Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Medical folks and insurance agencies
I had an echo scheduled tomorrow with Dr visit right afterward. Got a call about 430 that insurance hadnt approved the echo. This was scheduled a month ago and this hadn't been set up well before today. Made a trip to Nashville and got a hotel for nothing
Insurance companies are the worst. Mine wouldn't approve an MRI I needed. And they're not approving an epidural for arthritic pain till I do 6 weeks of PT and then they'll not approve it anyway. That's how they work. I always check to see what the cash price is for what I want done. Now husband has it easy being on Medicare with a supplement. He gets everything.
For profit medical system sucks. And insurance is a scam. They are in the business of denying coverage and you have to fight them for it. Then hospitals will bill you for stuff that was already paid and argue with you about it. Mom keeps getting bills for stuff that was paid in full by her insurance. Insurance statements show $0.00 owed but hospital keeps sending bills for hundreds of $.

Meanwhile, I took my truck in to have the brakes looked at. Front passenger rotor was jammed. I had all new brake pads put on in August and the front passenger one was completely gone and caliper was torn up. A nut was crossthreaded and the stud snapped off. Wheelbearing on driver side needs to be replaced again. At least the studs are only $2each and the place is only charging about $50 labor. But they can't move my truck and it's hogging the entire bay. They might need to keep it overnight. Gonna cost at least $400 to fix and it was over $600 (bc of tax and installation) for new tires. Should be getting the tires in on Friday. They sold out of the ones I wanted so I had to get the Venom Power Terra Hunter ones but they look like good all terrain tires. Was told by tire shop that my current tires are worn down to the wires. My friend suggested that if I have one of the studs replaced I should get all 5 done just in case. At $2 that's $10 plus the 10.45% tax. Had to call my brother to come pick me up from the tire shop. They won't be getting some of the parts in until after noon. I feel bad bc they can't move my truck and its hogging en entire bay (and their shop only has 4 bays).

Looks like we won't be getting a new truck this year. Mom had saved up for one but between AC, tires, truck repairs, and upcoming replacement of microwave and air fryer, its going to take a chunk out of the savings. Glad we had been saving up.
OK, here is my rant. My 11 month old Lexus, with 3052 miles on it, needed an oil change. I got in to start it, and the electrics went wild. I pushed the start button, but the panel said, "Low Battery, contact your dealer." I called the dealer who advised they do not have their own tow truck, but simply contact "Lexus roadside assistance", and they were there within 20 minutes. The tow driver stopped on the street in front of the house and said he would not touch it until I had it on the street. He recommended that I jump it, get it started, pull it on the street, and he would return to tow it to the dealer.

Well, that sounded easy enough until I realized the doors are electronically opened, so no power, no open door to open the hood, in order to jump the battery. I called my Lexus dealer who said he had no idea how to open the electronic door, but would call Lexus of North America, who had special techs available to assist me. 10 minutes later "Sum Ting Wong" called me, and provided the secret way to open the door. Mr. Wong said to get a jump box, attach it to the two jump tabs on the main fuse block, jump the car, and drive it down. I used my anti-polarity jump box (if you cross wire the positive and negative, it will shut down), and the car started. I backed it down the driveway onto the street, and upon doing so, the car died. No biggie, I called back Lexus, and they sent their tow truck.

Well, the only way to get the car into neutral is to start the car, so the tow driver jumped the car, but had to do it 8 times total in order to get the car on the flatbed. Once I got to Lexus, the Service Advisor was very apologetic, saying he would take care of everything, and even gave me a really nice new loaner Lexus until my car was done.

I got a call from the Service Advisor who said all their techs were unable to troubleshoot my problem, so Lexus specialists came out and decided that my ECU (Computer brain) was fried, and MOST LIKELY as a result of the owner of the car (ME!) MUST have crossed the wires while jumping the car, and it would be my responsibility to pay for a new ECU. When I asked how much this ECU costs, the Service Advisor said, "Well, at least $5000, but don't worry, you won't pay a dime." He simply asked me to call Lexus of America, explain my issue, and they would provide authorization for the dealer to order a new ECU.

I called Lexus of America, explained the situation, but instead of providing authorization, she said once she receives payment from me for a new ECU, she would fix my car. When I explained it could have easily been their authorized tow driver, she snapped back that it was my responsibility to sue the tow driver and his business.

Well, this was where I lost my poop. I told this lady that I would rather burn that "flippin" car down in the dealership parking lot, rather than spend $5,000 to repair an obviously defective new car. I was asked to start the claim process with the tow truck company, but I had to yet another number, file a claim, then I would receive the name of the tow company. This lady was real nice and sensed my frustration. She asked me to call Lexus "Brand Engagement Center", explain my frustration, and maybe they can use my previous Toyota and Lexus loyalty to help me.

I called the engagement center, where she looked up my account, and saw that so far to date, I have purchased 9 new Toyota's and 3 Lexus's since 1988. Once she saw this, her tone changed and said although she was just the low man on the Totem Pole, but believes they will cover the cost for a new ECU. Well, right now, I have a great loaner, I will refuse to pay one red cent for any ECU, so it seems this will be a long ordeal.

To be continued...
Dear Jesus, thank you for Dodge and their wonderful Challenger R/T Scat. Not only do they pull in the ladies and increase male driver's testosterone by 23%, they always start and are made in America. Also thank you for the 392 cubic inch 485 hp engine, the oem Pirelli tires that grip the road oh so well and for never allowing a horrible tow truck to defile Charlene. Finally please fix @havasu's Japanese luxury car or make them refund his purchase price so he too can buy a cool Dodge. Amen.
To be continued...
Well, look at the bright side. Your new car is quite "theft proof".

I would not give Lexus a stinking penny. Do you have one of those talk radio "fixit guys"? Around here we have an AM radio show with "Tom Martino". He calls himself "The Troubleshooter". You call in with your problem and he and his staff look into it, calling the car dealers and manufacturers (live on-air) and often times work miracles by humiliating crappy service providers. It's something to investigate is you end up at a dead end dealing directly with Lexus.
Dear Jesus, thank you for Dodge and their wonderful Challenger R/T Scat. Not only do they pull in the ladies and increase male driver's testosterone by 23%, they always start and are made in America. Also thank you for the 392 cubic inch 485 hp engine, the oem Pirelli tires that grip the road oh so well and for never allowing a horrible tow truck to defile Charlene. Finally please fix @havasu's Japanese luxury car or make them refund his purchase price so he too can buy a cool Dodge. Amen.
Saturday We were heading down the road, pulled out from a red light onto a 4lane and a challenger pulled up next to me and revd it up. He gunned it, so did I. Pretty much dead heat. He turned at the next light. Not bad for a Long bed, double cab pick up Wife was laughing her ass off
Saturday We were heading down the road, pulled out from a red light onto a 4lane and a challenger pulled up next to me and revd it up. He gunned it, so did I. Pretty much dead heat. He turned at the next light. Not bad for a Long bed, double cab pick up Wife was laughing her ass off
You know how them Dodge people are😉
We had a Dodge ramcharger that was always breaking down. But that was the 80s.

Havasu, I think I would have lost my crap over what you went through. I wonder if you google that problem if it will show other people having the same issue. I will never get a vehicle without some way to manually unlock/open doors (if I can help it that is). I was paranoid enough about windows that can only open electronically and wanted to keep the hand crank ones just in case. As an aside, my brother had to explain to a younger co-worker why people do the hand crank sign to tell someone to roll their window down.

When my brother and I were heading back into town to pick up the truck my brother had to stop and wait because some idiot staring at her cellphone went right through a red light without even looking.

Don't know if the AC place has tried to call me about getting their dolly back or not bc the landline is out and my cell coverage is spotty. I think the people doing the digging to put in conduit cut my phoneline. Friend was telling me that there were some diggers who didn't call 811, cut a gas line and blew up an entire apartment building. Don't think that was around here. But apparently they have been cutting waterlines, phonelines, sewer lines, gas lines, etc. I saw an AT&T truck out on the road briefly, but the landline is still out. It's frustrating because I get appointment reminders via landline calls.

At least the truck fix came out under $400 (by about $6). But it still makes some noises and the VSA & ABS warnings are still on. Once I get the new tires on I'll take it to a different dealership to get it checked out.
They're just cool cars. I love all muscle cars. They're the best.
I remember when I showed the pic below to my kids the first time. They said, "WOW! You had a Nova???!!!" Which made me laugh, since a Nova was like one step above a Beetle in the muscle car department. It did have, what was it, a 307 engine in it? I can't remember. That's around 5L I think. So I guess large by today's small car standards. But the Nova was hardly a vehicle of envy back in those days.

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Saturday We were heading down the road, pulled out from a red light onto a 4lane and a challenger pulled up next to me and revd it up. He gunned it, so did I. Pretty much dead heat. He turned at the next light. Not bad for a Long bed, double cab pick up Wife was laughing her ass off

That was one of those standard chargers the Amish drive around. They have a little 3.6L Pentastar V6 or moderately more respectable 5.7L Hemi and often have an automatic transmission. I still accept them as Challengers, in the same way I accept the ROTC and the national guard as being Army.
Ha Ha dMarsh. I will say I do know a Beachy Amish young lady (Beachy's can drive) and when she was rumspringa she bought a blue Charger, a newer model. She joined the church and got married, and now she drives a white minivan. Not appropriate for a married lady that has joined the church, even the Beachy one.
... so, today, i filed a claim with the tow company to get that Lexus fixed. I submitted 9 pages of documents, a 3 page explanation, and a few minutes later the claim was filed. I received a response requesting the ECU cost on an official Lexus letterhead, to also be submitted, so I called the Service Writer asking for the cost on the letterhead. He said "Lexus Care Center" tried 3 times to speak to the service guy, but said they would call back. The Service Writer said it was going to be official authorization to get the damn car fixed, but I need to wait until he speaks to them personally. Maybe me mentioning burning the Lexus in their driveway, and inquiring on the cost to rent a electronic message board between the business and the freeway saying something nasty about Lexus, may be helping me?
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