Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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You didn't notice that they all say: "Start your 'free trial' today!:p".
When that ends, they will 'auto-bill' your CC monthly, forever, whether you use them or not.:(
DW got a 'Firestick' and was so proud that it was only a one-time-charge.
If you want to watch something the copyright has run out on, with ads, great; anything current, forget it! She played with it a couple of weeks, and back in the box it went:(.
Haertig, I'll have to get that app for inventory listing of things in the house. I really need to go through and list all the junk I have and get rid of a lot of it.

I forgot to download the grocery list app but I sent a list to myself via messenger. I have a sock puppet account that I send pictures & links to.

Electric bill was over $500. Between the extremely high temps, poor insulation of the house, crappy windows, & the AC pumping heat instead of cold, it used a lot of power.

I'm trying to get myself on some sort of schedule and make it so that I do certain tasks on certain days. I won't set a specific time just yet. I'm bad at sticking to time schedules. Had to set my morning alarm back to an hour later because I was sleeping through it. I now have alarms set for morning to take my vitamins & allergy meds and evening to take my meds. Thus far it has been working pretty well. I don't know why I have such a hard time with consistent schedules.
When they decided to let people start to realize that the days of 'everything is free' are coming to an end.
Sorry, still going :(...
Speaking of YouTube... if you have old videos on there, you better hope somebody watches them or you watch them, every 2 years.
Otherwise they are slated for deletion starting Dec, 1, 2023.:oops:
Although the policy begins today, the company said the deletion of inactive accounts will commence from December 1, 2023. Before then, it added that it would enable users to take necessary action.

It intends to do so by emailing reminders to the said account. If the account has a recovery email, Google said it would send notifications there too. It doesn’t state the number of times it would send the reminders.

Meanwhile, users should note that they can delete their accounts at any time. If the deletion was an error, there’s an option for recovering the account. They can also download and export the data contained in products like Photos and YouTube.
House cleaning time!!🧹
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Then tell me why we are paying out the azz for DirectTV! gaah
Good question. Cut the cord! We did it over a year ago and it feels soooooooo good not to have to keep calling DTV or Dish Network and b!tch about the costs constantly going up. And, now that they are 'negotiating' again, you can certainly expect another price increase after they 'work it all out'. This process replays itself over and over and over again.

If you choose to keep them anyways, call them and complain that you couldn't watch your game, which is the reason you pay for the service in the first place. They'll give you a credit or lower your bill a few bucks for the next few months as a 'courtesy.' Although, they were getting more stingy with those credits before I told them to pack it up......

We've saved over $100 per month for well over a year now. Here's a past rant from me on Dish Network. Did I mention how glad I am to be rid of them??? :D
I cancelled my Dish Network back in June. Of coarse when they charge the credit card every month, they get advanced payment for their service. When I got my statement this month, there was no credits, nor were there any credits last month. So I called, knowing full well I'd be on hold for a long time.....so I got some household chores done while listeing to the canned music. I finally got "Alan" on the phone with the thick Indian accent. I told him that I had not seen a credit on my bill after I did the math to figure out what it should have been. Actually he said it was about $1.50 more than what I had calculated......OK. So where is it then? He tells me that they don't automatically issue credits back to the credit card b/c they aren't sure if the card is still valid. What?? They charge the card every month and they don't know if it's valid?? Then he tells me that you have to call to get your credit. I told him it was funny that the rep who finally relented and cancelled my service in June didn't mention that. He said that they can't. WTH??? Long story short, after spending 30 minutes on the phone, I should finally get my partial payment back on my card within 7 days.

It begs the question.....how many people have paid for service they didn't receive from Dish when cancelling their service? I wish I knew a Class Action lawyer that could look into this. The rep basically admitted that they rob people. I'm so glad I cancelled. Oh, and he certainly didn't want to end the call without asking me if another rep had offered me a less expensive plan. :rolleyes: I told him to save his breath......I was not interested.......I'm done with Dish! Goodbye Alan!
Good question. Cut the cord! We did it over a year ago and it feels soooooooo good not to have to keep calling DTV or Dish Network and b!tch about the costs constantly going up. And, now that they are 'negotiating' again, you can certainly expect another price increase after they 'work it all out'. This process replays itself over and over and over again.

If you choose to keep them anyways, call them and complain that you couldn't watch your game, which is the reason you pay for the service in the first place. They'll give you a credit or lower your bill a few bucks for the next few months as a 'courtesy.' Although, they were getting more stingy with those credits before I told them to pack it up......

We've saved over $100 per month for well over a year now. Here's a past rant from me on Dish Network. Did I mention how glad I am to be rid of them??? :D
Exactly the way I feel about Direct TV
I really do NOT like how math lessons for kids are all online and protected with limited access.

Look we can save trees and protect Copyright at the same time! What could possibly go wrong?

Well maybe a kid could being homework that is based what is hidden away in the cloud.

Lacking the background methodology the homework work sheets amount to an intelligence for a person that hasn't seen the course material. The big challenge is figuring out what is being asked!

Rant = done

I love hard copy books. I can skip back anytime I want.

I was having such a nice day too. Oh well.
the chat forums are full of anti_2_A ******* who not only want me to give up ALL my guns but my freedom of speech too, I'm getting zoomtarded and trolled by a gang of Christians who never learned to spell anything past 5 letters and have absolutely NO concept of what a Voidian is. I guess I'll have to get my friend to point out where they stash their child porn and bomb-making crap. I AM NOT SATANIC! I GET SO TIRED OF THAT CRAP FROM IDIOTS WHO THINK EVERYTHING BUT THE ABRAHAM SPAWNED 3 ARE EVIL!
*slams face into headboard*
Since i was already placing a big order of things i needed, ordered some guitar strings last week, free shipping so why not. I ordered 5 sets of MA240 strings. I got 4 sets of T150's and one set of T140's. What? Not even close to the right size! (but they were the right manufacturer).

So I called the big internet retailer... they don't want the wrong strings back so I could sell them, commonly used strings. But now... if I order again i'll have to pay shipping. Now I'll have to sell some of the T150 strings.
Since i was already placing a big order of things i needed, ordered some guitar strings last week, free shipping so why not. I ordered 5 sets of MA240 strings. I got 4 sets of T150's and one set of T140's. What? Not even close to the right size! (but they were the right manufacturer).

So I called the big internet retailer... they don't want the wrong strings back so I could sell them, commonly used strings. But now... if I order again i'll have to pay shipping. Now I'll have to sell some of the T150 strings.
File a claim with your credit card company for a full refund? Use the correspondence with the big internet provider acknowledging wrong items were shipped.
I have Dishnetwork and the price keeps going up. We have a DVR but recently they added a new "feature" called Primetime Anytime where it starts recording a ton of crap without our permission. It will NOT let me cancel the recordings. I have tried. Every day I have to go in and delete all the crap it recorded. To further aggravate me, while it is recording primetime crap it won't let me record the stuff I want to record or it won't let me watch what I want to watch if it is recording 2 things at once. I have to keep it on one of the stations that is being recorded & it pisses me off. Their phone support is absolutely useless. Also, we have something called Sling that we never use and they charge us $15 a month for it. We don't want it but they won't let us cancel it. I'm thinking of switching to the different DVR with more capacity but have fewer channels.

Meanwhile, my brother is really aggravating me again. I went to cook something for Mom and found he had eaten ALL of something that was only for her & he wasn't supposed to touch. Then I went to cook something else but he'd eaten that as well. He keeps eating every damn thing and then leaving the empty containers either in the freezer/fridge, on top of them, or on the floor. He doesn't bother to throw stuff away. I went to get some crackers and found the closed box was completely empty. So he took the last of the crackers out and just closed the box to hide that he ate the last of them. I got a brand new container of dark chocolate peanut & almond granola bars. Went to open it and found it was already opened and 4 bars were missing. I've told him in the past to at least ask me before he eats something that is not his. Then he argued with me about the burritos that I bought for Mom. He's insisting they were for him and not for her and that he was eating them before she was and therefore he should get to eat ALL of them. Nevermind he doesn't pay for any of it. He also doesn't tell me when something is all gone so I don't know I need to go buy more. I'm constantly having to go to the store to buy more food bc he has no self control. If he only ate stuff that was for him (and I bought food specifically for him that no one else eats) it wouldn't be so bad. He went through 2 whole gallons of milk in a week. I bought a 72 pack of sliced cheese 2 weeks ago and its almost all gone bc he will eat just the slices. And on top of that, he won't clean up after himself. I've had to clean the microwave 3x this week after him bc he won't even wipe up a spill. I really don't know what he's going to do when I die bc unless he finds himself a wife that wants to be a maid and can put up with his lazy behind he's not going to have anyone to clean up after him. He's never cleaned a toilet or shower in his life. He doesn't pick up trash, doesn't take out trash, doesn't sweep, doesn't vacuum, doesn't wipe down counters, doesn't feed the cats, doesn't give the cats water, doesn't clean litterboxes, and pretty much just exists to eat all the food & make messes for me to clean up. The only thing he helps with is helping me bring in groceries sometimes-- but that is mostly when there's a lot of stuff for him to eat. He'll bring stuff in, dump it and go to his room so I have to put everything away.

On top of that, I don't know if its the meds I'm taking or the food I eat or both but my guts have been hating me and I can't get much done bc I'm constantly having to run to the bathroom. And today my allergies are acting up. I couldn't stop sneezing earlier and now I have a sinus headache. It got worse after taking Mom to her foot doctor appointment yesterday. The entire building reeks of mildew.
Nobody wants to develop anything - stores, housing, whatever - in your crime infested crap hole city. Why build something that your "citizens" will steal blind, then "burn it down!" The "food desert" you find yourself in is of your own making. If professional grocers can't make it work in your slums, I can't wait to see how your idiot government does.
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