Russia Versus The Ukraine

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And again bidumps admin "had nothing to do with the drone attack"...haha...tell me another joke.
Funny, last week a crazy ukrainian put out a BOUNTY for the first ukrainian to land a drone on top of the kremlin...
And, the funny LITTLE EXPLOSION which only broke the FLAGPOLE on top of the building and burned a few minutes was not even large enough to kill anybody or anything (except the pidgeons on the roof).
AND, again, start a pissing contest with Russia, with a JOKE of a drone, during an election year, and then get told to RUN INTO YOUR EMBASSY BUNKERS THE NEXT DAY???? Who is laughing now??
short story long effects. England shipped depleted uranium anti-tank ammo for their chieftain tanks into the ukraine and putin warned them he would not allow them to use the "nuclear" proponents type of ammo....
Well, he blew it up and the radioactive wind is falling out on the polish/ukraine border area...jump to about minute #5 and watch the huge explosions...
Well, England has delivered and the willing helper Poland has willingly handed over the uranium **** to Ukraine as usual, now Poland has the receipt for the crap.

What is still to be said, the EU has across Europe radiation detectors in operation and you can see in the www live which detectors which radiation values collect, two days after this explosion, the public site was shut down and you can no longer see what is now how contaminated.
This is not a coincidence, this public site was shut down deliberately.

Politicians of the G7 are only a club of self-congratulators who pat each other on the back but at the end of the day can't get anything done, a club of future losers who are currently being replaced by others Nations. Pechersk District Court of Kyiv issued a ruling to oblige the Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation to start a pre-trial investigation in connection with the possible treason of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, former Verkhovna Rada deputy Geo Leros said on May 30 in his Telegram channel.

“Let me remind you that the pocket SBI refused to investigate Zelenskyy’s high treason when he appointed FSB agents to key positions in the SBU, but we were obliged by the court to enter information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and begin a pre-trial investigation,” the former deputy said.

He cited a photograph of a copy of the ruling of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv, by which the court obliges the State Bureau of Investigation to conduct a pre-trial investigation at the request of Leros. In his message on the Telegram channel, the deputy clarified that the court ordered to initiate a criminal case “against Zelensky and co” under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason).

This is the letter translated: PECHERSKY DISTRICT COURT OF THE CITY OF KYIV Case No. 757/21124/23-k RESOLVED IMEHEM OF UKRAINE On May 30, 2023, the Investigating Judge of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv – T.V. Ostapchuk, under the secretary – K.S. Lymar, with: complainant – Leros H.B. representative of the complainant – lawyer Sayenka V.V. having considered in an open court session in the courtroom in Kyiv the proceedings on the complaint of Leros Geo Bagratovych about the inaction of the investigator, regarding the failure to submit information to the EDPR according to the application dated April 26, 2023 Mo23d9/7-2023/88804, – Guided by Part 2 of Art. 376 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, investigating judge, – RESOLVED: Complaint of Leros Geo Bagratovych against the inaction of the investigator, regarding the failure to provide information To ERDR by request from 04/26/2023 N2379/7-2023/88804 on the commission of a criminal offense and to start a pre-trial investigation, about which to inform the applicant. Praise is not subject to appeal. The full text of the resolution will be announced on June 2, 2023 at 1:50 p.m. T. B. Soup *2606*82433888*1*

According to Mr Leos, Zelenskyy himself, the head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak, his deputy Roman Mashovets, as well as the ex-chairman of the SBU Ivan Bakanov and the former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Ruslan Demchenko are the main defendants, thanks to whom FSB agents were allegedly appointed to the special services.

According to Mr Leros, these appointments have led to tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians. The MP demanded that the traitors be held accountable for serious crimes against the Ukrainian people.

Scotland Today Online has contacted the Ukrainian Embassy in London for Official Comment on this serious development. We will provide any information if and when we receive it.
The Ukrainian army and local government already admitted several times that it has been actively shelling the dam with artillery and US Himars guns over the last few months, and the USA is aware of this.

Read in the report under the paragraph VI, cans one that this archive is now then deleted.
The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has also been under active fire for months by Ukrainian forces, our media say that the Russians are firing at the nuclear power plant, but since the nuclear power plant is currently controlled by Russia, this hardly makes any sense.

The Russians themselves will not blow up a dam that is in Russian hands, furthermore, most Russian troops are now fleeing from the flooded area and have dug themselves in. As it looks at the moment, the Ukrainians have a greater benefit from the dam flood than the Russians, which has a lot to say, but in the long term it will be a loss of Ukraine because a lot of cultivated land has been devastated by it for a long time.

Because of this crappy action, the nuclear power plant Zaporizhzhya is now running out of cooling water, there are 6 reactor units of which 5 are shut down, one unit is still minimally active to ensure the power supply because Ukraine sabotages the power supply lines to the nuclear power plant again and again.
If the nuclear power plant there goes down, then Chernobyl will be a **** against it, but the UN as well as the EU and the USA like to look over it and do nothing against the fact that Ukraine continues to take the nuclear power plant under fire.
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The only other possibility that I know of is the FOAB (Father Of All Bombs). This is a Russian answer to the American
MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) used in the Middle East against the terrorists by POTUS Trump.
Only, the Russian FOAB weighs in at a whopping 44 tons of explosives, against the MOAB only having 21,000 lbs.

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The only other possibility that I know of is the FOAB (Father Of All Bombs). This is a Russian answer to the American
MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) used in the Middle East against the terrorists by POTUS Trump.
Only, the Russian FOAB weighs in at a whopping 44 tons of explosives, against the MOAB only having 21,000 lbs.

So many people in the US have no clue on what may actually be happening in our own world one day. So many do not pay attention. . . My heart hurts for them but they have had plenty of warnings. I pray for you and your country men.
Just to show the difference to the explosion in the Ukraine, watch how the FIREBALL of these test explosions expand and how big they get. This is JUST TNT. The fireball comes and goes quickly.
In the fireball in the Ukrainian Ammo Depot, you can see how it continues up into the atmosphere, continues to expand above the explosion area to an unbelievable height, is followed by a trail of burning high temperature metal and even the following secondary explosions are coming from "smaller" projectiles and other materials for the rest of the short video.
Whatever exploded in the UKRAINE was NOT just TNT, dynamite, thermite, ammonium nitrate, urea nitrate, potassium chlorate, sodium chlorate, RDX or other "normal" explosives...

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The only other possibility that I know of is the FOAB (Father Of All Bombs). This is a Russian answer to the American
MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) used in the Middle East against the terrorists by POTUS Trump.
Only, the Russian FOAB weighs in at a whopping 44 tons of explosives, against the MOAB only having 21,000 lbs.

1. This will never hit mainstream in the US because it proves without a shadow of a doubt that Ukraine broke the treaty first, putting to rest any notion that Russia was the unprovoked aggressor. I know my comment will anger folks, but facts are facts.

2. I hope those filming took shelter.
I don't believe that the Russian missile that hit this target was nuclear, otherwise NATO would have screamed and invaded Ukraine an hour later.

I think that the Ukrainians have stored very dangerous weapons from the West in this ammunition depot and that there were things there that the West has delivered to Ukraine without mentioning anything. It is possible that there was stored very bad goods, perhaps even mini nuclear weapons.
This speaks for the fact that NATO and the West has not mentioned a word that this arsenal blew up, Putin must have had good reasons to make this arsenal harmless.

As for Joe, he is playing with fire and the Russians are already on his toes as far as direct war participation is concerned.
The Russians know that the Ukraine with the US Himars system can not arbitrarily bombard civilian areas as well as earlier the dam. Every target that Ukraine wants to shoot with the Himars system is verified via US GPS satellites and someone in the Pentagon must give the ok for the Ukrainer to trigger the shot.

That means the USA knows 1:1 what the Ukrainians want to shoot at, blesses it and makes itself an accomplice for dam destruction, shooting at civilians in Eastern Ukraine and shooting at Russian units, whereby the Ukraine terrorize with the Himars system especially civilians in Eastern Ukraine.

I know the Russians are doing it too, but they are doing it on their own without any help, all in all it's a dirty way and I didn't wish for the ******* war and I've been saying for a long time that there needs to be a solution at the negotiating table that the West doesn't want at any cost.
If the **** goes on there, the world will come day by day closer to a nuclear war, that is probably the goal from Joe and various Western politicians.
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What was this car doing on the Dam just before it collapsed???
Why is the roof cut away? why is it full of 55 gallon barrels? Why is there a TANK MINE on one barrel??
What is the cable/wire leading away from the car towards the RUSSIAN side of the dam???
A photograph of a car apparently laden with explosives parked at the top of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam shortly before it gave way is said to offer further evidence Russia was behind the incident.

The image, taken by a Ukrainian drone and given to Associated Press, was taken on 28 May. It appears to show a white car with its roof cut open, revealing large barrels inside, one of which appears to have a landmine attached to its lid. A cable runs from the barrel towards the side of the river held by Russian forces.

What was this car doing on the Dam just before it collapsed???
Why is the roof cut away? why is it full of 55 gallon barrels? Why is there a TANK MINE on one barrel??
What is the cable/wire leading away from the car towards the RUSSIAN side of the dam???
A photograph of a car apparently laden with explosives parked at the top of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam shortly before it gave way is said to offer further evidence Russia was behind the incident.

The image, taken by a Ukrainian drone and given to Associated Press, was taken on 28 May. It appears to show a white car with its roof cut open, revealing large barrels inside, one of which appears to have a landmine attached to its lid. A cable runs from the barrel towards the side of the river held by Russian forces.

View attachment 20075

The Russians definitely could have blown it. They definitely would have had it rigged to be blown up if needed. That's what you do in a war. Ukraine also tried to damage it.
It seems the Russians would have to funnel the Ukrainian offensive into areas where they could be destroyed, which is what happened.
What was this car doing on the Dam just before it collapsed???
Why is the roof cut away? why is it full of 55 gallon barrels? Why is there a TANK MINE on one barrel??
What is the cable/wire leading away from the car towards the RUSSIAN side of the dam???
A photograph of a car apparently laden with explosives parked at the top of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam shortly before it gave way is said to offer further evidence Russia was behind the incident.

The image, taken by a Ukrainian drone and given to Associated Press, was taken on 28 May. It appears to show a white car with its roof cut open, revealing large barrels inside, one of which appears to have a landmine attached to its lid. A cable runs from the barrel towards the side of the river held by Russian forces.

View attachment 20075
Do you have a higher resolution image than that? I see no wire or drums, what looks like it might be a drum in the back seat looks more like a back seat to me. But the image is too grainy to really tell.
What was this car doing on the Dam just before it collapsed???
Why is the roof cut away? why is it full of 55 gallon barrels? Why is there a TANK MINE on one barrel??
What is the cable/wire leading away from the car towards the RUSSIAN side of the dam???
A photograph of a car apparently laden with explosives parked at the top of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam shortly before it gave way is said to offer further evidence Russia was behind the incident.

The image, taken by a Ukrainian drone and given to Associated Press, was taken on 28 May. It appears to show a white car with its roof cut open, revealing large barrels inside, one of which appears to have a landmine attached to its lid. A cable runs from the barrel towards the side of the river held by Russian forces.

View attachment 20075
Nobody blows up a dam with a junk truck, the road over the dam has been junk for a few weeks because the Ukraine pulverized it with Himar's guns a few weeks ago in front of the power plant headquarters.

It's hard to say who blew up the dam, the Russians controlled the dam and that suggests that it was the Russians, BUT if it had been the Russians they would have withdrawn large parts of the Russian Z Army from the threatened area beforehand, huh but didn't happen. Many Russian soldiers almost drowned in their own trenches, some also died from the water.
The Ukrainian army was not directly affected by the flood, that's what the West says too, except for the Ukrainian civilian population, who zelensky doesn't give a damn about.

In fact, the dam and floodgates have been under intense fire from the Ukraine for the last few weeks with Himar's guns, it's no secret that US media has been reporting for the last few weeks, it all happened with the blessing of the Pentagon and Joe Biden, and all saw up and didn't do anything about it. At some point the best dam will burst under artillery fire, but if Ukraine does it itself then neither the UN nor anyone else will say anything.
It looks like the Ukrainian counter-offensive that MS Medien and NATO have been selling to us as unbeatable for the last few months has failed.
So far, all Ukrainian advances have been repulsed by the Russians and, in addition to thousands of dead, dozens of destroyed US and EU tanks remained on the battlefield, which the Russians are now towing to Russia for inspection.
Media and governments in Europe are currently suspiciously silent on Ukraine and the Ukrainian Fourth Reich leaders as well, which is quite unusual.

I don't know if it was worth it, negotiations would probably have saved thousands of lives, but at any price the only option was a war against a nuclear power.
The NATO chief is now openly admitting that NATO arsenals are empty, that neither weapons nor ammunition are available and for this reason the NATO chief is now running from country to country to beg ammunition and weapons manufacturers to increase production.

If that's true, we have a big problem, NATO, Europe and the USA have emptied their stocks for a corrupt country that doesn't actually do us much good and we are now left with our trousers sawn off.

If Russia, China, North Korea and Iran find out that NATO is probably sitting on the dry end (if that is really the case) then God help us what happens then what happened in Ukraine will be NOTHING and the future world order will be be another which doesn't necessarily appeal to me.
WTHeck!!! Who in the hell builds a TANK with TREADS AND WITH RUBBER WHEELS???????
Look close at the photo, this is an Israeli Merkava Tank?? including the rubber wheels???
Israel dementiert Berichte über Lieferung von Merkava-Panzern an Ukraine

Archivbild: Ein Merkava-PanzerMomen Faiz/NurPhoto /
Das israelische Verteidigungsministerium hat in einem Kommentar an RIA Nowosti Medienberichte über die Lieferung von Merkava-Panzern an die ukrainischen Streitkräfte dementiert. In dem Kommentar des Ministeriums heißt es:
"Die Berichte über die Lieferung israelischer Panzer an die Ukraine sind falsch. Infolge des Krieges in Europa haben mehrere Länder Interesse am Erwerb von Merkava-Panzern aus den Reserven der israelischen Verteidigungsstreitkräfte bekundet. Die Gespräche haben noch nicht zu einer Vereinbarung geführt und warten auf die Zustimmung des Verteidigungsministeriums sowie der betreffenden Länder."

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