Russia Versus The Ukraine

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A good report what the Belarusian president told a reporter.
Read what he says about nuclear weapons in Belarus and what he says about Ukraine.
The Ukrainian president should now sit at the table with Putin and negotiate, every day Zelensky doesn't, Ukraine is even closer to the abyss, and every day he waits and feeds the front with his people, he will lose more of his country.
Ukraine is running out of soldiers, that's a fact, Russia can fall back on more soldiers.
Once Ukraine runs out of soldiers, the Russians will launch an offensive and then march all the way to Kiev, Ukraine will be history and many Western weapons systems will belong to Russia.

Unfortunately, it still does not look like Selensky has the courage to end this and think of his country, there are reports that Ukraine is currently moving larger units of Ukrainian soldiers towards the Belarusian border, it may be that Selensky is planning another action to drag NATO into the war.
He will not sit at the table for peace because he gets his cut from USA aid so why would he turn off the gravy train.
It appears the information that I am receiving on the Russia / NATO /Ukraine war isn't what some of you are receiving , so I have been refraining from posting on the situation as frankly I am not in Ukraine and can not verify where the truth lies . However true or false will post I received information the promised F16 fighter aircraft have now landed in Ukraine . --- I now believe the f16 may have literally just touched down and left for parts unknown , probably just touched down for bragging rights .
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It appears the information that I am receiving on the Russia / NATO /Ukraine war isn't what some of you are receiving , so I have been refraining from posting on the situation as frankly I am not in Ukraine and can not verify where the truth lies . However true or false will post I received information the promised F16 fighter aircraft have now landed in Ukraine . --- I now believe the f16 may have literally just touched down and left for parts unknown , probably just touched down for bragging rights .
I had heard it was going to take a long while to recieve them cause the Ukraines would have to be trained.
The F-16 is a seemingly cheap, first "fly-by-wire" fighter ever built...BUT, its upkeep, maintenence and training to fly time is not something the Ukraine can do alone, NEVER.
They must be kept OUTSIDE of the Ukraine for their maintenence and "re-loading" if they were really to get into the fighting.
Putin has already declared that if the F-16/F-15/other NATO type of Aircraft get into the air superiority fight in the Ukraine...he will declare each and every airport (military OR civilian) to be a legal target of his military forces...
no matter in which OTHER nation these airports may be.....
--- I have been holding back on posting on the war as it has become apparent some have a problem when the war news doesn't go as they think it should . Some of what is on this link I have known for days but simply did not want to get anyone upset . Well I am going to put this out anyway but advise , this kind of information may not be suitable for some .
Russian Tu-22m3 strategic bomber damaged in fiery drone attack on Russian air base — viral photos --- Due to the quietness on this thread decided to post a confirmation link to the above post . Some have a hard time believing what is happening and , got the impression at least one of our members did not trust the source of the above link . I realize there is a lot of mis-information being circulated so can understand someone not believing some of the information . Other information put out on the above link I could easily also confirm as factual . -- Or even better check with your own trusted sources .
The Ukrainian despot Selensky demands 128 fighter planes from the West, if possible for free and the weapons for them for free, too.
He is a cheeky guy and the West will be so stupid to willingly give him 128 fighter planes for a new suicide mission.

But Ukraine is not capable of maintaining these jets, let alone providing the necessary airports.
Russia already knows that these jets will be maintained by NATO soldiers and in the first place NATO soldiers will fly these things because the Ukrainians will not be able to do so.
This deal will be very dangerous if it comes to fruition, Russia will destroy every airport in Ukraine in the near future and there will be collateral damage, if these jets appear in the sky and bomb the Russian army and land in Poland for maintenance and arming (as will probably be the case) the war will spread to Europe very quickly.
Our governments no longer see that this conflict is unwinnable for Ukraine, and a jet delivery shows the true panic of the West when it occurs.
It comes so far that Ukraine still demands nuclear weapons, and it shows that the regime in Kiev no longer protects its own people but burns his people and provokes at any price a global conflict.
Russian Tu-22m3 strategic bomber damaged in fiery drone attack on Russian air base — viral photos --- Due to the quietness on this thread decided to post a confirmation link to the above post . Some have a hard time believing what is happening and , got the impression at least one of our members did not trust the source of the above link . I realize there is a lot of mis-information being circulated so can understand someone not believing some of the information . Other information put out on the above link I could easily also confirm as factual . -- Or even better check with your own trusted sources .
I believe your link, material breaks on both sides and is blown up, it's just war there.
But the Russians still have planes while the Ukrainians have next to nothing, the Ukrainians only have drones which they fly towards Moscow, these are more desperate acts to keep the West calm.
There are Western army people who say clearly that the Russians are not moving anywhere because they want to avoid civilian targets whenever possible. Since Ukraine used to belong to the CCCP club, there are still roots there and the Russian people would not like to see Putin's army wiping out all of Ukraine.

But it may be that that changes, then you can say good night, I hope it never comes to that, but there is a risk that the Russians will have enough, but then not only the Ukraine will be off the map.
As for the west, he knows why he doesn't go east, S 400 systems and nuclear weapons aren't that healthy for western aviators.
As for the Russian military airports, I don't ******* want to know how much is stored there and how many fighter jets Uncle Putin has in the caverns, Russia is always ready for action, and Russia knows what should and shouldn't be in front of the aircraft caverns when Western satellites fly over them.
It will be interesting when the f16's start attacking deep in Russia . I am not of an opinion one way or the other on their effectiveness , but as always like to stay informed . --- Just a tidbit of military strategy . In one perspective even if the real-estate held by Russia or Ukraine remains unchanged over the coming months , it may not matter . what will matter is the ability to continue to support those troops trying to keep the ground they are guarding . The guarded ground itself is not that meaningful . When the amo is not available , food and water not available to the soldier guarding the dirt , then they are stranded and left as pitiful creatures . --- That is where the for reaching aircraft excel . , reducing the soldiers in the holes as basically prisoners of war that can not fight , advance and maybe or maybe not retreat . --- No one on this forum can change what is about to happen . All we can do is be a serious prepper ready to confront Nuclear War and even perhaps confront a boots on the ground foreign invasion . Borrowing the motto of " space weather News " once again " Eyes Wide Open No Fear " .
The F16 will not make attacks deep in Russia, Russia will now make "Swiss cheese" out of every Ukrainian airfield with the knowledge that NATO F16 are supplying Ukraine.

Furthermore, Russian S 400 systems that are already on the Russian western border will make confetti out of the F16 when they appear near the border.
The Ukrainians will also bite their teeth because of the Russian military airports, there are enough Russian interceptors around there, as Putin said, the F16 will burn like western tanks.

If the Russians catch the F16 and the F16 pilots survive it will be even more interesting, should it turn out during the nice "talk" together that the F16 pilots are not Ukrainians but Poles, the airport near the southern Polish city of Rzeszów including the whole area will be very blow up quickly, Putin won't give a damn about civilian collateral damage there.

Russia has repeatedly said that this will happen if foreign pilots fly attacks on Russia, including with "Ukrainian fighter jets".
I take Russia's threat on this seriously, because it is a Western attack on Russia, no matter what uniform NATO pilots wear. It remains interesting, and this conflict is and remains a bomb that can go off very quickly and blow up the whole world. Russia knows that day may come, and Russians have prepared for it.

The question will be if that happens, does NATO still have enough weapons and soldiers to start a new war against Russia, another question will be what do North Korea, China, Iran and other countries do when there is a bang between NATO and Russia????
I think for the West it would definitely be over with the world power if there is still a habitable world afterwards.
Was waiting for danilgirl or GP or someone to post this, but don't see it has been posted yet so I'm gonna pass along: apologies, if It has been already. Worth a listen to IMO...Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukranian war must end:

My 5 cents:
This war won't end so fast.
Russia isn't on the ground and ruined, at least not yet as the West hoped.
Then the european economy isn't weak enough yet.
And not the whole world is against Russia as the USA and EU hoped. Take an look to the BRICS conference those days in South Africa.
And - the western plan to imperate Russia an steahl all the valuable sources by Blackrock & co failed.
But if the West let hang or giving up the Ukraine the West will loose his face completly and it will need an long time to become an "trustfull" partner again.
Guess at the end Russia becomes the Krim back, the comedian dissapears, Ukraine becomes an NATO and EU membership. Or (hopefully) the whole EU and WEF crap blows in an giganitc crash.

Russian Mercenary Wagner Group Chief Prigozhin Reported Killed in Crash of Plane Shot Down by Russia​

By Kristinn Taylor Aug. 23, 2023 1:00 pm


Russian mercenary Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is reported to have been on an Embraer Legacy 600 private jet owned by the Wagner Group that crashed after being shot down over Tver, Russiaby Russian military on Wednesday with no survivors among the reported seven passengers and three crew members. The jet was reported on a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg when it was reportedly taken down by two air defense missiles. Other Wagner Group leaders including Dmitry Utkin were reported on the plane.

Prigozhin, who rose from being “Putin’s chef” to leading a global mercenary army, staged a bizarre convoy march on Moscow two months ago, reportedly upset over President Vladimir Putin’s conduct of the war on Ukraine. A deal was reported arranged where the Wagner Group would move to neighboring Belarus. Putin has employed the Wagner Group in Ukraine, Syria and Africa as proxy fighting forces for Russia.”

No surprise here. We knew he would get paid back for what he did. Too bad the enemies of our country doesn’t get the same treatment.

Russian Mercenary Wagner Group Chief Prigozhin Reported Killed in Crash of Plane Shot Down by Russia​

By Kristinn Taylor Aug. 23, 2023 1:00 pm

View attachment 20692

Russian mercenary Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is reported to have been on an Embraer Legacy 600 private jet owned by the Wagner Group that crashed after being shot down over Tver, Russiaby Russian military on Wednesday with no survivors among the reported seven passengers and three crew members. The jet was reported on a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg when it was reportedly taken down by two air defense missiles. Other Wagner Group leaders including Dmitry Utkin were reported on the plane.

Prigozhin, who rose from being “Putin’s chef” to leading a global mercenary army, staged a bizarre convoy march on Moscow two months ago, reportedly upset over President Vladimir Putin’s conduct of the war on Ukraine. A deal was reported arranged where the Wagner Group would move to neighboring Belarus. Putin has employed the Wagner Group in Ukraine, Syria and Africa as proxy fighting forces for Russia.”

No surprise here. We knew he would get paid back for what he did. Too bad the enemies of our country doesn’t get the same treatment.

I do not believe that Putin himself gave the order to liquidate Prigozhin.

Why not?

It is the wrong time for it, if Putin wanted to liquidate Prigozhin, it would have happened right after his fake uprising or only after the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Putin would have sent Prigozhin NOT alive into exile if he wanted him gone.
Now Putin has the big problem that he has a part of the Russian Population against him, which was connected with Prigozhin, and Putin and his friend the Byelorussian president have a rabid group of Wagner mercenaries at the neck which are very angry that Prigozhin is dead, Prigozhin was for his mercenaries more than a leader since he was again and again personally with them.
All this means a lot of trouble and danger for Putin, and Putin is not so stupid that he deliberately takes this into account with a hasty shot at the present time and thus endangers everything, so another party must be behind the murder.

So who is most likely to shoot down or mine Prigozhin's plane?
First of all General Shoigu or General Gerassimo, both hated Prigozhin like the plague, the Russian army leadership hated Prigozhin in general.

Secondly, someone who wants Putin's job, it could still be seen who that is if Putin is also liquidated, all in all an uncomfortable situation for Putin.

It is also possible that Prigozhin is not among the dead and the crash is a fake with a remote-controlled machine, if Putin really has something to do with it, Prigozhin is still alive and now has a second life including a trap for the West.

We will learn one or two things, but never the whole truth.
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I do not believe that Putin himself gave the order to liquidate Prigozhin.

Why not?

It is the wrong time for it, if Putin wanted to liquidate Prigozhin, it would have happened right after his fake uprising or only after the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Putin would have sent Prigozhin NOT alive into exile if he wanted him gone.
Now Putin has the big problem that he has a part of the Russian Population against him, which was connected with Prigozhin, and Putin and his friend the Byelorussian president have a rabid group of Wagner mercenaries at the neck which are very angry that Prigozhin is dead, Prigozhin was for his mercenaries more than a leader since he was again and again personally with them.
All this means a lot of trouble and danger for Putin, and Putin is not so stupid that he deliberately takes this into account with a hasty shot at the present time and thus endangers everything, so another party must be behind the murder.

So who is most likely to shoot down or mine Prigozhin's plane?
First of all General Shoigu or General Gerassimo, both hated Prigozhin like the plague, the Russian army leadership hated Prigozhin in general.

Secondly, someone who wants Putin's job, it could still be seen who that is if Putin is also liquidated, all in all an uncomfortable situation for Putin.

It is also possible that Prigozhin is not among the dead and the crash is a fake with a remote-controlled machine, if Putin really has something to do with it, Prigozhin is still alive and now has a second life including a trap for the West.

We will learn one or two things, but never the whole truth.

It's called "Plausible Deniability." You just made Putin's argument for why it must have been someone else!
My first thoughts when I heard of the downing of Prigozhin's airplane . Eerily similar --- A P-38 Pilot Describes the Attack on Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto --- This in history of the Prigozhin incident may be viewed as a pivotal point leading to either the end of the Russia / Ukraine / Nato war or the turn toward World War Three .
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I do not believe that Putin himself gave the order to liquidate Prigozhin.

Why not?

It is the wrong time for it, if Putin wanted to liquidate Prigozhin, it would have happened right after his fake uprising or only after the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Putin would have sent Prigozhin NOT alive into exile if he wanted him gone.
Now Putin has the big problem that he has a part of the Russian Population against him, which was connected with Prigozhin, and Putin and his friend the Byelorussian president have a rabid group of Wagner mercenaries at the neck which are very angry that Prigozhin is dead, Prigozhin was for his mercenaries more than a leader since he was again and again personally with them.
All this means a lot of trouble and danger for Putin, and Putin is not so stupid that he deliberately takes this into account with a hasty shot at the present time and thus endangers everything, so another party must be behind the murder.

So who is most likely to shoot down or mine Prigozhin's plane?
First of all General Shoigu or General Gerassimo, both hated Prigozhin like the plague, the Russian army leadership hated Prigozhin in general.

Secondly, someone who wants Putin's job, it could still be seen who that is if Putin is also liquidated, all in all an uncomfortable situation for Putin.

It is also possible that Prigozhin is not among the dead and the crash is a fake with a remote-controlled machine, if Putin really has something to do with it, Prigozhin is still alive and now has a second life including a trap for the West.

We will learn one or two things, but never the whole truth.
I do totally agree and even passed along your post to another forum I belong to. I hope you don't mind.
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It's called "Plausible Deniability." You just made Putin's argument for why it must have been someone else!
It was probably someone else and my guess is Valeri Vasilyevich Gerasimov, this man can not stand criticism and it still had consequences for everyone who criticized him.
Prigozhin criticized him several times and Gerasimov hated Prigozhin, Gerasimov's arm is very long, and he can grab opponents in other countries very easily.

It is more difficult for Putin now, he has to reckon with ex-Wagner mercenaries as snipers in public and has lost some supporters (not a few) from the population, for Putin this is a disaster in the short and medium term.
Gerasimov is a tough guy, who would have long since provided for "peace" in Ukraine, that with a nuclear bomb and over Europe he would have also dropped a few nuclear bombs without batting an eye, the guy is more brutal than General Armageddon.
deal with his biography and calculate what will happen if Gerasimov would come to power in Russia.

If you want to rise in the army in Russia you need good skills in the field, then in the intimidation of competitors and the unobtrusive elimination of competitors, in all this Gerasimov is top.

If you hear in the next few weeks that Putin is retiring a big general in the army, then it was the killer of Prigozhin, it can also be that a big Russian General will be killed in the next few days by an "assassination", if that is the case, it was Putin's order and Putin will say that it was a Ukrainian assassin and will have Ukraine bombed.

That is Russia.
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