Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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A basting pan full of kerosene works wonders.
I once bought a mint unissued SKS for 50$ because the gun shop owner didn't want to deal with the cosmoline it had been dunked in. I then proceeded to work off one more cleaning the sloppy things.

Speaking of kerosene, do they still even sell it? I haven't seen any in ages.
Last Sunday I heard there was a tree down behind the preacher's house at the church. They only had a small electric chainsaw. I offered to come by Saturday, yesterday. So with a weeks heads up I called the day before to verify we were still on. There are 2 grandsons living with them 20' and 30's. I asked if the boys would be helping he said he wasn't sure. I thought really? So I showed up yesterday at 8:15. Due to fire restrictions we can only run the saws until 10am. Sure enough the two 60 year olds did the work while the others laid in bed. I guess really this was about me helping out not them so much, but I would never have laid in bed while others were outside sweating. 😠
Last Sunday I heard there was a tree down behind the preacher's house at the church. They only had a small electric chainsaw. I offered to come by Saturday, yesterday. So with a weeks heads up I called the day before to verify we were still on. There are 2 grandsons living with them 20' and 30's. I asked if the boys would be helping he said he wasn't sure. I thought really? So I showed up yesterday at 8:15. Due to fire restrictions we can only run the saws until 10am. Sure enough the two 60 year olds did the work while the others laid in bed. I guess really this was about me helping out not them so much, but I would never have laid in bed while others were outside sweating. 😠
In my opinion, he is enabling his grandsons to have this lifestyle. Without a father figure directing them, this is a big part of our problem in America. We know children are growing up without fathers, and some do have fathers who are not giving them the direction they need.

I heard a story about my cousins who liked to drink and party. (Three alcoholics in a family of nine children, 2 in recovery and 1 dead from it) Like many young people, they liked to go out and party. Their dad saw what was happening with his sons. Cousin told me that when they would go out at night and come home in the early morning, they should never be surprised that they were woken up at 7 in the morning with a list of chores to get done. The oldest son in that family has been in addiction recovery for a few decades and the youngest son for about 18 years. I don't know what you got or even wanted for h.s. graduation. Cousin wanted a bottle of Everclear from his dad. That should have been a big clue right then. They lost one brother to muscular dystrophy. I was not able to attend the funeral for several reasons, but heard that there was quite a bunch of liquor for anyone who was interested.
There are 2 grandsons living with them 20' and 30's.... Sure enough the two 60 year olds did the work while the others laid in bed.
I'm trying to be generous and assume that maybe there was something going on with the grandsons that I don't know about - something that would somehow legitimize their not helping. But honestly, I can't think of anything. Even if they were out all night helping the Little Sisters of the Poor, or rounding up gang members off the streets, I cannot fathom why grown men wouldn't be ashamed to not be out there helping in at least some way.

In my opinion, he is enabling his grandsons to have this lifestyle. Without a father figure directing them, this is a big part of our problem in America.
I agree.
Point is, if you're going to sell something, clean it up first!
I agree but they might figure why should they clean it because they won't get more for it?
He got his price and didn't have to do extra for the money.
People are lazy.
I bought a Ruger MK2 cheap and it was the dirtiest gun I have ever seen.
In my case it had not been cleaned because the owner had heard stories of how hard it is to get it reassembled so he was afraid to strip it down.
Look on the bright side. You got a good deal and you got the opportunity to strip it down. Win win.
Don't forget to give us a range report.
When my great-grand mother was getting old she would tell everyone the no one ever visited her, but sometimes my Aunts and Uncles would bump into each other going in and out of her house... We all thought she just wanted attention, but that was almost 50 years ago and now I am seeing it from a different perspective.

We have been having problems with a family member telling one person and then assuming that they told everyone... that is a little annoying. But over the last 3 weeks we have had a new issue, "Phantom Appointments" this person tell us they need to be taken to an appointment on this date and time, so we take time off and take them to the appointments only to discover there was never an appointment made. I can see it happening once, but in a 3 week period we have had 4 of these "Phantom Appointments" and we are starting to worry about the person's well being. It is a little annoying to take time off work, load up the wheel chair, load them and their medical equipment up, take them to the appointment (usually 45 minutes each way) take them in only to be told there was never an appointment....

It is very upsetting to the person who had the "Phantom Appointment" who swears they remember talking with this person or that but there is no appointment in the books.

I guess my rant is that as we get older our mind can start playing games with us and it fails to tell anyone around what's going on. I feel sorry for anyone dealing with the elderly because things start happening that are beyond anyone's control.

I guess my rant is that getting old sucks and it makes life suck for them and everyone around them....
They used to sell it at gas stations around here right out of the pump.

I agree but they might figure why should they clean it because they won't get more for it?
He got his price and didn't have to do extra for the money.
People are lazy.
I bought a Ruger MK2 cheap and it was the dirtiest gun I have ever seen.
In my case it had not been cleaned because the owner had heard stories of how hard it is to get it reassembled so he was afraid to strip it down.
Look on the bright side. You got a good deal and you got the opportunity to strip it down. Win win.
Don't forget to give us a range report.
Rugers are easy to clean, take off the grips and hose them out with brake cleaner, detail brush the feed ramp, oil with 20Wt and put the grips back on. good to go for another 1000 rounds.
When my great-grand mother was getting old she would tell everyone the no one ever visited her, but sometimes my Aunts and Uncles would bump into each other going in and out of her house... We all thought she just wanted attention, but that was almost 50 years ago and now I am seeing it from a different perspective.

We have been having problems with a family member telling one person and then assuming that they told everyone... that is a little annoying. But over the last 3 weeks we have had a new issue, "Phantom Appointments" this person tell us they need to be taken to an appointment on this date and time, so we take time off and take them to the appointments only to discover there was never an appointment made. I can see it happening once, but in a 3 week period we have had 4 of these "Phantom Appointments" and we are starting to worry about the person's well being. It is a little annoying to take time off work, load up the wheel chair, load them and their medical equipment up, take them to the appointment (usually 45 minutes each way) take them in only to be told there was never an appointment....

It is very upsetting to the person who had the "Phantom Appointment" who swears they remember talking with this person or that but there is no appointment in the books.

I guess my rant is that as we get older our mind can start playing games with us and it fails to tell anyone around what's going on. I feel sorry for anyone dealing with the elderly because things start happening that are beyond anyone's control.

I guess my rant is that getting old sucks and it makes life suck for them and everyone around them....
I deal with a lot of elderly people. Some are my clients, and some I just help. I've learned to double check everything I can. Appointments, who has visited (maybe a son visited but mom doesn't remember or wants people to to think he doesn't visit), are they eating, etc.! So many want to be home, even if they can't take care of themselves. So many have family that just don't understand that mom or dad need a lot of extra help!!
It is very upsetting to the person who had the "Phantom Appointment" who swears they remember talking with this person or that but there is no appointment in the books.
We would run into this from time to time when I worked in the Dr.'s office. Typically when a patient was done with their appt., they would check out and at that time the receptionist would make their next appt. and write it down on an appt. card for them to take with them. When someone came in and weren't on the schedule, we'd ask to see their appt. card. Most of the time they didn't have it with them. Arrangements would then have to be made to reschedule or try to fit them in. Working in an independant Dr.s office would sometimes allow for that if there were 'no-show' patients that day.

When the patient could present a card and it indeed was for the time that they were supposed to be there but weren't in the computer, the Dr. would make it a point to fit them in even if he had to work through lunch or stay late. He knew mistakes happen (including with his staff) and would do his best to correct it. It was not easy for him to do that though b/c he had patients scheduled every 15 minutes for a routine appt. and 45 minutes for a physical or new patient. Many times the appt's would run over time and he frequently worked thru lunch. That dude was busy!! Sometimes we'd see over 30 patients per day. Around 24 per day was the average though. I never had to wonder what to do next......we were slammin'.

The people who did this routinely (showed up without appts) didn't get the same respect however. As it should be.
When my great-grand mother was getting old she would tell everyone the no one ever visited her, but sometimes my Aunts and Uncles would bump into each other going in and out of her house... We all thought she just wanted attention, but that was almost 50 years ago and now I am seeing it from a different perspective.

We have been having problems with a family member telling one person and then assuming that they told everyone... that is a little annoying. But over the last 3 weeks we have had a new issue, "Phantom Appointments" this person tell us they need to be taken to an appointment on this date and time, so we take time off and take them to the appointments only to discover there was never an appointment made. I can see it happening once, but in a 3 week period we have had 4 of these "Phantom Appointments" and we are starting to worry about the person's well being. It is a little annoying to take time off work, load up the wheel chair, load them and their medical equipment up, take them to the appointment (usually 45 minutes each way) take them in only to be told there was never an appointment....

It is very upsetting to the person who had the "Phantom Appointment" who swears they remember talking with this person or that but there is no appointment in the books.

I guess my rant is that as we get older our mind can start playing games with us and it fails to tell anyone around what's going on. I feel sorry for anyone dealing with the elderly because things start happening that are beyond anyone's control.

I guess my rant is that getting old sucks and it makes life suck for them and everyone around them....
That is the problem with my MIL, but my wife in in charge of all appts. that are made. If one of her siblings takes my MIL to an appt, they text my wife if a follow up is made. Works out well.
I deal with a lot of elderly people. Some are my clients, and some I just help. I've learned to double check everything I can. Appointments, who has visited (maybe a son visited but mom doesn't remember or wants people to to think he doesn't visit), are they eating, etc.! So many want to be home, even if they can't take care of themselves. So many have family that just don't understand that mom or dad need a lot of extra help!!
The same here with my landscape business, mostly older women, (one client called herself an owl once) I asked what that meant, she replied Old White Lady! So now I call all my older female clients this. So far none have been offended..........I think. Also have contact info on some in the event I see something out of the ordinary and if they dont answer the door.
There is a sign in log when I visit mom in the assisted living apt. I always sign in and out, don't need to buzz in because I come frequently and the nurses gave me the key code.
Mom loves to look at that log, and it's always just us. The six other residents never get visitors. But lately she says she sees I signed up, but says I didn't see her, that I just drove all the way there, signed in, and went home.
There is a sign in log when I visit mom in the assisted living apt. I always sign in and out, don't need to buzz in because I come frequently and the nurses gave me the key code.
Mom loves to look at that log, and it's always just us. The six other residents never get visitors. But lately she says she sees I signed up, but says I didn't see her, that I just drove all the way there, signed in, and went home.
Sad to deal with someone who is always looking for faults or problems.
Yeah, this is coming for me, my mom's memory is going downhill. She has good days and bad days. My dad takes care of her as best he can, making sure she eats and doing her pills. My brother and I handle her appointments and talk to the doctors. But I don't know what we'll do if my dad passes first. Mom needs someone there all the time but I can't afford to not work and my brother isn't super healthy. Mom made us promise repeatedly when we were younger to not put her in a home, so I'm hoping one of her siblings would be willing to care for her. It just sucks.
She has a hard enough time watching a tv show, can't keep up anymore.
I'm taking her grocery shopping for her "snacks", probably tomorrow. I have to stay right beside her the whole time. She really doesn't need much, some drinks and a few snacks, they do good meals for her where she lives.
Probably do that tomorrow, because the twins are flying to Albuquerque for their great grandma's funeral. This is the total druggie side of the family, and they were not close to this great grandma, but they are insisting. Husband is taking them to the airport, and he's happy that they will be gone till Friday night. Our daughter that is sympathetic to their BS is picking them up at the airport, and also chipping in $500 for their airfare. I really don't want to take them to the airport, it's a long drive, and husband offered, so I'd rather take mom shopping with little granddaughter.
On the brighter side, we were scheduled for family therapy 2 hr sessions each on Tues and Thurs, and we don't have to anymore because they won't be here. And the house will be less drama till Friday.
They used to sell it at gas stations around here right out of the pump.

Rugers are easy to clean, take off the grips and hose them out with brake cleaner, detail brush the feed ramp, oil with 20Wt and put the grips back on. good to go for another 1000 rounds.
I like to take it apart. I like to take things apart. I sometimes even get them back together correctly. :D

My wife's BIL passed away last month and now her sister is losing touch. She keeps telling people she wants to go home and be with her husband.
They have been living in a nursing home together for several months.
My Uncle has dementia and he is struggling. He can remember things from 50 years ago but he has no idea about recent events.
It's a sad situation and it is only going to get worse.
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My friend's grandfather is the type who sets up appointments almost every day of the week just so he can get attention. When he was briefly in a nursing home they canceled many of his appointments saying they weren't necessary. He almost never shows up on time for them anyway. Not sure how he can keep getting them or why his insurance approves of them or what the deal was.

My minor gripe is that the new TV I got didn't have a handle or something to grab onto to make it easier to transport. UPS lady accidentally dropped it (and was absolutely mortified about it) because she couldn't find a place to grab it safely when trying to lower it down. Some TV boxes come with handles on the top. This one did have cardboard punchouts on the sides but no one has arms long enough to reach both at the same time. We carried it up together and TV is fine though.

On the grandsons not helping- that sounds like my brother. He's the type who will sit inside eating or playing video games while other people work. If he does help, it will only be for a couple of minutes. He was really put out to help me carry the tv to the living room, refused to take trash out, & I had to take the new tv out of the box and set it up myself. I know firstworldproblems. Mom kept wanting to page him to come in and help but I know he would have just griped and then gotten in the way. But, back to those grandsons, maybe they have some disabilities? Or maybe they didn't know someone wanted their help? They might have helped if asked. A lot of people are oblivious to things. One of the things that irritates me and makes me sad at the same time is how my brother never used to help my dad and I with stuff. Dad and I put up all new fencing, built projects together, etc. If my brother was asked to help he would come out for a couple of minutes and gripe his butt off the entire time until he was told to just go back inside because he wasn't actually helping with anything. Dad was calling him "bozo" because he wouldn't listen or follow directions and would just whine. Anyway, after dad passed, my brother was informing me that in his view, I was the one always sitting on my butt and he was out busting his hump helping my dad put up fences and doing all the farm work and stuff. I don't know if he believes it or not. But he was saying I was the lazy one and that he had all these fond memories of helping my dad-- only I was the one helping my dad. I guess maybe that's what he needs to tell himself to not feel bad about being a lazy sack.
Yesterday as I was leaving for town I caught the slight whiff of something unpleasant, dead rodent kind of scent. I had just gotten in my truck, thought uh-oh. I got out but couldn’t smell it anymore. Couple times today I caught a whiff as I left my porch and walked by my truck. More uh-oh! But there was no smell in or around my truck. Where’d it go?

I just went out to roll the trash can down to the road. I went in/out the door a couple times and smelled it again, while standing in my doorway. Finally dawned on me it was on my porch. I first thought the pup had killed a small critter and stashed it in the hedges. He’s done it before but not this time.

My porch is 50ft long, down at the far end I noticed a couple empty planters. One had a handful of a plant food. The product uses molasses as binder to form pellets.

A little rain had gotten on it and it started to ferment in the hot alabama sun. It reeked! Reminded me of a tiki bar in St. Croix but after a lot of rum no one there minded.

This planter had to go! Dumped it over at the edge of the yard. One more thing for tomorrow to-do list, clean it up. (And find that pdf file on making rum) 😁
Had to get hubby a new phone. His old one was ancient. I told the guy in the store not to laugh when he saw our phones and he laughed......really cool kid though. At least we had a competent and friendly sales guy who was able to transfer all his data.

My rant: It seems every time we get a new phone, the charging cords are never the same size. Ug! We have a ton of the old ones b/c mine and hubby's had the same port, so we've gathered a few of them through the years for the vehicles, home, barn, and the camper. Now they're all junk. We can keep the charging hubs with the USB outlets though, even though we'll need different cords. In addition he now has a new screen protector and case b/c (of coarse) those are gonna be different. And, WHY do the phones now have to be so dang big? He has an old one that is small and nothing even comes close to the size of the mini that he used to have.

I'm going to give him a month or two and make sure he likes this phone (if it makes it that long) and then I'm going to go and buy him another one and transfer his data b/c I just know he's going to ruin this phone. I hope he proves me wrong, but I've had backups for him before b/c they slide out of his pocket and end up in wood chippers and such. :rolleyes: Even an Otterbox won't save a phone from that. Usually by the time he gets used to a phone and likes it, they no longer sell it.

He's driving me nuts trying to figure this thing out......asking me questions......sure, like I know.:dunno: I finally told him I was tired and cranky and to leave me alone about it....."you wanted a new phone, you figure it out." Did I mention I was feeling cranky today??? I found a youtube for beginners video for him on this new model phone. I'm going to throw that in his lap and then I'm going for a walk.
I don't like carrying a phone. I will usually put my flip phone in my apron pocket when I'm out doing the morning chores, but I forgot today. So husband hears a junior rooster trying to crow and thinks it's me yelling that I broke my leg or something. Our farm is big and I could be anywhere, so he is insisting I carry it. I really find phones annoying, and hardly ever use them. I will guarantee I will get at least two phone calls while I'm grocery shopping. No exception today...one from husband and one from mom. Why? I don't know. I like the phone shack idea, and we have the old one still up at our place, just not connected. Then I would have to deliberately go out to use the phone, or to check a message. I always knew when I came to visit my favorite cousin when she was at her phone shack and not at her house. Her little dog Emily would be sitting outside waiting for her to finish her call. Phones are a pain in the butt.
The lens on my point&shoot camera got scratched weeks ago. There is a camera shortage! 6month backlog for the new one I need.

My phone acted up a week ago, still don't know why but having seen a lot of computers die so... I thought I could get a new phone with a better camera, 2 birds.

I feel ya @angie_nrs I've phone shopped in the big town, 4 stores, spent hours reading details on the web. All I've gotten so far is a headache. My phone doesn't even work where I live. A "pay as you go", $100 a year, cheap. Works when I drive.

So I need the most basic phone possible but with a good camera. To get a good camera everyone wants to sell me a plan starting at $50 a month. I actually had a girl tell me she couldn't sell me any phone without out their "basic package". $600 a year forever because I want a camera? I don't think so. Guess my camera budget just went up, a cheap phone will do fine.

So I'm not any closer...
I hate cell phones. People go bananas if you don't drop everything and answer. A million texts to have a 3 second conversation. I sometimes break down and carry mine, but I keep it in a signal blocking envelope. Leave a message already. Maybe I'll remember to check for messages in a day or three. Don't bother texting, I lost my glasses.
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