Russia Versus The Ukraine

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As for as the above video , thanks as I like to keep an open mind to the war as well as to even more apoplectic things . --- Just an update on another development . However I will say upfront , I can not verify its truthfulness . A Russian compound located on Russian soil was attacked by soldiers wearing Wagner Uniforms . They killed the Russians that didn't manage to escape and found 800 Ukrainian prisoners , which they set free . Now the Russian government is claiming the attacking force was not Wagner Mercenaries but was another group pretending to be the Wagner group . The truth will likely eventually come out .
This headline actually sounds like it should be under the Babylon Bee thread, but no. It's a real headlind. I honestly thought he had said he wasn't willing to hold elections until after the war ended.
This despot of Selensky has banned all other parties except his for months, any election will be a farce. He only wants the EU and USA to support his sole candidacy, a dirty democracy in Ukraine as in the EU.
European politicians and media say here every day that the sanctions are working, that the Russian economy is collapsing, that the Russian population has nothing left and the Russian army is on the run and that Putin is terminally ill and Wagner mercenaries are moving towards Moscow. According to our media and politicians, this has been a reality for over a year and now such a video.

Well, I see shopping centers here, then the reality is like this, almost all clothing stores no longer have customers and most of them are closed forever.
In grocery stores, customers only buy the cheapest and already have no more money for everything, in bakeries the customer base is very declining and in butchers too and on many days shopping centers are very empty and the population can no longer cope with inflation.
Dentists are too expensive and so is medical care, electricity prices have tripled and the electricity companies are making huge profits while poor people have their electricity cut off and the politicians stand by and do nothing.
1 liter of diesel costs around 2.15 dollars here and that makes everything more expensive again.

So for whom do the sanctions work??? We're kicking ourselves and I'll say that's politically wanted, no one should tell me that Russia has sanctions or is breaking because of it.
Russia has another advantage, the Russian people know what renunciation means, while here the people perish when they have to live in renunciation.
Russia ramps up nuclear threats amid Ukraine's counteroffensive advances This only a short video that some may find surprising . Again I will say , I am not there on the front battle lines so can not confirm the accuracy of anything but do know I have seen numerous other news outlets confirming the link . --- If this is so as I have said many times the results may be Puttin pushing the Nuclear button not just on Ukraine as some seem to want to cling toward , but the entirety of the NATO countries . Coronal mass ejection or Electrical magnetic pulse , what will come first ? Result the same , except if it is a Nuclear War there will be much more to come after the initial EMP .
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European politicians and media say here every day that the sanctions are working, that the Russian economy is collapsing, that the Russian population has nothing left and the Russian army is on the run and that Putin is terminally ill and Wagner mercenaries are moving towards Moscow. According to our media and politicians, this has been a reality for over a year and now such a video.

Well, I see shopping centers here, then the reality is like this, almost all clothing stores no longer have customers and most of them are closed forever.
In grocery stores, customers only buy the cheapest and already have no more money for everything, in bakeries the customer base is very declining and in butchers too and on many days shopping centers are very empty and the population can no longer cope with inflation.
Dentists are too expensive and so is medical care, electricity prices have tripled and the electricity companies are making huge profits while poor people have their electricity cut off and the politicians stand by and do nothing.
1 liter of diesel costs around 2.15 dollars here and that makes everything more expensive again.

So for whom do the sanctions work??? We're kicking ourselves and I'll say that's politically wanted, no one should tell me that Russia has sanctions or is breaking because of it.
Russia has another advantage, the Russian people know what renunciation means, while here the people perish when they have to live in renunciation.

Funny, we have so many things closing around us, you'd think by those metrics, we were being sanctioned, too.
Selensky knows that his army is not getting anywhere, that is why he is bombarding Russia with drones, which is his right, but does not help him.
Russia will bombard Ukraine even harder and the voices are growing that Russia should strike a hard blow against Ukraine.
If Putin does that, this time thousands of civilians will lose their lives and the despot Selensky will feel what war really means. Selensky is up to his neck in water, he has behind him the West that is holding a gun to his neck, in front of him his own army that will liquidate him when it realizes that it is playing cannon fodder for NATO.

I say the days of Selensky are more counted than those of Putin, Selensky is a willing puppet of the West and expendable for the West.
Understandably the thinking of some . If Ukraine surrenders , there will be no Nukes raining down on NATO countries . If Puttin is faced with defeat , he has the option to push the Nuclear button to send his regards to NATO countries . --- Whatever the outcome my plan is to face and overcome . I hope you guys have abided by the prepper motto " prepare for the worst and hope for the best " . " Eyes wide open no fear " .
Putin will not be the first to press the button because Putin knows that Russia will then be gone, which is why he will not start nuclear war.
I wouldn't be so sure about Joe, Russia knows that Joe hates Russia so much that he will most certainly carry out a NATO attack on Russia before his re-election, the consequences will be devastating and there will be no more US elections after that.

As for the despot Zelensky, he's running out of men. my reports say that the Ukrainians are throwing their reserves to the front because they have nobody there anymore. Even if Selensky never makes any statements about dead Ukrainians, this is a statement that could be +/- reality.

"400.000 Gefallene" ‒ Ukrainischer Mobilfunkanbieter verrät die Zahl der getöteten Soldaten

One should see that Russia can mobilize more than Ukraine and Russia has its own defense industry.
Even if the Russians are currently fighting with old material, they are also having success with that, the Russians are saving the new material for the NATO conflict. Does NATO still have enough weapons and systems?
I doubt it, European governments are short on this and they plunder their own troops, when the Russians come here Europe will have nothing but junk from museums and a few planes of which maybe a quarter are still airworthy at most.

In the US, don't overestimate the European armies, they are worth next to nothing and at least 75% of active soldiers will desert when Russia comes here.
--- This video I realize some will find interesting while others simply can not handle , as the information simply does not fit their pre-conceived notion as to what is supposed to happen . That is ok as many I have accepted simply are not going to survive the incoming SHTF future . --- Some of the statements on the video seemed to echo exactly what I have posted on this forum . Regardless here it is confirming what I have been posting .
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The USA has been in a state of emergency since this idiot came to power through electoral fraud, no sensible American would vote for him, and the whole world is laughing itself to death.
I don't have to name the source for this, but if I compare Putin and Joe, Joe will lose everything, but the problem is, Joe will take the USA his Ukraine financing to the grave with him.
Russia is now very close to getting the West on the hook for direct involvement in the conflict, as evidenced by the following statements.

Maria Zakharova, the press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry, commented on the attacks of Ukrainian drones on several territories of the Russian Federation during her briefing on Monday. She reiterated the West's direct involvement in such attacks, saying such actions are impossible without the use of satellite data. Zakharova also pointed to deliveries from Sweden: It is planned to hand over satellite Internet systems, which apparently serve as a substitute for Starlink and can be used on the front lines without restrictions, she said.

One can take this lightly or take it seriously, it is up to everyone. Citizens of the USA don't have to worry yet, the Russians will be the first to flatten a part of Europe if Russia declares the West as a direct war party, this declaration is getting closer every day.

As for Ukraine, there are reports that the Ukrainian power plant park is at the end, either scrap or it was forced too much, the Ukrainian energy supply will not survive this winter and civilians will freeze to death. Europe will probably get thousands of new citizens and Europeans will not be able to pay electricity bills because European electricity will be given to Ukraine, the economy here will be completely destroyed by this.
Sorry, you already know you can't trust EU sources, absolutely NOT.
Your linked page has .eu at the end, European media are only allowed to write what Brussels thinks is good, all other sources have been banned in Europe and penalties are threatened if you write something else that Brussels thinks is right.
critical larger sites are withdrawing from Europe and social media have to censor everything else they will be turned off here. Look for the New Media Directives that came into force in the European Union this month, there is no independent media anymore, US sites might be a better choice.
In Europe, ordinary people have already been arrested by the police and given penalties simply for writing a comment on an Internet article that the government and politicians did not like.
This is no joke, the state caught people by IP addresses and locked them up simply because these people called certain politicians "warmongers".
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Ty @poltiregist
Unfortunately i must say @ban1985 is absolutly right.
You can't trust any official european source at all.
I'm living in Europe an i guess you can't even halfway imagine how the pro-ukrainian propaganda machinery works over here. Anything russian is absolutly taboo if you wanna keep your job or your social life. Any media who critisize the the government meaning is history in light speed.
@GaRp58 is may in an better situation because Hungary dosn't care really about the rest of Europe.
You're free to speak out loud your meaning as long it compares with the government. If not, whisper only.
They all have something to sell.
I do give them 2-3 minutes
CP doom and gloom
Popular prepper get a little more time
Sames as 2 A
I like Colion, Lately gets 2 minutes.
Guns and Gadget get the full listen.
Liberty Doll gets a full listen
Coppertop or whatever doesnt get the 2 minutes

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