So we left the earth for home, feeling very sorry for the humans stuck here, and called in a taxi for Wingnut.
Right to the plowed field in north Georgia that the 'out-of-gas' cat-alien ship had drifted down to. Frodo showed up and offered the cat-aliens some nice hand-made leather holsters for their plasma-blaster pistols.Since Super was NOT caught up in a hurricane he was able to navigate the ES (electric spaceship) right towards........
...Who of course danced and giggled: "How did you know I was into S&M?!!!But they turned them down because they were busy shooting Magus with plasma.
They were from ICE and handed the alien-cats free healthcare cards, EBT cards, and welfare cards. Then they scolded us that we were using 'racial-discrimination' against 'our new friends'.But some unhappy characters came by........And told us to stop.....