The Ladies

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I am from the era of Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Nirvana, Metallica, Radiohead, Sound Garden, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, 3rd Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, etc. But like many I often got stuck listening to the stuff my pops wanted to hear on the radio, like John Denver and the Oak Ridge Boys.
I am from the era of Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Nirvana, Metallica, Radiohead, Sound Garden, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, 3rd Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, etc. But like many I often got stuck listening to the stuff my pops wanted to hear on the radio, like John Denver and the Oak Ridge Boys.
Crue, Areosmith, and Van Halen were regulars on my play list. Never much cared from Grunge.

BTW I'll post in it's on thread news about Areosmith
I am from the era of Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Nirvana, Metallica, Radiohead, Sound Garden, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, 3rd Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, etc. But like many I often got stuck listening to the stuff my pops wanted to hear on the radio, like John Denver and the Oak Ridge Boys.
well I have to agree to your taste in music, saw Motley Crues last tour in Tampa, Metallica about 5 times, and have livestock dogs named Axel and Rose LOL
I like some of the more metal stuff also like Slayer , Megadeth , Dio and of course Ozzy
Tried to make a lunch date work for today but alas I didn't give her enough notice and she couldn't make it. She did sound disappointed though so I think I get partial credit for the attempt. Plus I decided to up my game again and sent two boxes of hot and fresh cookies to the dental practice. A 12 pack of chocolate chunk and a variety pack. I don't know how many people work there and I wasn't going to send too few. I had them write on the note "Cookies are good for business. Embrace the sugar!" and "From the Mercenary". I didn't want them to write anything that would bring in to doubt who sent them but I also didn't want to spill any beans amongst the office. It worked because I got a "You are sweeter than sugar" text while I was at the lawyer's office. Crazy thing is that those cookies cost more than the flowers did. Thanks Biden.
Just talked with the Lady. There was much hullabaloo around the dental office about the cookies and who sent them. This would have remained a mystery if it wasn't for a certain daughter who stopped in, saw the note and said "Oh these are from mom's boyfriend." I went from man-friend Sunday to boyfriend today, not all that in love with either term but it could be worse. The Lady was then inundated with questions about me and got lots of "now I know why you have been in such a good mood lately" comments. I think she might have enjoyed all this attention so I am going to call the cookies a success.
The Brazilian called me. 🤨

I was just typing away on the forum when my phone rang. Have to say I debated letting it go to voicemail, but didn't. She was surprisingly pleasant and came across like maybe she was in a better place. She explained that after taking an inventory of her life and what not, she felt the best move for her was to return to her family in Brazil. He sister needed help, her mama missed her and she longed for home. Nothing was anchoring here to this city, this state or this country. Not anymore.

She did not ask to meet or drop any questions about what was happening in my life, but I could not help but feel like this was a last chance phone call. It was her last chance to say goodbye. It was my last chance to say don’t go. It was our last chance to salvage some part of our now prior thing. The fact that she had already begun to fade from my conscience mind told the real story. There was never really an “us”. There was her and what she wanted from me, and there was me not living up to her desires. I wished her good luck and iterated that I hoped she found a better more fulfilling life back home. We said our goodbyes and I pushed the end button on my smart phone.

I immediately reached out to the lady and explained all of the above. I do not want any secrets between us and neither does she. She didn’t have a lot to say other than “3,000 miles is a good buffer”, I did not correct her but she was off by like 1,500 miles. She also said “I guess I would have taken a short polite phone call over 30 months in divorce court.” She made it clear that she was happy that my first instinct after that phone call was to make contact and let her know all the details. She also made it clear that she was happy that this woman was leaving and hopefully would not be coming back. I think I sensed a little possessiveness or jealousy in her. I kind of liked it. She's not feisty very often, but when she is it's kind of hot.
WOW, closure for everyone!! Now your only hurdle is your home!! Pearl's advice: you really do need to take her to your place!! If you end up moving in the very near future and she decides 'it's time, she's ready', she says, "take me to your place", and you are staying in a motel or something, she will think you are homeless or worse! Hope you are being transparent about your living situation! You are doing everything else correctly, 😃👍!! Go Marsh Go!!💗
WOW, closure for everyone!! Now your only hurdle is your home!! Pearl's advice: you really do need to take her to your place!! If you end up moving in the very near future and she decides 'it's time, she's ready', she says, "take me to your place", and you are staying in a motel or something, she will think you are homeless or worse! Hope you are being transparent about your living situation! You are doing everything else correctly, 😃👍!! Go Marsh Go!!💗

I am planning on dropping a hint about her getting the nickel tour of my place tonight. Not expecting to bring her here tonight, unless she wants to, but opening the door to it happening in the near future. This prey is elusive and requires all my skill as a hunter. ;)

The Brazilian called me. 🤨

I was just typing away on the forum when my phone rang. Have to say I debated letting it go to voicemail, but didn't. She was surprisingly pleasant and came across like maybe she was in a better place. She explained that after taking an inventory of her life and what not, she felt the best move for her was to return to her family in Brazil. He sister needed help, her mama missed her and she longed for home. Nothing was anchoring here to this city, this state or this country. Not anymore.

She did not ask to meet or drop any questions about what was happening in my life, but I could not help but feel like this was a last chance phone call. It was her last chance to say goodbye. It was my last chance to say don’t go. It was our last chance to salvage some part of our now prior thing. The fact that she had already begun to fade from my conscience mind told the real story. There was never really an “us”. There was her and what she wanted from me, and there was me not living up to her desires. I wished her good luck and iterated that I hoped she found a better more fulfilling life back home. We said our goodbyes and I pushed the end button on my smart phone.

I immediately reached out to the lady and explained all of the above. I do not want any secrets between us and neither does she. She didn’t have a lot to say other than “3,000 miles is a good buffer”, I did not correct her but she was off by like 1,500 miles. She also said “I guess I would have taken a short polite phone call over 30 months in divorce court.” She made it clear that she was happy that my first instinct after that phone call was to make contact and let her know all the details. She also made it clear that she was happy that this woman was leaving and hopefully would not be coming back. I think I sensed a little possessiveness or jealousy in her. I kind of liked it. She's not feisty very often, but when she is it's kind of hot.
she is hurt and has wounded heart and needs to be around her loving family while she 2 cents
The Brazilian called me. 🤨

I was just typing away on the forum when my phone rang. Have to say I debated letting it go to voicemail, but didn't. She was surprisingly pleasant and came across like maybe she was in a better place. She explained that after taking an inventory of her life and what not, she felt the best move for her was to return to her family in Brazil. He sister needed help, her mama missed her and she longed for home. Nothing was anchoring here to this city, this state or this country. Not anymore.

She did not ask to meet or drop any questions about what was happening in my life, but I could not help but feel like this was a last chance phone call. It was her last chance to say goodbye. It was my last chance to say don’t go. It was our last chance to salvage some part of our now prior thing. The fact that she had already begun to fade from my conscience mind told the real story. There was never really an “us”. There was her and what she wanted from me, and there was me not living up to her desires. I wished her good luck and iterated that I hoped she found a better more fulfilling life back home. We said our goodbyes and I pushed the end button on my smart phone.

I immediately reached out to the lady and explained all of the above. I do not want any secrets between us and neither does she. She didn’t have a lot to say other than “3,000 miles is a good buffer”, I did not correct her but she was off by like 1,500 miles. She also said “I guess I would have taken a short polite phone call over 30 months in divorce court.” She made it clear that she was happy that my first instinct after that phone call was to make contact and let her know all the details. She also made it clear that she was happy that this woman was leaving and hopefully would not be coming back. I think I sensed a little possessiveness or jealousy in her. I kind of liked it. She's not feisty very often, but when she is it's kind of hot.
Don't be surprised to hear from her in the not too distant future!
Chapter 9: Raw Fish

Sushi, Wine & Ice Cream

Last Wednesday the Lady surprised me with a birthday celebration, so last night I wanted to surprise her with something fun that seemed to be right up her alley. This was not only a date but it was going to be an educational experience too. No, we still haven’t gone shooting yet. Instead we went to a cooking class at a popular Sushi restaurant, with the head chef serving as the main instructor. Unlike the elevated dining experience we shared a few weeks back, this time we didn’t watch the chefs prepare our meal. The chefs demonstrated, and then watched and guided us as we prepared our own meals. From selecting ingredients to crafting the perfect roll. Well, semi-perfect to hap hazard rolls. Turns out beautiful sushi and ugly sushi has the same basic flavor. We also tasted various sakes and they even gave each person a starter kit so we could make sushi at home. That was a nice touch but also seemed odd for a business that makes their money by making and selling sushi to people. I am betting most people never use the kit at home, but something tells me the Lady will. She loved every minutes of the experience and made sure I knew it. Her exuberance made sure everyone around us knew it.

There was a slightly older couple at the next station over; they also seemed to be enjoying the experience. At one point the woman walked over and told my date that we were a beautiful couple, asking how long we have been together. When the Lady responded with “Umm about 3 or 4 weeks…” the woman’s eyes grew large and she blurted out “I would never have guessed, you seem like you’re madly in…” and she stopped herself. After a pause she said “You seem so happy together.” The Lady thanked her and said “We are.” The Lady came back over to me sort of giggling and I grabbed her hips, pulling her close to me and whispered “I am so madly in happy with you”. She was laughing as we kissed. I expect that phrase will be repeated many times in the coming weeks and months.

After the cooking class we decided to drive to a park that has some nice views and a fairly clear lake to take in the sunset. On the way we stopped at a liquor store and grabbed a small box of wine and a couple clear polycarbonate glasses. You can buy little dinky boxes of wine now with a straw, like a juice box, but that seemed a little too juvenile. Most of the city parks allow alcohol but are not fond of glass in any form. I can’t say for sure about this park but I decided it was worth the risk. Plus I was hoping the constabulary was too busy dealing with crime or tax collection to care about our date night activities. We strolled along the shore for a bit until we found a good spot to see the nightly disappearance of the great fireball in the sky. This was not a time for talking; it was a time for just existing in the moment. And that is just what we did. As I held her and we watched the changing colors of the horizon it occurred to me just how used to her smell I had become. I don’t know if it’s her mixed with her perfume or just her, but I almost miss that smell when she’s not around.

Eventually we made our way back to my transportation and decided to go get some dessert. We found a small ice cream shop and we each got a double scoop. I hate having so many choices and went with plain old chocolate. Tried and true. The lady had to try a few different kinds and went adventurous with some kind of caramel hot fudge peanut butter concoction. We sat outside as we seem to do at most places. As we slowly devoured our treats we talked and laughed. I found out that her daughter “doesn’t hate me” which seems like a win. I also found out that the lady’s mother had been gone for several years, and the loss had really taken a toll on her. Her father was alive but seemed to favor isolation over putting in the effort to spend time with family. She thinks my pops sounds like a trip but I don’t see them meeting each other any time soon, or ever. Yeah let’s go with ever. She also asked more about my employment opportunity with the law firm(s) and commented how she would really hate me going away to do dangerous work, and that this could be a good opportunity close to home. Initially I thought, now where have I heard this before? But she quickly added “It seems your talents are in demand and you have to follow whatever path seems right to you”. So maybe it wasn’t the same old song and dance after all. She also reminded me that I could talk to her about absolutely anything, promising to only provide me “extremely biased feedback from her singular and selfish point of view”. Yes, you read that right.

I took the opportunity to do something I originally had no plans on doing; I invited her to tour the compound. Not that night, but sometime in the near future. Listen, what is the point of buying a lime tree if you are not going to share it with the people in your life? The tree’s name is Limonjalo, a derivative of lime Jell-O, and it has been stationed front and center of the main window. I expect Limonjalo to keep watch while I sleep and provide a citrus kick to my Pico de Gallo. Back to the potential visitor, I was hoping to buy a sofa and a real chair before I extended such an invitation but I was living in the moment and perhaps I was still reeling a bit from the lost opportunity with that flight attendant. And what if I end up selling the place? Do I want to invest in furniture right now? The lady seemed to fall into deep contemplation, probably wondering if this was a player move on my part or just a chance to know me better. Her response was a wonderful mixture of ambiguity, “Yeah… maybe, I’ll think about.” Wonderful, I get to decode a secret message with 3 different answers to the same question all at one. It would be very helpful if women had a little digital screen on their foreheads that decoded their thoughts. Regardless she had better hurry up and decide, there is no telling how much longer this place will be mine.

A little later the date ended as they usually do; a car ride to her place, some kissing, some intensity, some arousal and eventually me driving a long way home alone. I don’t even know why I have a hot water heater with all these cold showers but I do know why I have a gas-station rewards card. I am racking up more miles than American Airlines. I would have said United, but it’s just too soon.
Now for the Rest of the package Pics, We know they match those or you would not be so determined to make it "work out"!!!

I posted a pic from last night but then she said she didn't like that pic so I pulled it.

She did like this one from the funky museum though.

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