Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I don't have any pictures but yesterday as I had to drive down town, there was a young gal who was wearing flesh colored micro thin "shorts" - we called them leotards when I was a tot and only ballerinas wore that material - and a sports bra. At least she wasn't obese, but it almost made me ill. Could easily determine that no other undergarments were being worn. Maybe guys like it, but I was appalled and embarrassed for her.
I'm the same way, I get embarrassed for all these girls all dressed up in barely anything for their formal dances. You know, like when a couple goes out to eat before Homecoming or Prom? That's where I see them. Scantily clad in glittery, overly-sexualized dresses that leave nothing to the imagination. Sometimes it's all I can do not to cry. Are they so unloved that their mammas and daddies don't stop them from leaving the house looking like that?
What galls me is, they dress their kid like a Las Vegas wh0re, then accuse an older guy of being a pedophile when he has a look or gods forbid, talks to them. She's sixteen and dresses trashy 21 and like she's on the market for gods sake! never mind not caring where their sweet little bundle of hormone infused jail bait is hanging out. (BARS!) Never mind the boys, who kind of dress like they're girls or even gay! its like these stupid people WANT to wreck someone's life or reputation! I quit talking to anyone that looked to be under thirty back in my mid 20's. these people are fowl, so pluck em'!
Since when did we get a middle finger emoji? YAY!
What galls me is, they dress their kid like a Las Vegas wh0re, then accuse an older guy of being a pedophile when he has a look or gods forbid, talks to them. She's sixteen and dresses trashy 21 and like she's on the market for gods sake! never mind not caring where their sweet little bundle of hormone infused jail bait is hanging out. (BARS!) Never mind the boys, who kind of dress like they're girls or even gay! its like these stupid people WANT to wreck someone's life or reputation! I quit talking to anyone that looked to be under thirty back in my mid 20's. these people are fowl, so pluck em'!
Since when did we get a middle finger emoji? YAY!
I have been careful all my life, about being around younger girls, wife friends before we were married, daughters friends & now any girl by herself.
Not sure why I am so careful, I have never had a confrontation, but one never know when someone will take something out of context.
How the heck does anyone lose a pot holder? I just bought new pot holders in April, couple mitts, couple of square pads. I lost a square pad! How does that happen? I've been looking for a week, it's been missing longer.

I've decided to blame the puppy. He grabs stuff and runs sometimes. It took a month to find a leather glove he swiped.
I don't have any pictures but yesterday as I had to drive down town, there was a young gal who was wearing flesh colored micro thin "shorts" - we called them leotards when I was a tot and only ballerinas wore that material - and a sports bra. At least she wasn't obese, but it almost made me ill. Could easily determine that no other undergarments were being worn. Maybe guys like it, but I was appalled and embarrassed for her.
My rule back in the day - ****s or legs, not both. And keep it classy
Was kind of glad to see @Faez statement. Woke up early here, and for some reason on my mind were thoughts I've had fleetingly over the past few weeks. They seem to have swirled together like a pile of leaves this morning.
Feeling like society has slipped back into the pre-covid way of life here- everyone is rushing about, spending too much and worrying, and drivers are inconsiderate and don't wave or pull in on our country roads. My daughter works as a waitress in a tiny coffee shop. It's a girly sort of place; cotton candy colours, fairy lights, bunting. Popular with women and young mothers. She can't get over some of the people. Its not that they are outright rude; just inconsiderate. 'I want' are the first words out of their mouths. Not hello, can I have. Some of them are 'hangry' (hungry&angry) but for the most part, don't seem to be enjoying the time out with friends or family, then pay 60 (at least half a weeks shopping) without a thank you. The mess left is not all the children's either! My daughter's boss has noticed it more this year also.
Last weekend the small village a few miles had 10 lads smash up signage at the gas station while waiting for a bus. Only one came forward (not local lads) to pay for damage; they let off a fire extinguisher all over the place. That never used to happen. Another night a lad was beaten up by a few lads while waiting for his Dad to pick him up. It's all very odd. What have they to be angry about? I expect it in the city but in not country villages and towns.
I'm disappointed; I naively thought that the last few years would remind society about 'basic goodness', appreciation of people, nature etc. Instead, they throw their takeaway food out the window and complain about '1st world problems' such as airport queues and robot mower not working so you have to mow yourself.
It's not a world I wanted to raise my children in; we were delighted when returning home from the States that peace had been established in northern Ireland, and the Church no longer had a grip on society. Modern Ireland was productive, equal, hopeful- happy. And during Covid everyone was considerate, looking after nature -What happened?!
I don't really expect an answer- but thanks for listening! :)
I've spoken with a lot of people who have noticed the same thing. Arguing with salespeople in stores about stuff they have no control over, just generally people being jerks. Kindness is free. The entitlement is amazing.
I've decided to blame the puppy
Maybe it smelled like food. Bacon grease splatter?

When the Covid masking became mandatory the local Ace hardware had a kid sitting at the door giving people a mask if they needed one.
As I walked in there was some ******* giving the kid hell. I stopped and asked the kid if he was really the Governor.
He looked at me funny and said no.
I then told the ******* he was yelling at the wrong person. That kid had nothing to do with the mask mandate.
The ******* walked away and the kid just smiled at me.
As I left the store he had made a sign that said he was not responsible and please take any complaints to the Governor.
Here is my rant. Why on earth does my fridge need to be connected to wi-fi?

[ Usage Summary ]

Filter Status

water filter icon


Your water filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

air filter icon

Fresh Air​

Your air filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

Water Consumption
water icon
196 oz
Thanks for being eco-friendly. That's 12 plastic water bottles that didn't get tossed in the trash.

Door Open Count

fridge icon

Fresh Food​

(Daily Avg.)
Frequent door openings require your unit to run more often and may prevent your unit from maintaining the set temperature. Frost, increased noise, and low ice production may also be experienced.

freezer icon


(Daily Avg.)
Freezer compartment activity in the last month did not impact performance.

[ Performance Summary ]

Fresh Food

Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your refrigerator's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.


Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your freezers's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.

You Share, We Listen
How the heck does anyone lose a pot holder? I just bought new pot holders in April, couple mitts, couple of square pads. I lost a square pad! How does that happen? I've been looking for a week, it's been missing longer.

I've decided to blame the puppy. He grabs stuff and runs sometimes. It took a month to find a leather glove he swiped.
Look in the trash, thats where mine ends up. normally right before I empty the grease pan into it.
Here is my rant. Why on earth does my fridge need to be connected to wi-fi?

[ Usage Summary ]

Filter Status

water filter icon


Your water filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

air filter icon

Fresh Air​

Your air filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

Water Consumption
water icon
196 oz
Thanks for being eco-friendly. That's 12 plastic water bottles that didn't get tossed in the trash.

Door Open Count

fridge icon

Fresh Food​

(Daily Avg.)
Frequent door openings require your unit to run more often and may prevent your unit from maintaining the set temperature. Frost, increased noise, and low ice production may also be experienced.

freezer icon


(Daily Avg.)
Freezer compartment activity in the last month did not impact performance.

[ Performance Summary ]

Fresh Food

Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your refrigerator's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.


Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your freezers's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.

You Share, We Listen
It must be a brand new fridge. Mine is two years old, but doesn't hook up to WIFI. It makes me wonder if there is a camera in it somewhere? Does it keep track of your food? And how much did you have to pay for it?
It must be a brand new fridge. Mine is two years old, but doesn't hook up to WIFI. It makes me wonder if there is a camera in it somewhere? Does it keep track of your food? And how much did you have to pay for it?
Seems all new appliances connect to your phone or laptop. In fact, this is the only way to trouble shoot any problems. This is a 3 door LG, bought at Home Depot, for about $2700. The Samsung was $1200 more. I just want something to keep food cold.
Seems all new appliances connect to your phone or laptop. In fact, this is the only way to trouble shoot any problems. This is a 3 door LG, bought at Home Depot, for about $2700. The Samsung was $1200 more. I just want something to keep food cold.
That is a crazy high price for a fridge. I think mine was $1200, French doors with water/ice dispenser in the freezer side door. I'm sure I'd be paying a few hundred more for it now.
Here is my rant. Why on earth does my fridge need to be connected to wi-fi?

[ Usage Summary ]

Filter Status

water filter icon


Your water filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

air filter icon

Fresh Air​

Your air filter does not need to be replaced at this time.

Water Consumption
water icon
196 oz
Thanks for being eco-friendly. That's 12 plastic water bottles that didn't get tossed in the trash.

Door Open Count

fridge icon

Fresh Food​

(Daily Avg.)
Frequent door openings require your unit to run more often and may prevent your unit from maintaining the set temperature. Frost, increased noise, and low ice production may also be experienced.

freezer icon


(Daily Avg.)
Freezer compartment activity in the last month did not impact performance.

[ Performance Summary ]

Fresh Food

Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your refrigerator's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.


Great news! During the past month no issues were detected that would have impacted your freezers's ability to cool and keep your food items fresh.

You Share, We Listen
It's obviously so it can tattle-tail on you to the 'mother-ship'.
They want to get you on the bandwagon of sending them $85 every 6 months for filters.
Since fridges last for decades, they need 'continuing income' :waiting:
Ours isn't Wi-Fi but every 6 months it pops up that the $85 water-filter must be ordered/changed even though we don't use diddley of water or ice. (yes, it has separate messages telling to order one and then to change it:rolleyes:)
If you ignore it, it stops sending water to the ice-makers:mad:.
Solution: Open the door were the filter is, wait 10 seconds for it to stop chiming, close it and done!:thumbs:
The problem with WiFi is, the mother-ship can make the fridge do other things to control you and make you send them even more money.:confused:
The bad thing is, with wireless it is impossible to "cut the cord":mad:.
How the heck does anyone lose a pot holder? I just bought new pot holders in April, couple mitts, couple of square pads. I lost a square pad! How does that happen? I've been looking for a week, it's been missing longer.

I've decided to blame the puppy. He grabs stuff and runs sometimes. It took a month to find a leather glove he swiped.
It is hanging out with those socks! :rolleyes: ;)
havasu, what happens it you don't give it your wifi password? I refused to let any of my appliances hook to my wifi. I don't like having hackable stuff. I have a friend who used to work in FBI counterintelligence & she got a "smart" TV and someone hacked it so she couldn't get it to work properly. I've heard the newer Samsungs will force you to watch ads in order to get through menus. No thank you. Not getting that brand anymore. The one I have is not working properly. It has big blue spots on the screen and the red light power indicator keeps going off. It is plugged in properly, but I have to twist and turn the tv on its base until the light comes back on. No idea what the problem is, but Mom wants a new TV. This one is several years old. Thinking of going with a Hisense ULED. Got one for my friend on a big sale and he LOVES it. It has Dolby Atmos audio and a gorgeous picture.

The surge protector I got from Samsclub failed to protect my phone. I mentioned that the phoneline exploded, but so did the AC adapter. Not sure how the hell it happened, but the adapter blew apart. Weird thing is, the cord to the adapter seems fine, but the adapter itself went kablooey. There are scorch marks on the circuit board from inside the adapter.
Some idiots should not be allowed to drive. My heart goes out to the 9 injured and family of the 5 dead.

(not anywhere near me, but that crash was impressive & I wasn't sure where to share it). Not sure how to post just the video.
Drunk driver survived with minor injuries.
havasu, what happens it you don't give it your wifi password? I refused to let any of my appliances hook to my wifi. I don't like having hackable stuff. I have a friend who used to work in FBI counterintelligence & she got a "smart" TV and someone hacked it so she couldn't get it to work properly. I've heard the newer Samsungs will force you to watch ads in order to get through menus. No thank you. Not getting that brand anymore. The one I have is not working properly. It has big blue spots on the screen and the red light power indicator keeps going off. It is plugged in properly, but I have to twist and turn the tv on its base until the light comes back on. No idea what the problem is, but Mom wants a new TV. This one is several years old. Thinking of going with a Hisense ULED. Got one for my friend on a big sale and he LOVES it. It has Dolby Atmos audio and a gorgeous picture.

The surge protector I got from Samsclub failed to protect my phone. I mentioned that the phoneline exploded, but so did the AC adapter. Not sure how the hell it happened, but the adapter blew apart. Weird thing is, the cord to the adapter seems fine, but the adapter itself went kablooey. There are scorch marks on the circuit board from inside the adapter.
Have a look at this!
https://digicruncher.com/check-tv-hidden-camera/Might want to think about where you and the missus "get frisky" you might end up on an NSA/dark web porn site!
I will do without a fridge before I have one of those in the house.

I found my oven mitts in the freezer once, and another time I baked one in the oven at 350°. It came out burnt and didn't taste very good.

Haha, you funneh!!! Many years ago, I went camping for several days in Lark Canyon, East San Diego County... fairly remote in those days, so there was nobody else around. Got totally hammered the first night, blasting my stereo by the campfire... the following morning, I found a Flogging Molly CD in my beer cooler, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :oops:

P.S. Didn't hurt the CD, just had to dry it off... ;)
havasu, what happens it you don't give it your wifi password? I refused to let any of my appliances hook to my wifi. I don't like having hackable stuff. I have a friend who used to work in FBI counterintelligence & she got a "smart" TV and someone hacked it so she couldn't get it to work properly. I've heard the newer Samsungs will force you to watch ads in order to get through menus. No thank you. Not getting that brand anymore. The one I have is not working properly. It has big blue spots on the screen and the red light power indicator keeps going off. It is plugged in properly, but I have to twist and turn the tv on its base until the light comes back on. No idea what the problem is, but Mom wants a new TV. This one is several years old. Thinking of going with a Hisense ULED. Got one for my friend on a big sale and he LOVES it. It has Dolby Atmos audio and a gorgeous picture.

The surge protector I got from Samsclub failed to protect my phone. I mentioned that the phoneline exploded, but so did the AC adapter. Not sure how the hell it happened, but the adapter blew apart. Weird thing is, the cord to the adapter seems fine, but the adapter itself went kablooey. There are scorch marks on the circuit board from inside the adapter.
Daughter had a smart television that was in my garage for over a year. She brought it into my house this week. It is much bigger and newer that my other television, that hasn't been turned on in quite a while. I haven't hooked it up yet, but now I'm concerned about doing that.
Well, my TV will have a view of a cluttered room & cats climbing all over.

Minor vent, but I was subjected to my brother bragging about what a genius he is with finance and how he knows so much more than everyone else in the area and how he was even better at accounting than me. I had A+ in Accounting class. He then claimed he had to help me with my homework, which is absolute bs. I don't know if he actually believes that made up crap or if he just likes to lie. He thinks he's a genius in science as well. Dunning Kruger is strong with this one. But the irony of him bragging about how great he is with his money (aside from him letting his account get hacked by having an app on his phone) is that he doesn't pay any bills and never has. Mom pays for his internet, electricity, phone, food, gas, & everything. He only pays for things he wants. At most he sometimes paid for his gas, fast food, & his vehicle insurance. He did pay me back for the loan to get his truck as well. But good grief he thinks he's some sort of financial guru when he's never actually had any financial responsibility. He thinks he would do so great on his own when he's never had to budget. He has no idea how much of mom's $ he spends on food. Yet he brags like he's better than our friends who live paycheck to paycheck and actually have to pay for things themselves. I really wish I could get him to see reality sometimes. It's so frustrating listening to someone brag about skills they don't actually have-- especially when he was acting like he's superior to me. I actually did call him out on the accounting thing and told him he was full of it.
A couple weeks ago, I picked up a used 1990s vintage Ruger 10/22 for a steal.
Sadly, my state is no longer for free men and I had to wait 10 business days to actually bring it home.
That's not my rant...

My stepdaughter called and asked me to take her shooting on Sunday, so I said sure! (That's not my rant either...)

So I decide that if I'm going shooting, I might as well give the old 10/22 a quick cleaning. (Here comes my rant.)

That thing was absolutely FILTHY!
It looks like the previous owner only ever swabed the barrel and brushed the breach.

I took the whole thing apart (even the trigger group) and spent 2 hours de-gunking everything.
There was so much crud in the firing pin groove that I wouldn't be surprised if it was giving light strikes.
And the crud behind the extractor? I had to scrape that gunk with my dental tools, it was so caked on.

I'm going to have to get a new spring set for it as the trigger return spring has almost no tension against the extractor/bolt lock pin.

Hopefully tomorrow (or today, actually), my work will pay off and it will function like my other 90s vintage 10/22.

Point is, if you're going to sell something, clean it up first!

Thank you for enduring my tale of woe.
I shal now hit the showers and shuffle my cranky butt to bed...
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