the other services have signal. Although, today there was no network coverage in town from AT&T. I tried to call my vet's office to check on my cat. No service. I rebooted my phone. Still the same thing. My brother tried. No service. Rebooted. Same thing. Tried wifi calling-- said I needed a "valid" home address. Rejected my address as invalid. My phone has 4gLTE so it should not have been cut off from working when the got rid of 3g. My brother got signal briefly on the way home but then it dropped again.
They did the same thing where they said that our plan would be less expensive but then it was higher and they jacked it up again. I got a text from them informing me that they were suspending some discount due to "recent changes" to our plan. But we hadn't changed anything in over a year. I asked "what changes?" Never got a reply. Also got notice that we were nearing our usage limit but we have unlimited*. Will have to talk to them. I hope I won't have to get a new phone. I wish the Samsung S22 Ultra 1TB version wasn't so expensive and wasn't so large. I want a more compact one with the camera options of the Ultra. S21 Ultra has same camera specs but the are only selling them refurbished now. Refurbished one with 512gb was $1300. No thanks. If I ever get another phone, it's going to be unlocked so I can change carriers if more become available.

I think part of the problem is that airports claimed that 5G towers were interfering with communications and demanded all cell towers within 5 miles of an airport had to be shut down. There is a private airport in my own that got $1million of the infrastructure tax dollars. Apparently the mayor and some of the affluent people in town & surrounding area who use the airport for their private planes lobbied. It benefits no one else though and the roads are full of pot holes still.

When my brother went to Japan, they had highspeed phone service with unlimited data and very low rates that visitors could "rent". And they charge more to tourists than to locals. They were shocked about how bad the service is in the US.
Not a rant, well maybe it is. Surgery went well, any they even included a ball velcro'ed to my sling. Too bad I no longer have a dog that I could play catch with!
Today I had to call Verizon AGAIN! They increased my bill 4 months ago and used sleazy lies to "change me to a better plan" without price increases. Yeah, not so much. Same plan, with 1 GIG more data (that I don't need) and increased the price. I called b/c the price we had was too high initially, so they just increased it more. Ug! I've called every month after I've gotten my bill for the past 4 months in a row. But THIS time they guy says it's fixed. We're back to our old plan even though for the past 3 months I was told we couldn't go back to the old plan. LOL! Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it......next month. I'm quite well anticipating to be disappointed yet again.

After June when my agreement is up with the one phone I had to add, I'm probably going to switch to Patriot Mobile, Consumer Cellular, or some other company. Verizon has pizzed me off. I just don't know how to get hubs contacts transferred from his current phone to a different one on a different network. He has a ton of contacts in his phone (work and personal) and it would take forever to manually transfer it all over. My phone....not so much. I have maybe 20 contacts in there and it's a flip phone that I hardly ever use. I just need another cheap flip phone that hardly gets used. If Patriot Mobile or Consumer Cellular has excellent customer service with someone who is not from India who lies constantly, I'm all for it.
My first cell phone was with Verizon. I ditched them in 2005. I could not get service when I was in Iowa, North or South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska. When we get used to having service, we expect we will have it when we need it. Nope! I had a burner phone for a few years after that.

If I needed to go to one of their shops, I had to sign up on a list and wait for an hour, with no place to sit while waiting.
I always remember reading about how in Germany they were using the paper money to paper the walls because it was worthless and how Scarlett O'Hara just looked at her pa's Confederate money because it was worthless. Silver and gold have been viable currency for 1000s of years.
In Weimar Germany it was cheaper to burn the money than to buy coal, talk about hyper inflation. I've heard it said that one silver dime may buy a loaf of bread in the times ahead. At one time in this country, gold and silver were Constitutional money, the Federal Reserve money we now use is based on debt.
Not a rant, well maybe it is. Surgery went well, any they even included a ball velcro'ed to my sling. Too bad I no longer have a dog that I could play catch with!View attachment 81172

Dang, hope your healing good. I'm assuming the doctors were pleased with the surgery.

Take it easy buddy.

My biggest rant is trying to type one handed, and how many have practiced brushing your teeth with your weak hand? I get to shower tomorrow, but haven't figured out how to manage that one yet? Thanks for all's concerns. just like everyone else here, crap happens. Save your prayers for Tank Girl.
Havasu, I hope you heal quickly. What is the ball for?

I've been having to break up fights. Cats have been staying inside more bc of the cold so they've been getting crabby with each other. Senator Snugglebum is one of the worst instigators. Although, he can often be very sweet. He normally terrorizes his sister, Lady Sylvanas, but yesterday he licked her forehead.

Float lever is now jamming at least 2x a day. Ugh. Someone suggested raising the switch higher so there is less room for the top of the rod to move sideways. Will have to try that.

Absolute worst case I can cover the existing hole, drill a new hole, mount the switch to the old mount and see if that works. Smaller hole to allow less movement of the rod but not tight enough to bind it.
Ever get tangled up in the covers & have a hard time getting out of bed?
Mom woke me from my nap wanting food and not only was my body not having it, my covers had to fight me. One got wrapped around my left leg, another was on my right. Cat was on top of my covers on the right and kept climbing back on when I pushed him off to try to free my leg. The mattress sunk in where I sleep so I was in a pit and having a hard time trying to sit up and legs being tangled didn't help. A bottle of krill oil gels rolled behind me and got in the way when I tried to sit upright. I went to toss it aside (not knowing what it was). It opened up and spilled out all around and under me, so then I had to scoop the gels up and make sure I didn't miss any. Then I grabbed some socks to put on. Started sliding to the edge of the bed and got my arm tangled in blankets and lost the socks. I spent over 5min just trying to get out of my damn bed. By the time I got out I was sweating and exhausted. Lower back and head hurt. Took a naprosyn to see i it will help.
I hope you both heal up quickly.

Friend couldn't come check on the pump because he got called in to work. Some sort of system wouldn't boot up & they couldn't process credit cards.

Getting frustrated because AT&T says my phone should still be getting network signal but its getting nothing no matter where I go. Won't even let me make emergency calls (good thing no emergencies). And the bill has been very inconsistent. They have been overcharging us for things and have reset my brother's phone as the primary one on the account so military discount doesn't apply. The bill was supposed to be under $100 a month but it has been over $160 a month instead. That is not including the landline that they doubled the price on. I am just about done with this company. I spent 30min on hold on the phone trying to talk to someone before I hung up. I waited 3 hours for a response on Twitter. I had to threaten to switch to T-Mobile to get their attention.
I used to think idiots should have to identify themselves in public. You know a wrist band or tattoo on their forehead or something. Now I see people walking alone in the fresh air wearing a mask. Careful what you wish for I guess.🙄
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I told my finance guy I wanted to build a house on the farm in the next 24 months & he said his guy could run the spics for me. I told one guy & now I am getting phone calls, letters & emails.
Now my 2005 truck died & I going to look at replacing it, sooooo I will have to do the song & dance with the car people now.
At least life is not boring.
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