Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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You know its time to hibernate a week when:
You feel the searing agony of a kidney stone working its way out, and when
your feet hit the floor, you realize you're having a gout attack as well! then on the
way back to bed, you grab a cookie and bite down, and a walnut hits the one bad
tooth in your head! then when you lie down, you spill Mountain dew into your pistol,
you look down to grab a rag and realize the cat left you a "present" on your new shirt
before you chucked him out for the night!

What did I do? Somebody has been saving my karma again!
I've had a bicep tendon tear for the last 3 months. The surgeon gave me a cortisone shot and said I should be better. the shot did absolutely nothing. I met with the surgeon again yesterday, I told him, if anything, my shoulder/bicep has become worse these last 3 months. He admitted being a very conservative surgeon. Well, with that, I said, "that's fine", "just release me and I will go to Kerlan Jobe", the So Cal sports specialists who have done 8 surgeries on my knees. With me saying that, he saw his "cash cow" disappearing quickly. so he said, "want me to perform surgery in one week?" I said if he can stop this pain, I am game. So now I'm slated for shoulder, bicep tendon repair surgery in one week. I hope I didn't upset an inexperienced doctor, but since he is the head of orthopedic surgeries for the largest Trauma Level One hospital in the area, I hope he knows his stuff. Surgery # 9, here I come!
You know its time to hibernate a week when:
You feel the searing agony of a kidney stone working its way out, and when
your feet hit the floor, you realize you're having a gout attack as well! then on the
way back to bed, you grab a cookie and bite down, and a walnut hits the one bad
tooth in your head! then when you lie down, you spill Mountain dew into your pistol,
you look down to grab a rag and realize the cat left you a "present" on your new shirt
before you chucked him out for the night!

What did I do? Somebody has been saving my karma again!
Sounds like a rough night.
I worked with a guy who would get bouts of gout. Isn't it agitated by diet? I think his drinking caused him problems, but there are probably other things that bother it.
Amish_Heart, I think the little one may have interpreted throwing away her "gifts" as taking something away. But it sounds like she's gotten over it now.

Magus, I hope the kidney stone passes soon and that you can get something done about that tooth. My filling on my root canal was supposed to last 5yrs w/o a crown. Its been about a year and it already chipped. But I'm seeing the dentist again in 4 days so maybe she can address it. I hate to have to shell out $1200 for a crown though. Ugh. Really didn't want to do that but may have to in order to keep the rest of the tooth from breaking.

Havasu, I hope the surgery goes well and that you heal up quickly.

I've still been tired and unproductive. Had sinus headache pretty bad for a few days and lost track of time. Internet is saying there's an obstruction that didn't show when we were installing so we have to make the pole taller to clear it. Waiting on an adapter and planning to get a thicker pole. Still waiting on Viasat to send the box to return stuff.
My husband is not into PM's either. He says you can't eat them. I get that. I just buy more food.
I always remember reading about how in Germany they were using the paper money to paper the walls because it was worthless and how Scarlett O'Hara just looked at her pa's Confederate money because it was worthless. Silver and gold have been viable currency for 1000s of years.
I'm thinking barter, along with spices, alcohol, meds, etc
It may be proverbs...

A wise man (or woman) goes into his storehouse and beings forth treasures both old and new.

Adding my twist...

A storehouse is not a random pile of stuff but rather an organized quiver of arrows suited to slay life's challenges.

. My filling on my root canal was supposed to last 5yrs w/o a crown. Its been about a year and it already chipped. But I'm seeing the dentist again in 4 days so maybe she can address it. I hate to have to shell out $1200 for a crown though. Ugh. Really didn't want to do that but may have to in order to keep the rest of the tooth from breaking.
I've paid $1200 for a crown before, naaa pocketchange!!!
Went to the dentist a year ago to get an estimate to get my teeth fixed: $8,553.
I got one fixed.
For everything else, there's Mastercard! :thumbs:
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I've paid $1200 for a crown before, naaa pocketchange!!!
Went to the dentist a year ago to get an estimate to get my teeth fixed: $8,553.
I got one fixed.
For everything else, there's Mastercard! :thumbs: View attachment 80806
Get another estimate. Hubs just got one and I'm sure it was less than $2,000. It's still pricy.....but it kinda sounds like quite a bargain now. WOW!
Get another estimate. Hubs just got one and I'm sure it was less than $2,000. It's still pricy.....but it kinda sounds like quite a bargain now. WOW!
About 9 months ago...

I spent about $3000 and had all o my funky teeth pulled. For the price of if a crown or 3 I am free of a dentist!

I need a knife to cut up garlic Peanuts apples...to eat harder stuff....

Bottom line..

Its cheaper to toss than to keep.

About 9 months ago...

I spent about $3000 and had all o my funky teeth pulled. For the price of if a crown or 3 I am free of a dentist!

I need a knife to cut up garlic Peanuts apples...to eat harder stuff....

Bottom line..

Its cheaper to toss than to keep.

Yup. mine are half gone now. fillings and crowns can wreck your day when you're least ready!
I've paid $1200 for a crown before, naaa pocketchange!!!
Went to the dentist a year ago to get an estimate to get my teeth fixed: $8,553.
I got one fixed.
For everything else, there's Mastercard! :thumbs: View attachment 80806

I've forgotten how many root channels the wife has had done. She's paid to have them done!

Me? There where two teeth the Dentist recommend $$$ to "fix" them. Teeth in question aren't visible when I smile or talk and cheaper to pull them. Pull them! Then he started talking about setting up an appointment for me to be fitted for implant to fill the empty spots. No thank you.
I took mom to the doc to get the staples out of her head and was shocked at her 15lb weight loss. She says she wants to be very skinny. She hates fat people, says they're ugly. Took her to the lab for her blood draw, took her home and found an empty yogurt cup that she's putting her pills in that she doesn't feel like taking because they look ugly. So the nurse will now be by three times a day to watch her swallow them. Grandkids at the dentist all morning with husband. Little granddaughter done. Older granddaughter had a root canal. She needs to go back in numerous more times for the crown and for the 14 fillings. Grandson needs 11, and had 4 done today. They are too old to be making me watch them brush their teeth.
I took mom to the doc to get the staples out of her head and was shocked at her 15lb weight loss. She says she wants to be very skinny. She hates fat people, says they're ugly. Took her to the lab for her blood draw, took her home and found an empty yogurt cup that she's putting her pills in that she doesn't feel like taking because they look ugly. So the nurse will now be by three times a day to watch her swallow them. Grandkids at the dentist all morning with husband. Little granddaughter done. Older granddaughter had a root canal. She needs to go back in numerous more times for the crown and for the 14 fillings. Grandson needs 11, and had 4 done today. They are too old to be making me watch them brush their teeth.
Amish, the kids may have poor brushing habits, but it could also be something out of their control. Something acquired from either parent, possibly a medicine or drug taken. The dentist may be able to apply sealants to help.
Amish, the kids may have poor brushing habits, but it could also be something out of their control. Something acquired from either parent, possibly a medicine or drug taken. The dentist may be able to apply sealants to help.
I thought of this as well. Sometimes poor nutrition and other things during pregnancy and early childhood can damage teeth or not help teeth develop correctly. I worked with a woman who could bite into something soft and break teeth.
I have a friend who has bad teeth due to malnourishment and abuse as a child (he was punched in the face and beaten by some of his drug-addled mother's boyfriends). She used to trade food stamps for drugs so he would go hungry so his teeth are in bad shape. Another friend had his teeth broken in a wreck.
My teeth are bad from genetics on my father's side.
Pulling might not sound so bad if you don't have extra roots on your teeth. Another genetic thing is that our teeth all have extra roots that spread wide to make it a lot harder to pull our teeth.
The one I need a crown on had extra roots that made it hard to do the root canal and he ended up not leaving much tooth trying to get the last root. It's only a small chip (from a bone that wasn't supposed to be in something boneless) but it's annoying and I don't want the rest of the tooth to fall apart. The $1200 is before tax- which is about 10%. Still better than $5k my mother's insurance paid for her to get her teeth worked on years ago.
Fedex mis-delivered my package from Sam's yesterday and didn't bother to put it online in their notes that the person who received it called them to say it was misdelivered and wanted them to come get it. So this time the poor Fedex lady actually rang the doorbell to make sure she had the right address. 50lbs of cat food. Felt bad for her.
And last night there was a very very bad wreck in town (fortunately, I wasn't anywhere near it). Some woman blew through town 100mph in a stolen vehicle. Power pole got hit and multiple parked cars in a parking lot were hit. One car got flipped over. People are idiots.
Meanwhile, the float lever on my cistern keeps jamming sideways. It has jammed every day this week. I was looking for one of my cats last night, heard the pump running and found the rod was sideways and stuck again. It's incredibly frustrating bc now I have to check it multiple times per day. I need a better float system bc this is not working.
My car doesn't like the uber cold as it decided to be a jerk this morning in the snow so I ordered dinner from Door Dash.

The Door Dasher (delivery person) stole my food and Roo's!

I got the rest of it but the security seal the take-out place puts on their door dash orders was broken and I got three containers not four. (my entire meal and Roo's orange chicken were gone) I ran out to ask the dasher about the missing container and they sped off as I got to their car. Tires screeching and everything!

I called Door Dash about the problem. I am getting a refund for my order BUT I want that guy fired! They are in their words ESCALATING the issue with the dasher. That tells me they have other complaints about the thug!

Now I know why they call these types of jobs 'side HUSTLES'.
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