So you know what's really awkward? And I mean REALLY awkward? Getting a text from the former lady asking if we can get together for coffee this week so we can "talk some things out". Before I can respond she suggests... Wednesday afternoon. Ugh... I reply that Wednesday does not work for me and I suggest Thursday. After a pause she asks what I have going on Wednesday.
Now this is where my brain tells me to say 'I have a date!', which will make it far less likely that we ever get together for coffee and dissect our relationship - aka I find out everything I did wrong so she can walk away feeling vindicated or somehow free of any blame. Then another part of that same brain thinks just say 'I am just busy' and find a different day/time so she can have her closure and we can both just move on. These things should just not be this hard and are a good reminder why catch and release is a whole lot better than having to keep, clean, store and prepare that fish.
Anyway I was not near my laptop to seek guidance so I ended up just replying that I was "just busy" and asked if a different day worked. But no, not good enough. "What are you doing on Wednesday that you can't get out of?" She clearly knows my schedule and my habits. "You are always free on Wednesday". So I hit her back with "I am fighting a bear over a picnic basket, does Thursday work?". Still not good enough. Still wants to know why I can't make Wednesday work. 15+ texts later I eventually just said "Seems like we won't be getting together any time soon, maybe we can try again down the road a few weeks". To which she replies "Just forget it".
So I am thinking okay, I escaped that situation. Sweet. Then just a little bit ago I get "Are you seeing someone else already?" I didn't respond. I haven't responded. Not sure I am even going to respond.