The Ladies

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No word from the can't-let-go Lady or her man hating roommate/friend. Hopefully that trend continues. I don't see her as the vengeful type, she was more of a lover than fighter. That may have played a part in her changing roles at the sheriffs office. I will however use all due precautions and if she uses any official resources on me I will be sure and raise all sorts of hell. Plus of course I have already checked out my ride, my phone and all over the compound because you people got my conspiracy theory loving paranoia all up and active. Thanks for that.

The new Lady sent me a picture today via text. Said "in case you forgot what I look like". She is smiling big in the picture, but I am not sure I have ever seen her not smiling. I responded with "Can I post it on the internet with the label 'my hot date'?" She said, "Ummm, not this time, but maybe eventually" and a smiley face.

Then she asked if I had a nice suit for Saturday. I told her I have a couple suits but I am not sure where they fall on the sliding scale of "nice". My guess is they are on the lower 1/3 of nice/classy as they are really work suits that I use for certain PSD's. But throw on a nice shirt, a silky pocket square and matching tie, some shiny black shoes and a little bling and I am sure I can pass muster wherever we go. Let's not forget that I have a winning smile and sparkling personality.

Date is all set for tomorrow. Have ample cash, debit card ready to go, deep concealment piece loaded, clothes picked out, facial hair trimmed, nails trimmed, car interior cleaned and exterior ready to wash in the morning, zoo contacted and open, tickets in hand for the jazz club/show, etc. Now I just need time to pass by.

This whole thing is VERY different than how my "relationships" usually go. Way more pomp & circumstance, planning and fanfare. Dare I say more anticipation. Most of my dates are really more like 30 minute meets up and then clothes are being tossed on the floor of a hotel, custodial closet, restroom, sandy beach, etc. And then I start looking for the next meet up.
No word from the can't-let-go Lady or her man hating roommate/friend. Hopefully that trend continues. I don't see her as the vengeful type, she was more of a lover than fighter. That may have played a part in her changing roles at the sheriffs office. I will however use all due precautions and if she uses any official resources on me I will be sure and raise all sorts of hell. Plus of course I have already checked out my ride, my phone and all over the compound because you people got my conspiracy theory loving paranoia all up and active. Thanks for that.

The new Lady sent me a picture today via text. Said "in case you forgot what I look like". She is smiling big in the picture, but I am not sure I have ever seen her not smiling. I responded with "Can I post it on the internet with the label 'my hot date'?" She said, "Ummm, not this time, but maybe eventually" and a smiley face.

Then she asked if I had a nice suit for Saturday. I told her I have a couple suits but I am not sure where they fall on the sliding scale of "nice". My guess is they are on the lower 1/3 of nice/classy as they are really work suits that I use for certain PSD's. But throw on a nice shirt, a silky pocket square and matching tie, some shiny black shoes and a little bling and I am sure I can pass muster wherever we go. Let's not forget that I have a winning smile and sparkling personality.

Date is all set for tomorrow. Have ample cash, debit card ready to go, deep concealment piece loaded, clothes picked out, facial hair trimmed, nails trimmed, car interior cleaned and exterior ready to wash in the morning, zoo contacted and open, tickets in hand for the jazz club/show, etc. Now I just need time to pass by.

This whole thing is VERY different than how my "relationships" usually go. Way more pomp & circumstance, planning and fanfare. Dare I say more anticipation. Most of my dates are really more like 30 minute meets up and then clothes are being tossed on the floor of a hotel, custodial closet, restroom, sandy beach, etc. And then I start looking for the next meet up.
We are all anticipating tomorrow's date!! 😉🥰 How exciting!!
The big day!!! Spare no details Marsh ( well maybe a few😮🫣)!

I am ready to go! Walking out the door in 45 minutes. Mentally prepared, physically fit, morally... did I say mentally prepared? 87 degrees and sunny, no chance of rain. Gonna get hotter though. Hopefully in more way than one.

I doubt I will have time to post about it tonight, but I will do my best to keep you all informed.

@d_marsh, Have You seen a pic of the New One's Daughter yet...?!?

Not yet. She is at least 18 though. No... no... bad thoughts. Must stay focused.
Chapter 4. The first real date.

Text messages.

So I picked her up at a pretty nice apartment complex, not clean nice but I make really good money nice. Maybe they were condos. She met me at the doors and it just so happened, by sheer coincidence I’m sure, that her daughter was leaving at the same time. So I got to meet her offspring already and she got to check me out. It would have been horrifying if the kid was an ankle biter or even a young teen but was still a little odd for someone college age. Although right out the gate the daughter did like my car, which could not be said for her mom who thought it might be a mid-life crisis. Turns out mom liked it a little more when she got to experience a little vroom vroom and some street performance. Nothing crazy, I’m not a juvenile delinquent. Anyway the daughter looks just like a young version of the mom, with just a touch more brown in her hair. We were quickly off on our journey.

When I told her we were going to the zoo she was near giddy. She talked about the zoo for 10-15 minutes straight even telling me that they have some big fancy event every September “that we should go to”. This is where you wonder how we got from real date #1 to September… or at least that is what I was wondering. Quickly I realized that this was going to a guided tour of the zoo with her being the guide and me being the first timer. She was pretty knowledgeable and drug me from area to the next with youthful excitement. Pretty sure I won’t need to go for a hike tomorrow. We stopped at a café like place that had beer. I don’t go to a lot of zoos but I already know that I prefer zoos with beer. This place also had like 7-8 places you could eat at. Had I known that we could have just eaten here, might need to do more research next time.

We also spent some time at the zoo just sitting and talking. I learned more about her, her only child, her hobbies, her likes, her dislikes and a little about her horrible cheating bastard ex-husband. What a dick. She is fiscally conservative and socially liberal, sounded like a traditional moderate who takes each issue one at a time. She obviously loves zoos and is also really into yoga and art. We discussed how people have tried to set her up a couple times but she has always passed, all the way until the supper club. She could not articulate why she felt drawn to dine with me but she said she was trying to force herself to be daring but still needed a push to get there. And of course she said I looked very handsome and a little “maybe dangerous” at the same time. Not bad guy dangerous, but “I can get into trouble with this one” dangerous.

The rebound lady asked me a lot of questions too. She already doesn’t like my maternal egg donor. She thought my career sounded very dangerous and while she didn’t have much experience with guns she would be willing to go shooting with me. She said I sounded a little right of conservative then mentioned how her father was also very conservative. And then she hit me with the dreaded “I actually thought you might be a few years older than me”. Stupid blondish white hair. Turns out we were actually born in the within a year of each other, with her being the ‘younger’ one. I did mention the Brazilian Lady, said it was definitely over, but did not dwell on it or go into much detail. She didn’t ask any questions. After what seemed like a long chat we returned to zoo-related activities until it was time to go.
Then we were off to the Jazz club for sustenance, drinks, music and a little dancing. She was just as excited about the second part of the date but commented on her not being properly dressed for a jazz club. Once we got there it turns out she was dressed nicer than pretty much everyone. I get the feeling she has never purchased clothing at a Walmart or a Target. She was familiar with the place but had never been there before, although she had been to a few similar clubs. After a cocktail and some music we dined. She had a sweet potato salad and I had salvadorian tamales. The music was good and place not overly packed, it was a Wednesday after all. She just had the one drink, which made sense to me as I think she could get blown away in a stiff wind. So I stopped after one too. The show lasted just under 2 ½ hours and then it was time to go as people were lining up for the second show. We had a couple dances right by our table and I got a few more soft kisses. She was kind of quiet as we walked back to the car, holding hands the whole way, but I could almost feel how nervous she was.

Once in the car she leaned over and kissed me before saying “Thank you, today was wonderful. More wonderful than you know.” I asked if she would like to go out for some desert, but she said as much as she did not want the date to end she really needed to call it a night. I drove her back to the apt/condo and offered to walk her up to her door. She said she would be safe once inside the lobby but appreciated the chivalry. She started to open the door but then turned back and kissed me some more. These were not the gentle soft kisses I was getting before. I know these kisses. These were follow me upstairs kisses. Eventually she pulled back and whispered something to herself, then she looked at me and said in a louder voice “Thank you for being patient with me” and opened the car door. I walked her to the lobby door and got one more of the soft kisses before she went inside. She made it 10’ inside before she stopped and looked back. I hadn’t moved an inch. She smiled.

When she disappeared from sight I got into the car and suddenly got a text message, it said “OH MY GOD!” and a smiley emoji with heart eyes. Before I could even mentally analyze it, she immediately followed it with 3 blushing face emojis and a “Oh no, that was not for you, SOOO embarrassed!” I sent back: “No worries. I was thinking the same thing.”

And then I drove home and took a VERY cold shower. A very cold lonely shower. I am playing it cool like my relationship coaches instructed. Hopefully the juice is worth the squeeze.
So Saturday is up next! You definitely did a great date planning job, wonder what she has planned?? I just hope she's not looking too long term as in relationship long term, I think you are going to have to bring this up at some point (after the "third" date)! But let's get to Saturday first!
We also spent some time at the zoo just sitting and talking. I learned more about her, her only child, her hobbies, her likes, her dislikes and a little about her horrible cheating bastard ex-husband. What a dick. She is fiscally conservative and socially liberal, sounded like a traditional moderate who takes each issue one at a time. She obviously loves zoos and is also really into yoga and art. We discussed how people have tried to set her up a couple times but she has always passed, all the way until the supper club. She could not articulate why she felt drawn to dine with me but she said she was trying to force herself to be daring but still needed a push to get there. And of course she said I looked very handsome and a little “maybe dangerous” at the same time. Not bad guy dangerous, but “I can get into trouble with this one” dangerous.
Sound Familiar...?!?
When I told her we were going to the zoo she was near giddy. She talked about the zoo for 10-15 minutes straight even telling me that they have some big fancy event every September “that we should go to”. This is where you wonder how we got from real date #1 to September… or at least that is what I was wondering. Quickly I realized that this was going to a guided tour of the zoo with her being the guide and me being the first timer. She was pretty knowledgeable and drug me from area to the next with youthful excitement. Pretty sure I won’t need to go for a hike tomorrow. We stopped at a café like place that had beer. I don’t go to a lot of zoos but I already know that I prefer zoos with beer. This place also had like 7-8 places you could eat at. Had I known that we could have just eaten here, might need to do more research next time.
Hooked Again...!!!
Sounded like a great time!

Dating is the fun part,
the build up , wanting longer kisses and more eventually..anticipation to all the new and exciting adventures with a cool person.
Sounds like your her rebound man.
Sounds like she had a crappy marriage and painful divorce and is being careful for trouble. Maybe.. not wanting to get hurt or... not wanting you to think badly of her by sleeping with you too soon so she be chaining that kitty..
I agree with Pearl, probably outta check in about the whole not wanting anything serious thing at some point...
She sounds like a quality woman and possibly good friend and I'd bet... if you keep it cool ...and give her the reins on  When ( as in no timing expectations, after the 3rd date .. ) when she is totally ready to unchain her lioness..
Homeboy is going to need physical therapy and maybe a chiropractor to recover...
So Saturday is up next! You definitely did a great date planning job, wonder what she has planned?? I just hope she's not looking too long term as in relationship long term, I think you are going to have to bring this up at some point (after the "third" date)! But let's get to Saturday first!
I’m thinking this is not a sham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of thing. Marsh, I’m thinking you are getting yourself into another relationship. Ya know, the kind you don’t like. She is going to want something more than you can offer.
I’m thinking this is not a sham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of thing. Marsh, I’m thinking you are getting yourself into another relationship. Ya know, the kind you don’t like. She is going to want something more than you can offer.
and it just might Ruin Her Chances of ever Finding a True Love again after he lets her Down...!!!

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