Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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That's one mean rooster in that video... but the cat doesn't look all that motivated either, I'd like to see how a stone cold killer like my cat Tiger would stack up against that bird. Tiger is a large rangy cat and he'd definitely put up a better show than that youngster in the video. Crackhead is a large cat also, but he's not the stone cold hunter & killer that Tiger is... Tiger was feral in his youth, so he learned early on to hunt his own food. It'd be interesting to see how Tiger fared against that mean ol' rooster, lol. :oops:
Our old dog has gotten so bored with the barn cats and guineas walking around him that he doesn't even care anymore. The cats used to chase the guineas, but don't care about them anymore. They do look for squirrels and birds, though. I let our 3 cats in the chicken coop for about 10 minutes every night. They keep in clear of mice. They don't care about the chickens.
We tried to do our taxes on line today. Everything went well enough until the submit button. Rejected. Must file a paper return or go into the CRA account to find out what the problem is. CRA account won't accept log in. Please call them to fix it. Guess who is on strike until who knows when?

I know what the problem is. They owe us money.
We tried to do our taxes on line today. Everything went well enough until the submit button. Rejected. Must file a paper return or go into the CRA account to find out what the problem is. CRA account won't accept log in. Please call them to fix it. Guess who is on strike until who knows when?

I know what the problem is. They owe us money.
That's right, if it were the other way around they'd be hounding you!!
That reminds me, Mom needs to print the state tax forms since they wouldn't go through digitally (despite her paying $20 for electronic filing). I hope you can get it sorted out soon, Clem.

It's extremely frustrating when they will penalize you for your taxes being late but its so difficult to submit the forms.
Companies not wanting to tell you what's in their product!

I'm trying to find organic feeds and support local businesses. Called one feed mill this morning, supposedly organic and non-gmo. Pulling teeth to get what types of feed they make and how they sell it. When I asked for ingredient lists for a few she said they don't have them. They have the analysis of protein etc but not WHAT the analysis is coming from! All she said is that they have them with and without Soy. So apparently they just want everyone to trust them and go with it. I do have an email in to the owner asking the same questions but I doubt I'll get a response.
I've got rants but there is too much to write about it...has to do with the lease agreement and those who are on the lease, through no fault of their own, but through mismanagment of the company and the company's lack of continuity, professionalism, follow through, etc. Do I get compensated or paid for that, no.
I received another online notification about a prescription for mom today for an antidepressant. Docs office already closed, but I gave the nurse at the manor a piece of my mind. She swears no one there requested it. I'll be calling the doc office in the morning.
Not a rant, but a hmmm. Got a call from the Child Services lady saying that the twins have surrendered to child services. I asked what that means, and she said they still live with the other family, but they can get free services and $$ past the age of 18 since they are under the age of 18 right now (for another month). She needed a copy of our guardianship agreement. So they will officially be welfare recipients as adults. Oh joy, I am so proud.
Come to think of it... a company in tx still owes me $1200 for fixing their pos broken catscan in a snow storm near Jamestown NY. Had to gall to call me up 3 months later to beg me to bail them out of another jam. I told the guy 'overnight me a cashiers check and I'll be there by noon tomorrow'. Never heard from him again.
A lot of ct/mri guys did work on the side. The money was too good to pass up. $150-$200 an hour, 4hr minimum plus drive time. I've had 2K days. It was nice if you got paid, always the chance you won't dealing with small companies and working under the table.

I knew a guy once... he was being paid by his employer to service a ct. After hours repairs were billable on that contract. To give the hospital a break he didn't report billable hours. But the hospital paid him a little less under the table for the after hours work he did anyway which was tax free.

The guy was nuts! That was just outright employee theft. You have to at least be discreet about it. As long as guys weren't harming their employer... no one talked about fight club! (except at the meetings, 😁)
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I had a mobile CT owner offer to pay me $500 to replace his x-ray tube and claim it was during contract hours.
He even said he would cover for me so I could take the day off and get paid by my employer.
I told him I would not do that and if he wanted his CT running the next day he would have to pay for the OT.
He agreed. The next day I went to my service manager and told him what had happened and he was royally pissed.
If I had been stupid enough to take the guys money he would have owned me for life.
I don't understand why anyone would cheat their employer for a few dollars.
Same for cheating on expense reports. It's just stupid to risk a job for a few dollars.
Exactly... it's a slippery slope that ends with no one willing to hire you. But I don't have a problem with doing work on the side as long as... there is no conflict or apparent conflict of interest with my employer. Then it's just a side job on my free time and no one else's business. I never did work for anyone in direct competition with my employer.
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I'm frustrated with myself because I'm having trouble physically doing what I need to do and my friend is busy closing out the arcades from his current company that will go out of business on the 5th. I will be very surprised if he actually gets his check for over $4k that they still owe him. Hell, I'll be surprised if he gets his paycheck for this work that he's doing now. I suspect the owner will take the $ and run. My brother is working with him so he will be owed the overtime & the travel expenses but I doubt they will pay him. Hoping that when my friend is free he can help me. I know I'm not getting any help from my brother. The last few times I tried to ask him anything he screamed at me.

People complain about employee theft but the most prolific theft is wage theft by employers. Making people work off the clock, altering computer logs of when employees clocked in & out, making them work above pay grade, altering computers to say they were working at a lower paygrade than they were, not paying overtime, lying about tips received, not paying at all. I've been screwed by employers who wouldn't pay after I did the work. So has my brother and my best friends. The altering computer data was something my brother's boss at Pizza Hut did. If someone worked as shift lead he would go in and change it to say they worked as production (which was over $1 less per hour). Also would say they didn't work at all or say they worked fewer hours than they did but would claim he worked longer hours than he did. People like that are scum.
I was in CVS a couple weeks ago and decided to splurge and pick up a big bottle of real Robitussin®.
It cost more than 2 small bottles of the generic, which is the same amount.
Took a couple of swigs of it before going to bed last night, it tasted awful!:barf:.
Looked at the expiration date on it, 11/20.o_O
Since I know the shelf-life has to be at least 2 years, it was made no later than 2018, making it 5 years old.:mad:
What's the deal with old guys and lawn mowers? It has gotten to be a thing around here. Every time I go to town (doesn't matter which town) I see old guys driving around with a lawn mower on a little trailer. Not a lawn service vehicle, just guys driving around with one little mower. Like some kind of status symbol.

Last week I saw the same guy 3 times in 2 hours, just driving back and forth across town with his mower. Seems putting a notice in the paper with a photo would be cheaper than the gas. Then everyone who reads the news will know about his lawn mower. :rolleyes:
Supervisor, are you able to take it back to the store & tell them it was expired? They should have removed it from the shelf a long time ago. Also, I absolutely loathe Robitussin. I have not-so-fond childhood memories of projectile vomiting it onto my mother when she crammed it down my throat. She would always fill up that dispenser that looks like a spoon with a reservoir. Worst part was she would pinch my nose so I couldn't breathe and then dump it down my throat. She thought pinching my nose would make it not taste so bad bc I couldn't smell it, but it only made me choke & feel like I was suffocating. Made it all the more traumatic. For years if I even smelled that stuff I would get nauseous. It is sooo nasty. I wonder if it tastes better, worse, or the same when expired.

Peanut, I wonder if they are getting them fixed or something. Do they look like new ones? Maybe they just bought them? Or maybe they are taking them over to use somewhere. Might have been in storage and are being brought out. The mayor here likes to ride around in his golf cart so he passed an ordinance allowing riding mowers, golf carts, etc to be driven on the roads within city limits. There are constantly guys on riding mowers ignoring traffic signs and just pulling out in front of vehicles. Kids driving golf carts on public roads and nearly causing accidents. Or the ones who stop in the road on the golf carts or riding mowers. There are also people on medical scooters & stuff. There's one poor guy with no legs who has to travel on the edge of the highway (no bike lanes or sidewalks) to get to the store. I can understand him riding around, but I get annoyed with the clowns on riding mowers blocking the roads. There's an old guy who rides a medical scooter who likes to pull out in front of traffic and go 5mph when there is plenty of room for him on the shoulder (different part of town so there is a shoulder-- no shoulder on some of the roads). One day he pulled out in front of one of my friend's trucks and stopped. My friend didn't have time to stop. He braked but still tapped the guy's scooter. The guy on the scooter got shoved to the shoulder and was shaking his fist and shouting. Friend kept going.

LOL about putting out an ad to make people aware of them having a lawnmower! Like, just park it, take a picture, and post it online! LOL.
I'm waiting on a package from Fedex. They refused to deliver yesterday due to rain. Today they didn't show up either even though it barely sprinkled. I check the tracking & it says they delivered. The photo shows a house I don't reconize:

Can't get through to a live person there and am currently on hold with HD trying to resolve the issue. I don't know if that is my neighbor's place or who's house it is. I'm not on speaking terms with them.

Edit: I'm on live chat with HD. Fedex is refusing to retrieve the package from wherever this is and deliver it to me. I told them BS. Its in their policy that they have to go get it and bring it to me if they delivered it incorrectly.

Also, while I got the stand for my miter saw, the miter saw has been held up in Georgia since the 6th (UPS this time). I'm about to ask HD if I can go pick up the saw in their store bc UPS is saying they haven't scanned it in as if it has been lost.
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I get so irritated when I call someone with an issue and they say they'll take care of it and then never do. I called our utility company a week ago regarding an issue they messed up on. I wrote down who I spoke to, the date, and the time. I called back today to follow up b/c last week they said they'd check into the issue and call me back, which they never did. So, I was lucky enough to waste my time on the phone again today to see if I could get someone to do their job. I got connected to the lady who I spoke with the first time and she put me on hold to look up the 'complaint' in her computer. She said "no, I don't have anything about that in my computer". Then I tell her that I wrote her name down along with the date and the exact time I spoke with her. Wouldn't you know it?.....all of a sudden she finds it right in front of her. Just amazing! THAT is why I always write down that information anytime I call and make notes of what was talked about. We'll see if maybe someone will check into the matter this time as she said she was going to "re"-submit the issue. How much ya wanna bet she never submitted it the first time???

I got the same type of treatment when I used to have Dish. I wrote down every conversation with the exact time, date, and person that I ever spoke with and kept a file. So glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. But anytime I have issues with any provider such as internet, phone, utility, computer, etc., I keep a record of it. It's very difficult for them to dispute (or outright lie about) things when you've got your facts straignt.

Another rant....FEES. Especially those fees that just magically appear that you're not supposed to notice. Which is another Dish Network tactic I might add. But this time it's from my garbage disposal company. I noticed my bill was about 20% higher than last month. After looking closely and comparing the last 2 bills, it seems that they have added an 'administration' fee. There is already an environmental fee and a fuel surcharge (that never went away when fuel came down under Trump). So now fees add 70% to my base quoted price. We negotiate the price with them every 3 years but they just throw in fees to adjust to their liking thus apparently keeping within the guidelines of their 'agreement' which is disingenious at best. The agreement is a joke and I won't forget it the next time renewal comes along. Sadly though, there's not much for choices in my area. I talked to the rep and she did agree to take off the newest fee and leave it off, but I'm sure our next 'agreement' won't be pretty.

Moral of the rant......check your bills folks! The companies are getting greedy and are hoping you won't notice their sneeky increases.
My power company added an administrative fee as well. I also hate when you call about something and they claim they have no record of it. I think I will do what you did and start taking down the names, times, details, etc. It can be so frustrating dealing with people who won't do their jobs!

Speaking of jobs, my brother is super pissed off right now. When he got hired as a tech at the company our friend worked for, the previous part-time tech had started out at $14/hr and advanced to more than that even though he didn't do diddly squat. They kept offering him more pay to try to get him to actually do his job. So, my brother comes in & the Assistant CEO of a company called New Horizons (which is the company my brother works for as an associate) called the head of the Tech company and convinced them to lowball my brother's pay to only $11/hr so that he wouldn't quit the associate job and move to the tech one full time. Well, tech company lost their contract & New Horizons is picking it up. They kept promising my brother that when the new contract started he'd start out at $15/hr minimum. So, he's been doing the tech work since the other company's contract ended and just now found out that the ACEO hasn't approved for him to even be hired yet and may not hire him even though he does more work than our friend (who is listed as a fulltime employee). The ACEO won't communicate with my brother and he's really mad bc he's continued to do work above his paygrade-- considered skilled labor-- for less than NJ minimum wage (he was working for a company out of NJ for the tech job, but new job is located here). Our friend is working on the ACEO to convince him to hire my brother on (apparently the guy had already agreed to do so before the other contract ended) but my brother has told his boss he won't be doing anymore tech work at all until he's officially hired and getting at least $15/hr for it. He put in 70hrs last week and is exhausted. His boss fully understands. He may even quit bc he doesn't want to work for the jerk ACEO who screwed him over on his pay. His boss didn't know he was getting paid that low and was mad on his behalf.

I'm hoping they will hire him and pay him a decent wage, but it sounds like the ACEO is an idiot. My brother is now seriously considering getting on disability because he's got enough health issues to qualify but he feels bad doing that. However, he may need to for his health. I don't have any trust in the system or that things will work out, so I'm just hoping things won't end too badly.

As an update on the Fedex situation: HD associate finally got through to a live person and insisted that the package be retrieved and delivered to me. Said Fedex said they would "investigate" to figure out where it was delivered and get back to me in 1 to 2 business days. It was about closing time so they said I should contact them tomorrow to deal with UPS. I ordered it on the 4th. The miter saw has been sitting there since the 6th. This is the message I get on the UPS site:

The fact that it says it was not received makes me think it was stolen or lost. I wonder if HD would let me go to the store and just pick up the damn saw they owe me. I already got the stand. I don't want to cancel the order or do a partial cancel and try to order again.
While on vacation, my front door Ring doorbell went offline. Ironically, this same night, a couple of gang bangers went from house to house, looking for unlocked cars to steal contents from. The idiot new neighbor down the street left her purse in her unlocked car and yep, it's gone. So while I was in North Carolina, I called Ring, but they said I would have to be home before they would try to fix the dumb doorbell.

So when I returned home, I have a very colorful conversation with Ring, and then said that Ring doorbells only have a 3 year warranty. The tech I spoke to was very apologetic, and sent me a 45% discount for a new Ring doorbell, so I got their new doorbell at almost half off. The tech also refreshed the old, tired doorbell and reminded me that the camera will still work great, and recommended I mount it in another location for safety purposes.

I crawled up into my attic and ran a new wire from my doorbell transformer and mounted it in the backyard, and surprisingly, it hooked up quickly and flawlessly.

I now have my front yard and back yard protected.
While on vacation, my front door Ring doorbell went offline. Ironically, this same night, a couple of gang bangers went from house to house, looking for unlocked cars to steal contents from. The idiot new neighbor down the street left her purse in her unlocked car and yep, it's gone. So while I was in North Carolina, I called Ring, but they said I would have to be home before they would try to fix the dumb doorbell.

I am so glad we don't have to deal with that sort of thing were we live now. I had my purse with everything in it stolen in Orlando out of the locked and alarmed car , while I picked up my kids from daycare in the pouring rain. Only took 5 minutes, they just busted the window.
Now, we have no door locks lol ! We do have the dogs so we definitely know if someone is coming but nobody in their right mind would come here to try to steal something ( there is nothing to steal unless they take my laptop which cost $300 a few years ago)
I hate when I misplace things. I knew my cfs symptoms were bad yesterday. At some point I stopped doing some computer housekeeping, my mind wasn't functioning properly. I forgot about files I moved temporarily. 5779 files to be exact, in subfolders with generic names.

Took me over an hour to find them this morning. I forgot where I put them and couldn't remember a single folder/file name. I think I have way to many files on my computer (over 100K).
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