Russia Versus The Ukraine

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High chance it will escalate either this month or next month . No matter who does what , no matter whom is to blame as preppers we need to be ready to crawl into our prepper retreats and simply survive .
Just like any other day. I live in the woods and sit next to my M1911 McArthur Edition everyday. Its about 1/4 mile from the fence to the door. Gives them time to work things out with God before they meet him.
Just like any other day. I live in the woods and sit next to my M1911 McArthur Edition everyday. Its about 1/4 mile from the fence to the door. Gives them time to work things out with God before they meet him.
Same here. We're 2 miles off the road and a steep climb. Not too many fat asses would make the hike.
Here we go - we should know what NATO 's big surprise is this week . Depending on what comes out of their meeting , but one or two suspected scenarios , if occurs will bring on the cleaning out of store shelves like never before seen in our lifetimes . Perhaps those that prefer to not believe such things will be correct and our lives will remain as we are comfortably accustomed .
Here we go - we should know what NATO 's big surprise is this week . Depending on what comes out of their meeting , but one or two suspected scenarios , if occurs will bring on the cleaning out of store shelves like never before seen in our lifetimes . Perhaps those that prefer to not believe such things will be correct and our lives will remain as we are comfortably accustomed .

It will be interesting to see how quickly or not that happens. So many people these days don't think beyond the propaganda the media feeds them.

It probably will be touted as a good thing for a time; Celebrated even. The consequences won't be brought up or examined until....and then they will act like "why is this happening?'. Such is the way things are now.
I went to Wally World this weekend to get more ball canning jars n cple things. The parking lot was completely full...took me forever to find a parking spot. I thought what the heck is going on .. you'd think the world is coming to an end! Went in via garden section...people lined up everywhere with their kids...turns out a local HS football player that made it to NFL having an annual away toys/ section no more than the normal crowd, thankfully!
I went to Wally World this weekend to get more ball canning jars n cple things. The parking lot was completely full...took me forever to find a parking spot. I thought what the heck is going on .. you'd think the world is coming to an end! Went in via garden section...people lined up everywhere with their kids...turns out a local HS football player that made it to NFL having an annual away toys/ section no more than the normal crowd, thankfully!
Paying it forward
We haven't been to Walmart since they tried to make us wear a mask. And they had a bunch of uniformed security guards by the check out stands. We left our 2 grocery carts at check out and left the store. We'll never go back.

They tried that at a Walmart near us. I walked in and refused to put one on. (This was after I had figured out it was nothing but a hoax.) They did nothing except try to convince me as I was walking away.
They tried that at a Walmart near us. I walked in and refused to put one on. (This was after I had figured out it was nothing but a hoax.) They did nothing except try to convince me as I was walking away.
The seed of fear has been planted in people's brain's now it just needs some water to keep growing.
It was something I said in a past post here and there was no need repeating it. Alcohol was to blame...
Fair enough. Me personally I thought it was true but I'm one that appreciates blunt truth. Emphasis on the word blunt. Makes you think WTHeck did I just say then when you read it again and your like well that is kinda true to a degree. 🤷. So I'm not bashing you on the truth I was just like wait a sec that was just here, now I have been explained why and I see the reason why. Fair enough, we all slip every now and then. Especially when there are other factors playing in. 😁 That's all I was just wondering.
When did Congress take a vote to put our guys into fighting against Russia? It has NOT happened!! Illegetimate preseidant who is doing illegetimate things. Joe Biden Authorizes Activation of up to 3,000 Reserve Troops for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including 450 Individual Ready Reserves | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo | 161

When did Congress take a vote to put our guys into fighting against Russia? It has NOT happened!! Illegetimate preseidant who is doing illegetimate things. Joe Biden Authorizes Activation of up to 3,000 Reserve Troops for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including 450 Individual Ready Reserves | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo | 161

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Yeah and now the loophole he's going through now. Giving all our military power to NATO pretty much saying that if something goes wrong it's not his fault. Spineless a$$hole.