the AR 15,,,here we go

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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
ok people the media attack on the AR 15 has started

When a gunman attacked a high school in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, killing 17 people, the event marked a depressingly familiar milestone.

As of this week, seven of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history have all happened since 2007. The Parkland massacre is now the eight-deadliest attack.

The nation's mass-shooting problem seems to be getting worse. And the latest, most serious shootings all seem to have one new thing in common: the AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle.
I own a AR 15 and everyone knows what they are capable of,it is well documented,,,I believe in the near future we will no longer be able to buy this weapon,I do not think they will go after the ammo just the gun,,,,,my thoughts are if you want one you better get it soon

I doubt but prep for a SHTF situation,no one knows what the future holds,otherwise I doubt I would own a AR 15
I own a AR 15


I'm sure you had a typo & missed the "do not" after the "I". Because nobody here actually own one of these evil weapons. I don't recommend listing out any weapons you have, anywhere.

I think this is a great sales pitch for WHY someone should own one or more AR15's. Bottom line: they work very well as advertised. If you need to use it, it will fire reliably and accurately and with deadly force.

The US Constitution basically says every single person should have such a weapon to battle a tyrannical gov't.

And that is why 2 groups really HATE weapons like this. The first group are the actual tyrannical gov't people. The second group is just as dangerous and those are sheeple who want a tyrannical gov't so they don't have to take any responsibility for their own bad choices. They should review how that worked out for the Bolsheviks.

I'm sure you had a typo & missed the "do not" after the "I". Because nobody here actually own one of these evil weapons. I don't recommend listing out any weapons you have, anywhere.

I think this is a great sales pitch for WHY someone should own one or more AR15's. Bottom line: they work very well as advertised. If you need to use it, it will fire reliably and accurately and with deadly force.

The US Constitution basically says every single person should have such a weapon to battle a tyrannical gov't.

And that is why 2 groups really HATE weapons like this. The first group are the actual tyrannical gov't people. The second group is just as dangerous and those are sheeple who want a tyrannical gov't so they don't have to take any responsibility for their own bad choices. They should review how that worked out for the Bolsheviks.

GEE TF,,,,,,,,,,,,
in that case maybe I should remove it from my favorite weapons choice,,,,I have never paid much attention to that but I am sure there are quite a few of us with it listed,,,,,,,,,,,,,it can not be a favorite if you don't have one,,,hmmmm:confused:
LOL,,,,,,,you have it listed also,,,,ha ha ,,,you best get in there and change that to B-B GUN

That is pretty funny. But to 'defend myself', if it asked for my favorite vehicle I'd list the M1 tank. No (sadly) I don't own one. It would be a nice addition to my collection, but no, I don't have one of those either.

So I do have some ' (almost) plausible deniability'. Yup, weak as can be, but it's my story & I'm sticking with it!

I was talking with a friend just yesterday. He's got 35 fully assembled AR15's, and another 15 "he just needs to finish". Not a single one is burdened with a serial number. Imagine what ATF would do if they raided him? But wait, that's only about 20% of his weapon stash. Note that it is all perfectly legal and not a single one of those weapons have been used in a crime. Every single weapon that should have a serial number does have the original S/N. Of course this friend and I share a common viewpoint: I should have more weapons and ammo than the local sheriff's office, because that's where tyranny will emerge from.

Just don't live next to a military base...
I would never own such a dangerous weapon that kills innocent people randomly as the AR15 does. Was this deadly weapon on medication? What was its upbringing like? Whats its social economic situation. Who taught this weapon to act in this deadly manner? Yes I realize these weapons dont kill people on there own and require a host. How do these weapons take control of these humans to carry out there atrocities? These are questions that need to be addressed and something done to prevent this from happening again.
Well, Charles Whitman used a Remington 700 chambered in 6mm to kill 16 and injure 35. He killed two others with a knife.

Andrew Kehoe used dynamite to kill 42 and injure 58 in the Bath School in 1927.

Really, it wouldn't make sense to ban the AR 15. It would make sense (from a certain perspective) to ban semi-auto rifles and pistols with a magazine, and that would include the AR 15, the AK 47, the AR 7, the list is long.

But no ban of any weapon will ever completely stop murder sprees, unfortunately. History seems to show that people will always find a way to kill other people if they are determined to do it. It happens all over the world, and always has.

I don't know how you prevent these things from happening. If there were NO guns in the US, not a single one, then someone would use a vehicle, or some other means. Would banning the AR 15 result in fewer school shootings? I don't know. But if it didn't, would they then unban them? No way.
"Ban it!" That's the typical response from the Democrats and from people with low intellect. They never try looking for the root cause, possibly; highly violent movies and fantasy video games where guns and killing is glamorize, violent music lyrics, broken homes, no discipline at home or schools, no "boundaries", drugs (legal and illegal) and a society that accepts any kind of behavior, starting at any age.
The nation's mass-shooting problem seems to be getting worse. And the latest, most serious shootings all seem to have one new thing in common: the AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle.

Hate to say I told you so, but I said it back in November, right on this site and others. As soon as the holidays are over (because that is needed for the economy), come 2018, we will see at least one mass shooting per month, until the desired result is achieved....complete disarmament.

The deep state couldn't do it via their puppet candidate, as they were blindsided during the general election. So, they quickly put plan B into effect, and as monstrous as it is, it is also going to work. Public sentiment will EASILY fall prey to this, and the American people will DEMAND and cry out for complete disarmament, and in enough numbers to matter.

Sure, it looks like some disgruntled student...but I'll wager the reality is a programmed individual....groomed and supplied, to do exactly what he did. I know, I know, it just sounds too out there....but it is what it is.

Last month's though, was likely more of a genuine instance of a kid just snapping, but that case had PLENTY of past indicators, etc. Then again, that may just be the profile for a possible candidate...who knows? Sounds cuckoo, I know, but just as I said, at LEAST once a month, we will see this until the desired outcome.

I doubt but prep for a SHTF situation,no one knows what the future holds,otherwise I doubt I would own a AR 15

I've told you exactly what the future holds. It will start with a ban on semi-automatic rifles. It will then extend to other weapons and ammo. In addition, new restrictions on ammo will be designed to cripple gun manufacturers and gun retailers. So much so, that many will be forced out of business. Public pressure will make large retailers (like Walmart, etc.) completely remove them for sale. So, you'll be limited to very niche sellers. (and at exorbitant prices).

Then, year by year, it will lead to an all out ban (and by then, you would have been hard-pressed to find a gun or ammo legally anyhow.)

And the public will CHEER for it. Because just like every other right, they have NO idea what they are actually giving up.
There's already a meme floating around saying that an AR-15 was used in the Aurora shooting, Vegas, Sandy Hook, etc., etc.

Which is completely wrong of course.....but not like any Liberal sharing it will bother to check.
I own a AR 15 and everyone knows what they are capable of,it is well documented,,,I believe in the near future we will no longer be able to buy this weapon,I do not think they will go after the ammo just the gun,,,,,my thoughts are if you want one you better get it soon

I doubt but prep for a SHTF situation,no one knows what the future holds,otherwise I doubt I would own a AR 15

You maybe right about the government banning the gun, but not the ammo. I would stock up on the ammo just in case. If nothing else, they ban the gun they will charge an arm and a leg for the ammo.
I saw on the news this was the 18th mass shooting this year. I'm not sure what qualifies for 'mass' but I assume two or more. February isn't even over and 18......
I just read an article on Australia's actions to stop this stuff. After a mass shooting they banned assault and semi auto weapons. 200k fine if caught possessing one. That was twenty years ago, and not one mass shooting since.
The govt did a mass buy back of weapons too.
It's only a matter of time before it happens here. with all the senseless deaths, and especially in schools, I'm not so sure it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Ok, have fun beating on me for that last statement, but give me any other ideas on what would stop this insanity. I just can't help think about all the parents of dead kids since columbine.
Interesting tidbits about Marjory Stoneman Douglas.
Her first book was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
She was institutionalized several times.
She was charter member of the ACLU.
John Rothschild co-wrote her auto biography.
She was a noted feminist and environmentalist whose father created what would become one of the most liberal rags in the country. The Miami Herald.
The connection to the liberal elitist political power is palpable.

The suspect Cruz looked drugged and confused.
I saw on the news this was the 18th mass shooting this year. I'm not sure what qualifies for 'mass' but I assume two or more. February isn't even over and 18......
I just read an article on Australia's actions to stop this stuff. After a mass shooting they banned assault and semi auto weapons. 200k fine if caught possessing one. That was twenty years ago, and not one mass shooting since.
The govt did a mass buy back of weapons too.
It's only a matter of time before it happens here. with all the senseless deaths, and especially in schools, I'm not so sure it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Ok, have fun beating on me for that last statement, but give me any other ideas on what would stop this insanity. I just can't help think about all the parents of dead kids since columbine.
I'm sure the other liberals out there would love it if you volunteered to surrender your guns Brent. Feel free to be the first in line. I don't give a **** what they did in Australia. Hilter also banned guns, another good example too I guess.
I don't particularly like AR's, but banning any firearm isn't going to do squat to stop these idiots from shooting other people. It just amazes how normally rational people get squishy and are willing to throw away our Constitutional rights and liberty's when things like this happen.
Interesting tidbits about Marjory Stoneman Douglas.
Her first book was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
She was institutionalized several times.
She was charter member of the ACLU.
John Rothschild co-wrote her auto biography.
She was a noted feminist and environmentalist whose father created what would become one of the most liberal rags in the country. The Miami Herald.
The connection to the liberal elitist political power is palpable.

The suspect Cruz looked drugged and confused.
I think he looks like he had FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome. The large ears and smallish top of the head. There was obviously something wrong with him.
I'm sure the other liberals out there would love it if you volunteered to surrender your guns Brent. Feel free to be the first in line. I don't give a **** what they did in Australia. Hilter also banned guns, another good example too I guess.
I don't particularly like AR's, but banning any firearm isn't going to do squat to stop these idiots from shooting other people. It just amazes how normally rational people get squishy and are willing to throw away our Constitutional rights and liberty's when things like this happen.
I am still open to any productive ideas to stop this from happening on such a common rate. 400 kids shot at school since columbine. It’s time to do something to help.
Don’t get me wrong here, I like being able to own guns. I even really like the AR 15. I have loved firing it since basic training. I think at the very minimum we need mental health checks and better background information not just on the people buying guns, but on the others in their household too. All I am sure of is the status quo isn’t working very well. We need to start with something to get this situation under control, or the kids are going to continue to die.
Vehicular attack. Dimitrious Gargasoulas drove a Holden Commodore into Bourke St Mall, resulting in the deaths of 6 people and injuring 30+ others.

That was in Australia, in January 2017. There are other attacks, mostly arson, in recent years.

People who are smart enough to find a way, and messed up enough to follow through, will find ways to carry out attacks. You literally cant prevent it.

In the US, IF you banned the AR, that would leave how many M1 garands, M14's, 12 gauge semi auto shotguns... It just would not work. Drug runners would instantly go into business running guns, the supply lines and logistics (and open borders) are just right there waiting.

We all hate National Data Bases, but how about if you are institutionalized, or make death threats (that are detected, online social media) you cant buy a gun. You say your name, your name gets red flagged, and you get turned in for even trying to buy one. Of course, you can still steal one, or borrow one, but at least it would be something. But it would need to be an effective system, and not drag down or effect law abiding citizenry.
How about media stop flashing pictures of these people every time they have to give an update. . . Isnt that just giving them what they want? To be known for a mass shooting? He post a You Tube video of how he wanted to be a 'professional school shooter' . . . who in their right mind strives for this? See something, do something. But what is so sad is that FBI knew about this guy last year and DID NOTHING. How about we demand that they start worrying about something other than Trump? They said they couldnt ID the guy because the IP address couldnt be found. This is the FBI, dont you think they are a little higher tech than that to use that excuse? He was KNOWN to so many including the school. How many balls got dropped here? The school didnt even want him on campus with a backpack. You can play the blame game all day long, but fact is HE was the one who was pulling that trigger.

Society has done this to themselves over the years and this is where it has gone. . . Young people are always connected to an electronic, not as much interactive person to person contact. Violent video games and movies just keep getting gorier. Desensitizing kids now days. Lack of parental supervision because both parents are having to work outside the home or even one lacking presence at all and have broken homes. Some are considered lucky to even know who their daddy is. Too many kids are not getting the love and attention they need anymore and parents rely on others to 'babysit'. So many in society has lost their wholesome values.

Put blame where blame needs to go. . . . its not the gun.
Number 18 is not exactly accurate . . . this explains it. I just pulled a couple sentences out. The acticle goes into detail on what they have considered school shootings.

"The figure originated with Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit group, co-founded by Michael Bloomberg, that works to prevent gun violence and is most famous for its running tally of school shootings." . . . .
"It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.
Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings."
don't get me wrong I like guns but as an outsider why would anyone need a semi automatic rifle unless they intend to go to war? its hardly a hunting rifle is it? that gun has one use and one use only- to kill people.
I understand your right to bear arms, but until someone actually gets off their butt and does something these killings are just going to continue.
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Number 18 is not exactly accurate . . . this explains it. I just pulled a couple sentences out. The acticle goes into detail on what they have considered school shootings.

"The figure originated with Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit group, co-founded by Michael Bloomberg, that works to prevent gun violence and is most famous for its running tally of school shootings." . . . .
"It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.
Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings."
I did not dig for that info like you did, and we all should with all the incorrect information out there. I just heard it on the nightly world news tonight airing. Yes, it seems the number is skewed and over inflated. The fact still is though, there are way too many kids being killed, and espechially in school shootings. They are a regular occurrence now. We are not going to change parenting in this country, even if I agree with you about it. I too have always said the violence and gore in so many Hollywood movies and video games needs to stop. It’s almost like we want to develop a whole generation of psycho kids that are immune to others suffering. The freedom of speech laws are about as overused here as the right to bear arms. All I know for sure is something has to change, or nothing ever will. I’m not so worried if I had to give up rapid fire guns. You could still hunt and protect yourself with a bolt action rifle, but a psycho kid could only kill a few others before being brought down vs mowing down many. I’m just thinking out loud here, and really am just looking for options to consider, but the fact remains that it is time to do something. Doing nothing isn’t working.
Brent, when I was in High School, lots of kids came to school with guns in the window of their trucks, they were literally called truck guns. Usually a shotgun. Sometimes a rifle. And there were plenty of troubled kids, I was one. My best friends younger brother was expelled for calling in a prank bomb threat. But no one actually went inside with a gun and started firing. I don't know why, we hunted and used guns around the farms on a regular basis, maybe we just weren't fascinated by them.

It's pretty much impossible to rid the US of all "rapid fire" weapons. Even if you could make a law, or get all the States to come together and ratify a change to the US Constitution, guns and ammo would still flow into the States. Better IMO to find the cause. There are plenty of countries where guns are readily available that don't have school shootings every week. Why is it a problem here? Is it poverty? Is it because kids cant fight anymore, boys cant be boys? A lack of mental health treatments? If it is violent video games, do we ban and censor them? Frustration over the loss of manufacturing jobs and the chance to earn a decent living without a college education?

I mean, what's driving this? Kids were bullied when I was in school. Hell, I was. I was small. But I could lay in wait for bullies and catch them alone, and beat the **** out of them and not suffer any real repercussions, I had a couple disturbing the peace charges and did some public service. All as a minor. The cops rarely got involved in a fistfight between two boys, I even sent a kid to the hospital (nothing serious) and never had a problem. Kids used to fight. Period.

Now? Two girls got in a fight at my daughters school, and they put the school in "lockdown". They brought in a restraining chair, a wheelchair basically, and handcuffed one of the girls into it. Imagine the humiliation! And, the problem wasn't resolved, one of those girls should have been able to "come out on top" and establish the pack order, but no. We cant allow that anymore.

We are screwed, I think. We, as a country, can't go back to when kids could deal with this **** on their own. Too much helicopter parenting and intrusive government oversight of child rearing. Too much casual GUN violence in movies and games. Too many kids too ready to snitch out other kids for minor infractions, and they are backed fully by the school and police, because somehow that's what they were taught. And while I am not particularly political, too much liberal "snowflake" entitlement indoctrination at school, even at the grade school level.

"You're not bat-**** crazy, jimmy, you're special."

And when it becomes clear to a sane child that they are not special, they shrug and move on with life. But to a crazy kid, this must not be. They need to be special at any cost?

Gun ban, maybe effective to stop GUN violence. But then there will be arson violence, and vehicle violence.

I think we need to change the culture, and that isn't going to happen overnight, or in a few years. A little religion wouldn't hurt.

So, if you believe, truly, that something needs to be done right now... what are you doing? Are you calling your congressman to advocate for a gun ban? Are you joining anti-gun groups and adding your voice to theirs on social media? Destroying your guns so they cant possibly fall into the wrong hands?

Me, I'm telling my kids they are special to me, but not to the world at large. Just a few more humans. Work hard, earn a good living, try to live a happy life and be as decent as possible to those around you, but don't screw yourself over in the process. Throw a punch if you feel the need, I will come bail your ass out of jail. I tell them what it is like to get shot at, the otherworldly quality of it, the sound bullets make as they go by or hit something close to you, and the bizarre adrenalin dump and fatigue immediately after. I let them shoot guns, and teach them its just a tool, it has a use and that it isn't like in the movies, its a final solution that if used there is no coming back from, you cant unkill someone. Not a solution to a temporary problem. And talk to me. I haven't lived some morally upright, SJW, save the planet and all mankind lifestyle. We all make mistakes, talk to me about yours and yeah, if you were dumb be prepared for me to let you know that, but I will still love you.

Normal parent stuff. Maybe that's what makes the difference?
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Brent, when I was in High School, lots of kids came to school with guns in the window of their trucks, they were literally called truck guns. Usually a shotgun. Sometimes a rifle. And there were plenty of troubled kids, I was one. My best friends younger brother was expelled for calling in a prank bomb threat. But no one actually went inside with a gun and started firing. I don't know why, we hunted and used guns around the farms on a regular basis, maybe we just weren't fascinated by them.

We weren't on:

Amitriptyline (Patrick Purdy)
Anafranil (Laurie Dann)
Diazepam (Stephen Paddock)
Effexor (Andrea Yates, Cory Baadsgaard, Jason Hoffman)
Lexapro (Jesse Carrizales)
Luvox (Eric Harris)
Paxil (Christopher Pittman, Donald Schell, Richard Lopez)
Prozac (Kip Kinkel, Jeff Weise, Joseph T. Wesbecker, Kurt Danysh, Aaron Ybarra, Jose Reyes, Elizabeth Bush, Richard Lopez, Stephen Leith)
Risperdal (Aaron Ybarra)
Ritalin (Kip Kinkel, Michael Carneal, T.J. Solomon, John Odgren, Shawn Cooper)
Thorazine (Patrick Purdy)
Trazodone (Asa Coon)
Valium (John Hinckley)
Vyvanse (Myron May)
Wellbutrin (Myron May, Travis Roberson)
Xanax (Matti Saari, Steven Kazmierczak, Jon Romano)
Zoloft (Christopher Pittman, Kendrex J. White, Hammad Memon, Toby R. Sincino)
Undisclosed Antidepressants (Cho Seung-Hui, James Wilson, Arcan Cetin, Andreas Lubitz, Elliot Rodger, Ivan Lopez, Aaron Alexis, James Holmes, Scott Dekraai, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, Felicia McMillan, Alvaro Rafael Castillo, William Michael Stankewicz, Mamoru Takuma, Dylan Klebold, Shawn Cooper
I did not dig for that info like you did, and we all should with all the incorrect information out there. I just heard it on the nightly world news tonight airing. Yes, it seems the number is skewed and over inflated. The fact still is though, there are way too many kids being killed, and espechially in school shootings. They are a regular occurrence now. We are not going to change parenting in this country, even if I agree with you about it. I too have always said the violence and gore in so many Hollywood movies and video games needs to stop. It’s almost like we want to develop a whole generation of psycho kids that are immune to others suffering. The freedom of speech laws are about as overused here as the right to bear arms. All I know for sure is something has to change, or nothing ever will. I’m not so worried if I had to give up rapid fire guns. You could still hunt and protect yourself with a bolt action rifle, but a psycho kid could only kill a few others before being brought down vs mowing down many. I’m just thinking out loud here, and really am just looking for options to consider, but the fact remains that it is time to do something. Doing nothing isn’t working.
Didn't dig, just did a quick search cause I figured something was off with those number s. Figured it was probably put out by someone who was trying to push their agenda.

No child or parent should have to worry about sending kids to public schools, but this is a new reality for our country. Way too many school shootings. Thank God for the grandma who just recently turned her grandsons journal over to authorities and stopped another one before it could happen! We need more people like her. . . to be aware and actually be proactive.

Dr Henley brought up a good point. . . back in the day we weren't turning to legal drugs to ' fix' all of our problems. We dealt with them and worked them out. Meds, in my opinion can just mess your mind up more. This shooter was at a mental health hospital last year, so I can only bet he was on some sort of drug, at least at one point. If so, did he stop taking abruptly? I do wonder why his mom died last year. . . illness, accident?

Should there be when a person crosses a line and starts showing some of the disturbing behaviors , like killing animals, posting disturbing messages on social media, etc to be added to a database of some sort. I don't get why all these people seem to just fall thru the cracks when there were so many red flags. Surely the medical people at the hospital knew, the school did.
I heard it was his ADOPTIVE mother that died and I think pneumonia was mentioned.
18 shootings in 2018 and its not even March yet? somethings really wrong there.

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