Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I actually did my persuasive speech in college on why it shouldn't be illegal for women to go topless in public. Male students were hoping/expecting me to lift my shirt at the end. My professor talked to me about it afterward and I said that would have defeated the whole point-- which was that women are capable of knowing when it isn't appropriate and that it's not about shocking people, it's about being comfortable. I argued that the laws should be equal for men and women. It's not like I was saying women should walk into a science lab topless bc you don't see men doing that (unless they are part of an experiment where they are supposed be shirtless).

So, turns out friend's 4-yr-old has Parvovirus. He blamed the kittens and threw them out of the house. I had to explain to him that it's transmitted via humans and it can't pass from animals to humans or vice versa. But it was just an excuse to throw the kittens out because they weren't litter trained in the few days he allowed them inside. He has had very little patience since the wreck that gave him TBI. I'm tempted to go grab the kittens and bring them home so they don't get run over or killed by local dogs. No one keeps their dogs on leashes in town and they are not kept in yards.

I discovered my new locksets did not come with strikeplates. The previous lockset I bought years ago had a strikeplate. I'd say I don't know why the new ones don't come with them but it's because they are cheap and want to save $ by not including things and then charge an arm and a leg for a matching strikeplate. Glad I got the 4 pack of repair strikeplates off Amazon.

AC is still not working and it's hot AF. I need to do some cleaning but I keep overheating. I'm trying to find the number for the AC place that installed the outside unit again so I can call them to come check it.
Am I the only one that lives with a toilet paper locust? Moves from bathroom to bathroom, ferociously consuming all resources, before moving on to the next?

At least this time I was left a warning signal with the Kleenix box. Which appears to be totally consumed as well.

I don't get the whole eyebrow shaving thing. Eyebrows exist for a reason.

Still hot. Woke up soaking wet. Bedding was wet, pillows were wet, and I don't think there was an inch of me that was dry. Can't stop sweating. The dogs are panting and I'm trying to aim one of the fans so it can cool them both.

Been too hot to get anything done.
Thanks, Haertig.

It's still hot. I tossed and turned last night trying to cool off and stay comfortable but I was sweating. Senator Snugglebum decided he had to drape himself over me and hold the heat in. I know he was just being cuddly but it was annoying. He's such a sweet kitty but he has no awareness when it comes to me trying to cool off or not have paws grabbing at me.

My bro is kvetching nonstop about the heat. I asked him to help me take out trash, bring in new boxes of litter, bring in cat food etc. He basically told me to screw off. I know he's cranky from the heat but its not my fault and he doesn't do jack crap to help me clean up.

Called the AC people that installed the outside unit bc I don't think the local ones that installed the inside unit will come out. They said they'd call back and try to send someone out today but they are all the way in Lake Charles so I'm not expecting them anytime soon.

Managed to get trash out, litterboxes cleaned, & new litter in, but still need to bring in catfood. I got overheated. Bro's attitude is kinda pissing me off.
it's time to check in for your flight.
Chose my seat back in September. They have now reserved my seat to someone else, they don't even let me know, the day before!!!! 😠 I found out because it showed the seat diagram and I look back on previous purchase and my seat is not available. Pick another seat. Look at the airline's rights, that due to security and safety reasons they can do that.
🙀 I hate flying because of the inconvenience of getting there, getting bags checked if needed, sitting and waiting for boarding. I don't care about flying, doesn't scare me or anything. I do prefer window or aisle but middle sucks on a full flight.
I do prefer window or aisle but middle sucks on a full flight.
Last time we returned from visiting my daughter, I was in the middle seat of a full plane, all the way from Hawaii to Denver, that left Hawaii at midnight.

That was a miserable flight! Nowhere to lean your head to sleep. Talk about a neck ache! If I end up in that situation again, I'm going to pull a roll of duct tape out of my carry-on and tape my head to the seat back so it won't fall forward or to the side, and my neck muscles won't have to hold it up.
I think the guy next to me on the way here was …without script or parcel, nothing in the overhead, nothing in the carousel pick up.
Disappeared quickly after flight arrival. It was for the likes of his type that my seat was likely unreserved for me. Yeah, I’ll not fly on unlucky days again, Halloween and Election Day.
I think the guy next to me on the way here was …without script or parcel, nothing in the overhead, nothing in the carousel pick up.
Disappeared quickly after flight arrival. It was for the likes of his type that my seat was likely unreserved for me. Yeah, I’ll not fly on unlucky days again, Halloween and Election Day.
undercover u.s.marshall he was
Man, the flight from Hawaii to mainland US can really suck. I had to fly that a few times when going back and forth from mainland US to Singapore and Guam. Back then Continental Airlines was still around and they sucked bigtime. One of the times we were there they overbooked a flight by 132 people. They actually tried to unreserve my seat and were going to not let me on the flight even though my father bought the tickets 6months in advance. I was still a teenager at the time and he was NOT having it. He had them check and my ticket was sold before the other ticket and we were there before the other people. It was one of the few times Dad used his authority in law enforcement to push an issue. Flying that airline sucked though. They had the worst flight attendants I've ever met.

Meanwhile, my friend is apparently really desperate to get out of his current house to the point he wants to buy a house in another town. That would put him farther away and we'd see each other even less. His wife still wants the house in town. His daughter doesn't want to leave her school. And the other house hasn't been appraised yet and there are issues with some of the land having been illegally sold while it was under mortgage and neighbor has a pitbull running loose. It's closer to his work but I have a bad feeling about it.

I'm hoping things can still work out on the other house in town. Right now he's absolutely done with his mother's bs. She reneged on their verbal contract to sign the house over to him if he fixed it up and she now comes over every single day to take all the ice from the ice machine, raid the pantry/fridge, and she does her laundry and last time threw his clean wet clothes out of the machine and onto the floor. He gave her a washing machine so she should be able to do her laundry at her own place. It has doubled his utility bills. She just stomps all over boundaries and ignores him if he tries to set any. She also lords it over him that she babysits the 4-yr-old.

When his daughter was that age she was spending 80% of her time with his father and grandparents. His first ex was dumping the older kid on her father constantly. The daughter was also better behaved. The 4-yr-old acts like a 2-yr-old-- seems to be mentally at that stage bc he's developmentally hindered. He doesn't want to watch the 4-yr-old anymore bc he's annoying & he doesn't know how to deal with him. He wasn't raised properly and doesn't know how to be a parent. His parents didn't raise him. He was dumped with his grandparents, his father was more like a brother to him, his mom didn't have custody of him much-- she dumped him with her mother (well, technically her aunt bc her aunt adopted her when DCFS took her away from her bio parents), and he basically was given toys and told to be quiet and left alone. This kid actually wants attention. Pretty sure his mother smacks the daylights out of the 4-yr-old when she's watching him and it's not helping. Kid's mother is the one in prison pending trial for child abuse. Friend is now wanting to bail her out so she can have the kid back-- but I don't think the courts would allow it and he knows she's abusive so its aggravating. I get that he's frustrated though. He's having health issues and his wife's insurance company refused to cover him so he's uninsured.

He needs to find some resources to help him deal with the kid and needs to accept that his ex may not get out of prison for a very long time. She'd be homeless if she got out and someone stole the wheels off her car and put it up on blocks so she wouldn't have transportation. She'd likely mooch off of him. I asked him where she would stay and he said with her brother or mother. Now, last time she stayed with her brother the creep told her that if she wanted to keep staying she had to put out. yeah, her own brother... yuck. The mother already said she won't have that slob back in her house.

Oh, and AC guys couldn't make it today-- which I completely understand. Guy called to apologize profusely and said he'd try tomorrow morning. Mom answered the phone and said "We're getting used to the heat" and I said "Speak for yourself, woman! I'm a dripping ball of sweat!" Speaking of Mom, she threw empty plastic walmart bags on the floor bc she thought there was cat crap on the floor that she might step in and she would rather step on the bags (which she complains trip her). I had to pick them up and I put a puppy pad down.

The heat only seems to be making the roaches worse. I went and got more roach tablets and need to set them out.
I absolutely hate politicians.

Example: On our local portion of the ballot, the part for my small town itself, there was a question: "Should city council members be limited to three consecutive terms?"

I wonder how many people are going to say, "Yea! I support term limits. I'm voting for this!"

Without realizing that city council members are currently limited to TWO consecutive terms already, and they are asking for more terms. No mention that this is a term limit increase, not a decrease. And our town put out zero information on the local ballot choices. Usually they publish a pros/cons pamphlet (I won't comment on how trustworthy that is). But this election, they did not publish anything.

☹️ Damn politicians and their tricks
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Haertig, I hate when they make the language on the ballot deceptive. Like they make it sound like it's the opposite of what it is. They had a bill in Louisiana where the ballot made it sound like it was going to reduce the tax percentage. People who didn't go look up the full bill weren't aware that it removed the deduction for federal tax. Prior to that bill you could deduct the amount you paid in federal taxes from your taxable income for state. After that bill, it was no longer deductible and people's taxes actually went up instead of down.

Meanwhile, AC guy came out, checked the run capacitor and it was good. Then he checked refrigerant pressure, determined the coolant was all gone, put more coolant in and started looking for the leak. His "sniffer" thingy found a leak in the general area deep in the middle of the air handler where human hands can't reach. He said the best thing to do would be to buy a new air handler bc this one was pretty corroded and was from 2009 (installed in 2010).

When he was checking the air handler it was 88°F inside the house. We were all sweating. He went out and removed his equipment from the lines and a bunch of refrigerant blew out. He'd put over 6lbs in at $65/lb. Total bill was over $700. But he forgot to check to see if it was actually cooling afterward and it wasn't. I let it wait a few hours and it came down a little but then it got hotter again. I messaged the company as it was after business hours but no response. Called them this morning and got answering machines.

I'm going to give them an hour and try calling back again. Ugh.

Edit: They called me back and said some new law made it so they discontinued building the air handler and any parts for it. He was told he couldn't get any units that would work with the outside unit. He did say there was a much larger company that might have them in stock for their own installations. He gave me the info to tell them and gave me the # to call that company. But it's in Lafayette so it's a lot farther. He did say they service as far south as Lake Charles though. He told me that Trane and American Standard are like Chevy and GMC-- same thing with different brand labels slapped on them. So if I can't find a Trane I might be able to find an American Standard. He said there are some dealers in Jennings that might have them.

So I called the place he recommended, their clerk answered and redirected the call to an answering machine. Bleh. I left a message.

Edit: I got a call back from the place and while I was trying to get info to the guy my damn landline crapped out. It's just static. No dialtone anymore. ARG!!!

2nd Edit: Tons of dropped calls, answering machines and the take-away is that there are no compatible air handlers being sold for my new outside unit anymore and the only place that could possibly get one said they can't service it if they install it so the warranty would be useless. Called ACR back and they said they couldn't do a whole new system bc it's outside their service area and it was sort of a one-time thing with selling us the outside unit. American Standard authorized dealers do not service my area.

So, it's looking like we might have to buy a whole new setup and go with a different brand. He recommended Lennox or Daikin. I'm going to see if anyone from Alexandria will come out here and if they sell something. About to start calling places.
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Had some back and forth with the people who installed the outside unit and the place he recommended in Lafayette. ones in Lafayette said they do have a unit but they would have to come out and do an estimate and they couldn't honor the warranty bc it's too far for service. I'm looking in to other options. Asked the outside unit installers if they would be able to service it and they said No and said we were technically outside their service range but they sold us the outside unit bc it was middle of summer, hot as hell, and they were trying to help us out. We may end up having to replace both units to get something compatible. But we'll see. Might be able to sell the old unit to someone. Not sure how much that thing weighs.

A few places I called didn't have working numbers. Some only had answering machines or answering services. Was told I'd get a callback from a couple. 10th place I called was very friendly and said they'd send someone out today for a free estimate. I just cleaned litterboxes again, put down carpet powder, sprayed the air with febreeze and have some windows open to let cooler air in.

Got a text that the guy is on his way.

Meanwhile, I'm sweating my fat behind off.
Had some back and forth with the people who installed the outside unit and the place he recommended in Lafayette. ones in Lafayette said they do have a unit but they would have to come out and do an estimate and they couldn't honor the warranty bc it's too far for service. I'm looking in to other options. Asked the outside unit installers if they would be able to service it and they said No and said we were technically outside their service range but they sold us the outside unit bc it was middle of summer, hot as hell, and they were trying to help us out. We may end up having to replace both units to get something compatible. But we'll see. Might be able to sell the old unit to someone. Not sure how much that thing weighs.

A few places I called didn't have working numbers. Some only had answering machines or answering services. Was told I'd get a callback from a couple. 10th place I called was very friendly and said they'd send someone out today for a free estimate. I just cleaned litterboxes again, put down carpet powder, sprayed the air with febreeze and have some windows open to let cooler air in.

Got a text that the guy is on his way.

Meanwhile, I'm sweating my fat behind off.
Hope he really gets there today!!!
Ok, so guy from 10th place was very nice and friendly. Didn't complain at all about the mess. He likes animals apparently. He was calling his people to ask some questions and set up an installation. I overheard him telling them that I was very nice and that I would try to move things but might not be able to but that I was ok with things getting shoved aside. I said going in the sliding glass door might be the best option. Shorter route and fewer bottlenecks. He said that is probably the best idea. They can come around to the back and I can see if I can trim that tree by morning but he said it's not a big deal. He said they are used to having to move stuff.

So, the good news is we only need an inside unit and he found one that is the same size, power, amps, watts, & uses same refrigerant and pressure. But it's a different brand. They can install it tomorrow. Bad news is it's about $10,100. That includes taxes, fees, installation, labor, etc. Also includes 10yrs parts AND labor warranty. It's within their service area. He said they'll throw in a surge protector for free and we're paying a little extra for an air purifier on the plenum. They will call in the morning and hopefully be out around 9. Lights in front room don't work so I'll have to get up at sunup to work on cleaning more and moving stuff out of the way. Moving stuff is going to suck.

Also, mosquitoes are coming in because we have to have windows open to get cooler air.
Ok, so guy from 10th place was very nice and friendly. Didn't complain at all about the mess. He likes animals apparently. He was calling his people to ask some questions and set up an installation. I overheard him telling them that I was very nice and that I would try to move things but might not be able to but that I was ok with things getting shoved aside. I said going in the sliding glass door might be the best option. Shorter route and fewer bottlenecks. He said that is probably the best idea. They can come around to the back and I can see if I can trim that tree by morning but he said it's not a big deal. He said they are used to having to move stuff.

So, the good news is we only need an inside unit and he found one that is the same size, power, amps, watts, & uses same refrigerant and pressure. But it's a different brand. They can install it tomorrow. Bad news is it's about $10,100. That includes taxes, fees, installation, labor, etc. Also includes 10yrs parts AND labor warranty. It's within their service area. He said they'll throw in a surge protector for free and we're paying a little extra for an air purifier on the plenum. They will call in the morning and hopefully be out around 9. Lights in front room don't work so I'll have to get up at sunup to work on cleaning more and moving stuff out of the way. Moving stuff is going to suck.

Also, mosquitoes are coming in because we have to have windows open to get cooler air.
Glad you are getting the inside unit replaced, A/C stuff is terribly expensive! It will be great when it's all done!!
Thanks, Pearl. It's done and I feel so much better. The only drawback is now that I'm not sweating out everything I drink I'm having to run to the bathroom more often. LOL! But I'll gladly trade that for not having swamp butt. The humidity inside is lower too. I'm not thrilled with how they left some wiring out but I can remedy that. Will put some automotive conduit on the thinner cable going from some sort of overflow protection thing.

They forgot to take their dolly with them when they left. My brother asked me about it because he saw it out the window. I was going to remind them to take it but I forgot and they forgot. Thing has massive wheels and rolls great. I'm not dishonest enough to keep it so I called them and told them. I said the AC was running great, I was happy with how professional they were, and they did a good job. I just feel bad for them if they needed the dolly after that. I'm actually half-tempted to take it up to them on Monday if I go up to Alexandria for something so they don't have to come back out here. I might get something for Mom at Samsclub that I would pick up there to have a reason to go. But we'll see. Otherwise they are planning to pick it up next week.

Mom and brother are in better moods about it now.

Once it started to cool off, Rupert got super hyper and started running all around after me and wanting to do this thing where he peddles his front paws but he grabs with his claws and yanks really hard. Mom was laughing at me bc I was saying "Claws in the fabric NOT in the skin!" while I tried to put the bottom of a lap tray under his feet. He's a very loving cat but has zero awareness of his claws.

And I need to refill at least 2 of the pet waterers but we only have hot water going to the kitchen sink still and my back is not up to lifting the water containers.

One of the animals keeps dragging the waterer in the kitchen out into the middle of the floor.

A cruise line recently introduced a package for ocean enthusiasts willing to set sail for four years – days after President-elect Trump won the Nov. 5 presidential election.

Villa Vie Residences announced its "Skip Forward" package on Nov. 7, one day after Trump was declared the winner of the 2024 presidential race.

This just sounds soooooooo appealing. Four years stuck on a boat with a bunch of whining libtards. Yeah, count me in for sure.

This must be a picture of the "conservative section" of the boat.

Screenshot at 2024-11-10 23-03-28.png
Why don't these women just go naked fer gawd sakes?
Because their aren't enough doctors for all the heart attacks that would happen?
There was a boat docked in Belfast for a while getting repairs, that people live on for a year or two, sailing around the world. Some sold their homes because it was cheaper to live like that. It sounded kind of tempting, except for... other people. ;)
So, I was driving today and had to brake near some train tracks. When I came to a complete stop I heard a pop and felt a sort of jolt. Like something ramming from the back. But noone was behind me. When I took my foot off the brake I felt/heard another pop and when I went to press the brakes again there was almost no resistance, pedal went almost to the floor and brakes weren't working. I had to pump the brake for it to work.

The tension/function of the brakes was inconsistent after that. Don't know what is wrong but will need to get that checked out asap. Had groceries I needed to bring home. Hope it's not a brake line, but suspect maybe ABS crapped out? I dunno.
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