Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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We've got so many ways to make coffee
Couple of hot water pour overs in different sizes, 3 cowboy coffee "percolators"
A Couple of those european metal espresso/coffee things you put over a heat source.
And 2 extra Mr Coffee machines, in case this one fails. We have a barista machine on the counter, too.
I like coffee.
Hubby drinks a whole pot everyday 🙄, guess there are worse habits!! I just found my cup from this morning, still had some in it!!
Heck no!
I was just saying I might need your help in my fight with Bed Bath & Beyond.
I was able to put them back in the coffin with holy water but it took more than three shakes. :thumbs:
G-mail has an unsubscribe feature, click it, and its blocked forevermore. it's in the top right area.
G-mail has an unsubscribe feature, click it, and its blocked forevermore. it's in the top right area.
The emails, of course, came from several different email addresses so that would only be a game of 'whack-a-mole' :(.
I had to go into the belly of the beast and get my email 'exorcised' from it.
I can't count the number of computers I 'fixed' because of Aol. Usually the only way to make a pc run correctly was wipe the drive and reload the software, without Aol. A Packard Bell with win2000 and Aol? That's the stuff nightmares are made of!!! You can't fix stupid! I always figured software engineers that washed out at microsoft went to work for aol. 🤣
I can't count the number of computers I 'fixed' because of Aol. Usually the only way to make a pc run correctly was wipe the drive and reload the software, without Aol. A Packard Bell with win2000 and Aol? That's the stuff nightmares are made of!!! You can't fix stupid! I always figured software engineers that washed out at microsoft went to work for aol. 🤣
He, he! I like to look back on it like the Model-T:antiqueauto: and how much progress we have made since.
After all, they did pave the way for bulletin-boards (like mine) to go mainstream and become websites.
No more waiting for the modem to be 'vacant' before you could get on.:thumbs:
But... does anybody besides me remember when anything an AOL user typed WAS ALWAYS IN ALL-CAPS BY DEFAULT?:LOL:
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Still going :mad: ...
I always thought it was illegal to deface American currency?
...You can buy these today:

"Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."
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Yesterday I went to pick up Mom's RX only to find that the pharmacy is now closed on Sundays. Sundays are sometimes the only days some people have off to be able to get their prescriptions so it really sucks. Couldn't get it. Need to go today.

Plan for today was to have my friend finish setting up my new computer and help me mount it to the wall and protect it. But his lazy useless ex refused to pick her kid up last night and was supposed to get him this morning but she still hasn't come to get him. So my friend is stuck watching the kid until she comes over and gets him.

I might still have time today but it's aggravating.

Also, Mom's computer is so covered in cockroaches that they keep messing it up so the wifi adapter stops working. I really need to find a good pet-safe solution for those roaches. The fact that she keeps her desk such a mess doesn't help.

Edit: It just started raining so carrying a computer to and from the truck is not a good idea. Ugh.
So my friend is stuck watching the kid until she comes over and gets him.
Sounds like he doesn't like the kid very much.
But his lazy useless ex refused to pick her kid up last night and was supposed to get him this morning but she still hasn't come to get him.
Sounds like mom doesn't like the kid either.

Too bad you don't get to choose your parents. What a horrible and disgusting family situation. Poor kid. This is sad.

I hope you get your computer installed. But that's secondary to what this kid is enduring.
Still going :mad: ...
I always thought it was illegal to deface American currency?
...You can buy these today:
It's like the American Flag. How many of those "fake" flags do you see with a photograph of an Indian over-laying it? Or one that's all black-and-white with a blue stripe to celebrate cops, or one of the many trump flags you see at your friendly neighborhood rally or riot? And let us not forget the rainbow flags or the black lives matter flags or Mother Gaia-knows-what-else that people wave to push their own beliefs?

But that's the USA; we are the only country I can think of (well, maybe fat-boy Kim in the Land of the Marching Morons) which actually make a quasi-religion of our flag, what with all the children doing the "Pledge of Allegiance" ritual every morning, and doing the same sort of ritual with all our sports venues (and the rodeos out here in the West)

Don't get me wrong; I certainly honor our flag, probably because of being in the Boy Scouts and later the military. I will stand in its presence, not deface it and do the proper things when I fold or retire it.

But the only thing I pledge allegiance to is not the flag, it is the Constitution of the United States of America, thank you very much. I remember doing it when I was a punk 17-year-old wearing a too-large pair of brand-new dungarees and a completely shaved head, saying that terrible and sacred Oath which I have kept now for -- let's see -- sixty-one years.

That is America to me, not a banner with blue and black stripes, a rainbow, or a portrait of whichever politician catches on this year.
@Haertig, we're all pretty sure its not his kid but the potential fathers are all drug addicts & criminals. He also didn't want a kid with her and she deliberately got pregnant to try to baby trap him. The issue is, the ex is supposed to pick the kid up Sunday night so he can have time to take care of stuff on Monday. The ex doesn't give a rat's behind about the kid. She desperately wanted a baby to compete with her best friend but once she had him she didn't want anything to do with him. She actually abandoned him for a month when she ran off with another guy and left my friend with the baby. The back of his head is flat from being left lying down for too long. My friend was having to pick up extra hours to pay for diapers & formula (ex refused to breast feed bc she didn't want to "ruin" her breasts). She didn't even want to bottle feed him. She looked absolutely miserable. When he was two weeks old she was screaming "I HATE YOU" in his face and whining about how much he cried. She doesn't have a nurturing bone in her body. But she's pregnant with baby #3 now. The guy she left my friend for was the father of baby #2. Not sure who the father of the current one is.

My friend actually takes good care of the kid when he's with him. Kid adores my friend's fiance and she's very loving to him & to my friend's daughter. Kid pointed at a photo of friend's fiance and said "Ma Ma". He's 3 now but is only starting to speak a little.

On the upside, my friend was able to transfer everything over to the new computer and get it set up in my room.
It's like the American Flag. How many of those "fake" flags do you see with a photograph of an Indian over-laying it? Or one that's all black-and-white with a blue stripe to celebrate cops, or one of the many trump flags you see at your friendly neighborhood rally or riot? And let us not forget the rainbow flags or the black lives matter flags or Mother Gaia-knows-what-else that people wave to push their own beliefs?

But that's the USA; we are the only country I can think of (well, maybe fat-boy Kim in the Land of the Marching Morons) which actually make a quasi-religion of our flag, what with all the children doing the "Pledge of Allegiance" ritual every morning, and doing the same sort of ritual with all our sports venues (and the rodeos out here in the West)

Don't get me wrong; I certainly honor our flag, probably because of being in the Boy Scouts and later the military. I will stand in its presence, not deface it and do the proper things when I fold or retire it.

But the only thing I pledge allegiance to is not the flag, it is the Constitution of the United States of America, thank you very much. I remember doing it when I was a punk 17-year-old wearing a too-large pair of brand-new dungarees and a completely shaved head, saying that terrible and sacred Oath which I have kept now for -- let's see -- sixty-one years.

That is America to me, not a banner with blue and black stripes, a rainbow, or a portrait of whichever politician catches on this year.
In HS, "man without a country" was required reading. And it should be?

The poor people who spit upon the symbol of our allegiance are ultimately doing a GREAT disfavor to themselves. You can tell an infant "don't touch that hot wood stove", but unfortunately some don't heed to wisdom?
Yesterday I went to pick up Mom's RX only to find that the pharmacy is now closed on Sundays. Sundays are sometimes the only days some people have off to be able to get their prescriptions so it really sucks. Couldn't get it. Need to go today.

Plan for today was to have my friend finish setting up my new computer and help me mount it to the wall and protect it. But his lazy useless ex refused to pick her kid up last night and was supposed to get him this morning but she still hasn't come to get him. So my friend is stuck watching the kid until she comes over and gets him.

I might still have time today but it's aggravating.

Also, Mom's computer is so covered in cockroaches that they keep messing it up so the wifi adapter stops working. I really need to find a good pet-safe solution for those roaches. The fact that she keeps her desk such a mess doesn't help.

Edit: It just started raining so carrying a computer to and from the truck is not a good idea. Ugh.
OK, Leet haxxor stuff, pay attention.
Measure your computer, then go to Chinamart and buy a Styrofoam ice chest that will accommodate it. bore as many holes as you need for the wires. remove the sides from your computer and put a large moisture absorber pack in with your comp. seal all the holes you made for the wires with caulk or foaming crack sealer. put the lid on, no more bugs.
Put a meat thermometer through the side, if the internal heat goes above 90. pop the lid for a few minutes.
No bugs, no dust. just remember to reboot once a week.
Thanks @Magus. One problem: My cats shred styrofoam like there's no tomorrow. They find styrofoam &they have to claw it. However, I found a 20pack of litterpan shields for cheap and used them to protect the computer. Sucker is mounted on the wall where they can't reach it. And holy shiznit, I need to get a swiffer duster on that wall. LOL.

Thus far they have not tried to pee on the new UPS-- I will set up some litter shields for it eventually. Right now the basket and hood are working. I put a plastic drawer thingy next to it that they prefer to sit on so that has helped.

My next aggravation came from the fact that the wifi antenna that came with the motherboard disappeared. I'm fairly certain it is still at my friend's house somewhere or that it fell out of the truck when my brother was opening a door (he lets stuff fall out or knocks stuff out and does not put it back in-- will leave it on the ground to get ruined). But I don't recall seeing it when we were packing up stuff after he put the motherboard in so pretty sure its over there. So there was almost no signal. However, this morning I remembered I had leftover antennas from an old router. I had removed them and set them on a shelf. Found them and put them on so it has enough signal to reach the modem in the next room.

Next problem was that my version of windows 10 pro unregistered when we upgraded all the hardware. When I tried to troubleshoot to re-register it gave me an error that it could not connect to the server "try again later". So I tried over and over. Could not find the CD with the code but eventually was able to retrieve the registration key from following some instructions online. Put that in and it wouldn't work. Contacted Microsoft support & they told me the code was not valid and went on to explain that "free" upgrades to windows 10 were no longer supported. But this wasn't free. I bought it. They said it must have something transposed in the code I gave them and to check again. I am certain it is right bc I went over it again and again. they told me they couldn't even sell a windows 10 version anymore and that to get windows 11 would be over $200. I said "hard pass" on that.
My programs were crashing, everything was running slow, internet kept disconnecting etc bc if it thinks your version of windows is not valid it will bork your computer. So I went online and found a guide to put in a new code in cmd prompt, link to msguides, & re-register windows. I then went and did that on my mother's computer and brother's computer because they both had the same bs where microsoft would not accept purchased OS as valid after some hardware updates.

I got a headache doing it but now I feel much better and my computer is running ok -- knock on wood.
Next problem was that my version of windows 10 pro unregistered when we upgraded all the hardware.
One thing you might want to try ...

Booting Linux off of a USB drive. Give it a try. For the "run off of USB" option, I would recommend "MX Linux". Be sure and use USB3 for both the computer port and the thumbdrive. USB2 will be too slow. If you have a good amount of memory installed (8Gb or more), you can load the entire OS into memory and even unplug the thumbdrive after booting. Your computer will run blazingly fast like this. You would have to leave the thumbdrive inserted if you want to save stuff across a reboot however. When running totally out of memory, nothing persists over a reboot. And this is a really good thing in some cases. But not such a good thing if, say, you're writing a resume and actually want to keep that. As an alternative to leaving the thumbdrive in place for storage, you can email things to yourself or store them on Google Drive or some similar cloud storade place.

But I do seem to remember that you are a gamer, and most games are targeted at Windows and either don't run at all, or run slowly on Linux. So this may not be a solution for you. But getting rid of Windows is generally a good thing for most people - except for gamers.

The thing with booting off of a USB thumbdrive is that you don't have to install anything on your computers HDD (or SSD). So you don't have to worry about "dual-booting with Windows" or anything like that. Plus, you can move that thumbdrive to a different computer and there is your standard desktop and applications right there in front of you on whatever computer you are using at the time.
Haertig, yeah, the reason I had to get windows 10 (had 7) was to run certain games. I have a brand new computer setup with 64gb RAM, 16Gb video card, up to 5ghz processor. It was having issues bc if unregistered windows but I fixed it. Had to use slmgr in the command prompt and input some data to do it, but it worked. I do very much appreciate the suggestions though. Oh, and I'm running from SSDs so they are faster than the older HDDs.
Thanks @Magus. One problem: My cats shred styrofoam like there's no tomorrow. They find styrofoam &they have to claw it. However, I found a 20pack of litterpan shields for cheap and used them to protect the computer. Sucker is mounted on the wall where they can't reach it. And holy shiznit, I need to get a swiffer duster on that wall. LOL. View attachment 118738

Thus far they have not tried to pee on the new UPS-- I will set up some litter shields for it eventually. Right now the basket and hood are working. I put a plastic drawer thingy next to it that they prefer to sit on so that has helped.

My next aggravation came from the fact that the wifi antenna that came with the motherboard disappeared. I'm fairly certain it is still at my friend's house somewhere or that it fell out of the truck when my brother was opening a door (he lets stuff fall out or knocks stuff out and does not put it back in-- will leave it on the ground to get ruined). But I don't recall seeing it when we were packing up stuff after he put the motherboard in so pretty sure its over there. So there was almost no signal. However, this morning I remembered I had leftover antennas from an old router. I had removed them and set them on a shelf. Found them and put them on so it has enough signal to reach the modem in the next room.

Next problem was that my version of windows 10 pro unregistered when we upgraded all the hardware. When I tried to troubleshoot to re-register it gave me an error that it could not connect to the server "try again later". So I tried over and over. Could not find the CD with the code but eventually was able to retrieve the registration key from following some instructions online. Put that in and it wouldn't work. Contacted Microsoft support & they told me the code was not valid and went on to explain that "free" upgrades to windows 10 were no longer supported. But this wasn't free. I bought it. They said it must have something transposed in the code I gave them and to check again. I am certain it is right bc I went over it again and again. they told me they couldn't even sell a windows 10 version anymore and that to get windows 11 would be over $200. I said "hard pass" on that.
My programs were crashing, everything was running slow, internet kept disconnecting etc bc if it thinks your version of windows is not valid it will bork your computer. So I went online and found a guide to put in a new code in cmd prompt, link to msguides, & re-register windows. I then went and did that on my mother's computer and brother's computer because they both had the same bs where microsoft would not accept purchased OS as valid after some hardware updates.

I got a headache doing it but now I feel much better and my computer is running ok -- knock on wood.
Then go to the local flea market and buy a Coleman or Yeti cooler for twenty bucks. Good luck to the cats getting in there! I'm getting good at outsmarting the lovable little s4!ts. LOL
In Colorado, we have this thing called "The TABOR Amendment" ("Taxpayers Bill Of Rights") that supposedly protects us from the government abusing us by raising taxes without citizen permission.

So what do they do? They don't raise the taxes (see one of my cars license plate renewals below - $3 in taxes) ... they just add on "fees" !!!


Note that we are a Democrat run state. If we were run by Republicans, the bill would have been Taxes: $3, Appreciation refund: $2, TOTAL: $1
In Colorado, we have this thing called "The TABOR Amendment" ("Taxpayers Bill Of Rights") that supposedly protects us from the government abusing us by raising taxes without citizen permission.

So what do they do? They don't raise the taxes (see one of my cars license plate renewals below - $3 in taxes) ... they just add on "fees" !!!

View attachment 118865

Note that we are a Democrat run state. If we were run by Republicans, the bill would have been Taxes: $3, Appreciation refund: $2, TOTAL: $1

I LOL'ed that they are actually charging you 22 cents for the sticker!
Filled a cart at Aldi yesterday, well, tried to. Was buying my three flats of canned corn with regular groceries...and the checker tells me there's a limit to one flat now. Because of the "holidays". What does that have to do with anything? So back to seeing limits again. There was a limit on Butterball turkeys (2) and I can guess that, but they think $1.29 a lb is such a fabulous price, so there's a limit. And regular prices were up a bit on everything. Again.
I don't believe men should play in women's sports. Period. But this article misses the point entirely. The main complaint in the article is that a sicko tranny playing on a girls field hockey team fired off a shot and a girls teeth were knocked out by the ball. Girls teeth are not inherently weaker or more prone to damage than boys teeth. The same shot would have taken out a boys teeth just as easily. Now, if the tranny had tackled the girl and hurt her, that would be different. But a shot knocking out teeth doesn't quite justify outrage IMHO. I would assume that girls wear mouth guards and full face shield helmets in sports just like boys do. Is the claim maybe that girls are so weak that they couldn't do any damage with an errant shot, therefore they skip the safety gear?

Anyway, trannies should not be able to play sports with the opposite sex (unless it's an established co-ed sport). This news article did more to muddy the discussion than to clear it up.
I could be wrong, but my understanding is Transvestites like to wear clothing of a different gender but don't identify as such. Although, transexual was also a term. I don't know. I really don't care how people dress or what gender they want to be, but I do agree that men shouldn't be in female only sports unless they have undergone transition & are taking hormone treatments so they don't have more testosterone than the women. They may still have an edge in upper body strength. Women tend to have fairly strong lower body. I used to leg press over 230lbs back in high school and I weighed 150lbs.

The loggers are leaving the lights on their "road closed" signs at night when there is no work being done and it is blinding when driving home. There are no street lights to offset the glaring flashing yellow light. On the upside, I experience schadenfreude every time I pass the sign that got smashed and pushed into a ditch. Don't know who did it, but my brother said he wanted to knock the other ones over too. One of them was sticking out in the road but it got moved completely off the road. It still sticks out enough that it could clip someone's mirror if two cars have to pass each other on the road. It's pretty narrow in some places. I would never do it, but I have the urge to set them all on fire.

Meanwhile, I ordered something from Amazon last week and on Friday they said they created a UPS label for it but have not sent it. It will allegedly arrive Tuesday, but I have no idea where it actually is as only the label has been created.

And I'm feeling old because a friend from Singapore sent me a message about his oldest daughter being in med school and working as a PA while attending university & all I can think about was when she was a baby and we told her to "show us piggy" and she took the cap to her bottle and put it over her nose to make it look like a pig nose. I just realized its been over 20 years since then.

Had restless legs last night and couldn't sleep easily. Kept having to move around and it made Fippy angry (pretty much everything makes him angry these days). He kept growling and I kept telling him to shut up.
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