the AR 15,,,here we go

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I don't know what the answer is to violent crime, I suppose human beings are the one animal that preys on its own species.
that is not true,there are quite a few,,,Grizzly bears Polar bears and Lions will a kill cubs and I am sure they are far from alone
I don't know what the answer is to violent crime, I suppose human beings are the one animal that preys on its own species.
there is no answer to it,,,,,,,,,,,,all that can be done is pick up the pieces afterwards

I'm sure you had a typo & missed the "do not" after the "I". Because nobody here actually own one of these evil weapons. I don't recommend listing out any weapons you have, anywhere.

I think this is a great sales pitch for WHY someone should own one or more AR15's. Bottom line: they work very well as advertised. If you need to use it, it will fire reliably and accurately and with deadly force.

The US Constitution basically says every single person should have such a weapon to battle a tyrannical gov't.

And that is why 2 groups really HATE weapons like this. The first group are the actual tyrannical gov't people. The second group is just as dangerous and those are sheeple who want a tyrannical gov't so they don't have to take any responsibility for their own bad choices. They should review how that worked out for the Bolsheviks.
Turned on the TV (NBC 'today' show) and they are all over this (I'll call it 'fake', more in a moment) "Student-lead Nationwide Protests".

A pile of BS. I ask who's behind this: Soros, Russia, who? Students are idiots to start with, and students are usually the shooters! And they want to disarm ME?

Disarming people has 100% proven to NOT make people safer. In fact the most successful way to prevent crime is to ensure everyone who legally can own a weapon is armed. Just think about it, how often is there an armed bank robbery? And just tell me when was the last time there was an armed robbery at a gun dealer? When was the last time there was an armed robbery at a gun range? Police station? Legal guns protect people, period.

And something that hasn't been discussed: this nutjob shooter in FL, did he properly fill out the paperwork when he bought the AR15? Did he mention his history of mental health issues? Did he mention his history of taking mind-altering drugs? I'll bet IF the truth came out that his gun purchase was illegal. But that doesn't support the anti-gun idiots.... the laws already exist, the FBI fails to do their job once again to enforce those laws.

(end of rant)
We have a armed County Officer in Our Schools in this part of Tennessee . Thats what You can expect to see come from these demands for action . There could be a increase in age to 21 instead of 18 but thats not likely and the mental health on back ground checks opens up alot of problems . I do not expect any restrictions on any current legal firearm .
Well, not putting the monstrous plan into effect in the first place, would have been nice. It's a foolproof plan, I'll give them that...but monstrous.

Yeah, I know I sound crazy, but I also told you all this would least once a month. Being saying it since Nov. Eventually, public outcry will demand complete disarmament...just what they want.

As for the 18th incident, this is a stat from an anti-gun site that has very loose criteria for what "counts" as this. It's actually the 7th incident by any normal definition, but even that is far too many.

This has all of the earmarks of another false flag op, where this kid was programmed to do this. We even have the "scrubbed" accounts of more than one shooter, and the SECOND incident that was stopped (look for a story about another shooter stopped in Washington the day before, because his granny got wind of what he was up to....). Kid even wanted to join the military, which indicates he met with a recruiter.

Yep, got just the program for you kid.

Why do you think he said he was going to be a "professional" school shooter?

Instead of this whole gun vs anti-gun stuff about some REAL solutions?

1. Metal detectors built into external entrances/exits to the school. Programmed to react only to amount of metal needed for a gun, magazine, ammo, etc. It goes off....classrooms and hall doors are electro-locked. SWAT team of local police is notified. Special shooter alarm sounds (so all know how to react).

2. Get your kid a bulletproof backpack. I mean, $125 on Amazon, and you can save your kid's life. Just do it people. If my kids were in school, you can bet they'd have them.

3. Quit putting all these kids on psychotropic drugs. The effect of these is guesswork at best. Can really work for some, but turns others into raging lunatics. (or worse, secret lunatics). Maybe a little old school parenting instead?
If the FBI did their job, they would have followed up the first time it was reported that the kid was planning to be a professional school shooter....
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for common sense gun laws...just that most of these incidents are more of a lack of enforcement of CURRENT laws on the books.

I'm OK though, with limited magazines, with outlawing bump stocks, etc. However, if you are going to take away someone's rights, you need to have SPECIFIC criteria, as well as a DETAILED plan of action for RESTORING those rights should the citizen be deemed fit to have them restored.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for common sense gun laws...

Do NOT fall for this ambiguous term! Today it means take guns from nutjobs. Tomorrow it means anyone who wants a gun is a nutjob.

We HAVE common sense gun laws. This kid should NEVER have been allowed to own a gun with his mind-altering legal drug past.

When someone can show me some situations where existing laws were not broken (if nothing else this kid made death-threats in advance), then we can example possibilities. But let's make sure any new variation doesn't inhibit my rights. That's where the buck stops
The Conservative team will stay the course and armed security in Schools will be the outcome of demands of something be done now .
I wish the Company I work for let Us carry . I get called all the time to confront any situation You can think of when dealing with the Public . Even though Im certified by the State to carry I cant carry while working . Gotta leave it in the vehicle or at home .
I wouldn't bet on any quick actions. Seeing as how the ones behind these shootings are also the same ones to be voting on any actions to take....

The writing is on the wall though. The gun ban WILL happen, much as we don't want it to. It's inevitable. As more and more of these happen, the American public will demand it. They will cheer as they are disarmed. It will take years, starting with restrictions, and forcing manufacturers out of business, but it is inevitable.
Don't we have a 2nd amendment?
Not gonna happen.

National Firearms Act of 1934,
Gun Control Act of 1968
Firearm Owners Protection Act 1986
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act 1993

That’s only at the Federal Level, State Levels have even gone further to date.

Oh it can happen the 2nd Amendment has been chipped at since 1934
I agree with Gaz on this. We will see a ban eventually. I’m not saying I’m for it, I just see it looming on the horizon. My opinion is if shtf, I want a good firearm, and ammo. I’m not a big fan of hoping our, or any other government will take care of me, so ensuring I have a way to do it myself is pretty important to me.
I agree with Gaz on this. We will see a ban eventually. I’m not saying I’m for it, I just see it looming on the horizon. My opinion is if shtf, I want a good firearm, and ammo. I’m not a big fan of hoping our, or any other government will take care of me, so ensuring I have a way to do it myself is pretty important to me.
I don't think we should even think of a ban, like it is acceptable. Then, maybe some day it will be. We have to continue fighting for what's right and for the 2nd amendment. It was put in place for a reason, a long time ago. Our Constitution is what seperates us from the rest of the world and makes us the greatest country on earth.
The 2nd amendment is the reason we need a Constitutional Amendment regarding banning citizenship for illegals.

As hard as they are battling against the 2nd Amendment, it's still there tall and true. They can tweak with other minor laws, but when the words are right there in the Constitution, it's really difficult to tear it down.
The 2nd amendment is the reason we need a Constitutional Amendment regarding banning citizenship for illegals.

As hard as they are battling against the 2nd Amendment, it's still there tall and true. They can tweak with other minor laws, but when the words are right there in the Constitution, it's really difficult to tear it down.
Yes and it is because of the 2nd that we still have the others.
The 2nd amendment is the reason we need a Constitutional Amendment regarding banning citizenship for illegals.

As hard as they are battling against the 2nd Amendment, it's still there tall and true. They can tweak with other minor laws, but when the words are right there in the Constitution, it's really difficult to tear it down.
I haven’t heard any serious position talking about a total firearm ban, and your right, it would be against the constitution. What isn’t against the constitution is putting restrictions. The Supreme Court just sided with California about a ten day waiting period. So states and cities can enact rules and restrictions with limits. If you think mentally unstable should be allowed to buy any weapon they want then I think you’re in that group....
If you think mentally unstable should be allowed to buy any weapon they want then I think you’re in that group....

Exactly my point. I agree the truly mentally ill should not have weapons. But WHO decides who is mentally ill? I think anyone who's liberal is mentally ill. They can easily say anyone wanting guns is mentally ill... How do you keep that definition clear?

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