Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Peanut !! I’m surprised at you, really actually.I’m telling ya, I use Dawn dish detergent with water, spray it on them. They die within seconds, even as they fly AWAY, dropping in flight.
@havasu ha. I’da used to just go get drunk with the kinda “luck” or misfortune dear ol’ @zannej is having.
I like eating peanuts, buy ‘em roasted in the shell but this bag has had too many that when I crack them open they’re not good for me or a bird. Moldy, or rotten. Just nasty looking.
Pick them green, wrap in newspaper and store in a box. Check them every week or two. They'll ripen like that.

We've picked green mater ahead of a frost and had fresh maters at Christmas
i got to unwrap one on January 1st one year....it was awesome to have that when it was cold and snowy outside.

theres a tomato bred for doing that too...i have to think awhile on it to recall it.

edit...done some digging...found it.....long keeper is the cultivar.
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Speakin of OPSEC, years ago I had to have delivered a large chest freezer which sat in the food storage room.
To make a short story long.... Those guys were amazed at the amount of foodstuffs.
OH, I am storing the food pantry inventory for my church while it is being remodeled.
I think I mentioned this in the past but there is nuthin better than a reminder.
i got to unwrap one on January 1st one year....it was awesome to have that when it was cold and snowy outside.

theres a tomato bred for doing that too...i have to think awhile on it to recall it.

edit...done some digging...found it.....long keeper is the cultivar.
I have some seed from Totally Tomatos that were grown in Canada and Russia. So they are bred for cold weather. A couple I've tried are really tasty too. Anna Russian was my favorite.
My little rant today is that I swear that people are trying to wreck my car! In the past month I've had 2 close calls & yesterday was the third. I went to a glass place to order some mirrors for shelves. As I was pulling in to the right of a car parked there he started his car & looked left, cut his wheels & started backing out. I was of course on his right & had I not been moving forward he would have hit me on the drivers door. I cut my wheels sharply & moved away from him. He didn't even check to the right until I was (more or less) out of his way. I don't believe drivers anymore.
My little rant today is that I swear that people are trying to wreck my car! In the past month I've had 2 close calls & yesterday was the third. I went to a glass place to order some mirrors for shelves. As I was pulling in to the right of a car parked there he started his car & looked left, cut his wheels & started backing out. I was of course on his right & had I not been moving forward he would have hit me on the drivers door. I cut my wheels sharply & moved away from him. He didn't even check to the right until I was (more or less) out of his way. I don't believe drivers anymore.
There are people out there who look to cause a wreck for the insurance money!

“We will throw the full force of the law at people,” Rowley told reporters at a press conference. “And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets, or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

I wonder how this nitwit thinks he's going to implement his plan? Oops, I called him a nitwit online. Busted! I think I hear the bobbies at my door now. They're babbling something like "Come out! Or else we'll tell you to come out again! Don't make us repeat what we just repeated again!"

I wonder how this nitwit thinks he's going to implement his plan? Oops, I called him a nitwit online. Busted! I think I hear the bobbies at my door now. They're babbling something like "Come out! Or else we'll tell you to come out again! Don't make us repeat what we just repeated again!"
Wow. I can see now why we had The Revolutionary War for freedom of speech :rolleyes:...
Police in the UK have arrested and charged hundreds of native-born citizens thus far with a litany of speech-related crimes, with some of them being tried, convicted, and sentenced to years in prison, in just a matter of days. While promising more arrests, Rowley set his sights on American citizens and others who’ve shown support for the protest movement,
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So, we were able to use my phone and Mom's phone as mobile hotspots but Mom loaded videos and we ran out of data within a few hours. Managed to order a new phone for my brother using rewards points. He'd only had that phone less than 3 months but the online warranties are useless. He ordered a case for the phone and had 1 day shipping on it.

So, Friday we went to the post office & McDonalds to use the wifi. Post office had an empty Amazon bag with a stamp on it saying it arrived without contents. It had never been closed up properly from the looks of it. Bro could not get his phone to work with the wifi so we decided to go to our friend's house and park in his driveway to use his wifi after we got our food. Took over 20min for them to bring the order out & the forgot my bro's coffee. I let the woman know the coffee was missing and she apologized. 10min later she hadn't come out yet so I went back inside and said I was waiting on a coffee. She brought it out, I thanked her. Went back to vehicle and bro asked for straw. Had to run back in and get a straw. Held the door for the lady who was taking orders out so she wouldn't have trouble. Bro sipped coffee and said it had no sweetener. Went back in to get sweetener. Then went to friend's house. I opened the bag to get my food and realized it was completely the wrong order. Let my bro finish up some stuff, confirmed with amazon that it was his case that was supposed to be in the empty bag. Amazon CS apologized profusely and agreed to overnight ship another case. It should be at the post office now but I wasn't going anywhere today.

Went back to McDonalds with the incorrect order and my receipt. Showed them and got another apology from the lady and other employees. I told them it just wasn't my week and outlined some of what was happening with the internet and bad luck. One of the employees told me "Mercury is in retrograde". I had a chuckle about it. Went to eat my food but found I was too nauseous and only managed 2 bites and put it away. Went back home and gave it to Mom who happily ate it.

Before that I called Mom and less than 60secs in the call dropped. Tried again and couldn't get her. When we got home found that the landline won't dial out. Can't get signal for the cellphones except outside or with phone pressed against a window.

I took a brief nap and then Mom wanted me to clean up my brother's mess in the hallway. He'd kicked almost 20 empty bottles and trash out into the hallway from his room. Cleaned that up and ended up losing my balance and falling halfway into the trash can and knocking it over. Had to pull the trash bag out-- which involved sitting on the potato bin pulling on the bag with both hands while putting both feet on the can to pry it loose.

Forgot to put my pants on when I saw UPS truck roll up with the new cable for the internet: Starlink's proprietary cable is $130 plus 10.45% sales tax here.

I discovered that the old cable had come loose and put holes in the siding slapping up against the siding during some storms. So, need new siding in several spots. New cord got caught on a tree growing next to AC but was able to make it to the living room. I fell a couple of times in the bottle pit trying to get the new cable in place. Need to cut down that stupid tree, secure the cable better (friend got up on roof via climbing the tower and put it up for me).

Left ear is still giving me trouble and having to use ear drops and take antibiotics.
I got a letter today from BOA about the fraudulent charge to one of my CC's (that they immediately caught, shut it down, and sent me a new card).
I watched my statements, they reversed the charge... and they also credited my account the same amount, giving me free money. :D
I caught it, but they didn't, do you think I said anything?:LOL:
I always preach: "Risk somebody else's money, not yours":thumbs:.
Well, a repeat on another one of my "away cards". (These are the two that I only use for online stuff)
This one was not the replacement of the previous card above.
I do that so I don't have risk my "everyday card" which is only used local.
Of course, BOA immediately caught it. New card on the way. :)
The fraudsters are slipping, billing the card 20 times in 1 day for 'McAfee renewal' when their computer got stuck.🤣
...And it's obvious who leaked the CC info, it was only used on Amazon the last year. :mad:
Sorry, not a good rant, only out 10 minutes my time and $0. :)
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Two rants and its still morning 😂 Stopped to get milk and a few bits in Lidl this morning. Occasionally I buy pastry to keep as emergency in the freezer for a quick pie or almond slices. Its prerolled stuff. Before covid 99cent.
during covid 1.09
later 1.19
today 1.39
Second annoyance occurred when I was having to book at rip to London. Using airbnb, paid the deposit of half the amount. Its the first thing you do- then- they asked for ID- the booking couldnt be confirmed without a copy of my licence and web camera shot, which also meant downloading their app! So I cancelled it immediately. Back to another site. Have to watch the money isn't drawn down now. Wished they asked for the photo first.
I really need to make sure no one is using Mom's credit cards. She's reported to me that her Discover card has had some charges and no one uses it, but I can't get her to stop watching Youtube long enough to find out who or what is charging the card and why.

Magpie, if any place asked me for photo ID for something like that it would definitely be a big "hell no". Hope they don't try to charge your card.

I'm still feeling like garbage. Sinus headache, exhausted,etc. Suspect I might have a sinus infection on top of ear infection. Trying to rest and get plenty of water.
I hope you have better luck with Dell than I did.
Continuing my saga about my new laptop (don't know how this tangent ended up in the rants thread, it is far from a rant, but that's how things unfold sometimes)...

The refurb laptop I bought from Dell has been exceptional. No issues. The one thing I questioned a little was the battery. It's a 68Wh battery and my Linux install was telling me it was right at half of that capacity after being charged. Dell's built-in (BIOS) diagnostics said "The battery is nearing the end of it's useful life". I could tell the battery was not in tip-top shape. Sitting on the desk, doing nothing other than being powered up and me typing a few things on the keyboard every half an hour or so, the battery was fine for many hours. But, when doing heavier things, it wasn't so great. I used it hard for about 1-1/2 hours and the battery showed 63% remaining. I'm not going to cry about that. Good but not great - but it is a refurb with an old battery so I have to apply appropriate expectations. I packed it up and drove to the library. Powered it up, used it heavily for about 5 more minutes, and a pop up displayed that said battery was dangerously low at 6%. That is not an indication of a healthy battery to drop that fast. From 63% to 6%. A bit disappointing, even for a refurb.

I did not expect a new battery with a refurbished laptop. This half-dead one was about what I expected. But I thought I'd call the Dell warranty people anyway and see what they consider appropriate for a refurb. They said, "We'll ship you a new battery, no problem". It's on it's way now, scheduled to arrive on Friday (I called them on Monday). The new battery is free with free shipping.

I cannot complain about this laptop so far, or about Dell's service. For under $200 at my door, I am really impressed. FWIW, a new battery for this laptop bought from Dell is $109 (yikes!) A third-party (non-Dell branded) battery available from a bazillion different sellers (including Amazon itself) goes for around $30 to $35. No telling what quality you'll get from a third-party battery, but reviews on Amazon were universally good (not that I trust them much). Part of me buying this laptop was checking to see what a new battery would cost because of all the complaints I reviewed about refurbs (any brand, from any vendor), many of those were about poor battery quality. So I figured in the cost of a replacement battery at my expense when deciding what price I was willing to pay for a refurb. Dell exceeded my expectations by providing a new battery for free. I never expected a perfect battery with a refurb, but I did expect a functional one. I would consider the initial one I got to be "barely functional". Yeah, maybe I could squeeze 2 hours of hard use out of it (maybe, maybe not), but that's not great. Dell agreed. Kudos to them. I didn't have to whine and beg either. My entire warranty call with Dell was probably two minutes long.
WHY does every ASUS router go tits up after 3 years? I just hope it lives till a new router arrives. NO,the replacement it is NOT an ASUS pile of festering 💩
I've got three ASUS routers, one is about ten years old and the other two are even older (I don't know how old). Still going strong. But I have third-party firmware on all of them, not the OEM firmware. The only problem I've had is on one of them, one of the blue LED's on the front has gone out. It's one of the LED's that indicates something is plugged into its corresponding Ethernet port. The port works fine, just the LED is gone.

Mine are older technology routers, chosen that way for compatibility with the third-party firmware that I use. Newer routers, based on ARM processors, are not as widely compatible (although most make it to third-party support after a little bit of time has elapsed since first introduced).

I have an ASUS RT-N66U (one) and RT-N12 (two). Yep ... old. But they work just fine. They won't keep up with the very newest standards in WiFi speed, but I can easily get 200 Mbps out of them (the RT-N66U at least, I haven't tested speed from the RT-N12's). My internet rarely goes faster than that, so I'm good until I upgrade my internet speeds if I don't have some kind of catastrophic failure. My RT-N66U currently has 49 connected devices (mix of Ethernet and WiFi). About 2/3 of those are low bandwidth (light switches, Alexa devices, cameras, and such). Cameras can be high bandwidth, but overall, averaged, they are low bandwidth.
Amazon/USPS BS. A small package with very small parts inside. Nothing heavy, nothing fragile. Here is the tracking info so far:
Monday - Austin, TX to Erlanger, KY (Cincinnati airport on the Kentucky side of the Ohio river)
Tuesday - Erlanger, KY to Highland, CA to Las Vegas, NV.
Wednesday (today) - Las Vegas, NV to Cedar City, UT to Hurricane, UT (about a 30 minute transport but further away from me)

Amazon "claims" it will be delivered to me my 9pm this evening but that wont happen at this point because even if it left Hurricane NOW it would be over an hour IF the driver drove non-stop. What I don't get is USPS delivers my mail out of the Cedar City location which is about 1 hour away and USPS does not have a large post office in Hurricane so it is obvious to me they are not delivering out of Hurricane. I suspect maybe they are handing it off to FedEx because they are the only ones that have a large facility there, but why would USPS hand off to FedEx? Usually around here FedEx hands off small stuff to USPS. AND, if it is actually being delivered by USPS our mailman picks up at O-dark-thirty in Cedar City so obviously he wont be delivering it tomorrow.

Part of the joys of living in a rural area. I always try to buy local if possible but many things can only be ordered online. Amazon delivery keeps getting worse. I know they stopped the 2 day delivery a few years ago but to zigzag back and forth across the country and then zigzag across Utah in a direction that doesn't make sense sure is annoying.
Mad as hell here- after my stupidity yesterday yesterday paying the wrong bill, a helpful gent told me to ring back tomorrow when the funds would appear on my account and we'd get it transferred back. I even took his name.
Today- upon ringing, the person i get wouldn't discuss it with me- said they couldn't, because my name isn't on the account!
I explained I've been dealing with the account for 25 years. Ended up ringing my husband at work to add me as a something or other and sort it. Hes just rang me back to say they added me, but to sort the over payment they have to speak to both of us - as in he rings, clarifies who he is and hands the phone to me so its all legit. This means he has to come home earlier to get them before they close. I've never heard such garbage in all my life.
I wouldn't mind, but the account is in two months credit anyway without my accidental payment- not like we owe them money. :mad:
I don't know if this should go in the rant thread or in the political section but I am getting REALLY annoyed to no end seeing the entire news media proclaiming Kamela already the winner of the election, the saint that can do no wrong, the perfect candidate that beats Trump in everything , and Trump the old stupid evil crazy bad guy! What a bunch of crap! And it's everywhere, even if I look at a German news site. Talking about trying to brainwash the population by endless advertisement for her.

I like to check the news headlines in the morning to see what's going on in the world , especially since my son in law is currently in the middle east on a ship. But what do I find? Nothing but commercials for Kamela!
I don't know if this should go in the rant thread or in the political section but I am getting REALLY annoyed to no end seeing the entire news media proclaiming Kamela already the winner of the election, the saint that can do no wrong, the perfect candidate that beats Trump in everything , and Trump the old stupid evil crazy bad guy! What a bunch of crap! And it's everywhere, even if I look at a German news site. Talking about trying to brainwash the population by endless advertisement for her.

I like to check the news headlines in the morning to see what's going on in the world , especially since my son in law is currently in the middle east on a ship. But what do I find? Nothing but commercials for Kamela!
Did I hear $90 million in advertising for her, somewhere I heard that.
It just makes it easier to deny if they cheat in the election and call her the winner. They can point to all these "news" articles to show how popular she is.
And it's a brainwashing technique. Still laughing about how this admin denies Biden's dementia, how it's denied rising costs (until recently, and of course it's the greedy grocery store's fault now), is still denying a failing economy, and denies the problems with the open border and the criminals that have and are coming in.
Just saw a headline today that Kamala says the federal govt will step in to control the greedy grocery store's prices.
How about overprinting of fiat currency?? Anyone?
People believe what they want to believe and the govt plays off that.
A couple years ago when my daughter was backing out of the driveway she ran into a car that was parked across from our driveway. She parked, we got out. Went to the house. There were two or three Mexicans inside doing repairs and painting. They couldn’t speak English. They’d been working on that house for at least a week. Well they didn’t really care and seemed kind of nervous. Their car was a newer bright red Mustang. We left and not long that after I returned. The car was gone and they never returned. Meaning to me they were illegally in this country.
My rant today is against Brain Farts. You know what they are. A human with a brain does something so dumb & obvious & yet doesn't see it coming. Why isn't there a medication to prevent random stupid acts? Yesterday we got our new crystal cabinet (looks great & about a third of the cost). My wife suggested moving a tall display piece to the new cabinet & I said sure. So....My wife was gone last night & I wanted to make her happy. I measured the display height & no problem! I started shifting pieces to get the display out & moved it along with 20 pieces of crystal (moving 2 at a time, about 40 ft each trip). I wiped them down, ready to set up the display (& make my wife happy). The new case shelves were tall enough but 4 or 5 inches NOT DEEP ENOUGH. DUH!!!!! Two fairly smart adults & 2 totally obvious brain farts at the same time, can you catch them from someone? Now I have to move them back & set the display back up. Grrrrrr!
My rant today is against Brain Farts. You know what they are. A human with a brain does something so dumb & obvious & yet doesn't see it coming. Why isn't there a medication to prevent random stupid acts? Yesterday we got our new crystal cabinet (looks great & about a third of the cost). My wife suggested moving a tall display piece to the new cabinet & I said sure. So....My wife was gone last night & I wanted to make her happy. I measured the display height & no problem! I started shifting pieces to get the display out & moved it along with 20 pieces of crystal (moving 2 at a time, about 40 ft each trip). I wiped them down, ready to set up the display (& make my wife happy). The new case shelves were tall enough but 4 or 5 inches NOT DEEP ENOUGH. DUH!!!!! Two fairly smart adults & 2 totally obvious brain farts at the same time, can you catch them from someone? Now I have to move them back & set the display back up. Grrrrrr!
A+ for trying!!

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