Russia Versus The Ukraine

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I tried the link and it never opened. After typing in the info, I got the website and it has lots of stories about lots of subjects. I read some and found this one interesting tho. It seems lots of stress, aggression and weapons are showing up in the Russian Federation especially near the borders to Ukraine and White Russia.
New latest news from Russia.

The strategic complex "Sarmat" was put on alert - the head of "Roskosmos".

This is not a fake, everyone should set up for themselves what is their next plan, at the moment you have to expect anything.
Vald seems to be getting really angry now, I never want to see something like this starting without it being a drill.
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It definitely is getting more serious . Frankley I am surprised the Nukes haven't already been sent in each other's direction . I don't know whether to be saddened or amused , when I see people that can not bring themselves to face the situation . Denying or pretending it ain't happening , will not save anyone or their family . Prepare for it . --- One suggestion is to place 55 gallon barrels under the eve of the dwelling's roof where they are going to make their stand in to catch rain water running off the roof . For most people when the war goes hot power from the electrical grids will be cut thus in a few days afterwards the water flowing into the homes for most people will stop .
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Oh nice, and these are all Joe Biden voters, more and more I don't understand the world anymore, there are too many abnormal ones in this world.
Even if our police is not good for much anymore, these SS mercenaries would have been punished directly in our country, but if you are for Ukraine today, the state waves through every crime.
Selensky and his friends publicly say that they will liquidate the entire people of Crimea without any exception if Ukraine gets Crimea back, such statements count as planned genocide, but our governments here in the Ukraine are not interested in this.
do not say anything about his statement.
I could bet that if the Ukrainian army retakes Crimea and kills all the civilians and children there like Adolf did, our politicians will do NOTHING about it and our media will write that the Ukrainian army will liquidate only Russian army members.
This would also be against international law and mass murder to liquidate captured soldiers, but Ukraine would do it with impunity.
It definitely is getting more serious . Frankley I am surprised the Nukes haven't already been sent in each other's direction . I don't know whether to be saddened or amused , when I see people that can not bring themselves to face the situation . Denying or pretending it ain't happening , will not save anyone or their family . Prepare for it . --- One suggestion is to place 55 gallon barrels under the eve of the dwelling's roof where they are going to make their stand in to catch rain water running off the roof . For most people when the war goes hot power from the electrical grids will be cut thus in a few days afterwards the water flowing into the homes for most people will stop .
Problem is you need rain to catch rainwater.
For those that don't want to keep up with the war , Reportedly Ukraine forces have busted through Russia's first line of defense and now are at Russia's second line of defense . Russia's second line has been breached by infantry , but I have no reports of heavy equipment moving through the second defensive line .
The casualties are already tragic for both Russia and Ukraine , but that will be only a miniscule amount of what we are about to witness as the seemingly initiable end being a full scale Nuclear War , not just some wimped down Nuke in the country of Ukraine , as some are trying to wish into reality , but across the globe with the big boy Nukes . The unprepared ain't got much of a chance of surviving the upcoming event .
If you notice European countries are becoming more militarized and the populations that just a few years ago were only interested in plush entertainment and now accepting more militant views . Yes a world War 3 is in the making . Just like the last two it won't effect us at first . But what is coming across the open democrat border is a insurgency .
For those that don't want to keep up with the war , Reportedly Ukraine forces have busted through Russia's first line of defense and now are at Russia's second line of defense . Russia's second line has been breached by infantry , but I have no reports of heavy equipment moving through the second defensive line .

Ukraine has only gotten recon units past the first line of Russian defenses. No vehicles have made it past first line. Recon units have probed the second line of defense, but have not secured any areas. The Ukrainians are way behind schedule and are losing mass casualties.
Ukraine has only gotten recon units past the first line of Russian defenses. No vehicles have made it past first line. Recon units have probed the second line of defense, but have not secured any areas. The Ukrainians are way behind schedule and are losing mass casualties.
I like input regardless as to whether it is confirmation or debunking a source . I will go back and try to bring back up the map and report on military positions that I viewed earlier today and hopefully post below.

This is more current Intel. Mine was from 2 days ago. Ukraine has breached the second line of defense. Still no tanks have gotten through, which will be needed to breach the 3rd line of defense. A lot of pro Ukraine propaganda Ukraine has no more reserves, there pulling units from other area's and leaving gaps, in the north especially.
Civil war trivia about breaching enemy lines...
The "University Greys" (Company A, 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, composed of almost the entire student body of the University of Mississippi) breached the Union Lines on Cemetery Hill during Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Their end was the same as so many valiant Ukrainian soldiers.

That's the origin of the "Rebels" mascot for Ole Miss.
Russian troops shelled in 'disastrous' broad daylight retreat: video I take no joy in posting this video as I am not for neither Russia or Ukraine . However for those that care to view this sad spectacle , note how this is not an organized retreat by the Russians but a full riot . --- Such as this should make preppers aware the likely-hood of going full prepper mode for members may be near . Retreating Russians equal closer to going Nuclear .
A lot of pro Ukraine propaganda Ukraine has no more reserves, there pulling units from other area's and leaving gaps, in the north especially.
-- Yes Ukraine has a manpower problem , but less look at Russia's manpower problem also . Both information outlets may be propaganda , but there is a measure of truth to both .
-- Yes Ukraine has a manpower problem , but less look at Russia's manpower problem also . Both information outlets may be propaganda , but there is a measure of truth to both .

This is a very small measure of truth. It's almost pure projections. I listened to the entire video, it confirms that Ukraine is very desperate to continue the Con game longer. The poor Ukrainian people are being slaughtered by the same evil shitbags that have control of the US and NATO. I know who I want to win and it ain't the side controlled by the criminals in control our government. You really should pick a side. If you think it won't matter to you, then your prepping doesn't realy matter either if the criminals win.
This is a very small measure of truth. It's almost pure projections. I listened to the entire video, it confirms that Ukraine is very desperate to continue the Con game longer. The poor Ukrainian people are being slaughtered by the same evil shitbags that have control of the US and NATO. I know who I want to win and it ain't the side controlled by the criminals in control our government. You really should pick a side. If you think it won't matter to you, then your prepping doesn't realy matter either if the criminals win.
Once before in my lifetime , I picked a side and went to war . This time my strategy is different . I only prepare for the apocalypse and survival of my clan . A Mad Max existence is my focus.

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