Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Dishwasher leaving residue on on dishes!

Ours did that for a while too. After I ran some AK mags through it to wash off the cosmoline. The wife wasn't too happy about that. Nor the fact that I used the oven to evaporate the dishwasher water off of them so they wouldn't rust. She was only a little happier about me using string to hang them from our tree to spray paint them. They were kind of like clunky sounding redneck wind chimes.
Ergg....went into the baby room in the milk house and it was flooding thru the floor drain. Bailing out water, sweeping out water, moving out the dog kennel, moving out two huge cages of meat chickens, 12 of them. Couldn't move the junior guineas out, their cage is 5 ft by 5 ft. They have perches. Wet mess. Couldn't find the specialty 5 ft pipe to turn off the outside hydrants, grandson had it last. Missed dinner at my favorite cousin's place. Bummer.
Ergg....went into the baby room in the milk house and it was flooding thru the floor drain. Bailing out water, sweeping out water, moving out the dog kennel, moving out two huge cages of meat chickens, 12 of them. Couldn't move the junior guineas out, their cage is 5 ft by 5 ft. They have perches. Wet mess. Couldn't find the specialty 5 ft pipe to turn off the outside hydrants, grandson had it last. Missed dinner at my favorite cousin's place. Bummer.
Hope you got the hydrants off! How did that happen?? I am so sorry, hope it can dry out with no major damage!!
Nope. Hydrants are on, but the water went back down to the drain pipe. Still, the meat birds and the dog are not in there. Don't know how it happened, but it's not fixed. My favorite cousin's son in law called and might come by tomorrow to help figure it out. He does know our farm. Our drain field is not too far from the milkhouse, maybe it's a clog. Or a broken pipe. It was not stinky water coming in. Not sure. The other room houses feed, rabbits, and a freezer and some generators. I guess that would of been worse.
Maybe there is a God, and he just doesn't like you? I don't either, for that matter.
He probably hates her as much as I do :mad:.
These are the key words:
U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe did her best to laugh off an injury she suffered in the final match of her career on Saturday.
I am so sick of the 'soccer world' bowing at her feet, we should all celebrate that the purple-haired dyke is finally GONE! :woo hoo:
I don't even know who she is. Don't really care either. LOL.

Took both of the big microwaves over to friend's house. Same model but one got fried by a power surge. The fuse in the older one was dead but so was the magnatron. Think the magnatron is dead in the newer one. Old one blew a breaker on my friend's house when he tried to run it. Newer one didn't but it immediately shut off and had the same error code. Hoping it can be fixed and from what I've heard it has to be reset to clear the error message afterward. If I can get a new magnatron and find out the reset procedure, I think my friend can fix it. Put roach spray in non-electrical parts for now.
Had to buy a crappy cheap microwave for now. It's half the size and can't fit some of the stuff we usually cook in the microwave, but it will cook soup and smaller stuff.

Feeling cruddy and nose won't stop being stuffy and clogged so its hard to breathe. Meds I took for it haven't worked. At least the aches and pains aren't as bad now. I managed to hit my elbow on something while carrying one of the microwaves out. Banged my knee on something too. Elbow is fine but knee is bruised. Could have been worse though. Didn't break anything.
Replacing the magnatron on a microwave is usually throwing money away, because you can buy a new one as cheap as the repair. But it sounds like you might have a source of free labor possibly (your friend)? That could change the financial equation. Assuming your friend is knowledgeable and qualified to fix microwaves. You don't want microwaves to leak out past the shielding, and you don't want to burn your house down. John Q. Public with a big heart but no training may not be a good choice for repairing this appliance. But a qualified John Q. Public could be a real asset for you. Save you some money.
I absolutely loved my little 1.4L red Toyota Yaris. 2 door hatch, manual everything including windows. I could squeeze 60 MPG tanks in the summer and it had enough room to fill with 3, 48 quart coolers, a Labrador Retriever and enough crap to go fishing on the outer banks in NC for two weeks. It was built so a moron in the mountains of Thailand could fix it with vice grips, a hammer and a screwdriver. Most of its life was commuting me back and forth the 28 miles to and from work. It was the absolute perfect tool for that job. I never had a lick of trouble from it.

Way back when I was working for a living, I had a Chevy K20, bench seat, manual everything, hubs included. It got 9 gallons to the mile on that low geared 350 but it would legally haul its own weight anywhere. You could put it in 4th at 20 MPH and accelerate. Top speed.. I hit 70 with it once, going downhill, loaded up, with a tailwind. I put 225,000 miles on it, same engine, tranny and clutch. Never had a lick of trouble with it.

Both vehicles were the perfect tools for their respective jobs. For commuting I did not need Digital screens, electric seats, remote door control and whatever else they could throw into it that would eventually break and cost me a fortune to have fixed. For the work truck same thing. I just needed a big flatbed that I could haul a lot of heavy crap onto any job site - anywhere.

But, can we get those anymore? NooOOOoooo. Any new truck or car today is loaded with all sorts of crap I will never use and an engine that you can’t even see once you open the hood! So why doesn’t TPTB allow we minions to have access to those kinds of vehicles anymore? Why can’t we have access to this nice, very basic truck from Toyota? And Moreso, why the heck doesn’t Chevy or Ford put out a bare bones work truck or commuter vehicle for Joe the construction worker?

I bought a Chevy Malibu LS that always had something broken or not working on it. It had digital this and that, automatic everything, it was a nightmare. Motor goes on the driver’s window, there ya sit, in the rain. I drove more miles in the dealer loaner than I did that car before I dumped it!

I currently drive a 2013 Prius, 44k miles on it. Just got it out of the shop for $800.


@Haertig my friend is a certified electrician, A+ certified, and fixes arcade machines for a living. He fixes appliances, phones, and computers too. The magnatron on this model is fairly simple to replace. It's right on the edge, there is a white plug that goes to it (that can also be replaced), and a few screws. I've seen Youtube videos on how its done. The magnatron is far cheaper than replacing the whole unit-- especially since we got the extended warranty from Asurion (amazon purchase). Friend already used multimeter over it and the magnatron is what is showing as bad. If I didn't think he knew what he was doing, I wouldn't have him touch the microwave. He did point out one section of the microwave that he called "the no touchy spot". LOL. All sorts of warning labels on it. He said the electrical discharge could send someone across the street.

Talked to him briefly this morning and he's not feeling well. He's supposed to be starting a new job today (2nd job only on Mondays). Said he's hungry but not feeling well enough to cook. I've offered to order him something he can go pickup at McDonalds (which is just around the corner from his house) but he hasn't read the message yet.

I had a rough night. Couldn't get comfortable, nose was throbbing, throat was sore, nose kept filling up and dripping, couldn't get enough air, sinus headache, etc. Took meds and they didn't seem to help much. Finally got to sleep in the morning after the sun came up only for the phone to ring and wake me up a few minutes later. Scammers calling from a call center in India. Lady asked how I was doing. I said "I'm sick. Leave me alone" and hung up.

I forgot to grab cat food when I was at Walmart so the kitties are out and that means I have to go to the store today to get it. Ugh. Well, I was planning on meeting my friend to take him some outlets and cover plates and bring over a tool for him to use. I hate when I forget stuff. And I hate being sick. Only productivity from me is producing mucus. I should be glad its not worse at least. But ugh. At least my kitties are cuddling me.
And there was a big deal about the airbag recalls. Had to have mine replaced for free because they used a gas that degrades over time, becomes more volatile, and when airbags were supposed to deploy they would explode and send debris flying like shrapnel. Killed a few people IIRC. I've never been in a wreck where my airbags deployed and I hope I never will be.

Stupid phone started ringing again. Ugh. One of my feet is cold but it gets too hot if I put it under the blanket for long. For now I'm using a cat as a foot warmer. Keep feeling like I'm going to sneeze but then it stops. And I feel like I'm whining. LOL. It's just so annoying.
I've never been in a wreck where my airbags deployed and I hope I never will be.
We've been in one. I wouldn't call it a crash, but the airbag did. In our 2000 Mustang. Rolling into a parking place - a parking place! - at about 1 or 2 mph or whatever the normal speed is when you're coming to a stop while parking head-in. There was a very tall concrete block at the front of the space. That hit the frame of our car rather than the tires. And that minimal amount of scraping - not even felt by us occupants - set off the airbag in the steering wheel. It's not the speed at which you hit something, it's evidently the suddenness of it that will set off an airbag. I was in the passenger seat. The airbag ripped my glasses off my face and broke them. Abraded my chest. Mind you, the passenger side airbag did not go off, only the steering wheel one. But the drivers bag reached over and got me in the passenger seat. The airbag also tore the rearview mirror off the front windshield and threw that into the back seat, hitting my daughter in the forehead and leaving a nice bruise. Airbags are not subtle devices.

It cost several thousand dollars to get that airbag replaced. Somewhere between $3000 and $5000 IIRC. This was maybe 15 to 20 years ago. I'd hate to see what an airbag replacement would cost nowadays.
Sounds like she took it well then. LOL. That's better than being upset. Good attitude to have.

Meanwhile, I added a new way to injure myself. Somehow cut my thumb on the corner of a cat food bag as I was loading it into my shopping cart at Walmart. It doesn't hurt but its annoying.
And there was a big deal about the airbag recalls. Had to have mine replaced for free because they used a gas that degrades over time, becomes more volatile, and when airbags were supposed to deploy they would explode and send debris flying like shrapnel. Killed a few people IIRC. I've never been in a wreck where my airbags deployed and I hope I never will be.
EMT's will say that air bags can hurt a person more in an accident, than the actual accident.
Yeah, I really think airbags are more of a hazard than a help in many situations. If they found ways to improve them so they could deploy without injuring people it might be better.

My nose is super stuffy and I've lost my sense of smell. Food doesn't taste as good without smell. Upside, litterbox smell doesn't bother me so cleaning them should not be a problem in the morning.
Took a home Covid test and if I'm reading it right it looks like it is "positive". Ugh. Was really hoping this was a cold or even the flu and it would be over with soon. Gonna have to sanitize everything. Scrub the truck with disinfectant wipes & quarantine. Pretty sure my brother is the one who brought it home so he'll need to be tested. Gonna see if I can get him to go in and get tested and maybe get treated. Hoping its a false positive though.
Took a home Covid test and if I'm reading it right it looks like it is "positive". Ugh. Was really hoping this was a cold or even the flu and it would be over with soon. Gonna have to sanitize everything. Scrub the truck with disinfectant wipes & quarantine. Pretty sure my brother is the one who brought it home so he'll need to be tested. Gonna see if I can get him to go in and get tested and maybe get treated. Hoping its a false positive though.
Loss of taste is a far better indicator than the silly PCR test.
A cold or the flu doesn't do that :(.
Pretty sure my brother is the one who brought it home so he'll need to be tested.
He should probably be tested if he's yearning to go out and about. If he's just staying home for the duration of the sickness, and you and your mom are already sick too, testing might not be of much use. Nobody else left to spread anything to, unless you have visitors that you'd want to warn away. But even then, it doesn't really matter if it's covid vs. the flu vs. RSV vs. whatever else. You'd probably warn the visitors away no matter what specific sickness it is.
We don't get visitors, but I was planning to go visit my friends in town. Mom wanted to go to the bank. Not going to do that now. The point of the test for my brother would be to show it for work purposes or to get a doctor's note or something. There may also be some medicine to help with the symptoms that he can take if he goes to the doctor.
OK, my rant, and how closely it follows our family here.

At last month's retiree luncheon for my old PD family, an old friend showed up. He rides his bicycle on 100 mile jaunts, and healthy as an ox. 3 weeks later, someone sees a FB post from this guy's daughter, saying that her dad is gone, and funeral arrangements were being arranged. It was a locked post, so we can't respond to her. Nobody knows what happened, nobody has any "next of kin" information, and we only have his cell phone number.

As I've preached in here, if we had a buddy system implemented at my old police department, I wouldn't have to be calling local police departments, just trying to find out his wife's phone number. I've made over 100 calls, 50 emails, and have been on the phone for hours, just trying to speak to his wife.

Maybe I've become an old softie, but with "Tank Girl's" disappearance, I've become acutely aware, and hate to know someone has passed, and I can't even send proper condolences.

Life is short. Cherish your friends, and reach out to old friends. Let them know you are thinking of them!
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