Russia Versus The Ukraine

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Some indeed will survive. But the odds are simply very bad, maybe 5-15%. For most, that existence would be a nightmare. Anyone who doesn't believe me here's a test: Cut your calorie intake to 500 calories per day. Your nutrition for the next 6 months is killing, cooking and eating rats, with your bare hands or basic hand tools. Drink only sour milk and eat only rotted spoiled veggies and fruits, in addition to cooked (or raw) rat meat, worms, small birds, etc. Drink only unfiltered water straight from your toilet bowl or mud puddles. Like your life depends on it. Stop all medical treatments, all medications, and allow yourself no hygiene and don't bathe for the next 6 months. Then report back on it, if you survive. Of course, don't do this, as you'll probably die or get extremely sick. It would be impossible to "replicate" the psychological torment of the aftermath of a nuclear attack. But just this small physical test is enough to prove a point. I doubt anyone here could do this, or is willing to "prove" they could by actually doing it. Many will make a lot of excuses why they cannot try.
My Grandmother, mother, and her sisters lived like that as a WWII refugee for four years. Grandmother survived The Holodomor.

They taught me a few things. I have eaten bugs, spoiled food, worms and worse. I don' take medicines so good on that one. I only eat about 700 calories a day (if I am not working), and my metabolism has adjusted to the downgrade over the years. 500 could do it for a while especially if it was graduated.
Can it be done? Absolutely. That is the purpose of prepping though, so that you can but, hopefully won't have to!
Jump to minute 38:50 and watch about the chemical warfare started by Ukraine and then ask yourself if Putin will not react with nuclear tacticals....this is why American attacked Iran, the CIA informed American politicians that Saddam Hussein was ""gassing Iraqians" and that started the Desert Storm.
The fact remains, billions will die instantly, billions more in the first 6 months. I would estimate at least 1/2 of the world would die in the first 6 months, so around 4 billion. Figure another billion or two in the subsequent year thru a variety of events previously discussed (dehydration, starvation, violence, factional resource wars, slavery, suicides, illness, injury, lack of even basic hygiene and medical care, medications, etc.).

These survivors would essentially be reset to the hardship lifestyles of the 1500s or so. That might be okay if one is brought up learning how to churn butter, til land, grow crops, etc. but the modern cultures do not have the knowledge or infrastructure. Going from a 1st world office job to being a survivor in the ashes would not be survivable for most people.

Some indeed will survive. But the odds are simply very bad, maybe 5-15%. For most, that existence would be a nightmare. Anyone who doesn't believe me here's a test: Cut your calorie intake to 500 calories per day. Your nutrition for the next 6 months is killing, cooking and eating rats, with your bare hands or basic hand tools. Drink only sour milk and eat only rotted spoiled veggies and fruits, in addition to cooked (or raw) rat meat, worms, small birds, etc. Drink only unfiltered water straight from your toilet bowl or mud puddles. Like your life depends on it. Stop all medical treatments, all medications, and allow yourself no hygiene and don't bathe for the next 6 months. Then report back on it, if you survive. Of course, don't do this, as you'll probably die or get extremely sick. It would be impossible to "replicate" the psychological torment of the aftermath of a nuclear attack. But just this small physical test is enough to prove a point. I doubt anyone here could do this, or is willing to "prove" they could by actually doing it. Many will make a lot of excuses why they cannot try.

The good news, perhaps, is that some regions will probably remain relatively safe from direct hits. I'm thinking huge regions in S. America which are of little tactical importance. Many of the cultures are relatively self sufficient, agrarian, low tech, etc. But unfortunately, they will still suffer the effects of global radiation, lack of trade, medical, possibly increases in chaos and crime, it's unknown.
over here the survival rate will be less than 5% more like about 1%, most people here dont even know where their food comes from much less how to grow it. all the old skills have been done away with as no longer necessary in the modern world, if it dosent show on a computer screen then its old fashioned and obsolete.
Absolutely, the most of us do eat much more than we really need. If you adjust your intake to your daily output and needs, you can stretch yourself to the so-called "7%" body fat level and do quite well.
Much of the cancer problems which do not stem from contact with cancer causing chemicals, have to do with an over-intake of protein-giving cancer cells the needed food to survive. An acidic level in our bodies (like with CDS) can be so controlled that almost no cancer can survive because it needs an alkaline level to live.
The thousand calorie food intake is usually enough for us normal working, getting older, non-superstar persons.
The three thousand calorie diet needed by soldiers carrying 60 and more lbs. of equipment and walking or running around in a wartime environment is also just as real.

I think you inverted acidic and alkaline. Cancer needs an acidic level to live.
According to one source , China is conscripting nearly its, entire civilian population . Both men and women , with women who are breast feeding an infant excused from the draft . Sounds like a war is planned by the Chinese leadership . Intelligence gathering balloons are being sent over countries in their war preparations . I have posted before that I consider a Russia / Chinese alliance plus a few more of their friends may have global conquest as their plan .for the near future . Likely before January 2025 , as that is when their bought ally , leaves the White House of Washington DC.
I'm not a microbiologist, so this is not an "expert analysis"...but from what I can gather, acid produced by the cancer cell is what causes CDS to release oxygen ions as a free radicals. Unlike a lot of ionic compounds such as salt, water does not cause CDS to disassociate into ions. So it travels through the bloodstream as an intact molecule until it comes in contact with acid, and then it splits into ions. The free oxygen radicals then attack the source of the acid. This is the mechanism of how it "targets" cancer cells and microbes and how it can be so specific.
Interesting. Do you know how it makes it through the stomach acid intact?
Sorry. I know this isn't the CDS thread.
Not so PP. The acidic content of CDS is that which prevents cancer, kills bacteria and virus by actually BURNING thru their fatty cells walls and destroying them completely instead of trying to kill them with antibiotics, which, if not enough or not long enough taken, will just make the bacteria resistant.
High acidic levels makes it impossible for cancer and others to live.
Maybe it is just doing its job at OXIDIZING the bad stuff.
CDS is positively charged and will not be attracted to the positive and healthy body cells. Bad virus and bacteria are negatively charged and draw the CDS to themselves thru a "magnetic" sort of way. The positive charged and good bacteria in your intestines will not be harmed by CDS as with antibiotics, where you must re-build your intestinal flora after an antibiotic treatment.
I am speaking from the many years of learning and teaching in Germany about CDS back when it was only called MMS and Jim Humble described the happenings of how so many yellow fever and malaria patients in Africa were being healed and helped with MMS. He sent the info to a friend in Harvard and was so informed.
I do hope so that is how I learned and hope that I have not been teaching wrong for over a decade and a half and using CDS for survival for 2 decades after only using it to clean and disinfect my water tanks, water lines and stored water in my camping trailer and preps.
As I think about it, it should be the oxidization of the bad virus and bacteria which is happening as MMS is a mild to strong bleaching agent according to how it is mixed.

Ok, you mean acidic in the context of how CDS works.
US citizens and European citizens now living in Russia are unlikely to make the mistake of going home to Joe if they have done nothing wrong in Russia.
In Russia it is currently better than in the EU and probably also in the USA, low prices and no vaccination against Corona.
If now US citizens from Russia return to the USA or EU, they must expect that they are possibly traded in the USA or the EU as Russian spies.

In the case of a coming nuclear strike you have the same survival prospects in the USA as in Russia, in Europe you have in the case of a nuclear strike as good as no survival prospects, so who does it to himself to go to Europe..????
US citizens and European citizens now living in Russia are unlikely to make the mistake of going home to Joe if they have done nothing wrong in Russia.
In Russia it is currently better than in the EU and probably also in the USA, low prices and no vaccination against Corona.
If now US citizens from Russia return to the USA or EU, they must expect that they are possibly traded in the USA or the EU as Russian spies.

In the case of a coming nuclear strike you have the same survival prospects in the USA as in Russia, in Europe you have in the case of a nuclear strike as good as no survival prospects, so who does it to himself to go to Europe..????
Probably a better shot in Russia than here, honestly, as long as their loyalty isn't questioned there.
Sorta off topic, but what we are dealing with in all of Europe at the moment. The video is 5 years old but the situation has just gotten worse since then...

This guy is full of 💩. What is happening is the consequences of bringing in ILLEGALS by the millions! Whom they give free stuff to (paid for by the Citizens). The evil Western Governments have been busy for many years now trying to take away THE CITIZENS CULTURE!! As well as their homeland and their children’s future!!!

Anyone who examines what has been being done TO White folks in their own countries will see the plan of the WEF/Globalists/NWO!


We aren’t far behind them.
This guy is full of 💩. What is happening is the consequences of bringing in ILLEGALS by the millions! Whom they give free stuff to (paid for by the Citizens). The evil Western Governments have been busy for many years now trying to take away THE CITIZENS CULTURE!! As well as their homeland and their children’s future!!!

Anyone who examines what has been being done TO White folks in their own countries will see the plan of the WEF/Globalists/NWO!


We aren’t far behind them.
Not a truer was said, you have described it perfectly, it is exactly the same here in Australia they bring in refuges from all over the world and try to destroy our culture and way of life.
this is a video made by the drone of probably Ukraine but shown by the Tribun Tibur, I think an Indian or Sri Lanken journilist. The video shows the close quarters fighting of down to within 30 feet of each other in the trenches. You don't need to watch that, it is never nice to watch.
Jump to the minute of 10:07 and look at the official losses of the Ukrainian Forces in the last year!!! Shocking...
I want it to stop. I don’t care what “provoked” Russia, their behavior is abhorrent both in attacking and in the way they have allowed their troops to behave towards civilians. It has only ensured that more hatred and therefore conflicts/wars will take place in the future. If this one does not go nuclear, another probably will.

I have heard many “reasons” for why Russia invaded.

You had ethnic Russians in Ukrainian lands who wanted to be part of Russia, fine. If they wanted so badly to be Russian, then Russia should have paid them to move back to Russia. It certainly would have been less expensive than war. If they don’t want to move, then they need to accept the rules and laws of the country they CHOOSE to live in.

If Russia was worried that Ukraine would join NATO, attacking was a certain way to ensure that.

International law has to recognize borders and sovereignty or else one world government will certainly get a foothold not to mention that any group who wishes to, can just migrate to whatever country offers the best benefits without pre-qualifications. There would no longer be such thing as "Illegal Aliens" which, is a utopian vision of the left.

If Russia is looking to regain territory that was lost after the breakup of the Soviets, which is the elephant in the room, then we have a much bigger issue at hand.
I want it to stop. I don’t care what “provoked” Russia, their behavior is abhorrent both in attacking and in the way they have allowed their troops to behave towards civilians. It has only ensured that more hatred and therefore conflicts/wars will take place in the future. If this one does not go nuclear, another probably will.

I have heard many “reasons” for why Russia invaded.

You had ethnic Russians in Ukrainian lands who wanted to be part of Russia, fine. If they wanted so badly to be Russian, then Russia should have paid them to move back to Russia. It certainly would have been less expensive than war. If they don’t want to move, then they need to accept the rules and laws of the country they CHOOSE to live in.

If Russia was worried that Ukraine would join NATO, attacking was a certain way to ensure that.

International law has to recognize borders and sovereignty or else one world government will certainly get a foothold not to mention that any group who wishes to, can just migrate to whatever country offers the best benefits without pre-qualifications. There would no longer be such thing as "Illegal Aliens" which, is a utopian vision of the left.

If Russia is looking to regain territory that was lost after the breakup of the Soviets, which is the elephant in the room, then we have a much bigger issue at hand.

I guess you still don't understand that Ukrainian leadership is guilty of crimes against humanity, but is a part of the New world order, who is allied with our criminal government and criminal NATO who are arms of the Evil Globalists that want to control all of us or want us dead!

Russia is not part of that Evil group. I'm not saying they don't do bad or evil things that serve there own interests, but they are fighting our enemies that are the worst Evil bunch you could imagine. So that kind of makes your statements less significant to the big picture, even if 100% true.

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