Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Ornery cows! The mama that I've been having udder issues with was being a royal pain in the you know what tonight when I was trying to milk. She kept kicking, even after I tied her feet. I finally gave up because I was worried she'd go down in the chute and get stuck. Only got about 2.5 quarts. Thankfully I got extra yesterday so my bottle rotation will not be messed up.
Coffee rant!

I must have my coffee every day, so this is very important to me!

Fired up the Keurig just like every other morning for the last umpteen years. As soon as the power button was pressed, water started pouring out. What the heck? It doesn't work like that. You have to choose you size, the brewing strength, etc, before any brewing starts. But not this day. And it wasn't just brewing a normal cup of coffee, it was going and going trying to empty the whole reservoir.

Oh well, it was old, and we had a new one as a spare. Opened that box and washed the bright new shiny one. Did it's "cleansing brew" to rinse out all the factory nasties. Put my cup in there, and it says "Add Water". The reservoir is full you dumb machine. Drained the water, unplugged/replugged it. Checked operation of reservoir (there's a spring loaded valve in the bottom - working perfectly). Filled to the top with water again. Still, "Add Water". That's all it would do. No brewing coffee. Called Keurig support and ran through all their diagnostics. Nothing worked. They said it was the reservoir and they'd send me a new one.

I would die if I had to wait the 5 or so days for the new reservoir to get here. So down to the basement to drag out the really really old first Keurig we ever bought (no reservoir on that one). Plugged it in, added the required water, and was staring at my cup waiting for the coffee to start coming out. Nada. You could hear the pump going, but nothing was coming out.

I was going to take the new (broken) one back to Costco, but I was a little hesitant since we had actually bought it two years ago. It had been sitting the the unopened box, never used. First time we tried to use it it was dead. So instead of running to Costco, I ran over to our storage locker where we put my moms stuff after she died. She had three Keurigs that we had inherited from mom. Her first one, her second one (why she replaced the first one is a mystery because it still worked fine - but NOW I'm starting to understand why). And one more, brand new in box, as her spare. I get to the storage locker, and my dang key wouldn't open it. The lock was screwed. At this storage place, you have to use their lock cores that are evidently specially made and only used in their kind of storage locker doors. The lock just plain wouldn't work. So I go to the office to get help, and nobody is there (this was about 10am on a weekday).

What the heck?! I want my coffee!!!

The above actually spanned a couple of days although my written description of it sounds compressed. I had been filling in for my missing coffee with black tea. OK, there's caffeine there, but it's not like coffee. The new reservoir from Keurig arrived! I excitedly put it on the brewer, and guess what? "Add Water" Friggin' stupid Keurig! I have to call and schedule a locksmith to drill out the storage locker core before I can get into the three others in there.

So what the heck, I headed to Costco with my brand new, but still two years old, Keurig in hand. I gotta say, Costco is great. No problem! They took the coffee maker right back and gave me a full refund. They don't do exchanges, they just do refunds and tell you to go buy another one. So I went and found the same one I had just returned (since by now, I have a spare reservoir for it). It was $21 more than the one I had just returned. Thank you Mr. Inflation Brandon! The model appears slightly upgraded. I got it home and ...

Ahhh, coffee!!! :coffee: Yeah, it's almost 5pm now - I wouldn't normally be drinking coffee this late - but today is special!

Now I will go hire a locksmith for the storage locker to free the other Keurigs from their incarceration. I'm not going through this again!

FWIW, Keurig makes nice coffee machines. But their reliability is hit or miss. The expensive ones are no more reliable than the cheaper ones. The costly ones just have more features (and probably more failure points). The brain-damaged one that started this whole fiasco by pumping water immediately upon power on had worked flawlessly - making probably four cups of coffee every day for at least four years. I did everything I could to attempt to revive it - power cycle, unplug for 24 hours, empty all water, cleaned tubing and vent holes, turned it upside down and spanked its bottom hard - everything. But nothing would fix the stupid thing. The failure mode - immediately pumping water on power up - sure sounding like a logic (microprocessor) type error to me. But rebooting it, leaving the power disconnected for a full day, even doing it's secret forced reset "power button plus 12oz size button" push for five seconds didn't work.
No Percolator and ground coffee for Grid Down?
I would have been boiling water and dumping over grounds in a coffee filter.
The problem was, that I didn't have any coffee beans or ground coffee - only 10 bazillion K-Cups for the Keurig. I almost went and bought some coffee beans to brew. I have a couple of French presses, electric grinders, some old drip coffee makers, etc. But I ended up not doing that. I'm really spoiled on the K-Cup method of brewing these days and I didn't want to have to buy a whole bag of coffee beans that would probably go to waste after the Keurig disaster ended.

I could have just gone to the Starbucks about two miles from my house. But a cup of coffee purchased from there would have probably cost me more than a whole new Keurig, so I didn't go there.
No Percolator and ground coffee for Grid Down?
I have the hardware to make coffee if the grid is down, but I don't have the actual coffee beans on hand. I do have a hand grinder somewhere. Haven't used it for decades (preferring the electrics back when I still made drip). I guess I should grab a bag and freeze it for longevity. I may lose some quality by freezing it, but compared to not having it at all, "lost quality" is the better option. That, or I guess I could go for some jars of freeze dried. It has to have been 40 years since I had freeze dried. Maybe it's better now than I remember it. But in any case, it's still probably better than no coffee at all.

I hadn't really though about coffee vs. grid down, but you do bring up a good point that I should consider.
Not so much a rant but recent happenings have all strangely exhausted me.

The way the world works now means wars are no longer 'over there' - they affect us all.
More children growing up without makes for angry adults.
For the first time in my life I'm almost sorry I had children; this is not the world I wanted them to inherit.

I've felt this way since the 80's. Even then i knew children wouldn't inherit the world I grew up in.. certainly didn't like the way the world was going... :(
@Haertig Seems to be a prepping lesson in there... 😇

Wake up folgers.jpg
I've felt this way since the 80's. Even then i knew children wouldn't inherit the world I grew up in.. certainly didn't like the way the world was going... :(
@Haertig Seems to be a prepping lesson in there... 😇

View attachment 118354
Belongs in the " old adds" thread.

Dang vermin! Set a few traps because I've seen evidence of something messing around outside the chicken coop/run. Went out to check the traps about 10:30 and close the coop up for the night. One trap was triggered with bait gone but empty. Oh well, I'll mess with it again tomorrow. Found one chicken bedding down in the run, thought it was odd but all was quiet so I picked her up and placed her in the coop and closed it up. Decided at the last minute to check one last time for any stray eggs because I had gathered earlier than normal today. Open the back hatch of the coop and..... wouldn't you know it, there's a juvenile opossum right there chillin in the nesting basket next to the chickens. Got the shovel and flung it out then got the bang bang and dispatched it. Where there's one, there's more so I'll be working on traps and adding security to my coop and run tomorrow.
Dang vermin! Set a few traps because I've seen evidence of something messing around outside the chicken coop/run. Went out to check the traps about 10:30 and close the coop up for the night. One trap was triggered with bait gone but empty. Oh well, I'll mess with it again tomorrow. Found one chicken bedding down in the run, thought it was odd but all was quiet so I picked her up and placed her in the coop and closed it up. Decided at the last minute to check one last time for any stray eggs because I had gathered earlier than normal today. Open the back hatch of the coop and..... wouldn't you know it, there's a juvenile opossum right there chillin in the nesting basket next to the chickens. Got the shovel and flung it out then got the bang bang and dispatched it. Where there's one, there's more so I'll be working on traps and adding security to my coop and run tomorrow.
Nobody here but us chickens🤣🤣
Man, the Keurig thing sounds about like the luck I have. I'm glad I don't drink coffee now.

Still having problems with Fedex delivering packages. So, I ordered something from Samsclub over a week ago. When I bought it, it said I would get it by Friday. But they sent it out late (from TX). So it makes it all the way to Lake Charles & I get notified I'll have it by end of day Saturday. So I wait. Never arrives. I check status and it says "No delivery attempted" and that new ETA is Monday by end of day. So I wait. Monday comes & goes. Status update on page: "No delivery attempted" and "Local restrictions". So I contact Fedex and ask what is going on. They tell me something about Lake Charles having a lot of packages to deliver. I mention the stupid signs by the loggers (which are still up) & ask them to assure the drivers that the path to my road is not affected. They tell me they will make a special case number and make sure my package gets delivered on Tuesday. ETA on page says by 1:30pm. 4:30pm rolls around and still no package. I contact Samsclub and Fedex at the same time via internet and Samsclub says Fedex assured them it would be delivered Tuesday by end of day but they would give me a 10% discount for my trouble. Fedex tells me the same line of bull about how they assure me it will be end of day. 8pm passes with no package so I check the website. "No delivery attempted" and ETA Wednesday (today) by 2:30pm. At this point I'm super pissed. They tell me the same old crap about setting aside the package and promising it will arrive today. I don't believe them. I want to file a formal complaint. I'm going to have to go to Walmart to buy a smaller quantity item at higher $ per amount to replace it bc I don't trust it will ever arrive at this point bc their driver is refusing to deliver it. And, as you know, this is not the first time I've had this happen. I've had it take over 3 weeks and had several packages that never arrived. All I get is the same BS over and over from them and I straight up told them I don't want to do business with Fedex ever and asked Samsclub to send me the item via UPS instead.

Is it too much to ask to just get my packages on time and to not have to contact the sender almost every single time to get them to pressure Fedex to get their driver to do the one job of delivering?

I dunno, maybe its bc I'm in a bad mood over losing Temjin and I feel like a Karen, but I don't think it's unreasonable to want my packages on time & not get jerked around.
So, the package still hasn't arrived and Fedex CS are assuring me it will be delivered today. I don't believe them bc they've been saying that the past few days. I don't normally try to get people fired, but if its the same driver and he/she is refusing to deliver to me then I want them fired.
Yet again, my package has not been delivered and the Lake Charles distribution center for Fedex is not replying to the CS agents that have been asking where the hell my package is and why the driver is not attempting delivery.

Meanwhile, CLECO sucks. My friend messaged me saying his power got cut off out of the blue at 9am. He had not even received his bill, much less a shutoff notice. He called (after realizing power didn't go out at other houses in town) and was told his bill was due today so they shut his power off. By their own policy they are supposed to have a 10 day grace period. His Apple Pay was not billed. And last month he accidentally double-paid so there should have been a credit to the account. They claimed he owed almost $400 (part of that was the reconnect fee). But in what world is it OK for them to shut power off on the day the bill is due early in the morning without sending a bill or notice?

Edit: Fedex CS informed me that the driver decided not to attempt delivery today & rescheduled for "next business day". Said they are trying to get in touch with the driver and I said I will meet the driver somewhere in town to get my package if they will just bring it somewhere that I can get it.

Ok, talked to Fedex and said only sender could change destination. Talked to Samsclub & they said they could not change destination after it was sent. They are sending me a new package at no charge. Having it sent to my friend's house instead.
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We started home from our camping trip.
Stopped to fill the gas tank and when I went to drive off the trailer brakes were locked up.
The brake controller is non responsive, dead, busted, junk.
I had to remove the fuse for the truck trailer brake controller and drive 250 miles up and down a mountain pass with no trailer brakes.
I also lost the fuse when I removed it.
Other than that it was an easy 5 and a half hour trip home.
Dang ornery cow!!! I was at work and got a bunch of texts from my mom and gpa about her busting through a broken down section of fence and ending up in the yard area. Long story short they couldn't get her back/keep her in, so I got home at 11:30 and spent almost an hour getting her and the calf back in the pens and patching fence in the the middle of a giant fire ant pile.

Yeah, all that sandy stuff is a fire ant pile.... she went right thru the corner where the rust panel is in top. I put a new panel across the corner and then that on top to discourage her from trying to go over
Ok, I have always hated key-fobs:mad:.
People rely on them way too much, and never think about what they would do if it fails.
When I was driving DW's car home Wednesday, I noticed that the button covers on the door-unlock and lock buttons were broken off.
I could see the PCB under them:oops:.
She had always carried the spare, (mint-condition) fob in her purse.
Asked her today if we could swap them out because if it got wet, it would not work.
I tested the spare, and sure enough, it no workee!:oops:
Pulled the battery out, .2volts!
I put a new battery in it, tested it, and swapped them out.
Old one that still works, (for now:rolleyes:):

(Notice the difference between 'lock' and 'unlock' buttons:().
Yes, that is what she relied on.
Lesson for today: "Guys, stick your nose in your wife's business and take the whipping like a man" 🙂.
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Windows email rant.
I have used windows outlook forever.
They are now going to a new version of outlook.
I thought why not.
Well when I went to the new outlook to log on for the first time they want TOTAL access to my information.
I do mean everything
I'm trying Thunderbird for awhile.
Not the cheap wine before you ask. :)
Windows email rant.
I have used windows outlook forever.
They are now going to a new version of outlook.
I thought why not.
Well when I went to the new outlook to log on for the first time they want TOTAL access to my information.
I do mean everything
I'm trying Thunderbird for awhile.
Not the cheap wine before you ask. :)

Are you talking about installing and running the Outlook client program on a Windows computer? Any time you run a program, it has access to anything the logged in user has access to. This is precisely why you do not want to routinely login and run everything as "Administrator" on Windows or "root" on Linux.

Or are you talking about some web-based version of Outlook that you access with a web browser?

I've used Thunderbird for decades and decades and I've always been happy with it.
I have both an Outlook and a Gmail account;. I had hoped that I could use one account for one series of conversations and the other account for regular correspondence; but the spammers got both of them and now I have to spend about 5-10 minutes daily just deleting garbage. However, I can access both of them both from my all-in-one and my Samsung 'phone.

I compare this kind of "communication" we have with how we shared ideas with each other during, say the 18th Century, when the American Colonies' "committees of correspondences" formed a new country with hand-written notes via quill pen on a letter which could take anywhere from a week to a month to get from one person to another. I think there were more new ideas contained in those few letters than in the million-a-day internet message we see clogging up the Cloud and our lives today.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
I remember those AOL CDs. It actually led to a funny incident at work when I worked at the Naval Exchange Computer Care Center in Guam. Guy walks in while my boss was on the phone and asks for an "AOL Online CD". I politely inform him we don't have any. Before I can say another word this guy starts screaming profanities at me, calling me stupid, & asking why I didn't have the CDs there (as if I, the one wearing the tag that said INTERN, had any control over what we had available). He ranted about how all he wanted to do was check his e-mail. Called me a stupid B a few more times (even after I pointed at my tag that said INTERN). He stormed toward the door & I said "Have a nice day!" He swore at me one more time before slamming the glass door. Boss came running out of the back apologizing for taking so long as he was on the phone and asked what happened. I told him what the guy said he he started to go after him. I said it wasn't worth it. If the guy had let me talk I would have told him the room next door had computers where military personnel and family members could use them to check e-mails and such for free. I also would have informed him that AOL didn't work in Guam. The only ISP on island at the time was Infotech.

Anyway, my newest gripe with Fedex: The good news is that I finally got my package from Samsclub. Day 6 of waiting for delivery (not counting Sunday bc it wasn't a business day) the driver called early in the morning and woke Mom up. She answered & the driver said she couldn't deliver out here. That the roads were closed. Mom explained they weren't closed and that the logging work was happening AFTER our road. Said to take a different road and not the really bad one that would take her through the logging area. She refused. She claimed there was no way to re-route-- despite the fact that I had Fedex give specific detailed directions on how to find my house and take the safe route. Driver still refused. Said if we wanted our package we had to let her drop it off somewhere in town or at a distribution center where I would have to drive to go get it. Mom gave her our friend's address and she said from now on, we have to get our packages from there instead of get them delivered to our house. So, it got delivered to my friend's house and I saw the photo and didn't recognize it (bc it was a really bad photo). Griped to my friend and he said "Oh, that's my house" and then sent me a photo of the package in his living room. Mom forgot to tell me about the phone call.

I had already re-ordered the item so I contacted Samsclub to let them know that I'd be getting it twice. They told me not to worry and I could have the 2nd one for free. I explained the situation with Fedex driver & they apologized and said they would try to talk to Fedex about it. I also reached out to Fedex to tell them that their driver was refusing to deliver to my house & that I wanted to file a formal complaint about it. If they can't do the job, they shouldn't have it. The driver that came from Alexandria was able to deliver to my house, but the one from Lake Charles is a lazy moron.

At least now I finally have my 4.5lbs of parmesan cheese and my friend will get to keep the 2nd one. Last night he was talking about all the things he could use it for when it arrives. LOL. But man, the aggravation. And Fedex has not replied yet.
I remember those AOL CDs. It actually led to a funny incident at work when I worked at the Naval Exchange Computer Care Center in Guam. Guy walks in while my boss was on the phone and asks for an "AOL Online CD". I politely inform him we don't have any. Before I can say another word this guy starts screaming profanities at me, calling me stupid, & asking why I didn't have the CDs there (as if I, the one wearing the tag that said INTERN, had any control over what we had available). He ranted about how all he wanted to do was check his e-mail. Called me a stupid B a few more times (even after I pointed at my tag that said INTERN). He stormed toward the door & I said "Have a nice day!" He swore at me one more time before slamming the glass door. Boss came running out of the back apologizing for taking so long as he was on the phone and asked what happened. I told him what the guy said he he started to go after him. I said it wasn't worth it. If the guy had let me talk I would have told him the room next door had computers where military personnel and family members could use them to check e-mails and such for free. I also would have informed him that AOL didn't work in Guam. The only ISP on island at the time was Infotech.

Anyway, my newest gripe with Fedex: The good news is that I finally got my package from Samsclub. Day 6 of waiting for delivery (not counting Sunday bc it wasn't a business day) the driver called early in the morning and woke Mom up. She answered & the driver said she couldn't deliver out here. That the roads were closed. Mom explained they weren't closed and that the logging work was happening AFTER our road. Said to take a different road and not the really bad one that would take her through the logging area. She refused. She claimed there was no way to re-route-- despite the fact that I had Fedex give specific detailed directions on how to find my house and take the safe route. Driver still refused. Said if we wanted our package we had to let her drop it off somewhere in town or at a distribution center where I would have to drive to go get it. Mom gave her our friend's address and she said from now on, we have to get our packages from there instead of get them delivered to our house. So, it got delivered to my friend's house and I saw the photo and didn't recognize it (bc it was a really bad photo). Griped to my friend and he said "Oh, that's my house" and then sent me a photo of the package in his living room. Mom forgot to tell me about the phone call.

I had already re-ordered the item so I contacted Samsclub to let them know that I'd be getting it twice. They told me not to worry and I could have the 2nd one for free. I explained the situation with Fedex driver & they apologized and said they would try to talk to Fedex about it. I also reached out to Fedex to tell them that their driver was refusing to deliver to my house & that I wanted to file a formal complaint about it. If they can't do the job, they shouldn't have it. The driver that came from Alexandria was able to deliver to my house, but the one from Lake Charles is a lazy moron.

At least now I finally have my 4.5lbs of parmesan cheese and my friend will get to keep the 2nd one. Last night he was talking about all the things he could use it for when it arrives. LOL. But man, the aggravation. And Fedex has not replied yet.
Suddenly, I want cheese :p
Back in the day AOL used to send out these stupid discs by the thousands, when one free subscription of 100 hours ran out, we'd pop in a new one. AOL literally junk-mailed themselves out of business!
I hadn't thought of those stupid disks for years; you sure brought the memory back!!
Coffee rant!

I must have my coffee every day, so this is very important to me!

Fired up the Keurig just like every other morning for the last umpteen years. As soon as the power button was pressed, water started pouring out. What the heck? It doesn't work like that. You have to choose you size, the brewing strength, etc, before any brewing starts. But not this day. And it wasn't just brewing a normal cup of coffee, it was going and going trying to empty the whole reservoir.

Oh well, it was old, and we had a new one as a spare. Opened that box and washed the bright new shiny one. Did it's "cleansing brew" to rinse out all the factory nasties. Put my cup in there, and it says "Add Water". The reservoir is full you dumb machine. Drained the water, unplugged/replugged it. Checked operation of reservoir (there's a spring loaded valve in the bottom - working perfectly). Filled to the top with water again. Still, "Add Water". That's all it would do. No brewing coffee. Called Keurig support and ran through all their diagnostics. Nothing worked. They said it was the reservoir and they'd send me a new one.

I would die if I had to wait the 5 or so days for the new reservoir to get here. So down to the basement to drag out the really really old first Keurig we ever bought (no reservoir on that one). Plugged it in, added the required water, and was staring at my cup waiting for the coffee to start coming out. Nada. You could hear the pump going, but nothing was coming out.

I was going to take the new (broken) one back to Costco, but I was a little hesitant since we had actually bought it two years ago. It had been sitting the the unopened box, never used. First time we tried to use it it was dead. So instead of running to Costco, I ran over to our storage locker where we put my moms stuff after she died. She had three Keurigs that we had inherited from mom. Her first one, her second one (why she replaced the first one is a mystery because it still worked fine - but NOW I'm starting to understand why). And one more, brand new in box, as her spare. I get to the storage locker, and my dang key wouldn't open it. The lock was screwed. At this storage place, you have to use their lock cores that are evidently specially made and only used in their kind of storage locker doors. The lock just plain wouldn't work. So I go to the office to get help, and nobody is there (this was about 10am on a weekday).

What the heck?! I want my coffee!!!

The above actually spanned a couple of days although my written description of it sounds compressed. I had been filling in for my missing coffee with black tea. OK, there's caffeine there, but it's not like coffee. The new reservoir from Keurig arrived! I excitedly put it on the brewer, and guess what? "Add Water" Friggin' stupid Keurig! I have to call and schedule a locksmith to drill out the storage locker core before I can get into the three others in there.

So what the heck, I headed to Costco with my brand new, but still two years old, Keurig in hand. I gotta say, Costco is great. No problem! They took the coffee maker right back and gave me a full refund. They don't do exchanges, they just do refunds and tell you to go buy another one. So I went and found the same one I had just returned (since by now, I have a spare reservoir for it). It was $21 more than the one I had just returned. Thank you Mr. Inflation Brandon! The model appears slightly upgraded. I got it home and ...

Ahhh, coffee!!! :coffee: Yeah, it's almost 5pm now - I wouldn't normally be drinking coffee this late - but today is special!

Now I will go hire a locksmith for the storage locker to free the other Keurigs from their incarceration. I'm not going through this again!

FWIW, Keurig makes nice coffee machines. But their reliability is hit or miss. The expensive ones are no more reliable than the cheaper ones. The costly ones just have more features (and probably more failure points). The brain-damaged one that started this whole fiasco by pumping water immediately upon power on had worked flawlessly - making probably four cups of coffee every day for at least four years. I did everything I could to attempt to revive it - power cycle, unplug for 24 hours, empty all water, cleaned tubing and vent holes, turned it upside down and spanked its bottom hard - everything. But nothing would fix the stupid thing. The failure mode - immediately pumping water on power up - sure sounding like a logic (microprocessor) type error to me. But rebooting it, leaving the power disconnected for a full day, even doing it's secret forced reset "power button plus 12oz size button" push for five seconds didn't work.
I don't get coffee to go often, only when meeting up with someone. I would have gone to get coffee that day!
I would have been boiling water and dumping over grounds in a coffee filter.

I stay at a home that has a pour over micro filter. I decided one of those would be good to have, so I ordered one for myself. I have only used it a couple of times, but if two is one then one is none, and this would work. I do have a bunch of the paper filters as well.
We've got so many ways to make coffee
Couple of hot water pour overs in different sizes, 3 cowboy coffee "percolators"
A Couple of those european metal espresso/coffee things you put over a heat source.
And 2 extra Mr Coffee machines, in case this one fails. We have a barista machine on the counter, too.
I like coffee.
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