The Ladies

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better tax rate

besides, I think a lot of States have laws that you are treated as if you were married if you live together long enough if I remember that correctly

Like mine.

Common law marriage. Live together, tell people you are together and intermingle funds and WHAMO you are married. The good news is my lawyer says it also requires intent, as in "someday we intend to get married". So that alone should keep me safe. I was worried about that with the Brazilian, even though we never intermingled funds.
Cohabitation and the common law marriage, mostly for the economic situation.

Most states are heavily female biased as to the division of assets.

I had a friend that owned a contracting business Railway restoration, Railway new construction and maintenance, grade and dirt work, buildings and every thing you can imagine a trackhoe, backhoe dozer brush cutter, mower, truck and trailer of any kind could do.

He paid his wife the cash assets of the company, the River Home all the private vehicles and the original homeplace and shop.

He took the debt, kept the equipment the farm and house, built a new shop and the unpaid invoices from the work in progress or finished and unpaid.

They signed the Tennessee Divorce and it finalized.

After she ran through the money she went back to court, got a judge to make him put up all of the equipment he had at the time of divorce for auction and sell it to split the sales receipts, the auction was put off for a long time, then held without him being notified (due diligence) you know how that is.

He was in California building a road into a bridge location for BNSF on the side of a volcano.

He never even contested it he just popped up the middle finger and said GOOODDD BYE PLEASE.
Not this Wednesday

Ever since our somewhat emotional outdoor date night and our fast follow up cleansing breakfast, the lady has been in close contact with me. Texting, calling, emailing and forwarding things she found funny on social media. It was like she wanted to be as close to me as possible but work and other circumstances were keeping us apart. Sensing this was the case I asked her if she wanted to have lunch and she quickly agreed. I was assigned the task of selecting a place. She implied that she would make sure to plan her day so lunch could run a little longer than normal, I suggested a motel that rents out rooms by the hour but she didn’t bite on that idea. Plan B it is.

The weather was supposed to be warm but not too hot with rain in the forecast later today. I decided since lunch time weather was going to be nice, we would continue our outdoor dating adventures with a takeout picnic at park only a short drive from her office. This picnic was not going to be with simple meats and cheeses but something prepared by an Asian cook at a very popular fast-casual Chinese cafe. I decided to be especially bold and place the order without her input. At this point of our time together I felt I knew her well enough to make a reasonable guess as to what she would like, it helped that their menu was very simple with not very many options. I jumped online and selected chicken pot stickers, water fried shrimp & chive boa, steamed beef & ginger buns, and rainbow fried rice with pork belly, ham, egg, corn and peas. Yes, that was enough food for 3-5 people depending on their appetites. By selecting every possible meat group my chances of hitting on the perfect dish went up considerably. I scheduled the order for pick up about 20 minutes before we were supposed to meet, knowing I would be able to arrive at the park before she left her office. I commented that I wanted chopsticks and napkins, but just in case I grabbed a couple plastic forks and some moist wipes.

I arrived at the park and texted exactly where she could find me. I selected a clean enough picnic table and set the bag of food on top right next to the two bottles of water I also purchased along the way. I started to regret not bringing a table cloth or something, not that at it was necessary but it would have helped paint me as the doting and thoughtful boyfriend I am… for the first time in my life. She arrived and went straight in for a deep kiss and tight hug while I reached around and gave her backside a little squeeze and a pat. She did not object. The lady looked at the logo on the bag and exclaimed that she loved that place asking if I got the shrimp boa. Damn I’m good at this, I should write a book. We sat next to each other and took bites in between asking and answering questions and making comments.

She seemed to be in an unusually fantastic mood and even the comments I made there were only a little funny got big laughs. I guess this is what happens when you push deeper into a relationship and get past some of the relational tension. She talked about work, the weather, and a few political observations before asking me to come to her place on Thursday for some fun in the sun and dinner. Apparently she had to go to an appointment or event with her sole child on Wednesday. She sounded very disappointed about missing our normal Wednesday thing but said she would make it up to me the following day. Her tone and inflection sounded quite promising. Someone’s egg might be getting flipped sunny side up.

Time flew by at an accelerated rate and before I knew it she had to go. I received some additional lip to lip action and told her to just go and I would take care of the mess. I could not help but watch her walk away as she was wearing those tight pants that drive me crazy. I tossed all the trash and carefully kept the untouched food in the provided containers. I walked over to a semi-distant table with two homeless people just sitting there and offered them the food. They thanked me and said “God bless you” before opening the bags to see what was inside. I could have taken it home but something tells me it meant more to them. Plus my car already smelled like Chinese food, so my generosity was also maybe a little less than completely genuine.

Now what am I going to do tomorrow night?
Begin your first book as a Fiction that is from the first days you took up high risk assignments.

Take a penname that will completely hide your actual situation and change the business of the procurer.

Dont end up in a house fire.

I am going to have a character named Hunter Joe Walz who pretends to be a CSM but is really is really a SPC. I will base him loosely off Klinger mixed with Mr. Bean only far less lucky or competent than either with a tendency to lose his cocaine and put really messed up stuff on his laptop. Will probably have him fall down a lot too.
Just say whats on the menu today?

Hot buns or chilled brain.

Play or work.

I am currently all about the hot buns.

I turned down a job opportunity tomorrow after the lady changed our date night this week. But they have something else in the works for me. If the woman I talk to there wasn't a battle axe with tight lips and the personality of an Orc I might have more details. The last time I saw her I told her that she really revved my engine and I wanted to run off with her to a beach in Jamaica. She just gave me a sour look and walked away. I am starting to think she has a lady of her own. I even got a middle aged pizza maker to threaten to leave her husband. But if things go wrong with the lady I may focus on trying to convert her. Now THAT would be a challenge.
Don't be surprised to hear from her in the not too distant future!
I have to reply to that before reading more:

I dated a woman for about a week. Then she broke into my house, did some cleaning and re-arranged the furniture.

I wasn’t happy, but having some compassion and appreciation… I forgave her and we hooked-up, living together in my home. Huge mistake - she’s bipolar… lots of fun until she snapped and the party was over. She haunted me for years after I’d had enough.
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Date Thursday at her place???

It is date night and I was told to bring a swim suit. Think the banana hammock is too much or too little? I don't know what she has planned other than swimming, a dunk tank or me washing her car. The ladies love to me see me scrub their vehicles so that's probably it.

Also, just for the record, on Tuesday I sent her a hand written note via the US mail when I was in town that she received Wednesday. It just said "I may not be able to see you on our normal date night, but as I go about my day, your presence will linger in my thoughts. I will imagine your pretty face and your beautiful smile and they will provide solace until we can be together again. Yours truly, D."

It went over very well. Better than the flowers. Better than the cookies.
PLEASE don't wear a banana sling!! PLEASE wear a "normal" swimsuit!! No itsy bitsy teeny weenie banana slingy!😉

So don't recycle my covid mask into a swimsuit? Just kidding, I never wore a covid mask. I would rather have just been naked.

I have a decent swimsuit, but I may hit a store on the way over and see if they have something newer and nicer.
So don't recycle my covid mask into a swimsuit? Just kidding, I never wore a covid mask. I would rather have just been naked.

I have a decent swimsuit, but I may hit a store on the way over and see if they have something newer and nicer.
Great idea!! Have a great date, tonight is the night!!😉

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