Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Magus, that sucks! Good boomboxes are hard to find these days. I miss the one I had but it broke after 20+ years.

My current gripe is that the trash can got knocked over and I need to clean it all up but my back is not cooperating. At least I was able to do some sweeping in the hallway though. Really need to tackle that. And I need to clear out my brother's trash from the back hallway so we can replace the back door.
Just looking around for U.S. flags and saw the one for the side I'm not on being advertised next to the link for lowes. So i check their website and see they are selling flags of other countries. Never noticed that before. Right at the top are Israel and their enemy.
Just looking around for U.S. flags and saw the one for the side I'm not on being advertised next to the link for lowes. So i check their website and see they are selling flags of other countries. Never noticed that before. Right at the top are Israel and their enemy.

Try here, heard their flags were good. Just looked, you can even get a texas flag.

My internet has been terrible today. It hasn't been raining or even cloudy but the signal has been awful. It keeps disconnecting or just being incredibly slow. I know its firstworldproblems.
It is time to re-align your dish...
OR get another Pringles can LOL
So, last night I was taking my evening walk, listening to "Deep Tracks" with DJ Jim Ladd in Sirius Radio. He is a DJ who I've listened to for the last 50 years, beginning with radio station KLOS, one of the greatest stations that I grew up listening to.

Apparently, he is moving this "Deep Tracks" to another radio station, and was getting a bunch of backlash.

He started on a rant that was so horrible, I will never listen to him ever again. He made a comment that "you idiots who wear your red hats (referring to those who support Donald Trump) can just go to hell and asked that if you wear a red hat, move to another radio station because we were no longer welcome there."

Why in the heck did he have to throw his Liberal Ideology into a radio station? I now wish him dead, and will never listen to his music again.

Using music to push your political agenda is WAY OVER THE LINE FOR ME!
There are people like that. "Choose me, or choose the highway." I choose the highway every time. I don't like ultimatums. Nor do I like the people who make them. Nor the typical politics behind the people who tend to make ultimatums. Highway:1, Morons:0
When I was a kid, there was a D.J by the name of John St. John, AKA Shotgun Stephens, who had a New Year's Eve party on the air and it got quite a bit nuts. Anyway, the FCC Pulled his license, but he conned the station into letting him "apologize to his fans." Instead, he barricaded the door and went on a rant about the FCC, Southern Baptists, Smoking pot, and cursing up a storm. For some reason it went on for an hour or more before they cut the power. To a Junior in high school, it was hilarious!
@Magus My dish aligns itself. I think they took on more customers than they can handle and the bandwidth isn't enough for all of us. I do need to get up on that pole and fix the mount for the thing though.

More trouble with deliveries again. I ordered something from Amazon last week. It was supposed to arrive by today but it hasn't even been shipped yet. They created a label for it but haven't forked it over to UPS. I'm either going to have to get a replacement or pester them to actually send it. I will probably be contacting Amazon about it tomorrow.
I have no idea what my bandwidth is. My internet uses a proprietary dish because it's Starlink from SpaceX. When I first got it, it was super fast. But then they added other tiers to the service. Things where people who pay more get higher speeds but there are data caps on those. So I think those of us with the original plan got throttled. I also think they simply don't have enough satellites and pop stations to support the number of customers they took on. I don't know about any signal boosters, From what I understand there are low orbiting satellites that move around over TX and my dish tracks the nearest one and follows it. Internet seems to be working fine right now, but it's not during peak hours.
Just ran a speedtest-- this is on a good day.

When I first got it I was getting 300 down and 50 up. I wonder if they prioritize new customers during the trial period because once the trial period was over it slowed down a bit and progressively got slower after that.

Woke up with my nose running and started coughing nonstop. Can't find my cough drops. Been blowing my nose to clear it and my sinuses feel cruddy. Got that feeling I get when I know I'm about to get sick or am just starting to. Mild sinus headache & generally feeling icky. Hoping it won't develop into bronchitis again. I'm going to take some allergy meds to see if it makes my nose stop running and then take some vitamins. Hoping the Zinc will help. Might need to get some vitamin C as well.
You should have seen my bandwiidth when I had Hughestnet. I had 300kb down and maybe 5kb up. On Viasat I had maybe 5mb down and 0.5mb up. So, Starlink is proving to much faster and doesn't have the data cap, but this is waaaaay slower than it used to be. Gonna have to adjust the mounting for the dish I think.

It doesn't help that Mom's desk is infested with roaches and she won't let me spray anything on them so the roaches keep climbing all over the modem. I think I need to spray peppermint oil on the bottom of it (which is where they seem to collect).

I had a hard time swallowing my food because of the post-nasal drip gumming things up. Still have the mild headache but could be worse. Mostly fatigued now.
It doesn't help that Mom's desk is infested with roaches and she won't let me spray anything on them so the roaches keep climbing all over the modem
I have a simple roach trap. take three strips of duct tape and put the edges together.
Lay it down, sticky side up.
Put a glop of peanut butter, or onion in the middle.
Watch the fun as the greedy fools step over their own gummed-up buddies to be trapped themselves! When it gets full, lay a paper towel on top of it and dump it.
I have a simple roach trap. take three strips of duct tape and put the edges together.
Lay it down, sticky side up.
Put a glop of peanut butter, or onion in the middle.
Watch the fun as the greedy fools step over their own gummed-up buddies to be trapped themselves! When it gets full, lay a paper towel on top of it and dump it.
Don't play nice!
What you see is only 1/10 of what is there.
You are only trimming a few of them.
Bomb the bastids!
What's the air out time?
About 4 hours, and it all settles down from the air.
Have a broom ready to sweep up the bodies of the ones that tried to run.🪳🧹
Edit: The 6 bombs I mentioned in the other thread were for a 3br-2ba 1300sqft house. A trailer would likely need only 2-3.
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I need to find a pet safe solution. And Mom is against the bombing stuff bc she says its not food safe. I would have to watch all of the dishes & other things off. I'm all for it because I can clean stuff after. Just need to find a safe place for the kitties while stuff is being bombed.
They seem to be all over the kitchen & Mom's room. I keep spreading the diatomaceous earth. Wish I could use the peppermint stuff but it is dangerous for cats.

Another issue I forgot to mention is the tooth I had a root canal on is breaking up. The actual tooth on the outer part is chipping off. I was supposed to get a cap or crown but it was so expensive. Hoping it won't be too expensive to repair the chips and cap it. Thinking January or February. Spent too much already this year. But only if the govt doesn't shut down. We don't get paid if it shuts down. Hoping it won't. Right now my tooth has missing pieces and food keeps snagging in those spots. Also need to get a lower tooth repaired.

And I still need to clean up trash. My brother did take the kitchen trash out but anything that fell out of the bag and the earlier spill was left on the floor. He only thinks he has to take the bag out and not pick up anything that falls on the floor.
Hey everyone iffuns you want a roach cure get the borax acid roach powers that are sold in the home improvement and hardware stores.
The bottle has a cone tip that you just cut off the tip so when you squeeze the container it will project a powder stream. Use that feature to squirt it under friges,under furniture and behind bookcases. I at one house drilled small holes just above the baseboards to give the between the walls space a dose( where do you think they hide?) if you have a attached garage or basement run it along the walls at the floor seam. It does not immediately kill them but it kills a critter that lives in their gut that digest their food, so they starve, the good part is that the track the powder back to the nest area.
It is harmless to pets and us hooman.
P.S. it does not treat ants and scorpions better.
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