Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I bought an over priced garden hose last Tues. Big box store, it was the only 25ft hose they sold. It was a "Zero-G", supposed to be a good hose, 5year warranty.

It failed instantly, leaked badly, backwards out of the sheath, not the connector, O-ring was fine, it didn't leak there. There's a plastic shield around the hose just before the connector. It poured water...

So I have to drive 80miles to return a hose... For some reason the employee's didn't understand, the rest of the 25ft hoses had been pulled off the shelf. They had left the 50-100ft hoses of the same brand on the shelves. They refunded my money.

So I had to stop at wallys across the road for the knock off brand of the same type, $10 less. It didn't fail, worked fine.

So I guess this is a rant about burning $20 in gas to return a crappy $30 hose... and a warning about this brand of garden hose.

View attachment 91194
Been there, done that, learned my lesson. :(
I only use "bullet-proof hoses" today. Nothing else will survive my brutal 'test engineers'.
Both of the last 2 that I bought are still doing fine 2-years later.:thumbs:
One of which, gets 'tested' every single day:oops:.
(Oh, and they are not expensive).
I answered the letter I got from the DMV and mailed off a check to get my tag renewed.:)
I got back my sticker today!:D
I need to rush out and get it stuck on my tag.........before it expires, at the end of September.:rolleyes:
(The good news: 4-years = $112. :))
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When I moved from Kalifornia to Arizona, I walked into the MVD (Arizona's version of the DMV) and asked about registration... wound up paying $100 for FIVE years, lol. I actually laughed out loud when the gal told me how much it would cost... when she cocked an eyebrow at me, I told her it would've been $1000 in Kalifornia. Here in New Mexico, registration was pretty cheap, but the state only offered one and two-year registrations. I took the two-year option. :rolleyes:
Because my mother gets handicap plates I think it's something like $15 for registration for 2 years. That is the longest they let people do registration for here. But we also have to pay $10/yr for inspection stickers. They let you get up to 2 years on that as well. So, $20 for a 2 year sticker.

I'm still tired and Mom is feeling sick again. Tummy issues. I guess I really need to do a deep clean of the house to make sure its nothing bacterial. Gonna suck bc I doubt I can get too much help from my brother.
Because my mother gets handicap plates I think it's something like $15 for registration for 2 years. That is the longest they let people do registration for here. But we also have to pay $10/yr for inspection stickers. They let you get up to 2 years on that as well. So, $20 for a 2 year sticker.

I'm still tired and Mom is feeling sick again. Tummy issues. I guess I really need to do a deep clean of the house to make sure its nothing bacterial. Gonna suck bc I doubt I can get too much help from my brother.
Handicapped placards are free in Washington and are good for 5 years. You have to have a form from the doctor.
Washington State disabled parking placard, plate, or decal holders can park in any designated disabled parking space in the state. They can also park in any on-street, time restricted, metered parking space for free for an unlimited period of time. This does not apply to privately owned parking spaces or spaces designated for special vehicles such as loading bays, fire lanes, or bus lanes.
I am amazed the state lets you get anything for free.
When I moved from Kalifornia to Arizona, I walked into the MVD (Arizona's version of the DMV) and asked about registration... wound up paying $100 for FIVE years, lol. I actually laughed out loud when the gal told me how much it would cost... when she cocked an eyebrow at me, I told her it would've been $1000 in Kalifornia. Here in New Mexico, registration was pretty cheap, but the state only offered one and two-year registrations. I took the two-year option. :rolleyes:
Texas sucks for auto registration!! $$$$$$$
Not a rant, per se- it's just this bothers me. Had a misspent youth as a stable hand, and my weekends were often spent at the races. 'Ladies' day' has become a thing, and even when it's not, this is how people dress. High heels and soggy turf do not mix. There's often poor shelter and a wind that would split you, so by the end, anyone with less than two layers is an icicle. I pulled a random pic; the girls would look great at a festival or a disco, not leaping out of the way of hooves.
My friend messaged me to say that the state IRS sent him a "second notice" that he owes taxes & they assessed late fees. But its the first notice he's ever received. He filed his taxes early & was given his returns. They are just now claiming he owes them more $. He gets hit with federal tax plus taxes from two different states. Bc he works for a company from NJ and pays NJ taxes, he's supposed to be exempt from local state income taxes but all 3 hit him & they are screwing him over. They did the same thing to my mother a few years back. They ended up refunding some of it bc they lied about how much they took out in the first place. I told my friend to contact the state IRS and tell them he never received notice but he said they won't care. He's probably right. But its almost $300 and he can't afford that with all the taxes already being taken out every paycheck.
It's been an interesting day, we live in interesting times. Around suppertime, some (REDACTED) (REDACTED) ( * ) opens the screen door and beats on the steel door. Teddy (70 lbs of highly protective and smart Australian Shepard/Chow mix) goes ******* nuts (It is comforting to have overwatch). I answer the door with a .45, and tell him using not family friendly language to leave before I call Teddy off his Sit/Stay, I have video, but tis not acceptable on a family friendly forum. It did get posted on facebook and the community watch group.

10:30 pm, time for Teddy to go answer the call of nature. He once again "alerts" (thats polite for ******* nuts). It's dark, so I pick up the PMR-30 with a light and go see (Raccoon/possum/fox/cat not his are all possibilities). A group of people I can't identify are in the carport of the "backyard neighbor" so I get to call the neighbor. They are Okay, one of his son and friends. Glad he answered the phone, otherwise it's time to call a cruiser for a check.
It's been an interesting day, we live in interesting times. Around suppertime, some (REDACTED) (REDACTED) ( * ) opens the screen door and beats on the steel door. Teddy (70 lbs of highly protective and smart Australian Shepard/Chow mix) goes ******* nuts (It is comforting to have overwatch). I answer the door with a .45, and tell him using not family friendly language to leave before I call Teddy off his Sit/Stay, I have video, but tis not acceptable on a family friendly forum. It did get posted on facebook and the community watch group.

10:30 pm, time for Teddy to go answer the call of nature. He once again "alerts" (thats polite for ******* nuts). It's dark, so I pick up the PMR-30 with a light and go see (Raccoon/possum/fox/cat not his are all possibilities). A group of people I can't identify are in the carport of the "backyard neighbor" so I get to call the neighbor. They are Okay, one of his son and friends. Glad he answered the phone, otherwise it's time to call a cruiser for a check.
You can’t be too careful now days, I had a neighbor girl go missing two weeks ago and has not been seen since, Well at 12:45 in the morning last thursday night her crack head brother was walking up my driveway with nothing but the light on his cell phone, I ran him off but it was almost a bad day for him. The world has gone full blown nuts.
Amish Heart, funny you should mention that because my mother actually argued with the IRS and won. She got called in for an audit. He gave her some bs about disallowing something. She picked the book up off his desk, opened it to the appropriate page, and showed him where she was right and he was wrong. He begrudgingly agreed and allowed the deduction. She used to volunteer to help people with their taxes when we lived overseas. She got pretty mad at some very wealthy couple that came in, presented documents, had her do the taxes, and then brought out documents they'd withheld and said "Oh, these don't matter, right?" But they did. They mattered a lot and meant that the couple owed taxes instead of getting any back. They were trying to get her help them cheat on their taxes. They were unhappy when she made the adjustments even though they could easily afford the taxes.

Pretty sure the friend will be asking for the $300 from us. He can't get it from anyone else. His family members are all moochers & thieves. I caught his Mom trying to steal one of his tool attachments the other day but I stopped her.

I'm still tired. I really don't want to have to go get bloodwork bc I hate needles and I hate going to the doctor. but I need to see if my thyroid meds are working.

Also found out one (or more) of the cats has been crapping on top of the fridge. I could smell something but couldn't see it bc I'm not tall enough. Apparently my brother knew (because he can see it) and only told me about it this morning. I stood on my tiptoes and cleaned off as much as I could but I'm going to have to get something to climb up on bc I'm pretty sure I missed some but I got a massive pile off. He could have easily cleaned it off himself but he won't clean. It's probably his cats doing it.
Surprsie surprise, I have more venting to do.
First is idiots who have no awareness and consideration of others in public. We went to the Chinese buffet. The signs say to wear masks and put on gloves (which are both provided). The gloves are so you don't touch the serving utensils with your bare hands. Well, some dude was walking around without the gloves and started licking and sucking on his fingers and then touched the serving utensils on at least 3 different items. I went and alerted the staff so they could clean/replace the utensils.

Second is our bank's security is apparently terrible. I mentioned my brother's account got hacked & they drained his savings. It got restored. However, when he deposited his paycheck and went to see his balance it was in the red. Someone had used a debit card that he had deactivated (but the bank allowed it to be used). They hacked his account to change the phone number and some info so he would no longer get text alerts of withdrawals. They not only drained EVERYTHING from his bank account (savings and checking) but they also allowed the hacker to do a bunch of Zelle transactions and overdrafted his account. Now, he has his account set to not allow overdrafting. It's supposed to block any transactions that would overdraft. But he was several hundred $ in the negative because they allowed it.

So he was in the bank over an hour today dealing with it. The clerk said that the bank screwed up by not following protocol and changing his account number the first time it happened. I'm going to have to check on my account. but I never use my bank account on a computer or cellphone. I only ever handle stuff in person. My brother is thinking of switching to Chase bank because they called him when someone tried to open an account there in his name. He told them it wasn't him so they denied it. Discover also had his back, calling different banks and letting them know that someone was actively trying to steal his identity and open accounts in his name. My brother is really ticked that the bank allowed his account to be drained and overdrafted against their policies when they were already on alert that someone was trying to steal from him.
Quoted as TRUTH!

"The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown
That is SO true... when such men (and women) finally snap, it's a done deal, and they go all the way. Some of them have skills learned in the military, therefore they are even more dangerous when they snap... :oops:

I look at these fraudulent criminal scumbags in office now, and I wonder when the breaking point will be reached... when the good men (and women) will reach for their firearms and join the revolution. Hopefully sometime soon... :rolleyes:

These dirty swine think they're untouchable, but when the REAL mob rises, it'll be a different story... no matter how many bunkers & bodyguards the elitist swine have. French royalty learned this lesson the hard way, lol. ;)
That is SO true... when such men (and women) finally snap, it's a done deal, and they go all the way. Some of them have skills learned in the military, therefore they are even more dangerous when they snap... :oops:

I look at these fraudulent criminal scumbags in office now, and I wonder when the breaking point will be reached... when the good men (and women) will reach for their firearms and join the revolution. Hopefully sometime soon... :rolleyes:

These dirty swine think they're untouchable, but when the REAL mob rises, it'll be a different story... no matter how many bunkers & bodyguards the elitist swine have. French royalty learned this lesson the hard way, lol. ;)

A concrete bunker is just another way of saying tome.
Quoted as TRUTH!

"The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown
WOW, so true!!
Was kind of glad to see @Faez statement. Woke up early here, and for some reason on my mind were thoughts I've had fleetingly over the past few weeks. They seem to have swirled together like a pile of leaves this morning.
Feeling like society has slipped back into the pre-covid way of life here- everyone is rushing about, spending too much and worrying, and drivers are inconsiderate and don't wave or pull in on our country roads. My daughter works as a waitress in a tiny coffee shop. It's a girly sort of place; cotton candy colours, fairy lights, bunting. Popular with women and young mothers. She can't get over some of the people. Its not that they are outright rude; just inconsiderate. 'I want' are the first words out of their mouths. Not hello, can I have. Some of them are 'hangry' (hungry&angry) but for the most part, don't seem to be enjoying the time out with friends or family, then pay 60 (at least half a weeks shopping) without a thank you. The mess left is not all the children's either! My daughter's boss has noticed it more this year also.
Last weekend the small village a few miles had 10 lads smash up signage at the gas station while waiting for a bus. Only one came forward (not local lads) to pay for damage; they let off a fire extinguisher all over the place. That never used to happen. Another night a lad was beaten up by a few lads while waiting for his Dad to pick him up. It's all very odd. What have they to be angry about? I expect it in the city but in not country villages and towns.
I'm disappointed; I naively thought that the last few years would remind society about 'basic goodness', appreciation of people, nature etc. Instead, they throw their takeaway food out the window and complain about '1st world problems' such as airport queues and robot mower not working so you have to mow yourself.
It's not a world I wanted to raise my children in; we were delighted when returning home from the States that peace had been established in northern Ireland, and the Church no longer had a grip on society. Modern Ireland was productive, equal, hopeful- happy. And during Covid everyone was considerate, looking after nature -What happened?!
I don't really expect an answer- but thanks for listening! :)
I think covid intensified the me first attitudes. I remember seeing facebook postings of sooo many selfies. Covid haircuts. Covid meals at home. Covid puzzles. Grandma has to miss Christmas with the family. Everyone get in touch with their pain. Stay away from people. Mask judging, or not wearing a mask judging. Stupid stuff, really.
Magpie, we've had the same kind of behavior here too. There were some local businesses that closed due to the rude behavior of patrons. They basically said %$#@ it!.....the abuse was not worth it. They don't have the appropriate amount of staff so they do what they can to accomodate people, but those people expect the VERY best service b/c THEY are on vacation. Well, now they get to go somewhere else for their snacks, ice cream, spirits, and food. It's why I typically stay home during the summertime on the weekends or go elsewhere b/c the vacationers that flood into may area are jerks! I do not go to local stores on the weekends. Geez, you'd think they would be happy......they're on vacation after all!
View attachment 91518 Not a rant, per se- it's just this bothers me. Had a misspent youth as a stable hand, and my weekends were often spent at the races. 'Ladies' day' has become a thing, and even when it's not, this is how people dress. High heels and soggy turf do not mix. There's often poor shelter and a wind that would split you, so by the end, anyone with less than two layers is an icicle. I pulled a random pic; the girls would look great at a festival or a disco, not leaping out of the way of hooves.
I don't have any pictures but yesterday as I had to drive down town, there was a young gal who was wearing flesh colored micro thin "shorts" - we called them leotards when I was a tot and only ballerinas wore that material - and a sports bra. At least she wasn't obese, but it almost made me ill. Could easily determine that no other undergarments were being worn. Maybe guys like it, but I was appalled and embarrassed for her.
I don't have any pictures but yesterday as I had to drive down town, there was a young gal who was wearing flesh colored micro thin "shorts" - we called them leotards when I was a tot and only ballerinas wore that material - and a sports bra. At least she wasn't obese, but it almost made me ill. Could easily determine that no other undergarments were being worn. Maybe guys like it, but I was appalled and embarrassed for her.
Just speculating here...

Well I can never capture a sugar daddy with my whit or wisdom so....

That type of garb may attract a man's eye but it will not entertain his whit or capture his heart.

I don't have any pictures but yesterday as I had to drive down town, there was a young gal who was wearing flesh colored micro thin "shorts" - we called them leotards when I was a tot and only ballerinas wore that material - and a sports bra. At least she wasn't obese, but it almost made me ill. Could easily determine that no other undergarments were being worn. Maybe guys like it, but I was appalled and embarrassed for her.
Just sounds like advertizing
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