Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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And always remember guys.....you will never understand us gals!!😉
Not even close.
Especially my Irishman whose dealing with a military woman for the first time in his life.
But to be fair to him, I have never dated a civilian either.
And he's not law enforcement either.
First time for that too.
Adult Male Logic
Some of you gentleman(I am using this term loosely) have the strangest logic.
And yes I am including my Irishman and sons in here too.
Boys ages 1-5 logic is easy, they want to get into older siblings stuff, eat dirt, put everything in their mouths to taste. mud,dirt and some kind of car and trucks to play with. Boys ages 6-12, they are to big to be content with smaller boys lives now. But not quite old enough or mature enough to included in teenage boys stuff. They that pre teenage years.Puberty has hit and they just flat out confused.Boys age 13- 20, just want the girls, be the star player in sports and souped up cars or trucks. But they would prefer it if mom and dad pay for it. Also they aren't old enough to be considered a man, or legal enough enough to buy alcohol. Now young men ages 21-35. This is where they re-enter the stupid phase(and some never seem to leave). They're old enough to vote, buy alcohol,go to college(get out of mom and dad's rules)hold down jobs and get the girls. They are also old enough to get the cars and trucks they want, but sadly they have to pay for them. Now let's talk about "Adult " male logic ages 35-45: my sons ages: you're supposed to be out of the stupid stage, out of the ate up with dumb a***** stage, mature adult men. Hmmm......Hmmmm. What the heck happened?
You're married, you have children,you own your own homes,(you and the bank own them), you're over extended on credit, you have wives that like to spend money but don't particularly like to be employed, you have children from previous relationships that you have to support too.And you have a mother(me by the way) who told you the day you say "I do" is the day "Mom's bank" closed. Now mom has a bit more money in the bank, in her savings account and in other accounts. And she can go do things she enjoys now, go out to lunch with friends etc .And "Mom's bank" is stilled closed. I will bring you food, I will feed the children, I'll even feed the dog, but I will not give your wives money in cash to pay the bills> That's the dumb a**** stage again. Now I don't have a lot of experience with Mature Adult Male Logic, just like my Irishman. But mature adult men ages 46-85 is just plain squirrelly and weirder than all the others combined.
Quit it. I some times think Mature adult men logic just reverts back to everything previous rolled into one.But I sure do like my Irishman whose dealing with a military woman for the first time in his life.

That had nothing to do with men and nothing to do with logic, that was almost entirely about nature, nurture and the free-will of each person that walks the Earth.

Men are simple and consistent. We respond to our basic needs and default to our primal instincts. Instincts that have served us well for centuries and ensured the survival of the human species. Challenge us and the strong retaliate while the weak negotiate. Provide us with respect and we will toil to provide for you and sacrifice ourselves in your defense. Provide us with too little respect and we become apathetic. Provide men with no respect or demasculinize them and they become dependent and effeminate.

Women on the other hand are creatures of mystery and confusion. They think one thing, speak another and then actually do something unrelated to either or both. And I am confident that most of the time, women don't even know why. Women are unpredictable, inconsistent and untamed. They want to be loved but they also want to make it difficult to love them. In short, women are like a game of chess only there is no chess board or chess pieces. There is only a chunk of torn cardboard, a couple playing cards, one dice, 4 pieces from the game Sorry, a plastic tweezer and 2 red checkers. And we are supposed to figure out how to make it all work together in harmony.
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Men are simple and consistent. We respond to our basic needs and default to our primal instincts. Instincts that have served us well for centuries and ensured the survival of the human species. Provide us with minimal respect and we will toil to provide for you and sacrifice ourselves in your defense.

Women on the other hand are creatures of mystery and confusion. They think one thing, speak another and then actually do something unrelated to either or both. And I am confident that most of the time, they don't even know why. Women are unpredictable, inconsistent and untamed. They want to be loved but they also want to make it difficult to love them.

That had nothing to do with men and nothing to do with logic, that was almost entirely about nature, nurture and the free-will of each person that walks the Earth.

Men are simple and consistent. We respond to our basic needs and default to our primal instincts. Instincts that have served us well for centuries and ensured the survival of the human species. Challenge us and the strong retaliate while the weak negotiate. Provide us with respect and we will toil to provide for you and sacrifice ourselves in your defense. Provide us with too little respect and we become apathetic. Provide men with no respect or demasculinize them and they become dependent and effeminate.

Women on the other hand are creatures of mystery and confusion. They think one thing, speak another and then actually do something unrelated to either or both. And I am confident that most of the time, women don't even know why. Women are unpredictable, inconsistent and untamed. They want to be loved but they also want to make it difficult to love them. In short, women are like a game of cheese only there is no chess board or chess pieces. There is only a chunk of torn cardboard, a couple playing cards, one dice, 4 pieces from the game Sorry, a plastic tweezer and 2 red checkers. And we are supposed to figure out how to make it all work together in harmony.
Well, dang Marsh....YOU FIGURED US OUT!!! 🤔😃 Now let's remove your post so the other guys don't see it!!
Adult Male Logic
Some of you gentleman(I am using this term loosely) have the strangest logic.
And yes I am including my Irishman and sons in here too.
Boys ages 1-5 logic is easy, they want to get into older siblings stuff, eat dirt, put everything in their mouths to taste. mud,dirt and some kind of car and trucks to play with. Boys ages 6-12, they are to big to be content with smaller boys lives now. But not quite old enough or mature enough to included in teenage boys stuff. They that pre teenage years.Puberty has hit and they just flat out confused.Boys age 13- 20, just want the girls, be the star player in sports and souped up cars or trucks. But they would prefer it if mom and dad pay for it. Also they aren't old enough to be considered a man, or legal enough enough to buy alcohol. Now young men ages 21-35. This is where they re-enter the stupid phase(and some never seem to leave). They're old enough to vote, buy alcohol,go to college(get out of mom and dad's rules)hold down jobs and get the girls. They are also old enough to get the cars and trucks they want, but sadly they have to pay for them. Now let's talk about "Adult " male logic ages 35-45: my sons ages: you're supposed to be out of the stupid stage, out of the ate up with dumb a***** stage, mature adult men. Hmmm......Hmmmm. What the heck happened?
You're married, you have children,you own your own homes,(you and the bank own them), you're over extended on credit, you have wives that like to spend money but don't particularly like to be employed, you have children from previous relationships that you have to support too.And you have a mother(me by the way) who told you the day you say "I do" is the day "Mom's bank" closed. Now mom has a bit more money in the bank, in her savings account and in other accounts. And she can go do things she enjoys now, go out to lunch with friends etc .And "Mom's bank" is stilled closed. I will bring you food, I will feed the children, I'll even feed the dog, but I will not give your wives money in cash to pay the bills> That's the dumb a**** stage again. Now I don't have a lot of experience with Mature Adult Male Logic, just like my Irishman. But mature adult men ages 46-85 is just plain squirrelly and weirder than all the others combined.
Quit it. I some times think Mature adult men logic just reverts back to everything previous rolled into one.But I sure do like my Irishman whose dealing with a military woman for the first time in his life.
Your boys are at the age now where they should be taking care of you, Mo.
Here's my rant for the day. I LOVE the town I live in, I really love it here. Being in the military I moved around a lot. It used to be every 3 years & that's a lot of moving. Each place was much like another in that there were good things & bad things. I drove into this town & had a feeling like I was coming home. I plan on living here the rest of my life. Now here's the rant part. I swear to you know who that I'm allergic to every damn plant in this town. It's insane. I took something to the garbage can this morning, I was outside for maybe 90 seconds & then came back in & coughed my lungs up for over 10 minutes. For over a week my ears have been filled with fluid making my equilibrium off & I won't even talk about the mucus. I "normally" feel worse from allergies than I did adding all 3 heart attacks together. I just can't believe that allergies can go on so long & make you feel so bad. On the other hand my wife loves me to do my frog impression, Ribit, Ribit, Ribit!
Take claritan
That had nothing to do with men and nothing to do with logic, that was almost entirely about nature, nurture and the free-will of each person that walks the Earth.

Men are simple and consistent. We respond to our basic needs and default to our primal instincts. Instincts that have served us well for centuries and ensured the survival of the human species. Challenge us and the strong retaliate while the weak negotiate. Provide us with respect and we will toil to provide for you and sacrifice ourselves in your defense. Provide us with too little respect and we become apathetic. Provide men with no respect or demasculinize them and they become dependent and effeminate.

Women on the other hand are creatures of mystery and confusion. They think one thing, speak another and then actually do something unrelated to either or both. And I am confident that most of the time, women don't even know why. Women are unpredictable, inconsistent and untamed. They want to be loved but they also want to make it difficult to love them. In short, women are like a game of chess only there is no chess board or chess pieces. There is only a chunk of torn cardboard, a couple playing cards, one dice, 4 pieces from the game Sorry, a plastic tweezer and 2 red checkers. And we are supposed to figure out how to make it all work together in harmony.
Guys like to be fed, loved on, and told that they are the bees knees. Pretty simple, really.
That had nothing to do with men and nothing to do with logic, that was almost entirely about nature, nurture and the free-will of each person that walks the Earth.

Men are simple and consistent. We respond to our basic needs and default to our primal instincts. Instincts that have served us well for centuries and ensured the survival of the human species. Challenge us and the strong retaliate while the weak negotiate. Provide us with respect and we will toil to provide for you and sacrifice ourselves in your defense. Provide us with too little respect and we become apathetic. Provide men with no respect or demasculinize them and they become dependent and effeminate.

Women on the other hand are creatures of mystery and confusion. They think one thing, speak another and then actually do something unrelated to either or both. And I am confident that most of the time, women don't even know why. Women are unpredictable, inconsistent and untamed. They want to be loved but they also want to make it difficult to love them. In short, women are like a game of chess only there is no chess board or chess pieces. There is only a chunk of torn cardboard, a couple playing cards, one dice, 4 pieces from the game Sorry, a plastic tweezer and 2 red checkers. And we are supposed to figure out how to make it all work together in harmony.
Well, that clears up some misconceptions for me.
I know I'm a challenge to him, because of the life I have chosen in the past.
The military life, that has made me strong, and the ability to take care of my self.
So basically we will have to work out each other strong points and weaknesses to see if we can come with something that works for both of us. Right?I don't know that I creature of mystery and confusion. I'm pretty point blank, honest, blunt, I don't particularly like the games other women play endlessly. All the drama,maybe that's why he's confused because I don't play those games. Hmm....Something to think about. I do know that he does think I overthink things sometimes, which annoys him to no end. Thanks d_marsh.
I sure do like my Irishman even if I do annoy him sometimes.
It's never intentional that I annoy him with some I said or did.
It just happens.

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