Russia Versus The Ukraine

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At the moment, according to Russian reports, there are some Tu-95 strategic bombers taking off from Olenya air base heading south.

When several of these birds take off, something is always on the way, usually they fly rarely or individually, could be a restless night for Ukraine.
Totally agree with the recent posts on this thread . Some people / vast majority I have noticed simply prefer to adopt the ostrich strategy . My suspicion is the reason they deny this is happening is because they have failed to prepare for the apocalypse . Perhaps they prepared for minor events but are now finding themselves overwhelmed , with the likely World War 3 . --- I have done walked through war where " not " receiving incoming rockets would make you nervous as the normal routine was to be under fire daily . I am not talking about explosion impacts miles away but from 1/4 mile to 5 feet away . I know what it is like to be bounced off the ground from an explosion . Perhaps that is why I can comprehend a looming war . --- Hunger , and combat will mold someone into a serious prepper
Totally agree with the recent posts on this thread . Some people / vast majority I have noticed simply prefer to adopt the ostrich strategy . My suspicion is the reason they deny this is happening is because they have failed to prepare for the apocalypse . Perhaps they prepared for minor events but are now finding themselves overwhelmed , with the likely World War 3 . --- I have done walked through war where " not " receiving incoming rockets would make you nervous as the normal routine was to be under fire daily . I am not talking about explosion impacts miles away but from 1/4 mile to 5 feet away . I know what it is like to be bounced off the ground from an explosion . Perhaps that is why I can comprehend a looming war . --- Hunger , and combat will mold someone into a serious prepper
I don‘t think people have adopted a head in the sand approach. Because I live within 40 miles of 3 major targets, I adapt my strategy for my situation. I dont advertise it often.
What good is for me to cry about where i am? I adopted my best survival strategy. That is something that 90% haven’t done
Thinking about it a few minutes , realized some might question someone surviving an incoming rocket from 5 feet away , so I will try to give a short explanation . First few hours at my assigned post , heard a whistling in the air and instantly knew it was an incoming rocket and dived behind a stack of sandbags . I choose the correct side to be on those sand bags and the rocket hit a wooden building that stood with about a 5 foot distance between it an the sand bags . That wooden building was just splinters after it blew up . That was my first days introduction to my new way of life . --- The first Seargent told me if I survived there for two weeks , statistics showed my percentage of survival was much greater for the days afterward .
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Here in the United States the news agencies have " for whatever reason " decided to not cover the Ukraine / Russian war except for an occasional brief mention . No doubt this is being done to keep citizens in their feel good safety zone and to hold them in " it's not happening " frame of feel good ignorant bliss . For those that don't want to be in the " feel good ignorant bliss crowd " they need to seek other sources for their incoming news . --- A lot of that information can be picked up on this thread , but I also encourage those with the fortitude to face adversity to do their own research . " Not " to simply turn on the radio or television and expect to be informed .
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If I was living in a Nuclear target area , I would be out in my yard " if need be " with a shovel digging a hole . I have actually done this in the past and would do it again to protect my family . That though is just my prepper personality and don't just think about " me " personality . I prepare for my kids and grandkids to be walking on a future apoplectic planet . --- Even better pack up and do as Proud Prepper and I , go to a safer location . --- Many people are going down the safer location plan . Just about two days ago I had a couple come to my survival ground from a different state , that were seeking a place to rent in my general vicinity and getting gone from a bad but relatively rural area . The out of state car tags going down our local roads is very noticeable . --- I hope no one takes this as a personal attack , because it isn't . " just advice "--- I will add the couple seeking a safer location has now returned to their crapy location with a mission failure .
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update on my above post - the couple trying to evacuate another state , their fortunes have turned . Through intervention by one of my groups members they , now have a rental home to move to in my area . They will be moving in a few weeks . Ironically the person they are going to rent from is also a refugee from the same county they are fleeing from in the other state and has also relocated in my area .
@poltiregist This is meant to be a different way to look at things. I mean no offense I took none from your post.
Research and evaluate, apply it to your situation.
1 major target has a 2400 ft mt in between me and it.
2 major targets that could be taken out with 1 bomb, has a mountain in the way, so you can’t see one city. Can see skyscrapers on a clear day of the farthest city, 48 miles as the crow flies.
Blast is not my problem, fallout is. Prevailing west wind is in my favor. Shift to from NW or SW is not. My Livestock-wrtten off. Have a plan for my dogs in this situation. Plus I am very remote, just happen to be close.
Digging hole is not an option 6 inches down is Basalt bedrock.

I have a place 408 miles away not near any target cities But I would have to go through one to get to it. Might have to go through a secondary target for the 600 mile route. It is not remote, just rural. It’s part of a 3 year plan. I can’t do anything there until next June because of the rent back agreement. Plus to move there now means a 75% drop in income. Got to sell this place first.
Things are not simply solved by moving or digging a hole for most people.
Question. Does Ukraine think it can defeat Russia?
Yes with NATO help --- But as for as me , I don't know if they can defeat Russia or not . However it is a bit mute whether they can or not as it most likely about to go to a Nuclear World War 3 --- I just felt the ground shake and heard distant rumbling so I interrupted typing this to step outside to distinguish as to whether it was thunder or a Nuclear blast . I believe it to be thunder " this time " .
Yes with NATO help --- But as for as me , I don't know if they can defeat Russia or not . However it is a bit mute whether they can or not as it most likely about to go to a Nuclear World War 3 --- I just felt the ground shake and heard distant rumbling so I interrupted typing this to step outside to distinguish as to whether it was thunder or a Nuclear blast . I believe it to be thunder " this time " .
You live in Ukraine?
Yes with NATO help --- But as for as me , I don't know if they can defeat Russia or not . However it is a bit mute whether they can or not as it most likely about to go to a Nuclear World War 3 --- I just felt the ground shake and heard distant rumbling so I interrupted typing this to step outside to distinguish as to whether it was thunder or a Nuclear blast . I believe it to be thunder " this time " .
Yeah there is lots of missiles in the ground here. That why the China balloon flew over , but fortunately for me the are 500 miles away so no direct impact if they come my way. Best of luck on your journey.
Question. Does Ukraine think it can defeat Russia?
The Ukraine can't defeat Rusia without the help of the NATO. Without the billions the USA and EU spent to the Ukraine, without all the weapons and ammo they sent there (and it's so much until a few european countries, first of all Germany, are running out of military equipement and can't defend themselves anymore) the war would be ended since months.
But whole Europe pays now with an destroyed economy, less money, economy crisis and everday rising prices for an useless comedian and private interests of a few billionaires in the Ukraine.

Thanks a lot for nothing Mr. Biden, Gates, Soros and who else is grabbing and steal money on normal peacefull citizens in Europe just to go richer. I hope they will die about beeing so greedy.
As I recall the Vietnamese didn't defeat us, we just lost the will to win (in no small part thanks to politicians and the press, especially Walter Cronkite) and then it became an exercise in futility since we weren't trying to win it anymore.

The Tet Offensive was a disaster militarily for the Viet Cong.
The Ukraine can't defeat Rusia without the help of the NATO. Without the billions the USA and EU spent to the Ukraine, without all the weapons and ammo they sent there (and it's so much until a few european countries, first of all Germany, are running out of military equipement and can't defend themselves anymore) the war would be ended since months.
But whole Europe pays now with an destroyed economy, less money, economy crisis and everday rising prices for an useless comedian and private interests of a few billionaires in the Ukraine.

Thanks a lot for nothing Mr. Biden, Gates, Soros and who else is grabbing and steal money on normal peacefull citizens in Europe just to go richer. I hope they will die about beeing so greedy.
The root of all evil, the one thing that drives it. Greed!

It's not good to keep poking the bear.
------ Update -today Belarus has allowed the firing of missiles from its country into Ukraine . Escalation of the looming world war three is creeping nearer to the World powers slinging nukes at each other . -- The link is monotonous and I posted it mainly for confirmation of the new development .
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I doubt anyone uses nukes until there are thousands of US boots on the ground in Ukraine. That won’t happen until after the next US Presidential election and only if the Dems keep the office. Either way, until the election, the state media will minimize the news of US involvement. After, they will say Democracy and all of civilization will be saved or lost in Ukraine. If the dems win the election, I expect the military draft will begin and most of the draftees will come from red states. Anyone that complains will be canceled, then later it will be proven true but it will be because all the blue state soy boys can’t jog 1/8th of a mile because they’ll die from a vax induced heart attack.

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