Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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This is what came back as an explination. . . .

Two New features staring today.
- The first will security lock account if user didn't login for two years
- The second will warn and security lock account if password found in data breach ( even if user is recently active) .. it will also warn users about weak passwords during registration.
The compromised is from a data base list, and not from anything on this forum.
If you are logged in all the time, this will not effect you. It only works when logging in.
This is what came back as an explination. . . .

Two New features staring today.
- The first will security lock account if user didn't login for two years
- The second will warn and security lock account if password found in data breach ( even if user is recently active) .. it will also warn users about weak passwords during registration.
The compromised is from a data base list, and not from anything on this forum.
If you are logged in all the time, this will not effect you. It only works when logging in.
yes...thats been a thing now for awhile...i had to do it too.
Sorry but with a person like me who normally doesn't check in here daily and one who checks in my email only when forced, it's a BIG deal for me! I have to change passwords just to get access.
same here....visit us more and tell us how you are doing...hope you are doing well !!!!!
same here....visit us more and tell us how you are doing...hope you are doing well !!!!!
For now I'm ok. My liver enzymes are not liking the interferion treatments and I am going 4 weeks straight without and I am feeling it mainly in my hands again, especially at night and my little left toe during the day. Last night I "slept" sitting up for the majority, but gave up around 4ish to sleep like a normal person. I woke up many times. I'm going to start back with the Hawthorne supplements and also add in dandelion root extract.
In all honesty I am looking into alternatives. Red Light Therapy aounds promising along with CDS. I know fenbendazole cured my skin "lump" whatever it was. I have a feeling they will drop me from the study because of my liver enzymes not getting along with the meds.
Lots of homework will bring good decisions!!
I hope you find something that will work, Dani.

I meant to post the other day but was too exhausted. Friend asked me to meet him to take him to the store to get meds for his daughter. Said he'd be back around 4:30pm but he was busy at a real estate office trying to buy a house. So I sat on the front steps and played with kittens. The kittens started nursing and I was sitting and watching them when this fat ugly kid walking around barefoot in his underwear waddles over into the yard toward the porch. I'm not a good judge of age but he looked older than 5 but younger than 10. I asked him what he wanted and he didn't answer. He kept looking past me onto the porch and kept walking forward. I again asked him what he wanted and he stopped because he realized he couldn't get past me up the steps and he said "a kitty!" and I said "No, the kitties are eating right now" and he said "I'll get one later" and I said "No you won't." He walked away back into his yard and I messaged my friend about it. He said that kid isn't allowed in his yard.

I noticed the kid kept looking over at me and at one point he said loudly "I go over there all the time" and I said "You're not supposed to". Then he comes back again and I told him to go back home. He asked me if the kitties were mine and I said "One of them is. Now go home. You're not supposed to be here".

Kid goes back over and a few minutes later he comes out with this obese woman who waddles over with him and acts like she's going to come up on the porch but I blocked them both. She said the kid wanted a kitten because their cat got run over. I told her they were too young, the kittens were all spoken for, and that the owners would be home soon. She told the kid he might not get a kitten after all and then she went back home with him. I fully suspect that if I hadn't been sitting there that she would have helped him take a kitten, but I'm not sure. Those people abuse animals over there though. They constantly kick and beat their dogs.

Kid came over again after his granmda went back inside and I told him the kittens were too young to leave their mother, he wasn't allowed to have one, an to go back home. He stood there staring at me for a few moments before waddling back.

When my friend got back I told him about what happened and also went in to let his daughter know. He didn't get back until after 5:30. Left to take my friend to the store and I saw the kid watching me. I said "He's going to go over there now that he sees I'm gone". Sure enough, we pull into Walmart parking lot and friend's security camera comes on to show the fat little brat on his porch. My friend used the intercom feature to yell at he kid to get off his porch. Kid looks at the camera defiantly as my friend is screaming at him and then he grabs a kitten and runs. Friend called his wife to tell her and I turned around and went straight back to his house.

Fortunately for both my friend and the kid his wife went over there first and was calm about it. He wanted to clobber that kid. They both went in and told the grandparents, with the brat present that the kid was NOT allowed in their yard and better not be coming over to take any kittens, he was not allowed to have any of the kittens and if he brought one over it needed to be returned immediately.

Meanwhile the poor mother cat was having a panic attack in the front yard because she saw the punk take her kitten and wanted her back. Friend's wife brought the kitten back and the mama cat followed and groomed the kitten. But now the kitten is afraid of people. I'm still worried the little jerk will try it again.
What do you bet, when the fools who built their hotels on a skinny fragile sand bar watch them get washed away into the sea - they will blame it on "climate change"?

So I bought a new laptop ... Apple MacBook Pro. I elected to pay in installments ... 0% interest for a year. After setting up my Apple "Wallet", I perused how I would pay. Nothing! Spent an hour looking on my phone for it.

Called Apple 3 times... after speaking to 5 different people, giving my personal info 5 times, I never got to speak with anyone who had even an inkling of what I was asking!!!!! These people are completely untrained, probably working from home ... completely unhelpful! All they did was transfer me to another department!!!

After 90 minutes speaking to all the idiots, I finally called back for the 4th time, and got someone who was actually knowledgeable about the issue, asked her how I do this on my laptop, and it took her all of 5 minutes to give me the info I needed!!! I should have been forewarned ... there was a statement on the recording that reminds us to be kind to the Apple rep!!!! Shows you just how incompetent they all are, that they drive people to being angry over their inability to properly service them!!!

What the hell is wrong with corporate America today??

Why does every phone interaction take 45 minutes or more? And why is it the person on the other end of the phone is usually as dumb as a rock?
So I bought a new laptop ... Apple MacBook Pro. I elected to pay in installments ... 0% interest for a year. After setting up my Apple "Wallet", I perused how I would pay. Nothing! Spent an hour looking on my phone for it.

Called Apple 3 times... after speaking to 5 different people, giving my personal info 5 times, I never got to speak with anyone who had even an inkling of what I was asking!!!!! These people are completely untrained, probably working from home ... completely unhelpful! All they did was transfer me to another department!!!

After 90 minutes speaking to all the idiots, I finally called back for the 4th time, and got someone who was actually knowledgeable about the issue, asked her how I do this on my laptop, and it took her all of 5 minutes to give me the info I needed!!! I should have been forewarned ... there was a statement on the recording that reminds us to be kind to the Apple rep!!!! Shows you just how incompetent they all are, that they drive people to being angry over their inability to properly service them!!!

What the hell is wrong with corporate America today??

Why does every phone interaction take 45 minutes or more? And why is it the person on the other end of the phone is usually as dumb as a rock?
What is wrong with corporate america is LOWEST COST SUPPLIER. PROFIT is JOB 1, not the customer.
Why does every phone interaction take 45 minutes or more? And why is it the person on the other end of the phone is usually as dumb as a rock?
I just Google search for my solutions these days. Usually much faster - and more accurate - than talking to a support rep. If you do have to call someone, try to call in the middle of their night. The night shift workers are more used to working without supervision and support, and they seem to know more and are willing to do more on their own.
This is why I avoid Apple products. The place is run by hippies and idiots. You would think a place that is going to steal and sell all of your data would at least pretend to care. I prefer to have my data stolen by the greedy capitalists at Dell who hate me but have good customer service.
Ironic ... 20 years ago, this situation rarely existed!

It's more than the profit motive, it goes to a complete lack of desire to be excellent. Now incompetence is not only accepted, it is sought after.
They don't pay people enough to care and they actually punish people for excelling at their jobs by giving them more of the workload than people who are lazy/incompetent. People learn pretty quickly that if they are excellent they get held to higher standards and made to do more work without compensation for it. So they learn that the best way to keep their sanity is to do bare minimum to net set high expectations. The corporations are so set on profit that they don't care about quality. They don't care about employees and they don't care about customers.

Meanwhile, the little kitten who was kidnapped died. Friend said she wasn't doing well and asked me to check on her while he was at work. I found her listless and cold. Barely breathing. Rushed her to the vet but it was lunch break time. Did get the vet's attention and she took her in and treated her but the poor little thing didn't make it. She gave me more meds to give to the other kittens and my friend bathed them with dawn dish soap to try to kill the fleas on them. Still wonder if something the little brat did to her caused her to become ill or if its just coincidence.

My brother was being a jerk today. he had a tantrum in Samsclub bc I wanted to wait on a rotisserie chicken at the deli. Then later Rupert followed me into the living room, crawled behind some furniture and got himself stuck. Now, the room is full of empty boxes, trash, etc that my brother promised to clean up but never did. So I told im Rupert was stuck and I needed his help to get to him. He just stood there and watched me frantically moving stuff and filling trash bags. When I asked him to help repeatedly he just stared and then went to his room to play video games. I went back to him later and asked if he could at least tie off and haul the trash bags away and move stuff that I shoved out the door. Nope. He said he was busy. Jerk. He still hasn't come out to help. I finally got to Rupert. He'd stopped meowing so I was worried. He pissed on himself and went to sleep. He woke up when I got over to him and he stood up so I was able to pick him up and carry him out. I cleaned him up. I had to move furniture to get to him. Lady Sylvanas slipped in to the room while I was shoving boxes and stuff out of the room. She wouldn't come out when I left so I didn't think much of it.

Saw Mom coming out so I had to set Rupert down (after I cleaned him up) to move stuff out of her way. But the living room door was stuck. It was hitting something at the bottom and wouldn't open. Sylvanas was in there crying to be let out. I had to go outside and climb through the front window to get into the room. That window doesn't stay open so I had to prop it up. I then had to squeeze behind a heavy recliner and temporarily got stuck. Finally made it over and found Sylvanas had pulled the carpet up. I stomped it down and opened the door. She ran out and I moved stuff so Mom could get to her chair. I still need to go clean stuff up and move more furniture back. But man, I'm exhausted and my back hurts.
I forgot that I found a new way to injure myself: Eating crispy fried chicken. The breading was so crispy it cut the inside of my mouth. Specifically over the bones under my tongue in my lower jaw. The bones there are abnormally high and the skin there is very thin and cuts easily. So the breading actually cut it enough to form an avulsion and make it bleed. It is healing but it is still a bit sore and I have to be careful when I chew. Fried chicken breading, people!!! Seriously, What the hell?
Here's my rant for the month. A few weeks back I noticed that one of my meds was coming up to be rewritten by the doctor. This is the same med that I ran out of the last time I got it refilled. It seems that the local doctors office wasn't able to communicate well with my mail order pharmacy so they wouldn't fill it. So I took the precaution of calling my dr's office & pointing out the problem in the past & how they should write the prescription & to call me if there was a problem. So I went to set up my med for the month & I'm out of that drug. Called the mail order pharmacy & they have been trying to reach out to the doctor's office but don't get a reply. I was upset so drove to the doctors office Friday, he moved so had to drive across town to his new office. Got there & they were in some other town Friday. Probably a good thing because I figured that there was a 50% chance of me ending up in jail. I haven't been that mad since I chewed a major's butt out before I retired. (You have to be really mad in the military for an enlisted person to chew out a major). Anyway I'm going call the pharmacy today & find out exactly what the dr's office screwed up on & be waiting on them to open the doors Monday morning. Things had better go smoothly or there are going to be some real problems.

For a perspective on this. The (military) pharmacy I use charges me $75 for a 3 months supply of the med. Locally the cheapest place I've seen would charge me $350 for a 1 month supply. Now I could afford the civilian price but why should I have too?