Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Today I paid $85 for printer ink. To go in a printer I paid $110 for 2 years ago. Thought about driving across town to check printer prices but rush hour was about to kick in.

Funny delivery guy... A company put me up in a nice hotel in Burbank CA. Lots of wealthy tourists, a royal pain. I'd worked all week so stayed in and ordered a pizza friday night. The restaurants were packed.

The guy came to my door, I paid him a $20. Got mostly 1's back, looked close enough for me.

The next morning I was headed out, checked my cash etc. Found a bad copy of a $2 among those 1's. Probably run on a cheap office printer with cheap paper (80's).

I had to laugh, kept it, still have the bill in a box somewhere.
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Printer ink is one of my biggest gripes. I have an HP printer that I bought at Costco. It was advertised as coming with something they call insta ink. HP keeps track of your printer ink levels and sends you replacement ink before you run out. After the free ink cartridges expire you have to sign up for one of their 5 replacement programs. The programs start at 99 cents a month for 10 pages a month and go up to $24.99 a month for 700 pages a month.
I don't print much and I needed to print an Amazon return label so I signed up for the 99 cent plan. It still irks me but I'll live with it until I need a new printer then I'll buy another brand.
My gripe is with the boss of the animal shelter plus one of his employees. First off, the boss lied to me about it being a no kill shelter. Then this employee named Melinda started sending someone I knew threatening messages saying she was going to have dogs euthanized and so forth. She was dumb enough to send private messages threatening to go to the yard, open the gate, steal the dog and then either make the person pay to get the dog back or kill the dog. I was sent screenshots.

So when the Animal Shelter page said they were going to euthanize a dog if it didn't get adopted, I asked why I was told it was a no kill shelter and that the owner had promised me it was no kill when I helped someone take some abandoned dogs there. She called me a "useless piece of $#!_" and a "b***" and said it was fine for the guy to lie to me. Then I posted the screenshots of her threats and asked who was really the p.o.s. I then had another employee contact me to apologize to me (via the official account privately). But then Melinda logged in to the official account, sent me nasty messages, and blocked me from being able to post anything to the shelter page or respond. I was never able to contact the nice employee to get myself unblocked. I actually met Melinda in public at the vet's office and she was just as nasty in person. My neighbor surrendered a dog named Bella because she attacked one of my dogs. Melinda was there with Bella and I let her know that it was the dog who attacked my dog so they needed to be aware she was aggressive with other dogs. She called me a liar and refused to warn potential adopters. So, some poor person may have gotten this aggressive dog not knowing she would attack other dogs. I do hope Bella got adopted. She was actually very sweet with people.

Anyway, that brings me to yesterday. Two puppies ran in front of my truck and wouldn't stay out of the road out in the middle of nowhere. It seems some a-hole abandoned them. They are healthy looking perfectly good hound pups. Actually quite well behaved. Remind me of the dogs from Where the Red Fern Grows. I took them to the vet to see if they were lost. They wouldn't hold on to them to look for owners, which I understand. They directed me to the shelter. But the shelter has a locked gate and doesn't let anyone in. They had a phone number. I called but got an answering machine and no callback. I can't contact them on social media. Tried a few neighbors but none of them could take the dogs and the ones who might weren't home. I posted on the lost and found page too. Turns out I do have a friend who volunteers at the shelter but she said they have 30 dogs on a wait list already. No other shelters in the area. So we are stuck with them until we can find a foster or forever home for them. They are cute but I do not have the energy to give them proper care.
Today I paid $85 for printer ink. To go in a printer I paid $110 for 2 years ago. Thought about driving across town to check printer prices but rush hour was about to kick in.

Funny delivery guy... A company put me up in a nice hotel in Burbank CA. Lots of wealthy tourists, a royal pain. I'd worked all week so stayed in and ordered a pizza friday night. The restaurants were packed.

The guy came to my door, I paid him a $20. Got mostly 1's back, looked close enough for me.

The next morning I was headed out, checked my cash etc. Found a bad copy of a $2 among those 1's. Probably run on a cheap office printer with cheap paper (80's).

I had to laugh, kept it, still have the bill in a box somewhere.
I get my ink cartridges refilled at Costco. Not every Costco does that here, so I have to go to the one that does. I can get the ink cartridges filled for a fraction of the cost of a new one, maybe $10 refill, versus $50 new cartridge. It has been a while, so I could be off a little. There used to be several places around where we could get cartridges refilled, but Costco is the only place I know of now.
I was an HP buyer as well. Many years. But between the ink scam and every single time I’d finally need to print something it wouldn’t print right and I’d need new ink (maybe print a page or two every month or two) I refuse to buy their products anymore.
Just bought an epson and so far so good. It’s tax time so will be giving a work out.
I wonder if it is the newer HP's that are problematic?

My HP is 10 years old. It has served me well, knock on wood. I never signed up for the ink service. The ink cartridges that I get refilled always send a message that they might not work, but they do. I have used this printer ~ scanner for many things, including scanning many photos for family history. It's ridden in my car to South Dakota a few times and to Nebraska.

When Ebay had their used book store, half.com, I sold books there. There was a discussion group there, a forum. One of the topics was printers. Overwhelmingly, HP was the most recommended printer, with people who had had other printers telling about their problems. They had nicknames for the other printers which I no longer remember, because of how much they were disliked.

I am now a little concerned about what will happen when I have to replace this printer.
I wonder if it is the newer HP's that are problematic?

My HP is 10 years old. It has served me well, knock on wood. I never signed up for the ink service. The ink cartridges that I get refilled always send a message that they might not work, but they do. I have used this printer ~ scanner for many things, including scanning many photos for family history. It's ridden in my car to South Dakota a few times and to Nebraska.

When Ebay had their used book store, half.com, I sold books there. There was a discussion group there, a forum. One of the topics was printers. Overwhelmingly, HP was the most recommended printer, with people who had had other printers telling about their problems. They had nicknames for the other printers which I no longer remember, because of how much they were disliked.

I am now a little concerned about what will happen when I have to replace this printer.
A story that is obviously dater but applies...

A Young Ben hires on with Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) the second largest computer manufacture in the world behind IBM.

Young Ben:
... and our hardware will blow out IBM and we will take over!"

Wise senior engineer:
"Ben, IBM makes as much in typewriter ribbon as DEC in a year."

The money is made in the consumables.

I never believed in "a no kill shelter", you have to kill, if you do not have space or money to feed animals. It just a fact of life, want to stop killing, then stop breeding by Neutering & spay an animal is the only way to stop the kill shelters.
I have thought about applying a cannon to my HP.
Y'all need to stop feeding the inkjet monster.:(
I don't print nuthin, but I got one hell of a printer. :thumbs:
It has a 'toner cartridge' and can print thousands of pages without even taking a breath.
I actually intercepted it on it's trip to the dumpster when I was still working.
They had been printing labels and had gotten some wrapped around the rollers inside and it was jamming.
"Throw this damthing in the dumpster!!!😡"
Yes SIR!!!
Rehabilitated at home, it is now a flawless beast and always has been.

You need me to print 100 pages for you?
No problemo! Be done in about 2 minutes.😳
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Patchouli, I thought of doing that. I might do it eventually.

My friend at the shelter said she'd let them know there were pups up for adoption. The guy we sold the tractor to is supposed to bring some hay over sometime (I gave his wife $ so he could buy it for us). I might ask him if he can take the pups to another neighbor that I can't get in touch with. Wasn't home every time I checked and phone number doesn't work.

My other gripe is that I was worrying myself sick about my cat, Boo because he'd gone outside and hadn't come back. I told my mother I'd been searching for him an calling him and needed to give him his meds. She said nothing. I went into town to pick up my computer from my friend (turns out it wasn't working right bc it needed drivers installed so that took awhile). Called Mom to check and expressed concern for Boo. That is when she told me he'd been in her room the entire time. She knew I was looking for him and didn't bother to tell me. She then let him out again and he ran outside. Eventually he came in. I gave his meds, he clawed my hand (can't blame him bc I wouldn't want someone cramming something into my throat either), I gave him food, and now he's curled up with me.
In my office is a HUGE Xerox Phaser 6500N, Color Laserjet, 1000's of pages on a toner cartridge. Cost me 150 bucks shipped from Costco many years ago. It's not wireless, it doesn't scan, but you print anything you want. Downside is when it fires up to print, the lights in the neighborhood all dim.
Mine is a cannon. It's a great little printer, more importantly it has an excellent scanner. The reason I chose this model was the scanner. Also, the next model had just come out. The old model was still on the shelves and marked down about $75. It did everything I needed.

But this dumb printer uses colored inks but I only print in black n white. Why? It has two black ink cartridges! Why?

The only thing I print these days is recipes. It doesn't need magenta, cyan or yellow to print B&W! If I wanted color I'd print it in color!

It uses ink from all 5 cartridges for black and white! #$%

Print Ink.jpg
My gripe is with the boss of the animal shelter plus one of his employees. First off, the boss lied to me about it being a no kill shelter. Then this employee named Melinda started sending someone I knew threatening messages saying she was going to have dogs euthanized and so forth. She was dumb enough to send private messages threatening to go to the yard, open the gate, steal the dog and then either make the person pay to get the dog back or kill the dog. I was sent screenshots.

So when the Animal Shelter page said they were going to euthanize a dog if it didn't get adopted, I asked why I was told it was a no kill shelter and that the owner had promised me it was no kill when I helped someone take some abandoned dogs there. She called me a "useless piece of $#!_" and a "b***" and said it was fine for the guy to lie to me. Then I posted the screenshots of her threats and asked who was really the p.o.s. I then had another employee contact me to apologize to me (via the official account privately). But then Melinda logged in to the official account, sent me nasty messages, and blocked me from being able to post anything to the shelter page or respond. I was never able to contact the nice employee to get myself unblocked. I actually met Melinda in public at the vet's office and she was just as nasty in person. My neighbor surrendered a dog named Bella because she attacked one of my dogs. Melinda was there with Bella and I let her know that it was the dog who attacked my dog so they needed to be aware she was aggressive with other dogs. She called me a liar and refused to warn potential adopters. So, some poor person may have gotten this aggressive dog not knowing she would attack other dogs. I do hope Bella got adopted. She was actually very sweet with people.

Anyway, that brings me to yesterday. Two puppies ran in front of my truck and wouldn't stay out of the road out in the middle of nowhere. It seems some a-hole abandoned them. They are healthy looking perfectly good hound pups. Actually quite well behaved. Remind me of the dogs from Where the Red Fern Grows. I took them to the vet to see if they were lost. They wouldn't hold on to them to look for owners, which I understand. They directed me to the shelter. But the shelter has a locked gate and doesn't let anyone in. They had a phone number. I called but got an answering machine and no callback. I can't contact them on social media. Tried a few neighbors but none of them could take the dogs and the ones who might weren't home. I posted on the lost and found page too. Turns out I do have a friend who volunteers at the shelter but she said they have 30 dogs on a wait list already. No other shelters in the area. So we are stuck with them until we can find a foster or forever home for them. They are cute but I do not have the energy to give them proper care.
I was told from someone who ran the local Humane Society that all shelters are kill shelters. The ones that claim they are no kill shelters simply move their unadoptable animals to kill shelters.....so sure, THEY don't kill, but they rely on the kill shelters to do their dirty work for them.

Could you post the pups on Craigslist? We have lots of postings in our area for pets on CL and they go quick.

As far as printers go, I have a couple of Brother printers. I've been happy with them. They last a long time and I have found the hacks to use when the printer says you need a new ink cartridge but really don't. I just use the re-set hack and I'm good to go. It's been years since I have had to replace my ink cartridge, but when I do, I just get the cheap knockoffs from Ebay and they work fine.

I have a dinosaur Cannon copier from the 90's. It's big, but it still works and I rarely have to change cartridges. When people decide to get rid of their electronic stuff, you can get it for cheap at yard sales. One guy even gave me extra ink, cables, and paper with the copier all for $5. Clearly he just wanted it gone b/c it works just fine. I brought it home and tested it and then stowed it b/c my dinosaur still works, but the back up is ready to roll when it decides to croak.
OP. I have the opportunity to buy a 2015 widget for $xx. Anyone have first hand knowledge about a 2015 widget and is that a good price?

Poster 1. What year?
Poster 2. I’ve got a 2018 thing-a-Bob.
Poster 3. I think my uncle’s wife’s third cousin may have one. I’d asked but the cousin died in Viet Nam.
Poster 4. I had a cousin that served in Viet Nam too. What branch? Army?
Poster 3. Navy. Drunk and fell overboard.
Poster 5. What color?
Poster 3. That’s a raciest comment!
Poster 5. No you idiot, not your drunk sailor. The color of the widget!
Poster 3. That’s not what you said!

The only thing I print these days is recipes. It doesn't need magenta, cyan or yellow to print B&W! If I wanted color I'd print it in color!

It uses ink from all 5 cartridges for black and white! #$%
Yes, same is true for me. I rarely print in color and have the color option turned off when I am in print mode, but sooner or later all the color cartridges need to be replaced. As Ben said, it is where they make their money, in the ink.
Ah, the old "Can't print in black & white if you're low on cyan" crap.
Despite having brand new black ink, mine is printing very faded and complaining about being low on colored ink. Even on better quality print mode. At least it's wireless so I can connect to it from a different room to print. IIRC, its more than ink cartridges. Printers don't have the heads in them anymore. They put them in the ink cartridges. So you can't just refill ink into them, you have to get new heads with the ink-- which makes the prices higher.

The animal shelter here does kill the animals. In fact, the guy who runs it used to take them out and shoot them. I overheard him b***ing about how now the city makes him take animals to the vet to have them put down humanely instead of letting him shoot them.

No Craigslist in my area, but I might try Marketplace if I don't get any hits. I just hope they find a good home. Still trying to find a working number for my good neighbor that might take them and find homes.
Mine is a cannon. It's a great little printer, more importantly it has an excellent scanner. The reason I chose this model was the scanner. Also, the next model had just come out. The old model was still on the shelves and marked down about $75. It did everything I needed.

But this dumb printer uses colored inks but I only print in black n white. Why? It has two black ink cartridges! Why?

The only thing I print these days is recipes. It doesn't need magenta, cyan or yellow to print B&W! If I wanted color I'd print it in color!

It uses ink from all 5 cartridges for black and white! #$%

View attachment 81533

Thats the same as mine. At least the ink on that one is cheap.
The animal shelter here does kill the animals. In fact, the guy who runs it used to take them out and shoot them. I overheard him b***ing about how now the city makes him take animals to the vet to have them put down humanely instead of letting him shoot them.
Wow! He sounds like a guy I'm glad not to know.......or ever meet for that matter.
A beagle showed up at the hospital. The cop said one of the officers would probably have to take it out and shoot it because nobody claimed it and there was no animal control at the time. My SIL took him home and 2 days later the humane society showed up to get him saying the owner was found. Then they called her back and said the owner changed their mind and she could pick him up but she had to pay a $150 fee. The whole thing was fishy to me. She paid and had the dog for years.
Wow! He sounds like a guy I'm glad not to know.......or ever meet for that matter.
Yeah. And his son is a child molestor/rapist as well as domestic abuser. He beat his wife, beat the stepkids, and raped the 13-yr old stepdaughter. The guy who runs the shelter is also on the city council. He went over and harassed and threatened the teen to try to get her to recant after his son was convicted and sentenced.

Backlash, that does sound fishy. The Melinda chick I mentioned would go around picking up dogs that she knew had owners (sometimes out of people's gated yards) so she could take them to the shelter and charge a hefty fee for people to get them back. Would threaten to have them put down if owners didn't pay to get them back. But when there were actual strays or dogs that were killing other people's pets, the shelter won't pick them up. My friend who volunteers at the shelter had her cat killed by a judge's dog that was running around off-leash and got into her gated back yard at her rental place. It dug a hole to get under the house and through to the cat. Shelter refused to come get the dog.
Todays rant: Why can't companies leave things that work alone!?
Why does everything need an app to install?! Need every bit of your personal information (sometimes I think they will ask for color and size of underwear)?!?!?!
When a program has been working for years WHY do they need to change it and make it unusable?!?!? grrrrrrr
Trying to update cattle records from working calves today on a software I've used since the 90's and I can't get anything updated without doing each animal individually. That's after struggling to figure out even how to do that now. That is frustrating and takes forever. Having to input the same information over and over again for each animal is a waste of time. grrrrrrrrr
Installed a new router a few days ago, needed an app in order to install it. Needed yet another account. grrrrrrrrrr
Todays rant: Why can't companies leave things that work alone!?
Why does everything need an app to install?! Need every bit of your personal information (sometimes I think they will ask for color and size of underwear)?!?!?!
When a program has been working for years WHY do they need to change it and make it unusable?!?!? grrrrrrr
Trying to update cattle records from working calves today on a software I've used since the 90's and I can't get anything updated without doing each animal individually. That's after struggling to figure out even how to do that now. That is frustrating and takes forever. Having to input the same information over and over again for each animal is a waste of time. grrrrrrrrr
Installed a new router a few days ago, needed an app in order to install it. Needed yet another account. grrrrrrrrrr

Which program do you use for the cows? I've been using My Cattle Manager but want to see what others use.
Which program do you use for the cows? I've been using My Cattle Manager but want to see what others use.

I’ve used Cattlemax since I think the first year they were in business. Back then it was ordering a 💿 version now it’s all online. Highly recommend it but currently frustrated with trying to learn how to do things all over again. Their customer support is top knotch though so I’m sure it will get figured out. Just no happy when I’m trying to quickly update records and the way I’ve been using is no more.
I’ve used Cattlemax since I think the first year they were in business. Back then it was ordering a 💿 version now it’s all online. Highly recommend it but currently frustrated with trying to learn how to do things all over again. Their customer support is top knotch though so I’m sure it will get figured out. Just no happy when I’m trying to quickly update records and the way I’ve been using is no more.

I'll have to check that out. Thanks
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