Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I saw a write up recently where a garage refrigerator in cold climates will not regulate properly unless it is designed as a garage refrigerator, or you add a heater pack next to your thermostat. Have you heard of this?
Old refrigerators can handle odd ambient outside temperatures! The newer fridges can't!! So I've heard!!🤔
I saw a write up recently where a garage refrigerator in cold climates will not regulate properly unless it is designed as a garage refrigerator, or you add a heater pack next to your thermostat. Have you heard of this?
The non-frost free freezer we purchased a few years clearly specifies a minimum temperature for the room it is in. I had change my plans to run it an unheated porch and make room in a kitchen.

Check the user manual.

I saw a write up recently where a garage refrigerator in cold climates will not regulate properly unless it is designed as a garage refrigerator, or you add a heater pack next to your thermostat. Have you heard of this?
I have a refrigerator outside. The freezer section is not reliable.
Some days it will be -4 and some days it will be 38.
The refer side seems to be OK but I don't rely on it for anything expensive that will go bad when it's not cold.
Like water, juice, sodas and even beer.
I have a refrigerator outside. The freezer section is not reliable.
Some days it will be -4 and some days it will be 38.
The refer side seems to be OK but I don't rely on it for anything expensive that will go bad when it's not cold.
Like water, juice, sodas and even beer.
I have a small beer fridge (not sure what brand), that has a stupid freezer...4° to defrosting randomly!! I end up chillin' my beer in the den fridge's freezer sometimes, not nice!!
I saw a write up recently where a garage refrigerator in cold climates will not regulate properly unless it is designed as a garage refrigerator, or you add a heater pack next to your thermostat. Have you heard of this?
I have seen facebook ads from Grainger for a heater pack for fridges, but I have never seen or used one.
The government will intervene in some things they shouldn't but then do nothing on things where they should. I could have a looong rant about how for-profit prisons combined with judges getting paid extra for convictions during bench trials (at least in my state) lead to more convictions & incarcerations. People busted for weed are the ones they use for their slave labor forces because they are "the best workers". There was actually a sheriff who whined about how we'd lose the best workers in the prisons if they legalized possession (it is legal to use but not legal to possess). Sad thing is, in places where they have legalized and taxed it, they have a surplus from the taxes on it. But they want the system that allows them to violate 4A rights by saying "I smell marijuana" when they really don't. The big pharma companies lobby too much so they want to keep people hooked on other stuff instead.

Anyway, I've got the runs and lots of coughing. Feel like garbage. Been exhausted the past couple of days and all I want to sleep. Mild sinus headache. I just want to get over this respiratory crud.
We were on a rare Walmart appearance today. I am not normally an A hole particularly to strangers. Anyway a mid twenties guy was walking toward me wearing a mask down around his nose. I don't know what came over me but I said "you are a ******* idiot. Nothing but virtue signaling". On a plus side he wasn't wearing his sack correctly either. The soy boy pretended he didn't hear and didn't try to beat me up.
We were on a rare Walmart appearance today. I am not normally an A hole particularly to strangers. Anyway a mid twenties guy was walking toward me wearing a mask down around his nose. I don't know what came over me but I said "you are a ******* idiot. Nothing but virtue signaling". On a plus side he wasn't wearing his sack correctly either. The soy boy pretended he didn't hear and didn't try to beat me up.
He heard you, and sometimes, IT needs to be said!!
I mask up when I go out in public bc I have allergies and I tend to sneeze, cough, or have my nose drip. The mask keeps me from having my boogers flying all over the place. I also have a bad habit of touching my face/nose and the mask stops me from touching snot and spreading it.I have a metal bendy thing over the bridge of my nose to make it fit better. Right now with it being cold out, it helps me to not breathe in the cold air as much and keeps my face warm. I hate when people don't wear the masks properly though. I agree with weedygarden. Why wear them if you won't wear them properly? I particularly hate when they wear the masks on their chins. Not even covering their mouths. Chin diapers.

I don't say anything to people who don't wear masks or who wear masks improperly but I've had some people come up and call me names and confront me about wearing one and I just coughed until they walked away. Really, its none of their expletive business if I wear a mask and I don't see why someone has to make a deal over it. It comes down to personal choice and my choice to wear a mask does not harm them. They can think whatever they want. I don't care. They can comment to their friends/family about it and I won't care. If they say it loudly enough for me to hear I might flip them off in response, but I don't see why they feel the need to get up in people's faces about it. At least the coughing seems to work to get them to back off. LOL.

Speaking of coughing, I've coughed so much I'm going to have to order more diapers sooner. Been having to wear them since the wreck in 2016 and the coughing/sneezing makes it 10x worse.

I'm also not looking forward to having to replace the pressure tank in the pump house. We now have the tank but reconfiguring the plumbing for the new one will suck. Pipes will have to be broken off to get the old one out and new one in. I'm thinking of replacing the galvanized steel with stainless steel on the pump side.

Still need to seal up mouse holes in the pantry, clean up my bathroom, clean up my room, etc. So much to do and so little energy. I slept almost all day today. And mom would not let me check her blood sugar so I don't know how its doing.
It continued, "In the United States, privilege is granted to people who have membership in one or more of these social identity groups: White people, able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, males, Christians, middle or owning class people, middle-aged people, and English-speaking people."

I suppose it's bad that I check every one of these boxes? :(

Oh well. Guess I'm just stuck being privileged then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Since you are not allowed to be in even one of the above named groups and escape the "privileged" mark of shame, I guess you'd have to be a black crippled gay gender-confused female pagan destitute adolescent mute. I must say, if you are a member of that club, you did kind of miss out on last call for boarding the privilege party barge.
Why do Amazon drivers always block your driveway. It always happens to me. I am trying to get home, and an Amazon truck is blocking my driveway. They must be instructed to do this because it has happened to me several times with different trucks and different drivers. It's not like there isn't room. It's a subdivision. There are seldom any cars parked on the street. Makes me crazy. gaah
Why do Amazon drivers always block your driveway. It always happens to me. I am trying to get home, and an Amazon truck is blocking my driveway. They must be instructed to do this because it has happened to me several times with different trucks and different drivers. It's not like there isn't room. It's a subdivision. There are seldom any cars parked on the street. Makes me crazy. gaah
On our little back roads they always park blocking half the road and on a hill so you can't see to go around them!🤔🙄

I suppose it's bad that I check every one of these boxes? :(

Oh well. Guess I'm just stuck being privileged then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Since you are not allowed to be in even one of the above named groups and escape the "privileged" mark of shame, I guess you'd have to be a black crippled gay gender-confused female pagan destitute adolescent mute. I must say, if you are a member of that club, you did kind of miss out on last call for boarding the privilege party barge.
this is why I refuse to have a black doctor
( if I have a choice, you kind of don't if you go to the ER)

think about it, they get passed through medical school and put in hospitals no matter if they did well or not , so you never know what you are going to get
( I had one in my classes when I was in college and he miraculously graduated despite failing most of his tests, I do wonder if he ever passed the PE , probably not)
Our trash pickup guys do this too. We place the full trash can way off to the side of the driveway, on the curb in front of the sidewalk where they ask us to put it. Then they drive their garbage trucks in to get it. They have this bid mechanical arm that reaches down (I assume under joystick control in the cab), picks up the trash can, dumps it into the top of the trick, and sets the can down again. Except they almost always set the can down right in front of the driveway, blocking any entrance or exit by car. This has to be intentional. You would think that this fancy mechanical arm they guide to pick up the trash can could easily "remember" the exact location where they hit the "grab can" button to start the sequence, and then return the can to that exact spot later. That would only require a few dollars worth of sensors added to this mechanical arm that probably cost over $100,000 in the first place. I can't believe any competent engineer would have designed a controllable arm for this kind of usage without a "return to beginning position" feature.
Kathy Hochul!

Bad enough she governs NY but now she has reached out and s_rewing with us in SW PA.

The Princess and I had date to watch the Steelers play off game tomorrow Sunday afternoon. But Hochul has stepped in and using a snow storm to justify moving the game from Sunday to Monday @4:30!

The Princess will still be working when the game starts.

He__ Don't they make snow in Buffalo?

The delay means a short week before the next game!

I realize the NFL is not popular since all of the kneeling crap but the Steelers did any of that crap.

I am spitting mad!

Great. Now not only is the pilot flying your plane potentially in the cockpit not because of their skill, but because of their skin color or gender confusion - now they're going to be guided in by flight controllers with "severe intellectual disability and psychiatric disability". What's next? The firefighters - who are trying to put out your flaming plane that crashed because of it's piloting and ground control crews - will be mandated to be quadriplegics? I'm all for supporting people with intellectual or physical disabilities, but there are just some jobs that are not suitable, no matter how unfair that may be. This whole DEI thing is ridiculous.
Great. Now not only is the pilot flying your plane potentially in the cockpit not because of their skill, but because of their skin color or gender confusion - now they're going to be guided in by flight controllers with "severe intellectual disability and psychiatric disability". What's next? The firefighters - who are trying to put out your flaming plane that crashed because of it's piloting and ground control crews - will be mandated to be quadriplegics? I'm all for supporting people with intellectual or physical disabilities, but there are just some jobs that are not suitable, no matter how unfair that may be. This whole DEI thing is ridiculous.
Reminds me of the movie " Idiocracy" every time a new story about DIE comes out.

Bud light marketing and FJB's white house.

She doesn't get Monday off for MLK day?
I don’t get the day off either. It’s my favorite holiday. Store open normal hours, get holiday pay, time and half, and it’s always a Monday (my normal scheduled workday). I’ll be making almost as much an hour as the pharmacist. :woo hoo::dancing:
No school for little granddaughter tomorrow, but I think the amish school is happening, so I'll be a driver in the morning. The grade school is calling it a Collaboration Day.
Been watching Youtubes this afternoon on how to use the new digital canner I have. Need to can some meat soon that's in the freezer because our half a cow will be arriving in the next week or so.
I was miserable today. Coughing nonstop. Mom walked by and told me I should see the doctor. Had the runs, nausea, fatigue, chills, etc.. Was too nauseous to go into samsclub when I did my curbside order. Grabbed takeout from the chinese place so Mom could have food without me having to cook. Still somewhat nauseous. Went to the bathroom and discovered bleeding. I haven't had a period since April 2021 so bleeding is not a good sign. Most likely a fibroid (got tons of them) but could be other troubling things. Now I'm having cramping on top of everything else and it sucks.

I forgot Monday was a holiday. Post office will be closed. Ugh.
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