I absolutely loved my little 1.4L red Toyota Yaris. 2 door hatch, manual everything including windows. I could squeeze 60 MPG tanks in the summer and it had enough room to fill with 3, 48 quart coolers, a Labrador Retriever and enough crap to go fishing on the outer banks in NC for two weeks. It was built so a moron in the mountains of Thailand could fix it with vice grips, a hammer and a screwdriver. Most of its life was commuting me back and forth the 28 miles to and from work. It was the absolute perfect tool for that job. I never had a lick of trouble from it.
Way back when I was working for a living, I had a Chevy K20, bench seat, manual everything, hubs included. It got 9 gallons to the mile on that low geared 350 but it would legally haul its own weight anywhere. You could put it in 4th at 20 MPH and accelerate. Top speed.. I hit 70 with it once, going downhill, loaded up, with a tailwind. I put 225,000 miles on it, same engine, tranny and clutch. Never had a lick of trouble with it.
Both vehicles were the perfect tools for their respective jobs. For commuting I did not need Digital screens, electric seats, remote door control and whatever else they could throw into it that would eventually break and cost me a fortune to have fixed. For the work truck same thing. I just needed a big flatbed that I could haul a lot of heavy crap onto any job site - anywhere.
But, can we get those anymore? NooOOOoooo. Any new truck or car today is loaded with all sorts of crap I will never use and an engine that you can’t even see once you open the hood! So why doesn’t TPTB allow we minions to have access to those kinds of vehicles anymore? Why can’t we have access to this nice, very basic truck from Toyota? And Moreso, why the heck doesn’t Chevy or Ford put out a bare bones work truck or commuter vehicle for Joe the construction worker?
I bought a Chevy Malibu LS that always had something broken or not working on it. It had digital this and that, automatic everything, it was a nightmare. Motor goes on the driver’s window, there ya sit, in the rain. I drove more miles in the dealer loaner than I did that car before I dumped it!
I currently drive a 2013 Prius, 44k miles on it. Just got it out of the shop for $800.