Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Sorry you're having such issues @Amish Heart it's tough with family...

Gripe - The poor quality consumer goods we all deal with is bad enough. But I hate when they sneak one past me.

I had to dig into my bathroom vanity today and found an pkg of new scotchbrite yellow sponges. They have a green scrub pad on one surface. They were several years old, at least 10.

I noticed right away how much better the old ones were in comparison current ones, they even cleaned things better. I'm sure they were cheaper then too. Yet another carppy item to add to the list of carp at the store.

Grip 2 - I really hate doing something dumb... lol. I sat here in the light of my moniter and my tv. I have a kitchen timer with a magnet. I had it by my chair while I timed dinner. It was really cruddy from being stuck to the stove when I fry things.

I used a paper towel to clean it with a little water, didn't work. Even used monitor cleaner... It wasn't helping... Then I realized I'd never removed the clear plastic film when it was new. 🤐
We used a simple 2x4 10' long for decades. It stopped her perfect every time. :thumbs:
You would have to push the gas pedal to drive over it.

You know the garage door beam at the bottom of your overhead garage door that stops the door from closing on pets and other blockages? Somehow my wife keeps accidentally knocking the beam sensors out of alignment. When out of alignment the door will almost close then go back open. How she does it we haven't been able to figure out.

I'd suspect she'd also find a way to have the 2x4 mysteriously move too.

My kid calls me this morning needing some help, it's been snowing and she slid off the road down a slight embankment into a corn field. So I get dressed and head over to assess the situation.

Because she was down over the bank I didn't want to try and pull her out with the Jeep, because the roads were slick and I likely would have slid sideways into the cornfield myself.

So, I call AAA to have them send out a tow truck so they could winch her out. As I am speaking with the idiot on the other end he insists on an "address". I'm like uh we are on a secondary country road with no houses in sight. I told him I know which hook you will be sending and he knows me and the area, just tell him I am on ___________ between ____________ and ___________. He said OK.

This is the rant!!! Then he proceeds to ask me if I have been vaccinated, have I been tested for the big C and have I been around anyone that has it.

SAY WHAAAAT?!?!?!?! I explained to him that none of that matters and he proceeded to tell me that he can't help me if I won't answer the question. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Needless to say AAA has lost my business for good, I am so done with this stupidity.
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I've never parked in a garage, but I've parked in the roundtop next to the tractor.
Well, Smalltimefarmer, don't know how much of a rock I am. The mom called last night and I talked her about her "gifts" and asked her to explain herself. Of course she first lied, Then said it was artistic. Then said little granddaughter hates me anyway and that she told her she does. So I hung up. Asked little granddaughter if that's what she said, and she said it was. So I was crushed. I told little granddaughter how hurt that made me feel, and she seemed indifferent. Decided I'd get over my sorry self, and will change visitation. So no visits for awhile. No visits in our home. We will meet at the park or zoo in the bigger town, and they need to keep it upbeat, need to be in earshot, and need to come washed. They have access to water, and they need to show it. Visits can resume later, and phone calls, too. Not right now.
Sorry you are going thru that kind of stuff trying to save a child. We are raising a kiddo who we saved from horrible abuse when he was eight. We are not blood relatives so it took a very good lawyer and divine intervention to make that happen after five court dates and four forensic interviews of the child. Recently he has passed his high school graduation tests and has a job. Much better than Munchhausen syndrome and being sold for satanic abuse.
Early on we got visitation reduced to police supervised with us in the room....never saw the deadbeat birth mother again. In our state if the mother abandons a child for two years (no physical or written contact) it is possible to get permanent legal custody. We tried adopting but she would not be represented in court or even show up or have a address for more than three months. We are hopping she doesn't try to establish contact once he is 18.
It helps to been known as a martial artist, shooter and friend of the local police detective division.
Keep up your good work, others out here know how hard it can be for you. And when it is all said and done saving a child is one of the best things you can do in this life.

My kid calls me this morning needing some help, it's been snowing and she slid off the road down a slight embankment into a corn field. So I get dressed and head over to ***** the situation.

Because she was down over the bank I didn't want to try and pull her out with the Jeep, because the roads were slick and I likely would have slid sideways into the cornfield myself.

So, I call AAA to have them send out a tow truck so they could winch her out. As I am speaking with the idiot on the other end he insists on an "address". I'm like uh we are on a secondary country road with no houses in sight. I told him I know which hook you will be sending and he knows me and the area, just tell him I am on ___________ between ____________ and ___________. He said OK.

This is the rant!!! Then he proceeds to ask me if I have been vaccinated, have I been tested for the big C and have I been around anyone that has it.

SAY WHAAAAT?!?!?!?! I explained to him that none of that matters and he proceeded to tell me that he can't help me if I won't answer the question. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Needless to say AAA has lost my business for good, I am so done with this stupidity.
I had similar happen here in montana. You talk to someone at aaa central in a unnamed city. they have a hard time with just down the road from where the barn burned...but everyone here understands. I had the vax thing happen when the tow truck showed up and I am out along a road in the winter (no taxi service in rural montucky). He started in about how they aren't supposed to have anyone in the cab......I calmly talked around that till we agreed on huntin and fishin and who was playing the weekend game. Thank god for real people in montana.
We do have legal permanent guardianship. Went that way to keep family services out of our business, and we're not required to allow visitation. Have had this child since she was 8, and it was a pain, getting her out of the California foster system, took a year. So we've paid our dues for her. Also have her half siblings, two twins, that are now 16, and have had them for 7 years. Legal permanent guardianship with them to. No child services. No government provisions or support either. So the mom didn't call last night, but I suspect she'll call in the next day or two. Husband and I are in both agreement to let it rest a while, no visits for a little while, and then changing them to an hour at a park or the ice cream shop with us there. No more on our property. She doesn't know this yet, but I do believe little granddaughter will accept it better if I tell her that we're going someplace fun and leave it at that. Granddaughter is speaking to me again today, but not a surprise since it's their class Valentine Day party today and I needed to load her up with lots of goodies to bring. No school on Monday.
We do have legal permanent guardianship. Went that way to keep family services out of our business, and we're not required to allow visitation. Have had this child since she was 8, and it was a pain, getting her out of the California foster system, took a year. So we've paid our dues for her. Also have her half siblings, two twins, that are now 16, and have had them for 7 years. Legal permanent guardianship with them to. No child services. No government provisions or support either. So the mom didn't call last night, but I suspect she'll call in the next day or two. Husband and I are in both agreement to let it rest a while, no visits for a little while, and then changing them to an hour at a park or the ice cream shop with us there. No more on our property. She doesn't know this yet, but I do believe little granddaughter will accept it better if I tell her that we're going someplace fun and leave it at that. Granddaughter is speaking to me again today, but not a surprise since it's their class Valentine Day party today and I needed to load her up with lots of goodies to bring. No school on Monday.
You are amazing - having raised your own and now going through this. I can't even imagine. I hope this works out so you don't have any more stress. 🤗
We do have legal permanent guardianship. Went that way to keep family services out of our business, and we're not required to allow visitation. Have had this child since she was 8, and it was a pain, getting her out of the California foster system, took a year. So we've paid our dues for her. Also have her half siblings, two twins, that are now 16, and have had them for 7 years. Legal permanent guardianship with them to. No child services. No government provisions or support either. So the mom didn't call last night, but I suspect she'll call in the next day or two. Husband and I are in both agreement to let it rest a while, no visits for a little while, and then changing them to an hour at a park or the ice cream shop with us there. No more on our property. She doesn't know this yet, but I do believe little granddaughter will accept it better if I tell her that we're going someplace fun and leave it at that. Granddaughter is speaking to me again today, but not a surprise since it's their class Valentine Day party today and I needed to load her up with lots of goodies to bring. No school on Monday.
We also went around the do nothing child protective services. The principle of the elementary school our kiddo was going to basicly told us we needed to save this kids life, and then showed up in court to testify on behalf of the kid and us becoming guardians. The foster care system here is over taxed and understaffed and run by dubious people.
We also got our kids two older brothers safe (each has a different father). The oldest one enlisted in the air force and when he was accepted for a high tech position they investigated for security clearance and found $74K in bad debts his birth mom had run up.
Do what you can where you are with what you have.
I've never parked in a garage, but I've parked in the roundtop next to the tractor.
Well, Smalltimefarmer, don't know how much of a rock I am. The mom called last night and I talked her about her "gifts" and asked her to explain herself. Of course she first lied, Then said it was artistic. Then said little granddaughter hates me anyway and that she told her she does. So I hung up. Asked little granddaughter if that's what she said, and she said it was. So I was crushed. I told little granddaughter how hurt that made me feel, and she seemed indifferent. Decided I'd get over my sorry self, and will change visitation. So no visits for awhile. No visits in our home. We will meet at the park or zoo in the bigger town, and they need to keep it upbeat, need to be in earshot, and need to come washed. They have access to water, and they need to show it. Visits can resume later, and phone calls, too. Not right now.
Your granddaughter is being brainwashed by that psycho woman. She may think she hates you right now but she does not. Hopefully she's able to overcome the emotional and mental damage her mother is causing her. I will be praying for you and your granddaughter.
Kids get angry and throw around "I hate you" without really meaning it. With her mother manipulating her its more likely she's also just saying what her mother wants her to say. You might try asking her why she said she feels that way. It sounds like she had her feelings hurt over something and that might be why she seemed indifferent. She may feel that you don't care about her feelings (even though its obvious to others that you do-- it's not necessarily clear to her). If her mother is a bit of a hoarder, she might have some of those inclinations. Objects may hold sentimental value and she may have an emotional attachment. Taking stuff away from someone who grows attached to things can be painful for them.
Heavy and slow traffic after a snow storm, early morning, on slick roads. The amount of people who have only scraped off part of their windshields and a small place on their side windows so they can just see their mirrors was frightening. Also, there is a defroster for most vehicles rear windows which seem to be broken in some cars, or maybe the driver has no idea that it exists or how to use it. If you go out and your vehicle is covered in snow and ice, you can turn on your car, to heat it up, make a trip around the car to scrape the ice off of all the windows and remove all the snow, but evidently some people cannot be bothered. By the time you finish scraping the windows and removing the snow, your car is warmed up and any ice on windows is melting. I know all of you know this, but don't you just want to shake your head at how dangerous other people can make driving?
Heavy and slow traffic after a snow storm, early morning, on slick roads. The amount of people who have only scraped off part of their windshields and a small place on their side windows so they can just see their mirrors was frightening. Also, there is a defroster for most vehicles rear windows which seem to be broken in some cars, or maybe the driver has no idea that it exists or how to use it. If you go out and your vehicle is covered in snow and ice, you can turn on your car, to heat it up, make a trip around the car to scrape the ice off of all the windows and remove all the snow, but evidently some people cannot be bothered. By the time you finish scraping the windows and removing the snow, your car is warmed up and any ice on windows is melting. I know all of you know this, but don't you just want to shake your head at how dangerous other people can make driving?
I thought that was a Texas thing!! People will have snow on their windows and hoods, only for it to fly up on the windshield while driving, and it briefly blocks the small portion of the windshield they had cleared in the first place! People aren't paying attention anyhow so I guess they probably don't notice! There was a little rain that went through the Dallas/Ft.Worth area this morning. There were SO MANY major wrecks and highways shut down!! Please pay a little bit of attention while driving!!
I thought that was a Texas thing!! People will have snow on their windows and hoods, only for it to fly up on the windshield while driving, and it briefly blocks the small portion of the windshield they had cleared in the first place! People aren't paying attention anyhow so I guess they probably don't notice! There was a little rain that went through the Dallas/Ft.Worth area this morning. There were SO MANY major wrecks and highways shut down!! Please pay a little bit of attention while driving!!
One of the people whose vehicle had hardly any visibility was on their phone while driving. I was a passenger, I looked over and saw a phone up in front of this person on the highway! I know this is not uncommon, but these are the people that are probably frequent accident causers. Probably had bald tires as well, because that is also a common thing when there are pile ups when there is snow.
Ratchet straps. Why can't they make one that will actually release like it's supposed to? I hauled a load of junk today and fought with the straps.
I have cheap straps and expensive straps and they're all the same.
Anyone have a suggestion? I'm thinking about getting some of the 2" wide straps like the truck driver use even though that would be overkill for my needs.
Amazon reviews ......... Sometimes I read through them and find some of them aren't about the product your looking at . The other day I was looking at some earbuds so I can hear the TV better , the ones I looked at had 35000 reviews :mad:

Or they are complaining about the shipping because it took longer than it should or the box was crushed or something else not about the product or seller...
Y'all will not believe the carp I gotta go thru to get my address changed on my driver's license.
I spent over an hour with state offices today.
Still not sure where to go and what to do.
I'm ready to say screw them .
I ain't even started to reregister the vehicles with our new address. KY is so incompetent.

Y'all will not believe the carp I gotta go thru to get my address changed on my driver's license.
I spent over an hour with state offices today.
Still not sure where to go and what to do.
I'm ready to say screw them .
I ain't even started to reregister the vehicles with our new address. KY is so incompetent.

I purchased a house in Horse cave KY back in 2009 and when I went to pay the taxes I went thru the same thing, they took their own sweet time taking my payment. I don’t think they get in a hurry for nobody. Here in SC the tax office will break your hand trying to get your money, night and day difference.
Heavy and slow traffic after a snow storm, early morning, on slick roads. The amount of people who have only scraped off part of their windshields and a small place on their side windows so they can just see their mirrors was frightening. Also, there is a defroster for most vehicles rear windows which seem to be broken in some cars, or maybe the driver has no idea that it exists or how to use it. If you go out and your vehicle is covered in snow and ice, you can turn on your car, to heat it up, make a trip around the car to scrape the ice off of all the windows and remove all the snow, but evidently some people cannot be bothered. By the time you finish scraping the windows and removing the snow, your car is warmed up and any ice on windows is melting. I know all of you know this, but don't you just want to shake your head at how dangerous other people can make driving?
I put a blue tarp over my windshield when it is going to frost & remove it before warming the automotive. Does not do well with ice, but will help with snow. A car port is best.
Ratchet straps. Why can't they make one that will actually release like it's supposed to? I hauled a load of junk today and fought with the straps.
I have cheap straps and expensive straps and they're all the same.
Anyone have a suggestion? I'm thinking about getting some of the 2" wide straps like the truck driver use even though that would be overkill for my needs.
I use the 2"-4" straps and they work fine. Just give the moving parts a shot of oil or WD-40 occasionally and they should work like they're supposed too. Try to keep them rolled up and stored in a dry place when not in use, and dry them out before putting them away.
I have been buying small amounts of silver with my spare money. My husband has no idea how much. I have an amount of money that I took out of my personal stocks. I told my husband I wanted to take some and purchase some more 1 oz bars and rounds and bars for barter when SHTF. My husband says no. I tried to explain that precious metals had been currency for thousands of years and paper money has become worthless many times. I am very angry.
I purchased a house in Horse cave KY back in 2009 and when I went to pay the taxes I went thru the same thing, they took their own sweet time taking my payment. I don’t think they get in a hurry for nobody. Here in SC the tax office will break your hand trying to get your money, night and day difference.
Wow, I am from that area, Mammoth Cave. I worked in Park City for 2 years and we drove to Horse Cave for lunch. Small world.
Wow, I am from that area, Mammoth Cave. I worked in Park City for 2 years and we drove to Horse Cave for lunch. Small world.
my mom lived in horse cave before she passed, I purchased the house to fix up and flip. I sold it in 2017 after her passing but I still have a sister that lives in Munfordville KY.
My husband says no. I tried to explain that precious metals had been currency for thousands of years and paper money has become worthless many times. I am very angry.
It's not like you are buying something frivolous. I say do what you want. He will get over it, I would. Sometimes as a courtesy my wife informs me before she does what she already decided and wasn't asking permission to do.😁
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