The Ladies

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Well well, another fun successful date! And you don't have to invite her to your place again unless you move!! 💗

We have been texting about it and trying to find a time that won't interfere with date night 1 or date night 2. I am confident that she is just happy to have been invited. Something I cannot say in return as I have yet to cross the threshold of her apartment.
Both wonderful pictures!! She's beautiful!!
Dang Marsh. Shes a babe

If she wasn't I would have still hit on her, I just wouldn't have posted a picture. :cool:

I don't think saying thanks is proper because I didn't make her or have anything to do with how she looks. But thanks anyway.
That's very possible. She might just be a mop and handle I found after someone tossed some meth into my water supply. I did wake up with a string in my mouth the other day. 🤔
well if you are all methed up, give Dimitri a hand moving stuff into the bigger sea can before it wears off :brewing:
Happy belated birthday! The sushi place sounds like fun

So are you going to have to get married first before she will have sex with you? LOL
Sounds like you are halfway there already. I wonder when the other shoe will drop , she is too much of a trophy wife type
But I wish you lots of luck
Happy belated birthday! The sushi place sounds like fun

So are you going to have to get married first before she will have sex with you? LOL
Sounds like you are halfway there already. I wonder when the other shoe will drop , she is too much of a trophy wife type
But I wish you lots of luck
I think you said what everyone is thinking 😃
Happy belated birthday! The sushi place sounds like fun

So are you going to have to get married first before she will have sex with you? LOL
Sounds like you are halfway there already. I wonder when the other shoe will drop , she is too much of a trophy wife type
But I wish you lots of luck
shes got him going to restaurant for high priced boiled eggs and eating raw
Happy belated birthday! The sushi place sounds like fun

So are you going to have to get married first before she will have sex with you? LOL
Sounds like you are halfway there already. I wonder when the other shoe will drop , she is too much of a trophy wife type
But I wish you lots of luck

Thank you. Making sushi is not as much fun as eating it, but she's all about the experiences.

I don't know what it's going to take to get some sack time with this lady, but I am in it to win it now. I can normally figure a woman out in a few minutes be she is some kind of MK Ultra super agent who can resist and evade me at every turn.

I have no intention on every getting married and she is even more anti-marriage than I am. Fool her one, shame on her POS ex-husband... She has no plans on being fooled again. But I would submit that it is very possible to have a happy relationship without metal circles on designated digits or government documents of approval.
To @d_marsh

I've been with the lady in the pic below for almost 10 months. We had a wonderful day hiking at Pine Lake State Park and then visiting family. This evening she told me she loves me for the first time. And she said there wasn't any pressure to say it back to her. She knows by how I treat her and how I talk to her.

Look way down deep in your heart, past all the distractions. You'll see everything you need to know.

As for me, I feel like I'm in a pretty good place...
To @d_marsh

I've been with the lady in the pic below for almost 10 months. We had a wonderful day hiking at Pine Lake State Park and then visiting family. This evening she told me she loves me for the first time. And she said there wasn't any pressure to say it back to her. She knows by how I treat her and how I talk to her.

Look way down deep in your heart, past all the distractions. You'll see everything you need to know.

As for me, I feel like I'm in a pretty good place...View attachment 159480

I do believe you are so happy your dimples have gotten deeper. Congratulations on your joy!
Chapter 10: Lost count

Grass stains

I decided it was long past time to drag her into the wild outdoors. Maybe I should say escort as she doesn’t mind being outside of the city one bit. She received advanced notice of how to prepare/dress but no other details. Once I got to the city, I purchased a canvas bag and different sized glass food containers with lids. I would have bought plastic but I know she is about plastic. The glass dishes came as a set and were not all that pricey. My next stop was a nice deli and niche grocery store that offered a variety of fine foods and specialty items. With the extensive help of a 20-something year old female employee I filled the containers with a variety of meats, cheeses, crackers, olives, fruits and nuts. Yes, she washed them first. I then picked out a couple bottles of water, a sparkling fruit drink and some Belgian chocolates. The young lady received a healthy tip, which she earned, and offered me good luck. It was time to get the lady.

I picked her up but this time it was much more, let’s say familiar. I pulled up and she just came straight to the car and got in. I got some kisses, she buckled up and said, “Where are we going?” I told her we needed some “fresh air and maybe some grass stains”. She liked that. The drive was not all that short, so we had time to talk. It was a lot like 20 questions, going back and forth, learning more about each other. Did I mention her ex was a dick? I already knew that but maybe not to the degree she would describe. This woman gave up her education to support his, gave birth to their child, helped finance-build-run-grow their business, provided for a loving happy home, then one day in the middle of her seemingly fairytale life had a dental assistant walk up to her and say, “He doesn’t love you anymore, he loves me!”. It all came crashing down around her and somehow, she blamed herself. At least initially. She is clearly still sensitive to the whole ordeal, but at the same time she is done crying or feeling sorry for herself over it. After a cleansing moment of silence, we got back to 20 questions. 20 much lighter questions.

We drove to a nature preserve / picnic area that is natural and beautiful but not overly packed with locals or worse yet tourists. We parked the car, collected the bags and started our short hike. Once we found a nice spot, I laid down a blanket and set up for the picnic. We didn’t eat right away; instead we just took in nature and spent time in the same space. Is there an adult way to say make out? Cause if there is that term would apply here as well. We started snacking on the food and just let the day unfold. She liked the culinary selection and asked if I did it on my own or if I purchased it as a pre-made package. I confessed. She laughed and thanked me for not taking sole credit. It seems honesty remains more important than impressing her with my ability to produce portable charcuterie. And yes, I learned that word during our picnic. Bet the lady at the store knew it and didn’t bother to enlighten me. Should have held back some of that fat tip.

Had the weather been nicer this date would have been even better, but the day ended up hotter than it was supposed to be and there were a few ugly grey clouds in the distance. We both decided to gather up all the stuff and hike back to the car. This resulted in a nice long leisurely country drive and a lot more discussion. I learned that her ex was funneling money from their business and depositing it into the dental assistant’s account for almost 2 years. She also told me how her attorney managed to get that money, or at least her half of it, deducted from his part of the final settlement. One last middle finger to him after everything seemed to be all said and done. A part of me wanted to know what that settlement looked like, but that was really none of my business.

She wanted to move on to my former roommate and any horrible tales I could offer in exchange. Nothing says fun like one upping each other with weird and crazy tales about discarded former lovers. Although in reality I suppose they do offer clues or hints that are worth keeping in mind. Like not to secretly funnel away money or move in without talking about it first. I mostly talked about how my former bedroom proximity associate wanted more than I did and how my lack of emotionality resulted in her walking out the door possibly bitter and definitely disappointed. The lady apparently decided she had enough and blurted out “You’re full of ****”, which caught me off guard even if she said it in the nicest possible way. According to her she has seen and experienced several moments of care, kindness, compassion and sensitivity from me – even joking about putting up with the charity guided wine tour with nothing but smiles and letting a teenage girl rake me over the coals just to help her find a little peace. She then asserted it was not that I am void of emotion; it was that my mother was not there to help develop that side of myself and my former partners did not bring out the best of me. She asserted that I chose uncaring or uncommitted women because those were the women I had experience with, the women I understood. That is until I got lucky one night at a supper club.

Damn. When was I transported from my date to the psychotherapy office? I didn’t see that right hook coming, but she landed it if she meant to swing at me or not.

She went on to say that when I look in the mirror she doubts I see the same person she see’s. “You are so much more than you perceive of yourself. You have so much to offer, you just need to accept who you really are and stop claiming to be someone you’re not. Words have power, even when we say them to ourselves.” She added “It also wouldn’t hurt to have a partner who will bring out the best in you.” Then, in a softer, gentler, perhaps timid tone she said “I am interested in the position, if you will let me in.” The car fell into silence, like it was my turn to speak but I was still reeling from that right hook and follow up strikes. After a few moments she broke the silence with “If you decide you want me to be more than just my regular Saturday night date, always treat me delicately. As strong as I have become, I find myself being really quite fragile when it comes to you.” I was not talking at all. I was stuck inside a mental loop, trying to process what she was saying. “Treat me delicately and in return I will always support you in any way I can” to include “providing the respect and adoration that every man wants and needs.” “That’s what you do for the people you care about.”

I assure you, I am not reporting everything she said well or even the manner in how it was presented. I knew right then and there I was out of my league. I didn’t even know what to say back. Why was this lady even interested in me? I was outclassed and speechless. I am not even sure I should have been driving because my mind was everywhere all at once. I just reached over and put my hand on her leg and gave it a gentle squeeze then rubbed her knee gently with my thumb. Thankfully that seemed to be enough for her. But to me it fell incredibly short of a proper and complete response.

I will just leave it at that for now. We did not leave each other’s presence on a dark sour note but it was also not the same lustful or passionate goodbye we usually share either. Obviously we did not engage in any deeply intimate acts. She’s not ready. I don’t know if I’m ready. I don’t know if I know what I am or am not ready for. This lady is complicated. The whole thing is complicated.

(I wrote this part last night)
(I wrote this part a few minutes ago)

I don’t think the lady liked the way our date ended yesterday. I don’t know if I liked the way our date ended yesterday. Yes I got a few kisses and a long hug that seemed to be more than just a hug. It was like we were trying to communicate our thoughts and feelings through osmosis as words had failed us, or more accurately failed me. It was also like we just wanted to hold each other as long as we could just in case this was somehow, maybe, the end of things. Before I even fell asleep last night she had texted that she wanted to get together today for breakfast. Not at some fancy brunch place but at a small diner that was a lot closer to my residence than most of the places we have dined at. We established the where then agreed on the when. Somehow knowing we were going to see each other in the morning helped me fall asleep a whole lot faster than I would have otherwise.

I had a fair amount of time to continue thinking about what she said yesterday as I drove all those miles back to my place and later as I was in bed. Everything she said made sense. It was from the heart, honest and true. She called me on the disconnect between what she was seeing and feeling and what I was saying about who I am and what I have to offer. She put herself out there and asked me not to hurt her the way she had been hurt before, to be even more sensitive about the wounds she had suffered and had yet to fully heal. And while I somehow didn’t fully comprehend it in the moment, she also expressed a desire to have a relationship that went deeper than just two people having a lot of fun dating. That probably took a lot of courage as I droned on right before that about my love ‘em and leave history. And in response to her brave words I managed to squeeze her leg like a ******* moron and not say anything. This is why I want my family line to end with me; we’re just bad code inside overused DNA. Instead of texting me about breakfast she should have sent ‘Gave you a chance *******, you failed, guess you will die alone in a green metal building’. ****. I already forgot that I am not supposed to speak negatively about myself. This is going to be an uphill battle.

I got to the diner first but waited outside in the Challenger until she arrived. I could feel the tension right away even if she did come right over and give me a kiss. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We grabbed a table that was as far away as possible from the more crowded part of the place. The two of us exchanged very few words and it felt like neither of us wanted to start the conversation. Then the lady broke the silence with “So, should we run off right now and get married or what?” She busted out laughing before she even got all the way through her opening line. And thank god she did because had she pretended to be completely serious I may have choked to death on icy tap water. Her amusing comment broke some of the tension and got the ball rolling. I apologized telling her about how I recently told her daughter that being an ******* was in my nature, but apparently so was being daft at all the wrong moments. She made excuses for my behavior and said she “vomited her inner thoughts and feelings” all over me and was actually surprised I didn’t pull over and tell her to get out. The lady declared that we had obviously breached the surface of our affiliation and we had to decide if we were going to push deeper or pull back. I stopped thinking and just acted. I reached over, took her hand and confidently said “I think we should push deeper.” She smiled and said “That was the correct answer.” As the waitress walked up she also made a joke about how emotional I was being and that I really needed to rein it in when we were in public. In response I said “Since you are only using me for my body, I expect you to pay for breakfast” grabbing my menu in a pretend huff. The waitress seemed amused and was smiling while she took our order.

Unlike the brunch place no one tried to pour daytime liquor down our throats here, but we both embraced the caffeinated goodness of a good cup of coffee. Is it just me or is breakfast always better when someone else makes it? Especially if that someone is a burly woman in the kitchen of a small highway diner on the edge of a population center who has probably cooked 10,000 plates of bacon and eggs. Before, during and after we consumed our meals we engaged in a fairly deep conversation. Some barriers were broken down and some thoughts about the future were exchanged. I did not specifically bring up the topic of physical acts of intimacy but the matter was touched on through other subjects. The end result was we are moving ahead with an actual relationship, the terms boy friend and girlfriend will be used, dating will continue at full speed, fidelity will be maintained, the lady will come visit the compound in a week or so, she will cook for me at her place in the near future and if I am really struggling with lack of gratification, well, in her words “there is more than one way to cook an egg”. We were having breakfast after all.

We walked out to our vehicles, which were parked side by side. She grabbed the front of my pants and pulled me closer to her for a deep lingering kiss. Then she leaned in closer to my ear and said in a soft voice “I am never getting married again” then kissed my cheek. I put my hands on her hips, looked in her eyes and uttered “I am deeply in happy with you.” For a split second there I was expecting the two of us to be driving back to the compound like some kind of professionally staged road rally. It was not meant to be and we each went our separate ways. It was much harder to drive away this morning than it was last night. For the first time in my life I think I have found someone worth pursuing and worth holding on to.
To @d_marsh

I've been with the lady in the pic below for almost 10 months. We had a wonderful day hiking at Pine Lake State Park and then visiting family. This evening she told me she loves me for the first time. And she said there wasn't any pressure to say it back to her. She knows by how I treat her and how I talk to her.

Look way down deep in your heart, past all the distractions. You'll see everything you need to know.

As for me, I feel like I'm in a pretty good place...View attachment 159480

That's awesome, congratulations! Thanks for sharing.
I think you are right about not talking. It is good that you ponder what she saying before speaking your thoughts. I always say the less you talk, the less you have to repent of later. I still thinks she sees you as future mate. All of this has my head spinning. Y'alls dating is like a chess match and I am checkers person. Too deep for me.
@d_marsh , do you know what an excellent writer you are? You are truly talented! I love your story, but your writing is always so well done.

About 20 or so years ago, there was some award going on for bloggers. I saw the people who were nominated and started reading them. Some people didn't stay in my viewing for long, but others stayed for a long time. Blogs hadn't been around for very long at that point in time, but one of the people whose blog I followed religiously was a woman named Ree Drummond. Ree wrote her story of meeting and falling in love with her husband, chapter by chapter. It was eventually published into a book. Pioneer Woman: Girl Meets Cowboy. Ree has now written several cookbooks, has her own television show, and I saw her about 14 years ago after a 12 hour day of teaching and prepping and follow up, at the Tattered Cover in Denver, back when it was a busy and thriving bookstore.

Now when I am reading your chapters, I always think of reading Ree's blog.

I think your lady friend is right on about you and how you have lived your life with women. It's not an easy thing to tell someone, but she did a wonderful job, IMHO. She is also very wise about moving slower than many women would, letting your relationship unfold.

Her husband is the worst of the worst. He used her financially and otherwise and what he did when it ended was absolutely horrible.
It reminds of a woman I only met once, at a small company party when I lived in N.D. Norma came from a family with a little money, maybe oil money. Her family helped her and her husband financially and they seemed to lived well. Husband greatly benefitted from her family money. On their 25th anniversary, he flew her to Minot, in the plane that he was able to have because of her family money, wined and dined her. When they got home, he told her he was in love with someone else, and wanted a divorce. What the actual hell? A guy I worked with had interactions with her because of his job. She came to the party but after 25 years and just being dumped, she was a mess. I knew that her husband was a very good looking man, but so what? That is all almost 40 years ago, and I wish I knew the outcome of all of that. Your lady friend's husband is the worst of the worst, IMHO.
I'm waiting for the next installment of your story! I am not wise about relationships like your lady friend, but I do love a good story!
OMG, YOU ARE IN LOVE!!! And she's got you all figured out!! WOW!!💗💗💗

Whoa there. I wouldn't go that far. But something is happening.

@d_marsh , do you know what an excellent writer you are? You are truly talented! I love your story, but your writing is always so well done.

About 20 or so years ago, there was some award going on for bloggers. I saw the people who were nominated and started reading them. Some people didn't stay in my viewing for long, but others stayed for a long time. Blogs hadn't been around for very long at that point in time, but one of the people whose blog I followed religiously was a woman named Ree Drummond. Ree wrote her story of meeting and falling in love with her husband, chapter by chapter. It was eventually published into a book. Pioneer Woman: Girl Meets Cowboy. Ree has now written several cookbooks, has her own television show, and I saw her about 14 years ago after a 12 hour day of teaching and prepping and follow up, at the Tattered Cover in Denver, back when it was a busy and thriving bookstore.

Now when I am reading your chapters, I always think of reading Ree's blog.

I think your lady friend is right on about you and how you have lived your life with women. It's not an easy thing to tell someone, but she did a wonderful job, IMHO. She is also very wise about moving slower than many women would, letting your relationship unfold.

Her husband is the worst of the worst. He used her financially and otherwise and what he did when it ended was absolutely horrible.
It reminds of a woman I only met once, at a small company party when I lived in N.D. Norma came from a family with a little money, maybe oil money. Her family helped her and her husband financially and they seemed to lived well. Husband greatly benefitted from her family money. On their 25th anniversary, he flew her to Minot, in the plane that he was able to have because of her family money, wined and dined her. When they got home, he told her he was in love with someone else, and wanted a divorce. What the actual hell? A guy I worked with had interactions with her because of his job. She came to the party but after 25 years and just being dumped, she was a mess. I knew that her husband was a very good looking man, but so what? That is all almost 40 years ago, and I wish I knew the outcome of all of that. Your lady friend's husband is the worst of the worst, IMHO.
I'm waiting for the next installment of your story! I am not wise about relationships like your lady friend, but I do love a good story!

Thank you. I think the military trained me how to write through their never ending demand for highly detailed reports and documented observations.

I suppose this thread really is just a relationship blog. Maybe someday I will show her a link and see how her perception of these dates aligned or differed from mine.

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