Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I've been trying not to give unsolicited advice, but....

@zannej, drop that lady like a hot potato! It's very sweet of you to be willing to be her sounding board, but she's walking all over you. Just say no to her toxicity - for the sake of your own health. Believe that you deserve better than that. You do. ;)
Yep, Neb, you are exactly right. We are treating it like a vacation without the twins. Little granddaughter has been having a great time with her cousins when we've had to go to court and the meeting, and dinnertime now has been her and us on tv trays with Green Acres on. We laugh and laugh.
I don't mind family therapy at all Zannej. We went through it for many years with our son, the kid's dad. Can't say it did any good since he still continued to use drugs, but we did it. All we have to do right now is survive till June 11 next year, and our obligation to them is done. Today they have their "intake" appt for "forensic therapy". What that means is an initial appt with the trauma therapist regarding the abuse they suffered from their mom. The caseworker believes that is why the two are out to get me, because they are taking it out on me because they can't take it out on mom. I have no idea. Just tired of it at this point. Also, nothing has been said about little granddaughter at all, and I don't expect there to be.
Yep, Neb, you are exactly right. We are treating it like a vacation without the twins. Little granddaughter has been having a great time with her cousins when we've had to go to court and the meeting, and dinnertime now has been her and us on tv trays with Green Acres on. We laugh and laugh.
I don't mind family therapy at all Zannej. We went through it for many years with our son, the kid's dad. Can't say it did any good since he still continued to use drugs, but we did it. All we have to do right now is survive till June 11 next year, and our obligation to them is done. Today they have their "intake" appt for "forensic therapy". What that means is an initial appt with the trauma therapist regarding the abuse they suffered from their mom. The caseworker believes that is why the two are out to get me, because they are taking it out on me because they can't take it out on mom. I have no idea. Just tired of it at this point. Also, nothing has been said about little granddaughter at all, and I don't expect there to be.
Funny about watching Green Acres.

My lawyer was doing his interpretation of the husband character when he did his speeches Right down to the finger in the air thing. :thumbs:

I appreciate the advice. If crazy lady starts to become annoying I can always block her. She lives over 3 hours away and doesn't know where I live. LOL.

Got annoyed with my brother today. He asked me for a favor and then acted ungrateful the whole time I was helping him. He gets mad that he says I treat him like he's irresponsible-- but that's because he IS irresponsible. He lost paperwork I told him to put in a safe place. Yelled at me when I asked him if he checked in certain places. I almost turned the truck around a few times to dump him at home and tell him to drive himself and use his own money instead of mine for stuff. First he kept looking up stuff online and took over 20min on his phone looking and yelled at me when I told him to just call the courthouse to find the info. He acted like it was the dumbest idea ever and that I was being an idiot. So, I parked and called them and had the info he needed in 2min.

He told me he just had to drop off some paperwork at the casino so I took him there. We had a little back and forth bc he kept forgetting things in the car and kept trying to open the door after the doors autolocked. After the 3rd time he snapped at me about why I was locking the doors. I told him that the doors locked themselves and that I didn't know he was stupid enough to leave stuff in the car 3x (actually 4x but we'll get to that later). He went inside and I parked. Waited 30min and called him. He snapped at me to have some patience (with some expletives in between). 10min later he called and said he forgot the money order and wanted me to bring it in. I seriously considered driving off and leaving him after he was so rude and I almost told him to come get it himself but I needed to stretch my legs. I limped on over. Saw a friend who told me which doors to go to. He was waiting impatiently inside. His handwriting is so awful that they couldn't read it and the paperwork needs to be filled out again. He was trying to fill it out but the lady there wanted to leave and I was running an hour late now on picking up my friend's dentures. I told him to hurry up and go. He whined about me lacking patience and blah blah blah. I tuned him out. I told him I didn't care what he was griping about but I had other things to do and he was making me late. I made it 3min before closing to pick up my friend's dentures. Friend had called 7min before and I told him I was almost there so he called them and let them know. I really wish he didn't act like I'm so unreasonable when he has zero patience with me over stuff and yells at me when I tell him I can't wait for things bc I have other stuff to do. Ugh.

My other gripe is that on the way home some lady pulled into the fast lane in a 65mph and started going 40mph. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting her and then wait for traffic on the right to pass so I could get around her. As I passed her I saw she had her face staring at her phone and not the road. I flipped her off but she didn't see it. I mostly did it to make myself feel a little better. She shouldn't have been going that slow in the slow lane much less the fast lane.
My other gripe is that on the way home some lady pulled into the fast lane in a 65mph and started going 40mph. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting her and then wait for traffic on the right to pass so I could get around her. As I passed her I saw she had her face staring at her phone and not the road. I flipped her off but she didn't see it. I mostly did it to make myself feel a little better. She shouldn't have been going that slow in the slow lane much less the fast lane.

I feel this. I'm on the state highway for about an hour every weekday and I could complain about the idiots I see until the end of time. My recent fav was an idiot who did exactly that (in my state, it's illegal to 'travel' in the left lane, it's for passing only. You pass and then move to right lane.) and then when they finally started to move into right lane, only went about halfway so they were straddling the center line. I tore around them on the left, laying on the horn and they freaked and swerved all over the road. I'm sure they were looking at their phone too. Morons. :mad:
Oh I HATE when people do that, Chaosdawn! I've had some that can't make up their minds on which lane they want to be in. I was in the fast lane bc I was going speed limit and the vehicles in the slow lane were going slightly under so I was passing them until the idiot on her phone got in the way. Same rule on fast lane except when there is road construction or flooding and there is too much water in the right lane. That actually happens a lot. Water will slow down the passenger side wheels.
Bonus idiot points on the chick on her phone-- she had blue headlights. I don't mean slightly blue, I mean very blue-- which is illegal.

The people who want my dogs have decided they want them Saturday. The wife wanted them to be given flea baths and Nexguard. No groomers in my area to do flea baths and vet's office doesn't carry Nexguard. But the husband told me not to worry about it. He even offered to drive all the way out to my house to come get them to make it easier on me. Said he will give the vet's office his CC number over the phone to pay for any treatments I do get. His wife is stressing out because her father is dying. I can understand that. But he said he fell in love with the dogs and wants them. They really liked him so I'm happy. Just hope they test negative on heartworms.
Yep, Neb, you are exactly right. We are treating it like a vacation without the twins. Little granddaughter has been having a great time with her cousins when we've had to go to court and the meeting, and dinnertime now has been her and us on tv trays with Green Acres on. We laugh and laugh.
I don't mind family therapy at all Zannej. We went through it for many years with our son, the kid's dad. Can't say it did any good since he still continued to use drugs, but we did it. All we have to do right now is survive till June 11 next year, and our obligation to them is done. Today they have their "intake" appt for "forensic therapy". What that means is an initial appt with the trauma therapist regarding the abuse they suffered from their mom. The caseworker believes that is why the two are out to get me, because they are taking it out on me because they can't take it out on mom. I have no idea. Just tired of it at this point. Also, nothing has been said about little granddaughter at all, and I don't expect there to be.
Thinking of you and hope things are going well.
Thanks, Weedy. Today was awkward, but tolerable. Nice that the two neighbors stopped in to hear the story and check on us. Next is court on the 26th, and you know that husband is freaking about that. He is looking into getting a lawyer. On his to do list tomorrow. We were summoned because we were caught on recording calling grandson lazy (by me) and calling the granddaughter the b word (by husband) when she grabbed the grandson's cell phone back and said she was calling the police. Evidentally, that falls under the abuse thing. We have to admit to it and still keep the kids, or argue it, go to trial, and still keep the kids. But it also said that I used the word worthless, and that's not recorded, and I don't use that word. So, nope. And yes, grandson is lazy.
Hopefully the judge will understand that the granddaughter was deliberately getting you worked up and not recording the full conversation to show her aggravating you before. Also, I've never heard of people getting charged for calling someone lazy. People call each other names all the time and it doesn't amount to "abuse". Hell, if they could charge someone for that, my friend's ex would be in jail 1k times over for the way she verbally abuses kids. She used expletives and called her kid retarded when he was 6 because he had trouble counting to 20. Part of the issue was he was nervous because she got mad at him and hit him over it. Right after she called him an expletive and retarded, she slapped him so hard he spun around and fell and hit his head on the floor and started crying while she insulted him for being so "stupid" to get knocked over. She's physically abusive and DCFS wouldn't even investigate when it was reported. So it galls me how unequal the standards are in different places.

My whole body aches from having to chase the pups (who are now 44lbs) and pick them up multiple times. I'm going to have to keep them out of trouble until I can hand them over to their new owners on Saturday.
Thanks, Weedy. Today was awkward, but tolerable. Nice that the two neighbors stopped in to hear the story and check on us. Next is court on the 26th, and you know that husband is freaking about that. He is looking into getting a lawyer. On his to do list tomorrow. We were summoned because we were caught on recording calling grandson lazy (by me) and calling the granddaughter the b word (by husband) when she grabbed the grandson's cell phone back and said she was calling the police. Evidentally, that falls under the abuse thing. We have to admit to it and still keep the kids, or argue it, go to trial, and still keep the kids. But it also said that I used the word worthless, and that's not recorded, and I don't use that word. So, nope. And yes, grandson is lazy.
She knows how to antagonize you and did it on purpose to get you riled up. I know their days are numbered, but it is too many days! 322!
I know she thinks she is smarter than you, and she schemed to set both of you up, but she hasn't really thought about what her life was like before they came to you.
Continued prayers for both you and hubby.
She knows how to antagonize you and did it on purpose to get you riled up. I know their days are numbered, but it is too many days! 322!
I know she thinks she is smarter than you, and she schemed to set both of you up, but she hasn't really thought about what her life was like before they came to you.
Continued prayers for both you and hubby.
I beg to differ.

322 will be done quick enough.

@Amish Heart

While I have never surfed I have watched enough to understand a perfect ride as...

Finding a good starting point to ride a surge staying ahead of the raging waters with a goal of riding the board to the beach stepping off without wetting your suit.

Your ride with the twins has been an adventure to follow. You are just 322 days of keeping your mouth zipped if not instilling God's insight.

Keep your suit dry (both of you) and ride this out.


Attorney is great idea!

I beg to differ.

322 will be done quick enough.

@Amish Heart

While I have never surfed I have watched enough to understand a perfect ride as...

Finding a good starting point to ride a surge staying ahead of the raging waters with a goal of riding the board to the beach stepping off without wetting your suit.

Your ride with the twins has been an adventure to follow. You are just 322 days of keeping your mouth zipped if not instilling God's insight.

Keep your suit dry (both of you) and ride this out.


Attorney is great idea!

It really depends on how they act and treat their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Amish who I have met and think are great people. It could have been a good situation, but they are rebellious teens, who had so many challenges at a young age.

This makes me think of my childhood, and my grandparents raising me. They were not kind in any way, and I couldn't get away and stay away fast enough. They lost their servant when I left. I was not unkind to them in return. I was too beaten down. I was a well behaved person, no trouble to them, other than providing a home. There was an income relative to my parent's deaths. After I left home, I got into an abusive relationship. Why? Because I had been raised in an abusive home by abusive people. I began seeing therapists and figured some things out, but certainly not all of them. I was raised by narcissists, and I was the scapegoat, waiting hand and foot on the rest of the family, but not taken care of in return. There were several people who wanted to take my siblings and I, but grandmother had a narcissistic fit, and there we were. This is unlike Amish's grands. There were no other options for them. They had already been in 10 foster situations.
The times they are a-changing, and kids don't work as hard as they used to back in the day... all part of the indoctrination going on in leftist academic institutions. The traditional American Family is under assault, thanks to globalist propaganda in the media, all designed to take down the U.S. without firing a shot. And that plan is working too... one look at the ridiculous situation with Amish Heart and those kids is sufficient proof. 'Useful idiots' like the so-called caseworkers, child protective services types, and even the clowns in the courtroom are tearing apart the traditional fabric of American Society, using unsubstantiated BS "reports" and "statements" to drive wedges between relatives. I saw the worst of our so-called "judicial system" when I was falsely charged in Kalifornia... best thing ANY citizen can do is avoid it like the plague that it has become.
Today was interesting. So grandson is chatty and talking like not a thing happened. We are saying sure to whatever they want to go out and do. They have to ask, because they know that they are being checked on. Granddaughter does not talk to me, goes straight to her poppa. So this morning, she walked past me and said good morning. Out of character because she normally grunts at me when I say good morning to her. She let the dogs out of their kennels, gave them water, and went upstairs. Came down a while later and asked my husband if she can just take the truck to work today. Ha Ha Ha. She just got her license yesterday, and I'm still laughing that the boyfriend's mom signed for her under parent, and then i was denied when they asked for identification. Husband told her that borrowing a vehicle was a privilege, not a right. And she wasn't insured. She then complained to him that I was not cheerful saying good morning to her. He drove her the 2 miles to work. I would not have. She worked a ten hr shift. Asked if she could go car shopping Sunday with friends. Sundays are typically sacred around here. But he said sure. Grandson is working half day tomorrow, with an early work breakfast at the amish restaurant. He wants to take off to Wichita with a friend that we know to look at a car his friends wants. Sure. Grandson says he wants to go to girlfriends grandmas for Sunday lunch. Sure. Granddaughter wants to go with boyfriend's family to church on Sunday (baptist, ha), we said sure. Funny, granddaughter just recently said that she does not believe in God. Sympathetic to them daughter is flying in tomorrow from Tuscon. Funny they won't even be home when she's here. So one of them was supposed to do dinner dishes, shut up the chicken coops, do the animals water....of course, none did. So we did. Not going to ask them to do anything. Eleven months and 4 days. Although, I'm sure it'll be shorter. Betcha she moves in with the boyfriend a month early, right after graduation.
Sounds like things are fairly tense, Amish Heart. I hope everything goes well and that the grandkids learn to appreciate you. It's hard for kids that age to have perspective sometimes.

My gripe is my guts hate me today. I don't know what caused it. My mother had it the other day. Not sure if its a bug or something I ate.
Today was interesting. So grandson is chatty and talking like not a thing happened. We are saying sure to whatever they want to go out and do. They have to ask, because they know that they are being checked on. Granddaughter does not talk to me, goes straight to her poppa. So this morning, she walked past me and said good morning. Out of character because she normally grunts at me when I say good morning to her. She let the dogs out of their kennels, gave them water, and went upstairs. Came down a while later and asked my husband if she can just take the truck to work today. Ha Ha Ha. She just got her license yesterday, and I'm still laughing that the boyfriend's mom signed for her under parent, and then i was denied when they asked for identification. Husband told her that borrowing a vehicle was a privilege, not a right. And she wasn't insured. She then complained to him that I was not cheerful saying good morning to her. He drove her the 2 miles to work. I would not have. She worked a ten hr shift. Asked if she could go car shopping Sunday with friends. Sundays are typically sacred around here. But he said sure. Grandson is working half day tomorrow, with an early work breakfast at the amish restaurant. He wants to take off to Wichita with a friend that we know to look at a car his friends wants. Sure. Grandson says he wants to go to girlfriends grandmas for Sunday lunch. Sure. Granddaughter wants to go with boyfriend's family to church on Sunday (baptist, ha), we said sure. Funny, granddaughter just recently said that she does not believe in God. Sympathetic to them daughter is flying in tomorrow from Tuscon. Funny they won't even be home when she's here. So one of them was supposed to do dinner dishes, shut up the chicken coops, do the animals water....of course, none did. So we did. Not going to ask them to do anything. Eleven months and 4 days. Although, I'm sure it'll be shorter. Betcha she moves in with the boyfriend a month early, right after graduation.
Hugs to you! This will be interesting, and could be it's own thread here!
Granddaughter's been at work today, grandson, too, but only half day. Then took off with a friend to Wichita. I peeked in her room. The Wednesday night pizza moved from the end table to the top of the overflowing garbage can.
That is actually a good sign moving garbage in the right general direction . :thumbs:

I know I've always been somewhat messy. Mom never cleaned much and never really encouraged it much, but I never left trash in my room. I usually had a no-food in the bedroom policy. I still do. Only thing I bring in is bottled water. My brother has all sorts of food wrappers, plates, spoons, forks, knives, and empty water bottles all over his room. It's a disaster and he keeps complaining about mice. Mice and ants are why I don't keep food in my room.

Guts *still* hate me. I had a little bleeding earlier from it and ugh. Really not fun. I'm a bit nauseous and stomach is not liking me. I've been trying to stay very still. Which several of the cats have loved, but Itsy wants me to get up so she's been pawing at my face.
I really hate ticks! I just pulled the 4th one off me since last night. Yesterday morning I walked all the fence lines and pastures with my cousin. I expected to get at least one tick so jumped in the shower as soon as I got back. Took 2 more showers before bed and again this morning. I'm still finding the little blood suckers!

I began loading up with tinctures yesterday, especially Usnea. It's actually great for treating tick borne illnesses.

If you farm or spend time in nature ticks will get you sooner or later. This is actually the 7th bite so far this year. One year I stopped counting at 30. I was in the woods or fields every day and ticks were bad that year.

In comparison only 7 bites by the middle of July isn't that bad. But I still hate the little suckers!


Someone mentioned Green Acres above. Haven't seen that show in ages. I was shocked to learn Eddie Albert (Mr. Douglas) was a hero in the battle of Tarawa during ww2. I just learned this about 10 years ago.

"During the Battle of Tarawa, Albert earned a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for his actions on November 29 1943. He saved the lives of over 40 marines."

I really hate ticks! I just pulled the 4th one off me since last night. Yesterday morning I walked all the fence lines and pastures with my cousin. I expected to get at least one tick so jumped in the shower as soon as I got back. Took 2 more showers before bed and again this morning. I'm still finding the little blood suckers!

I began loading up with tinctures yesterday, especially Usnea. It's actually great for treating tick borne illnesses.

If you farm or spend time in nature ticks will get you sooner or later. This is actually the 7th bite so far this year. One year I stopped counting at 30. I was in the woods or fields every day and ticks were bad that year.

In comparison only 7 bites by the middle of July isn't that bad. But I still hate the little suckers!


Someone mentioned Green Acres above. Haven't seen that show in ages. I was shocked to learn Eddie Albert (Mr. Douglas) was a hero in the battle of Tarawa during ww2. I just learned this about 10 years ago.

"During the Battle of Tarawa, Albert earned a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for his actions on November 29 1943. He saved the lives of over 40 marines."

My mom had an uncle who fought in Tarawa, I remember her many times saying Eddie Albert fought in it!! As for ticks, I haven't been bothered this year! Maybe because it's so dry. Even the deer don't have too many on them. The one I can pet has some inside her front legs, some years she's covered in them!
New York is where I'd rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay. I just adore a penthouse view.
Darling, I love you, just give me Park Avenue. (Lisa)
The Stores (Lisa)
FRESH AIR (Oliver)
Times Square (Lisa)
Goodbye city life (Lisa)

Little granddaughter and I sing it. I have to be the Oliver part.
Stomach is still being hateful but in a different way than before. Bro is now having the same symptoms. Could be something we ate, could be the Metformin (we both take it), or could be a bug.
My memory sucks so I forgot a few things that I meant to put on my shopping list. House is a huge mess and I have a ton to clean up but never seem to have the energy or motivation. I need to get myself motivated and stop procrastinating.
Ugh, sorry to hear that Patchouli.
I woke up sweating and the sweat smells like it does when I haven't taken my thyroid meds-- but I know I took them so I'm not sure what the problem is. Must not be working though. I don't know why, but when I'm not on the thyroid meds, my sweat has a different smell and its very distinctive. My brother would say di-stink-tive. It's a weird sour smell.
I'm going to have to get bloodwork and check my thyroid levels and I hate needles. Might explain why I'm so tired though.
Ugh, sorry to hear that Patchouli.
I woke up sweating and the sweat smells like it does when I haven't taken my thyroid meds-- but I know I took them so I'm not sure what the problem is. Must not be working though. I don't know why, but when I'm not on the thyroid meds, my sweat has a different smell and its very distinctive. My brother would say di-stink-tive. It's a weird sour smell.
I'm going to have to get bloodwork and check my thyroid levels and I hate needles. Might explain why I'm so tired though.

Is it a different manufacturer for your meds than before? With my BP meds I've noticed a difference with a certain manufacturer, they wear off after about 15-16 hours instead of lasting the full 24. I try to avoid that manufacturer, it's hard to sleep when my heart rate is through the roof to say the least.
The AC can’t keep up with the heat.

Dunno whether you have central A/C or window units, sometimes a good cleaning can increase efficiency. Friend o' mine used compressed air to clean his window units, a strong vacuum cleaner also helps. If you're handy with tools, you can also add units... for instance, I bought extra 'window units' for my previous home but I installed them directly into the walls, that way they didn't block the light & I didn't have some ghetto-looking arrangement of plywood & foam in the windows, lol. :oops:

Installing an extra A/C unit into the wall is easy enough, you use a drill first to mark your corners, then cut out the square (or rectangle) for the unit itself... gotta build a "frame" in the wall to help support the unit, then add flat wooden frames on the interior & exterior walls for additional support. Once those outer frames are caulked and painted, you'll have a functional A/C unit that looks good and doesn't block any natural light from the window(s). :)

Long story short, I would NEVER have window units in actual windows, they're much better when installed directly into (or through) walls. There's a little work involved, but not much in the grand scheme of things, and the payoff is certainly worth the effort. Better natural light indoors with no windows blocked, and better security without some ghetto "framing job" in each window, lol. Gotta make sure all A/C unit vents are clear when installed directly into the wall, that's important. ;)

I now have central A/C and it works fairly well, as the outer Luxaire unit is nearly new, but it's costing me at least $150 per month in this brutal heat... might rise to $200 or whatever in the next billing cycle, as I've been running it for nearly 12 hours a day. I had three "window units" (installed in walls) in my home in Benson, AZ, and they kept that 24' x 60' double-wide sufficiently cool, now I'm dealing with central A/C in a 14' x 80' single-wide. Cost of operation isn't that much different... :rolleyes:
I had the AC unit serviced last month. It cost $560 but I'm not sweating so it was worth it.
It was low on coolant and the tech had to replace it. First he had to drain the old stuff and add the new type. 4 pounds at $45 a pound. I also had him cut the duct work open so the cooling coils can be cleaned. Even with 2 air filters the coils get clogged with pet hair and stop the air flow.
My AC is working very well but next week will be the real test. Our temps are going to be in the 100 to 110 range.
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