Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My rant today is against Brain Farts. You know what they are. A human with a brain does something so dumb & obvious & yet doesn't see it coming. Why isn't there a medication to prevent random stupid acts? Yesterday we got our new crystal cabinet (looks great & about a third of the cost). My wife suggested moving a tall display piece to the new cabinet & I said sure. So....My wife was gone last night & I wanted to make her happy. I measured the display height & no problem! I started shifting pieces to get the display out & moved it along with 20 pieces of crystal (moving 2 at a time, about 40 ft each trip). I wiped them down, ready to set up the display (& make my wife happy). The new case shelves were tall enough but 4 or 5 inches NOT DEEP ENOUGH. DUH!!!!! Two fairly smart adults & 2 totally obvious brain farts at the same time, can you catch them from someone? Now I have to move them back & set the display back up. Grrrrrr!
I do stupid **** all the time. Then stand back and thing, GOOD NIGHT what was I thinking
23 days and no books i ordered yet....i tell ya these people use 3rd party shippers...no..no no....shipper OSM sucks i tell ya....said they were sending a replacement book out but other book is no longer in stock..told them i want my money back...we shall see...shipper couldnt get me books first time why should i think a second time will work better....!
I'm hoping I'm on the tail end of a major bout of fatigue. Past few days I wasn't able to stay awake for even a full hour at a time. I could barely make it 30min and then had to rack out for a few hours. My coordination was absolute garbage. But I seemed to be coming out of it yesterday and was able to stay awake for a couple of hours before needing a nap and I was able to cook on the stove. I did drop my steak on the counter trying to transfer it from the pan to the plate but I had just cleaned the counter. I'm still not fully over the fatigue and am about to need a nap.

The portable induction cooktop I'd been using would not respond to any button presses and I saw that the back of it (not the cooktop itself) was cracked. No idea how. Fortunately we had a backup for it.

Another chunk of tooth came off one of my back molars. Gonna need to see the dentist soon.
Continuing my saga about my new laptop...
I received the replacement battery from Dell today. Just installed it and ran some tests. It is a new battery, not a used one. It is a 51Wh battery. This laptop can take two different capacity batteries - 68Wh and 51Wh, which is 75% of the higher capacity model when both are new. The smaller battery makes the laptop lighter (big whoop, 1/4 lb lighter!), and also uncovers internal space where you can add another disk drive (not that I would consider doing that - the SSD alone is fine with me).

The original battery (the one that Dell replaced) was a 68Wh battery that measured 34Wh of actual capacity, meaning it had lost 50% of it's capacity. Given it was three years old, that is expected. The new battery is 51Wh, so smaller than the original 68Wh one, but it tests as having it's full 51Wh capacity, 100%, so it's a new battery whereas the original one was a used battery.

I'm not going to complain. I really didn't expect Dell to send me a free replacement battery in the first place, and certainly not a new one. Granted, it's the smaller capacity model, but it's a definite step up from a used 34Wh battery to a new 51Wh battery regardless.
Well, a repeat on another one of my "away cards". (These are the two that I only use for online stuff)
This one was not the replacement of the previous card above.
I do that so I don't have risk my "everyday card" which is only used local.
Of course, BOA immediately caught it. New card on the way. :)
The fraudsters are slipping, billing the card 20 times in 1 day for 'McAfee renewal' when their computer got stuck.🤣
...And it's obvious who leaked the CC info, it was only used on Amazon the last year. :mad:
Sorry, not a good rant, only out 10 minutes my time and $0. :)
Not a true rant but, got my new card today. :)
Took me all of 30 seconds to get it activated by calling their number. Same $15K limit.:thumbs:
Now for the micro-rant: I will have to change it onto Amazon. They have a way to add a CC, and select a 'preferred' card, but not delete one:(.
Not a true rant but, got my new card today. :)
Took me all of 30 seconds to get it activated by calling their number. Same $15K limit.:thumbs:
Now for the micro-rant: I will have to change it onto Amazon. They have a way to add a CC, and select a 'preferred' card, but not delete one:(.
You can delete payment methods on Amazon!!!
Go to your account on Amazon...go to payments....click on the card you want to remove...click on edit ...scroll down, click on remove card from wallet!!
Sorry, I am not a 'Professional Shopper' :(.
Me Home Ins Co sent Me a Happy Birthday Wish on Me last Birthday and Now I get a $600.oo Policy Increase...?!?

Does that Rate for a RANT...?? :facepalm: :waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting:
Snowman, that is insane! Insurance is such a scam.
The power outages didn't play nice with my poor AC unit. It has not cooled to the correct temperature since the outage. I don't know if it damaged the unit or what, but the compressor didn't even kick on and it got up to 89 inside. I used thermostat to turn AC off, turned breaker off for several minutes, turned breaker back on, gave about 10min for things to reconnect and then turned AC on cool. I checked both times to see if compressor was running. It's running now but it's still 81 inside. It really hasn't cooled properly since the blower motor went out and was replaced. Might have to call the AC people for some troubleshooting.

I got very overheated today and Mom was cranky and not understanding how terrible I felt. She's also griping about the bugs and saying the house would be condemned and stuff bc of the condition-- but she throws food wrappers, orange peels, and trash all over instead of putting it in bags that I give her. She has put some stuff in bags but she still leaves trash out or throws it across the room by habit. The room is buzzing with fruit flies and crawling with roaches. I just went nuts with diatomaceous earth in there. I had some Zevo but I can't find it and It think it may be on the floor under her trash. I'm going to have to remove all food and water stuff from that room and roach bomb it. Will see if i can get my brother's help clearing some trash tomorrow.
AC is *still* not cooling even with compressor running. It's not heating, but not cooling off and I don't know why. It will not go below 79, even at night. I am still trying to wake myself up to do some cleaning before contacting the AC people to see if they can take a look at it.
This property developer is playing games with me. They are still negotiating with my attorney, but no deal has been struck. When I returned to the compound after my morning hike I noticed they had a few teams of what looked like civil engineers and a survey crew or something out looking at all the land they now own. Of course they were also looking at mine. Then when I ran to the store I noticed a "Private Drive - No Trespassing" sign at the entrance to the road which is, according to my legal counsel, on their land as well as a couple pieces of heavy equipment positioned to do some kind of work. I have a feeling they are trying to push my buttons to aid in negotiations, especially since the only neighbors I had packed up and left for Wyoming.

I don't normally use my place as a shooting range, but today I made an acceptation. They must not have liked it because they took off soon after I tested out my bump stock. Now I need one of those "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." signs for the gate and maybe a Gadsden flag for the pole. Maybe this one:

600$ is nothing!! We will ALL pay for Fanny May and Freddie Mack loans!
Must 🐝 Nice to be able to Afford it on My SS Retirement, Thanks for the Increase I Never See it, I just see it keep going Out never coming in... :facepalm:
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This property developer is playing games with me. They are still negotiating with my attorney, but no deal has been struck. When I returned to the compound after my morning hike I noticed they had a few teams of what looked like civil engineers and a survey crew or something out looking at all the land they now own. Of course they were also looking at mine. Then when I ran to the store I noticed a "Private Drive - No Trespassing" sign at the entrance to the road which is, according to my legal counsel, on their land as well as a couple pieces of heavy equipment positioned to do some kind of work. I have a feeling they are trying to push my buttons to aid in negotiations, especially since the only neighbors I had packed up and left for Wyoming.

I don't normally use my place as a shooting range, but today I made an acceptation. They must not have liked it because they took off soon after I tested out my bump stock. Now I need one of those "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." signs for the gate and maybe a Gadsden flag for the pole. Maybe this one:

View attachment 160251

I think that was a smart move D. The price of your property just went up. Why? Because even if they start to build without buying your proprety, they are now fully aware that you can (and likely will be) a huge thorn in their side. How many builders and truckers are going to want to start a project when they hear bullets flying? Even if they build around you, you can continue with the shooting. After all, you were there first and they knew your loud hobby before they even offered to buy your land.

If they came to me with an offer (even a very generous one), I think my comment would be......"well, I don't know. I haven't been able to find a suitable place to move to that allows my own shooting range on the property." Maybe if you can find me a place like that (at a reasonable price), I'd consider moving. Heck, if they have deep pockets, then they know the market (and realtors).......let them find you a new place to live. They'll want to fix your problems, so they can solve theirs.
I think that was a smart move D. The price of your property just went up. Why? Because even if they start to build without buying your proprety, they are now fully aware that you can (and likely will be) a huge thorn in their side. How many builders and truckers are going to want to start a project when they hear bullets flying? Even if they build around you, you can continue with the shooting. After all, you were there first and they knew your loud hobby before they even offered to buy your land.

If they came to me with an offer (even a very generous one), I think my comment would be......"well, I don't know. I haven't been able to find a suitable place to move to that allows my own shooting range on the property." Maybe if you can find me a place like that (at a reasonable price), I'd consider moving. Heck, if they have deep pockets, then they know the market (and realtors).......let them find you a new place to live. They'll want to fix your problems, so they can solve theirs.

I called the lawyer a bit ago and explained the situation to his associate or whatever he is. The advice I got was "Don't break the law, but keep it up." Then he joked about me investing in a loud speaker and some really crappy music to play at full volume whenever they are around. I presume he meant rap music. He also advised that the attorney will not respond to this in any way, we will just let it go like we couldn't have given a **** about it. No reason to let them think any of their ploys are working.

I need to get my butt in gear and start looking at what's available. I peruse online and quickly get bored and give up.
Man, these nitwit dweebs have just GOT to be voted out in November. "Queering of nuclear weapons". How absurd.


Biden-Harris Department of Energy official calls for 'queering nuclear weapons' as part of radical DEI agenda
Nair believes in eradicating purported "White supremacy" in the nuclear field as well as "queering nuclear weapons" as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion push she believes is essential for deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities in the U.S.

"The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons—questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war. Queer theory asks: Who created these ideas? How are they being upheld? Whose interests do they serve? And whose experiences are being excluded?"

This is what you get with diversity hires - and not hiring people that are actually qualified, only hiring them because they are "diverse". 🤮
turns out the compressor shut off and I didn't know it. Got up to 89. I had to go out and check and then had to do the breaker thing to get it working again. It didn't turn on right away though. Took several minutes. I need to set something up so I can monitor the compressor while I'm in the house without going out so I can tell if its running or not. Maybe a camera or something.

It was too hot to do anything at all. Ugh.

Still working on shed plans with my friend though. Building a supply list on HD.
turns out the compressor shut off and I didn't know it. Got up to 89. I had to go out and check and then had to do the breaker thing to get it working again. It didn't turn on right away though. Took several minutes. I need to set something up so I can monitor the compressor while I'm in the house without going out so I can tell if its running or not. Maybe a camera or something.

It was too hot to do anything at all. Ugh.

Still working on shed plans with my friend though. Building a supply list on HD.
Glad you figured it out!! 👍
From 8,811 Posted Link :

"Finally, queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament," she wrote last year. "Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing."

:facepalm: :waiting::waiting::waiting:
I found out you are better off to go with a bank to finance anything of you can, It is easier to put pressure on a semi-local banker than on a mortgage broker who sells mortgages to every chain on earth.

You always need to be sure any loan is NON saleable too so that you are not sent a new contract that changes the terms of your mortgage.

If it is saleable there will be OUT clauses in the fine print that say if the item is sold the purchasing company can adapt the terms to one of their closest offered items just like insurance companies who merge.
I've heard a few stories of scumbag developers suing old ladies to try to take their homes from them but they lost. When lawsuits failed they resorted to sending thugs over to pound on their doors, break their windows, slash tires on their vehicles, harass them all hours of day & night, and even cut their power and water lines.

Not a developer, but one of the slumlords for a trailer park in my town is known to have trailers burned down to force tenants out when she can't legally evict them.

So, the AC thing is not resolved. The entire AC unit outside keeps shutting off. Fan and all when it is still set to Cool mode (not Auto). It went out again last night and I woke up to it being 89 inside whilit was 66 outside. I did the breaker thing and it kicked on again and has cooled to 78 but for some reason its not staying on. I'm going to have to figure out how to ensure its not building up ice or something. I just changed the filter again. I have my window open letting cool air in for now.

The heat has my brain not wanting to work.
Marsh just don't be a victim of a house fire while you are gone or IN the house.

Developers are very capable of hiring problem solvers too.

On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my personally devised security system a sold 7. I have cameras, motions sensors, driveway alarms, sirens and more. I even have a couple milspec mannequins in full kit that watch out for me, or at least make people think someone is watching. I would have said 10 but when I am not around it takes 45-60 minutes to get back and a lot can happen in an hour.
On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my personally devised security system a sold 7. I have cameras, motions sensors, driveway alarms, sirens and more. I even have a couple milspec mannequins in full kit that watch out for me, or at least make people think someone is watching. I would have said 10 but when I am not around it takes 45-60 minutes to get back and a lot can happen in an hour.
Did 'The Lady' think the mannequins were werid? I never even thought of using mannequins...... 🤔
AC unit turned off again. Well, the outside unit. Even its fan turned off. I know if the fan is running from my bathroom window I can see if the leaves are moving on the tree near the window. If they are still then fan is off. But I did go out and check and it was silent. It makes a humming sound when compressor is running. Was waaaay too hot last night. Got it reset again via breaker and stuff so it is down to 77 inside.

Mom's canula came off because she was sweating so much last night. Her blood sugar was over 350 because she wasn't getting her insulin.

I woke up drenched in sweat, but at least I only had to make 3 trips to the bathroom instead of 10 last night. LOL.

Meanwhile, CPS may take my friend's ex's kids away and he may get stuck with the toddler full time. CPS has had multiple complaints filed on the ex. One was for the toddler escaping via a window and wandering around the neighborhood. More recently, her newborn infant was found with a hand-shaped bruise around his leg and his femur is fractured. Ex claims it happened while she was at work, but she has a history of lying and being violent. She was slapping the toddler and screaming "I hate you" in his face when he was only 2 weeks old. She would also manhandle his legs while changing his diaper and would slam him down on the couch while screaming at him. new baby can't even roll over yet so friend said its unlikely that he fell and the bruise suggests he was manhandled rather than dropped.

Question: Friend is with 99% certainty not the bio dad of the kid but CPS doesn't know that and his name is on the birth certificate: Would CPS want to inspect friend's home if they take the kid away from his mom and give custody to my friend? He thinks they would and wants to fix up the toddler's room to be nicer. There is no official custody agreement right now and its about 50/50 now.

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