Russia Versus The Ukraine

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--- Here is a video on some of the things going on with the war . I notice some folks don't like videos that don't confirm their beliefs . That is up to them , but regardless of whom does what to whom . I personally prefer to stay informed .
And that is also America, Nicaraugua, Honduras, Iran, China...need I go on? She ain't called Killary for nothing...
Yes, you're right, but many things work a little differently in Russia than in the countries you mentioned, mostly it's the case that not even the closest supporters of the president know what he's going to do next.

You can get a promotion, but you can also disappear forever a day after the promotion.
The president there has power, but so does the army leadership, and I'm sure the president there doesn't know everything that the army leadership does and does.
If things go badly, the President will either try to get rid of the army leadership or vice versa, in both cases it will be disguised as a disaster in the media.

That's why I'm sticking to it, Putin wasn't let in on the nonsense with Prigozhin, he would have prevented this assassination attempt by any means necessary, otherwise he would have already destroyed Prigozhin during the Wagner uprising then would be a liquidation of Prigozhin by Putin's order with understanding been met, but not at this stage now.

Putin now has a lot of additional enemies out to kill him, only a fool president (e.g. Joe) would voluntarily enter into such madness, the person responsible for Prigozhin's death will know this and profit from it if they do will not be turned off by Putin.

Kind of like Russian roulette, but not in solo form.
Puttin has already scraped the civilian population from the young to the old , used the people from his prisons and sent in his reserve troops . Despite what many believe they ain't fairing well . Some are surrendering or trying to escape somewhere out of Putin's clutches . Puttin appears to have lost his mercenary army and by some reports they may even fight against Puttin . -- China might would send him some man power but Puttin fears they might refuse to leave and swallow up Russia as another China Aquisition . -- All this ain't necessarily good for the rest of the planet . There is that nuclear button he keeps staring at .

I found the last half of the video the most interesting , with the claim some of the Wagner mercenary group " have already " switched sides and are fighting in behalf of Ukraine . True or not , I like to keep an open mind to the developments . ---- Another thought on my part , for you war history buffs , you may remember how Adolph Hitlers hands were uncontrollably shaking as World War Two didn't go well for him . I suppose we all have seen the shaking of Putin's hands in the seemingly same exact manner .
WW2 still did not stop elections in America.
I am not a lawyer but was told there is a law on the books that could be invoked to cancel an election in case of extreme circumstances . Perhaps one of our members could give us the correct scoop on this as I admit my information could be wrong .
Postponing a Presidential Election and the Law It appears it would be very difficult to cancel or postpone a presidential election in the United States . So I concede Oddcaliber has a valid point . I think that rules out that being the Communist plan , but considering what they done on our last presidential election , expect them to plan something . Any other guesses on what their plan is ?
Postponing a Presidential Election and the Law It appears it would be very difficult to cancel or postpone a presidential election in the United States . So I concede Oddcaliber has a valid point . I think that rules out that being the Communist plan , but considering what they done on our last presidential election , expect them to plan something . Any other guesses on what their plan is ?

Why would the criminals in power need to cancel the election, when they can rig them like they did in 2020 and 2022?
Are you saying putin's hands are shaking, and Ukraine likely winning or gaining significant ground in this thing? Here nor there to me as I don't personally believe that, but just asking to be clear on the message?
Puttins hands are uncontrollable shaking . Go back to wherever you desire over the last year of videos of Puttin . Notice he tries to grasp something to hide the shaking . One of the most shown videos exposing this , is him sitting at his desk grasping the edge of his desk with both hands . --- As for as the other question as to who is winning , I make no prediction one way or the other . However it ain't what many believe is unfolding . The thing is the war isn't over , until it is over and the last bullet is fired . At this point it has become a war of who runs out of manpower , bombs , bullets and financial ability to continue fighting first . So the question is , does Russia run out first or does NATO run out first . --- Here is why I keep bringing up a Nuclear World War Three . I suspect if Russia starts to run out of things for the conventional war , anger and revenge will turn to an all out Nuclear attack on the NATO countries that are supplying Ukraine with their ability to keep fighting . --- The point of gaining ground is also brought up . That is not as significant as it was in past wars due to the weaponry that can reach for behind the front lines and destroy things many miles behind any entrenched line . The ratio of manpower is 3 assaulting soldiers killed for one entrenched soldier . That means militarily it is smarter to just leave the entrenched warrior sitting in place and destroy the soft inner core behind them . We are witnessing the attacks on the soft inner core from both sides by unmanned drones , rockets and such .
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Here is short video on the trembling Putin . It is actually much worse than just shaking when you listen to this video and consider he has control on an all out Nuclear attack on Nato . Then on the other side of the aquation is brain dead Biden with the Nuclear button whom is likely getting his military advice from his drug addict son " Hunter " .
The reported festivities of last night by Ukraine - 42 unmanned aircraft sent into Crimea . I have no reports on damage . At least one missile sent into the motherland of Russia , but again no report on damage .
Reported - The Wagner group located on the polish / Belarus boarder are disassembling their tents . Destination is not confirmed , but one report is they have been offered an enticing amount of money to attack Moscow .
Wagner will NOT fight for Selenky's cause, they may be angry at the murderers of their boss, but they will not be so stupid as to do a favor for the West or NATO.

Either Wagner will disappear in the present form, or Wagner will become a Western Death Valkyrie, I bet on the second one.

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