Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My rant is about snowbird couples who go grocery shopping together. I’ve encountered this countless times in walmart. The husband pushes the cart. He stops in the middle of isle and turns into frozen statue. His wife is standing at a shelf adjacent to the cart and they have the isle completely blocked. She is holding close a can of cream style corn. She is mouth breathing and gazing at the can so long, she is either trying to create a personal relationship with it or she has fallen deep into a coma. If i politely say “excuse me” to get their attention. They act like I have insulted them! Can’t people do their sleeping at home?
I start out with "excuse me". If they don't move I tell them to "get the heII out of my way". I have no tolerance for rude and stupid people.
@Peanut we really wanted to see photos of the mess. My brain did a good enough job on imagining video that I wanted to respond with laughing. What a mess that was. Sorry for such a disaster.
@PaulKersey i must have had the same couple in my store. Unbelievable how many people were blocking aisles and standing in the way the other day. Some apologize while others are just dumb.
Too bad a lot of the stupid people still breed before they darwin themselves out.

@Peanut Yikes! That sounds like something out of a comedy movie or cartoon. Also sounds like something that would happen to me. Hope you can get it all cleaned up.

The other day i got out 2 donuts and put them on a plate. I had to set them down for a moment, at which point Itsy jumped up right on to the plate. That wasn't enough of course, she had to spaz and kick the plate to make it flip up into the air and send the donuts flying. One landed in the pet waterer and got soaked, the other bounced off several things before landing glazed side down in a pet bed. Both were ruined.
Eat a tater tot instead!!
You can't keep a Tater Tot lit :p. No Worries, ZERO chance I will have one. Put on real Clothes, the gas mart and 7 plus bucks a pack, not gonna happen :D

I did REALLY want one an hour ago :p. Now, MEH
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I need to retire and replace the little camping table I bought 20yrs ago. The leg assembly snaps into to 4 clips on the underside of the top. They keep the table from collapsing. 3 of the 4 clips are broken. It's seen almost continuous use, far above what it was designed for.

It’s been a great table, all aluminum and all weather. It folds up and fits into a solid case that doubles as 2 padded benches. Very versatile, easy to stow and carry. Outside, inside, move room to room for projects.

I shopped for another one this morning. Cabela's no longer sells this model, checked Amerzit also. Most seem to be cheap, all plastic crap. I’ll keep shopping. Maybe I’ll find something suitable.

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I need to retire and replace the little camping table I bought 20yrs ago. The leg assembly snaps into to 4 clips on the underside of the top. They keep the table from collapsing. 3 of the 4 clips are broken.

It’s been a great table, all aluminum and all weather. It folds up and fits into a solid case that doubles as 2 padded benches. Very versatile, easy to stow and carry. Outside, inside, move room to room for projects.

I shopped for another one this morning. Cabela's no longer sells this model, checked Amerzit also. Most seem to be cheap, all plastic crap. I’ll keep shopping. Maybe I’ll find something suitable.

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Daughter has a metal camp table that has been used for some holiday parties as well as camping.

We grew up with card tables and folding chairs because card playing was a big thing for my grandparents. Sometimes where the legs are supposed to lock in when the legs are extended, they are not 100% at staying locked in.

I have used a card table that I bought decades ago for a dining room table, a sewing table, a crafting table, and more. I have a couple folding chairs that I bought at an estate sale that I repainted and recovered the seats. I have a couple more to redo now.

A woman I knew in North Dakota was very crafty as were a couple of her daughters. They set up a card table and worked on family photo albums until they were all done getting them in albums. That table was set up for months and when I went there, I could see the progress being made in those albums.
We have a couple of card tables I got at the thrift store. I use those large plastic folding tables from Sams Club all the time when we have people over for a meal. I set up two of them against the wall, cover with table cloths, and use them to put food on. I also have one of them in one of the greenhouses to use to put seed trays on.
Even worse, they get to vote…UGH!
Fortunately, a lot of them never bother to register or go vote. I know quite a few people who don't think that voting matters and who don't bother but then they gripe about things.

Too bad they don't make furniture like they used to. Stuff nowadays won't last as long as the older stuff did.

Back to stupid people, my friend's ex tried calling from prison twice. No one picked up. She only calls if she wants something and willing to bet she was going to ask for money. Her bail is set at $50k. Last time I helped bail her out she never paid me back. And then when Mom and I were stranded & 911 refused to send help, I contacted her to get in touch with my brother or her boyfriend (neither were answering phones at the time) and we were about to have heat stroke. She refused to pass the message along and said she didn't want us to be rescued. Said she was afraid we'd come over to where she lived and "I don't want y'all sitting on my couch". We bought the couch. It was after a hurricane. We had no running water, no electricity, generator wasn't working, and a tree was down across the road so we were stranded. It was over 100 degrees & we were overheating. Fortunately, after repeated calls my friend (her boyfriend at the time) answered and I told him what was going on and he was absolutely livid when I told him what she said to me. I sent him screenshots to make sure there was no misunderstanding. Another friend came down with a chainsaw and cut the tree off the road so we were able to leave and get into town and we ended up sleeping on the couch she didn't want us sitting on. She fully understood that we could have died and was willing to let that happen so she wouldn't be inconvenienced. Then once we were there she kept dumping the baby on my mother. She'd literally just shove him into her arms and leave for hours. Baby was only about 2 weeks old at the time. Baby is now 4-yrs old and I think her going to prison is probably the best thing that happened to him. He no longer has to be subjected to her abuse and neglect. I'd feel bad for her if I thought she was innocent, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense that she beat up the baby. She should not have had kids at all.
I just saw some of SNL for the first time in about 30 years. That show died many years ago. Horrendous doesn’t begin to describe it! It is a complete and total waste of perfectly good electrons!!!

SNL is an NBC institution they will simply not bury even though the corpse started rotting back in the 1990's. It's like they believe it will somehow spark back to life at any given moment. It won't.
Glad your Xerox machine is working again! I still don't have a working printer anymore. I don't even know if the all-in-one pos would scan if I plugged it back in. I really hate what HP did with ink plans. The ink dries up so fast too.

I miss my old doublesided printer but computers don't come with the ports it plugs in to anymore.

Found out my friend has to accept phonecalls from his stupid ex every single day because the court ordered him to let her talk to the kid every day. Problem is, she spends more time begging my friend for money and asking him to bail her out than she does talking to the kid. And the kid is so dumb he doesn't understand where her voice is coming from, looks around trying to find her, and then hangs up on her.

meanwhile, I bought a new microwave for my friend bc his blew up recently. He just got it yesterday evening and his daughter almost ruined it. Kid forgot to add water to the ramen and it started burning. Set off the smoke alarm and alerted on my friend's phone (he called 911 and then went over 120mph to get home). Cops started chasing him but when they saw the firetruck at his house, they turned around and left. Guess they figured it was an emergency and weren't going to give him any trouble over it. Fortunately there was no fire-- just smoke. Poor girl was crying her eyes out thinking he was going to hate her like he hates her half brother (not his kid). But he hated the half brother long before the brat burned his house down. Kid is a degenerate. Part of the difference was the girl wasn't trying to set a fire and the other kid was. She just forgot and probably won't do that again. We told her about the time her great grandfather put a whole frozen pizza in the oven still wrapped in plastic and in the box.

Anyway, I'm sore all over and exhausted from the demo.
Society has become so brain dead, it requires Shaquille O’Neal to tell us which
printer ink cartridges, car insurance and which cruse ships to take. Society even takes insurance advice from a cartoon Army General and Penguin, a Lizard, an Imbecile and his Emu partner and even Flo and a group of chronically unemployable idiots and misfits. WTH? Where will society be 50 years from now?
In some ways the movie Idiocracy is starting to look possible.

Minor gripe but it's about my brother being a jerk again. So yesterday when he was supposed to be helping he stood around griping about being there, griped when I asked for help with specific things, and then was criticizing everything I was doing (friend defended me). When around other people he tries to act superior to me so he amps up his jerk factor. But it was after the work was done that he had a snit in the truck. We haven't had pizza in a very long time and I decided to get some. He has the app on his phone and could select to pay when we picked the pizza up so I would be paying for it. He wanted pepperoni but I can't eat it. First off I hate it and 2nd it makes me sick. I wanted mushrooms. He likes mushrooms. He started whining that he wanted pepperoni and I said "I can't eat pepperoni and you CAN eat mushrooms". I asked him if he could order half and half but he ignored me. He wanted to order a whole pizza just for himself. I said "No, that's too expensive" and he suddenly started yelling at me that I'm a selfish B and he always has to compromise (which is absolute BS). I pointed out that I wasn't asking to use a topping that he hated and he was basically asking to have the pizza all to himself without paying for it himself. He didn't back down but he still ordered the pizza and acted like I was the unreasonable one. After we ate he acted like nothing had happened. No apology. No acknowledgement that he was a dick. He really does have main character syndrome. Especially since he will use ingredients that he didn't pay for to cook family sized meals for just himself using stuff he knows no one else in the house will or can eat. He'll deliberately include stuff he knows I can't eat so he can hog it to himself. The last few times he was supposed to cook for us he used stuff that Mom didn't like so she ended up not eating it when it was supposed to be for her. And when I asked him NOT to use that stuff he basically called me stupid and insisted that it wouldn't ruin it for Mom if he used the stuff. Now, Mom is partially to blame for how he turned out bc she's the one who spoiled him rotten and always caved when he cried or had a tantrum bc he didn't get his way.

Meanwhile, they must have a shortage on cheese and mushrooms bc the cheese wasn't even visible on the pizza and there were less than 10 mushroom slices on the entire pizza. Bonus points, I was reminded of why I don't eat pizza anymore bc I woke up to burping up bile.
I was so excited to open my special cheese from Finland - "Finlandia" brand from Costco. Had a Finland flag on it and everything. I have no idea if Finland makes cheese, but a country named that sure sounds like they should.

Alas, I read the small print on the back of the package after tasting a slice that failed to meet my Finland expectations.

It's made in New Jersey. ☹️
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