Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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We went through the same thing with our freeze drier. FedEx is awful. We had nothing but problems with them for years. We contact companies now to see who they ship with. If they ship FedEx we tend to not order from them.
Our local FedEx does a good job. I pity FedEx ground delivery drivers after I discover The Princess ordered 3 big boxes of canned goods from Costco online. It is a chore to bring them in from the front stoop with they leave them let alone the two flights of stairs they have to climb from the front street.

So, update: Fedex note on their site claimed failed delivery- customer not home or business closed. Delivery attempt at 5:51pm. My brother got on the phone with customer service and after making it through Menu Hell he talked to them and they admitted that no attempt was actually made and then claimed that it takes 3 business days to deliver a package even though it was priority mail shipment that cost $50 and its been sitting at their facility. They now claim they will deliver by noon tomorrow. We'll see. Went through this before on a snap ring for my garbage disposal. Took them 3 weeks of BS before I finally got in touch with the driver and had him meet me at the local Pizza Hut so I could get it. I'm tempted to ask them to have their Lake Charles driver pass it to a local driver or take it to the Fedex place in Alexandria.
I had a part overnighted from the East coast to Seattle. It got to the hospital the next morning.
I didn't get the part for 3 days while the union workers in shipping and delivery sat on it.
The x-ray manager even tried and got nowhere. Mean time the x-ray room was down and they paid extra for overnight.
Our FedEx and UPS drivers are pretty good. It's the USPS that sucks.
O.K. this may be more of a warning than a rant, but let's just say I took one for the team. We were rotating/purging stock from an old cache my wife had purchased several years ago. Some things had expired and were just pitched. Some of the dry breakfast cereal seemed like it would be O.K. It was in the original packaging and heavily wrapped with stretch film. I believe this was six or seven years old. What the heck? I will give it a try.

Well, it didn't kill me. Didn't even make me sick. I ate quite a bit of it to no gastric distress. I would not recommend it, and I would not do it again. It was quite stale, and had an odd aftertaste. If it was all you had it would fill the void, but in the future we will pay closer attention to rotating stock.
The Biden administration will provide grant funding to pay for the distribution of safe smoking kits as part of efforts to reduce harm from substance abuse over the next three years.

$30 million Dollars...Dear Lord, the Democrats have lost their minds...our tax dollars being used for this...


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O.K. this may be more of a warning than a rant, but let's just say I took one for the team. We were rotating/purging stock from an old cache my wife had purchased several years ago. Some things had expired and were just pitched. Some of the dry breakfast cereal seemed like it would be O.K. It was in the original packaging and heavily wrapped with stretch film. I believe this was six or seven years old. What the heck? I will give it a try.

Well, it didn't kill me. Didn't even make me sick. I ate quite a bit of it to no gastric distress. I would not recommend it, and I would not do it again. It was quite stale, and had an odd aftertaste. If it was all you had it would fill the void, but in the future we will pay closer attention to rotating stock.
I have a suggestion that worked on those nasty MRE oatmeal bars, not too bad really.
dissolve two crushed bars in boiling water, add two pouches of dairy creamer and sugar, a pinch of salt.
It is surprisingly not bad at all, I'm not called the MRE MasterChef for nothing. :)
In your case however, I'd pour a can of beef broth on the un sugared stuff and feed the dogs.

Also, if you have access to drums with sealable lids, there is a thing called an oxygen eater that adds decades to things like rolled oats and rice.
I ate some 5 year old potato flakes once for the same reason, they made good soup, but as far as mashed potatoes, BLEECH!

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The Biden administration will provide grant funding to pay for the distribution of safe smoking kits as part of efforts to reduce harm from substance abuse over the next three years.

$30 million Dollars...Dear Lord, the Democrats have lost their minds...our tax dollars being used for this...
Well, it's better than sending million$ off to fund gender-studies in Pakistan... which we have done :mad:.
At least the money will be wasted inside our country.:rolleyes:
two pouches of dairy creamer
I used to buy the largest container I could find of that stuff every month, for the sake of convenience. Someone told me it was one of the things they stay away from because it was so nasty, and they used half and half. I bought some half and half the next time I needed something white for my coffee and I haven't turned back. In fact, I've moved forward and now use cream. Once I was in a situation where there was no half and half, and dairy creamer was the only thing available. I used it, but now understand why I use half and half or cream. You only live once, so it is good to consume good stuff. ;)
I just use the powdered crap as flavoring in my recipes, which it does well, but when I'm making Mocha or creamy chicken, ONLY real cream works.
Ever make chocolate gravy? you have to used the powdered stuff, fortunately at the time I was eating MREs Uncle Scam used real dehydrated cream!
This looks like it!
I just use the powdered crap as flavoring in my recipes, which it does well, but when I'm making Mocha or creamy chicken, ONLY real cream works.
Ever make chocolate gravy? you have to used the powdered stuff, fortunately at the time I was eating MREs Uncle Scam used real dehydrated cream!
I have never made or had chocolate gravy. How do you eat it? As a dip?
I have never made or had chocolate gravy. How do you eat it? As a dip?
Start out as you would making milk gravy, as it thickens, add 1 part corn starch, two spoons of creamer and three parts Nestle Quick, stir well, and let cool five minutes, then add a handful of baking chips mixed with some butterscotch chips, spoon over cake and let chill two hours before serving, your guests will ask what kind of ice
cream it is! LOL
If you're feeling froggy, use cold coffee instead of milk for a Mocha bomb!
I have eaten chocolate gravy and biscuits my whole life for breakfast. My Mom made it at least once a week usually on the weekend.
My wife knows how to make it. I'll get the recipe when she gets home.

Chocolate Gravy
1C Flour
1C sugar
1 Teaspoon Hershey's cocoa.
2 cups of milk
1 cube of butter
Add everything except the butter and cook until it's warm then add the butter and cook until the butter melts and it's thick and hot.
Stir most of the time so it doesn't stick and burn.
Serve over homemade biscuits with a pad of butter melting in.
All of these amounts are my wife's best guess, she very rarely measures anything, so you may need to adjust over time. It's easy to add too much chocolate so go easy on it.
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Threatening to call BBB worked. Fedex delivered our package at 10:30am. My friend was too busy today to help but tomorrow he will come out and see about mounting the dish on the eaves. For now it is in the bed of the pickup truck.
I have eaten chocolate gravy and biscuits my whole life for breakfast. My Mom made it at least once a week usually on the weekend.
My wife knows how to make it. I'll get the recipe when she gets home.

Chocolate Gravy
1C Flour
1C sugar
1 Teaspoon Hershey's cocoa.
2 cups of milk
1 cube of butter
Add everything except the butter and cook until it's warm then add the butter and cook until the butter melts and it's thick and hot.
Stir most of the time so it doesn't stick and burn.
Serve over homemade biscuits with a pad of butter melting in.
All of these amounts are my wife's best guess, she very rarely measures anything, so you may need to adjust over time. It's easy to add too much chocolate so go easy on it.

Man oh man , I was raised on that. Mom made it 3-4 times a week for breakfast , exactly the way you described it....always had a big glass of cold milk with it.
My wife's makes it once in a while also.

Driving up to the doctors office this morning. Passed a log truck and a large rock flew off and crashed through my windshield. Almost hit me in the face. Covered in glass in my face, chest and down my shirt.
I had that happen just outside of Atlanta when we were going down to Tampa to visit my mom after my step dad had a massive heart attic, we wren cruising along in the second lane from the inside and two kids threw a brick off the overpass, I’m not going to lie that pissed me off and caused my redneck to come out, I swapped lanes to the next exit but the little sh**s were gone by the time I got turned around , probably the best outcome as mad as I was. My wife wanted to turn around and go back home after that but we drove on to mom’s anyway.
im glad you were not hurt by the rock or glass.
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