Russia Versus The Ukraine

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Hope that the Ukrainian dictator is not so sick in the brain to do such a thing and that this article is a feint.
If this nuclear power plant blows up, we are talking about 6 blocks, then what will go down very nasty, World War 3 probably in the end including if NATO goes in there.
The Russians will not be so stupid to destroy this nuclear power plant on which you yourself sit, since the dam blast I trust the warmongers everything, a blast of this nuclear power plant would benefit 100% only the Ukraine for your goals.
Hope that the Ukrainian dictator is not so sick in the brain to do such a thing and that this article is a feint.
If this nuclear power plant blows up, we are talking about 6 blocks, then what will go down very nasty, World War 3 probably in the end including if NATO goes in there.
The Russians will not be so stupid to destroy this nuclear power plant on which you yourself sit, since the dam blast I trust the warmongers everything, a blast of this nuclear power plant would benefit 100% only the Ukraine for your goals.
Dam blast - messed up
Nordstream pipeline - really messed up
Nuclear power plant - just down right dirty to sacrifice your own people to join the NATO club.
Can't get any lower than that Zelensky
Today, at about 15.00 Moscow time, a special aircraft WC-135R Constant Phoenix arrived at the Souda AB airbase from the USA, designed mainly to perform the tasks of collecting particles of any radioactive, chemical and biological filth from the atmosphere with accompanying organizational conclusions regarding the object of observation and weather reconnaissance in the interests of serious forces.

The new arrival of this board straight to Crete looks rather strange, as soon as at the beginning of May of this year it was he who already worked in Europe, spudding his attention to the Norwegian, Baltic and Mediterranean Seas - this is, firstly, and secondly, these boards in most cases when they are on a business trip in Europe, they work from England.

However, given the escalation of psychosis with the possible explosion of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, in which Russia and Ukraine have not blamed each other for the last week, the appearance of WC-135R in Europe becomes easily explainable.

And the NATO summit in Lithuania is just around the corner.

Apparently, the Pentagon knows something about the merits of the arrival of the WC-135R, but has not yet said.

Source from
Something big going down on the 11th or 12th of this month in relation to Nato and the Russia- Ukraine war . Don't be that far from where you want to be when the " real war " begins . Thinking you can crank up a vehicle as usual and drive somewhere " may not pan out " .
You will be right there, I think something is going to be done and I suspect that NATO troops will go into the Ukraine by mid-July. Selensky and NATO will produce a pretext, they will stage something very big that you have a pretext to go in there and then it will take off.

Moscow is already fully expecting that NATO will go into Ukraine, Putin is not clean in everything but the guy has planned for that, I think he has enough "gifts" for NATO troops in the form of S400 batteries and Iskander missiles in the Eastern Ukraine ready, I don't want to know what kind of weapons are currently lying around on Russia's western border.
What also speaks for a NATO action are the following public words of the EU chief diplomat, it could get very hot.

On Friday on Spanish television, "EU chief diplomat" Josep Borrell announced "very important events" in Ukraine in the near future. The Spaniard did not specify what exactly he means. The Spanish EU Council Presidency will bring with it "very important events" for Ukraine, said "EU chief diplomat" Josep Borrell on Spanish broadcaster TVE on Friday. These would have to do with events on the battlefield: "They have to do with what's going to happen on the battlefield and with the more or less shadowy negotiations to end the conflict," Borrell said. He also pointed out that the peace talks between Kiev and Moscow depend on unspecified events that should be awaited in the coming days.

If NATO goes into Ukraine and fights Russia, on the same day Poland, England and part of Germany will disappear from the map. World War 3 would start immediately and I'm afraid our elites want exactly this **** war to save their necks. Those responsible will disappear while we have to pay for it.
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Appreciate the advice. We will be home and prepared. Stocking up on yet more rice as I realized I need some for the dogs. I plan on feeding them rabbit and rice as well as sweet potatoes.

What is everyone else planning on feeding their dogs long term?
I am stocked up on ground turkey, chicken livers/gizzards, rice and dehydrated eggs to add to dogs food. I still don't have rabbits and not sure I'll be able to add them anytime soon.
You will be right there, I think something is going to be done and I suspect that NATO troops will go into the Ukraine by mid-July. Selensky and NATO will produce a pretext, they will stage something very big that you have a pretext to go in there and then it will take off.

Moscow is already fully expecting that NATO will go into Ukraine, Putin is not clean in everything but the guy has planned for that, I think he has enough "gifts" for NATO troops in the form of S400 batteries and Iskander missiles in the Eastern Ukraine ready, I don't want to know what kind of weapons are currently lying around on Russia's western border.
What also speaks for a NATO action are the following public words of the EU chief diplomat, it could get very hot.

On Friday on Spanish television, "EU chief diplomat" Josep Borrell announced "very important events" in Ukraine in the near future. The Spaniard did not specify what exactly he means. The Spanish EU Council Presidency will bring with it "very important events" for Ukraine, said "EU chief diplomat" Josep Borrell on Spanish broadcaster TVE on Friday. These would have to do with events on the battlefield: "They have to do with what's going to happen on the battlefield and with the more or less shadowy negotiations to end the conflict," Borrell said. He also pointed out that the peace talks between Kiev and Moscow depend on unspecified events that should be awaited in the coming days.

If NATO goes into Ukraine and fights Russia, on the same day Poland, England and part of Germany will disappear from the map. World War 3 would start immediately and I'm afraid our elites want exactly this **** war to save their necks. Those responsible will disappear while we have to pay for it.
Well I'm stumped because the BRICS summit is not until August 22-24
I am stocked up on ground turkey, chicken livers/gizzards, rice and dehydrated eggs to add to dogs food. I still don't have rabbits and not sure I'll be able to add them anytime soon.

Cindy, if things get bad just contact me. We can meet somewhere halfway between us and I will set you up with some breeding stock. You really do need them, but you’ve prepared yourself well for the time needed for the kits to grow old enough to produce meat for you.
Appreciate the advice. We will be home and prepared. Stocking up on yet more rice as I realized I need some for the dogs. I plan on feeding them rabbit and rice as well as sweet potatoes.

What is everyone else planning on feeding their dogs long term?
I keep about 6 months of their kibble on hand. My wife is particular about their diet. I will say they dont fart if i balance the 2 kinds properly.
I have 2 months of Pony feed and another month or 2 natural feed for them.
I will say this from what I have learned from the one with 9 letters after her name. Dogs only need 20-24% percent protein in their diet.
My Boxer gets 20, the Labs get higher.
The “all natural” foods and ”fresh foods” are the ones my wife see’s the most. And its not stuff a regular GP picks up on.
She put her trust in 3 major manufacturers because they put the $$$ into research, not marketing.
Something big going down on the 11th or 12th of this month in relation to Nato and the Russia- Ukraine war . Don't be that far from where you want to be when the " real war " begins . Thinking you can crank up a vehicle as usual and drive somewhere " may not pan out " .

We will be at our doomsday bugout location during that time. Bringing supplies and testing everything.
@GeorgiaPeachie We will do rabbit, too, but also rice and eggs. Our dogs will eat most of our table scraps.

We feed them peas, carrots, and squash regularly, so they can eat some of that, too. I often put wheat berries in dog food when I make it. As long as it is cooked, they'll eat it.

I keep about 6 months of their kibble on hand. My wife is particular about their diet. I will say they dont fart if i balance the 2 kinds properly.
I have 2 months of Pony feed and another month or 2 natural feed for them.
I wish we had the space for that much kibble, but we don't. When we tried to keep more on hand, it spoiled, so it would need to go into a cooler place than what we have and that I'd reserved for people. I love my dogs like crazy, but the people come first.
Appreciate the advice. We will be home and prepared. Stocking up on yet more rice as I realized I need some for the dogs. I plan on feeding them rabbit and rice as well as sweet potatoes.

What is everyone else planning on feeding their dogs long term?

Rice, squirrel and fish meal.
True, just a mystery that Spain would just say something like that with no context.
It's not just what a politician from Spain was not able to keep quite about . Other people in the know from other countries are also alluding to something is about to happen on the 11th or 12th . What we " do " know is some are clamoring to usher in and declare Ukraine as an immediate NATO member on the 11th and 12th . This will mean " if this is the big surprise " an immediate full scale conventional war by NATO sending in NATO forces by ground , air and sea . -- Guess what Russia's response will be .
It's not just what a politician from Spain was not able to keep quite about . Other people in the know from other countries are also alluding to something is about to happen on the 11th or 12th . What we " do " know is some are clamoring to usher in and declare Ukraine as an immediate NATO member on the 11th and 12th . This will mean " if this is the big surprise " an immediate full scale conventional war by NATO sending in NATO forces by ground , air and sea . -- Guess what Russia's response will be .
Time to seek out shelters and alternate escape sites and see that everything is available there.
I also have the feeling that on these dates what is going on, the West is already so far insolvent and has invested so much that a victory of Russia must be prevented at all costs, the West's own population is indifferent and the West will sacrifice us for his goals without batting an eye.
It's not just what a politician from Spain was not able to keep quite about . Other people in the know from other countries are also alluding to something is about to happen on the 11th or 12th . What we " do " know is some are clamoring to usher in and declare Ukraine as an immediate NATO member on the 11th and 12th . This will mean " if this is the big surprise " an immediate full scale conventional war by NATO sending in NATO forces by ground , air and sea . -- Guess what Russia's response will be .
Middle answer
And the "Western civilised World" are running the poor Asians into their stupid and dangerous game of
Russian Roulette...
Taking a dagger to the ‘soft underbelly’: How the West has opened yet another front against Russia

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August... 1956 There are many posts in US History that for any discerning citizen that hasn't their head in their ass would know something been amiss for a long time. Unfortunate everyone busy making money, now you may no longer have that opportunity. Even living your life normally. I would assume that with new so called globalism you will be murdered, but will not be aware until its time.
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Here a comment from somewhere, I just read it and am passing it on...
For Russia to "FINALLY FIND PEACE" is going to have to completely neutralize Europe. Other than the Mongol invasion the ones from Europe under Napoleon and especially Hitler have posed the biggest threat to Russia's existence.. Therefore Europe must be turned into an agrarian non industrial society....turn all of Europe into one big cabbage and potato patch. And...keep Europe hungry, shivering and weak....unable to mount any kind of imperialist action. Destroy for all time Europe's imperialist ideology. The United States without Europe would be like a Tiger without claws or teeth in the coming New World Order. Russia must give up on any thoughts of compromise or peace treaties with the West since the West cannot be trusted to keep its word.
But Europe isn't able to defend themselves anymore... The most if the Ammo and a lot of the weapons are already used (and proably destroyed) or sold by the Ukraine.
To make the Ukraine as an NATO member is an suicide.

But never knows, maybe we really need an WW3 to clean our sick western governments from those WEF-climatepanic-supercommumistic politicans.
Sometimes you need high temperatured fire to neutralize deadly poisons.

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